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WhosImmortal: Season 2 continues to look very promising for WARZONE! Thanks for watching :)

ZONIX: Sensitivity?

mohd hanifi: Bro I was literally watching your gameplay and it looks like your versing bots straight up.

Matt Nixon: Here for the "Hey hi, how ya doing"

Bud: Teach me the way of the bums , I really want dark aether

John Brown: Y’all crying about massive grinds and it’s just me with two clicks with hacks to unlock everything LOL

boudy shams: How do you have that good graphics?

Hellion: When is the update dropped

Jareb Sechrist: *SPOILER ALERT* Thursday gonna be the start of a Zombies WZ event and that will go until the 1 year anniversary of WZ where they’ll have to nuke the map to take care of it all and we’ll get a new map at that point.

Ramon Perez: Look and find the Perezerator. the best music while in game. nothing like it yet.

Elijah Muniz: The only games I have on my console are just warzone and cold war 😂😂

CiaraBlackBuck 157: You know how modern warfare got the obsidian camo do you think Cold war would get a 115 camo

Sonny Koufax: I just wanna use some of the prestige calling cards from CW in MW 🤷‍♂️

Jugaad Singh: My theory: Vodiannoy will have a mishap happen causing the nova 6 gas to leak and infect all the crew and turn them into zombies and when they do reach verdansk and the outbreak will be unstoppable so to put an end to it, they will nuke the whole map to wipe the infection. THOUGHTS?

Red: I got the buzz from the ship in a warzone game too.

bryan donahue: I wonder why i haven't gotten the message from the ship on verdansk

The Jaw Spinner: Lol Why do I feel like u and Espresso are related u guys both sound the same

mikes5637: I still haven't bought Cold War although I'm still playing MW and Warzone. I just can't forget how disappointed I was with the gameplay demos. Is it worth buying now or should I continue to wait for a price drop?

Richard Baustian: Idk why but those russian messages Sound scary af.

Pr0DigY Gaming: Zac must have gotten a bad haircut or something... cause he suddenly decided to become a faceless streamer/content creator

taurus: has anyone gotten a radio transmission at prison in the pre game lobby?

raikoh05: Let me use reticles on the Susat multizoom in wz

Eric Carter: You know what I just thought about . (All speculation) what if , the nova gas has infected the ship , the ship crashes into the map , the only way to get rid of the nova gas is to nuke the map itself . Which is why we have access to the nuke parts of the map lmao Self destruction for the better aka the beginning of the end lmao . Just throwing it out there

Eric huotari: Another video with little to no information about Warzone.

Nozyfo: Did anyone notice the guy behide Captain Price at 6:46

White-Raven-Gaming: Keep up the hard work my dude, just started making warzome content 👌 your my god! Love ya

H İ S O K A: Hope they fix the SBMM.

S. C.: I’m excited 😛 let’s see if Activision actually shakes up Warzone a little

Puddy: Cold War sucks as it keeps updating but nothing is getting updated and cod MW is broken as the Mara homecoming challenges are also broken so don't understand why they releasing season 2 as they don't fix certain things on both cold war and modern warfare?

Daniel Leadon: What’s the black and red camo on the FFAR?

Korey Jones: Hey hi how ya doin the russian teaser thing happened to me last night in the loading lobby

Jimmy Ozoria: Still no zombie camos in WZ?


Harjan Singh: Anything about FOV on Warzone for Consoles???

Kas Dewulf: I heard an alarm in game i think it has somthing to do with the new season

Edgar Mkrtchyan: Zombie tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime

Stoo Hue: SPICY MEATBALL time on.

Joshua Chapanda: i think there will be a ton of zombies in Verdansk and then eventually they will have to NUKE it

Jay: New season always mean new bugs , glitches and broken items 😬😬🥶

Mousil: One of the best cod channels

Chris Ravenci: I just had the long season 2 tease on screen. It was in russian so I didn't understand shit but clearly the boat isn't a good news lol. Can't wait ! And hi Zack !

Rehan Khan: Nova 6 is the new covid

MAYUKH GAMER & TECH MGT: Vodyanoy is no more visible in Rebirth Island after it started appearing in Verdansk

AXB COD: What about modern warfare? Is there any news about it?

David Walker: How can you cancel the throwables????

Joe Palmer: Bro thank u for including the UK time😂 how many times an American YouTuber told me what time an update is happening and somehow man had to work out what time it’d be here in the UK based off “6pm east coast time”, like I even know wtf that means, is fucking beyond me still

Chris Biron: Soap?

Timothy Nichols: hay hi how ya doing

Jskiillz Ent.: Change your intro

Woken: the goat has posted again :D


Jahari: “ITS SUCKS PLAYING THIS GAME , AND IM ADDICTED , SO I CANT QUIT . Tyler1 , 2017 - colorized

Fernando Ponce: There’s 100 percent no way you’re not using some sort of aim assist. Like a striker pack or modded controller of some sort.

Vanessa Smallman: Thank you 🙏 xxxxx

Mark Johnson: That gameplay while you were talking, you were going BEAST MODE and I wish I could be as good as you 😎😎

niranjan krishna: the ship is nearing the coast day by day.

Ed M: Hey I don’t care if you cheat a long as it’s not aimbot but do you use controller mods are you on Xbox I’m confused why you would use a controller

SKSK HUNTER: Have played warzone all day n week nothing so it’s fake

SKSK HUNTER: Those are fake played over sounds hahah

Jason Clay: Good job the content

S1cK_ShocKz: Press F on my ps4 storage

joker5064: It’s my birthday on the 24th

buddhA: anyone else run into invisible glitch players in warzone?

J: Bro I went back and watch some of your older videos and it’s crazy to see how far you’ve come! Congrats bro!

Swimdog74: Is the m13 good? What’s your thoughts

Drewzilla: Any info on the Warzone PS5 upgrade?! 3 months and still nothing. An abolute joke

Unkle Joe: What happened to the NUKE🤯🤬🥵

Swish: Hey immortal! I got a win today with the boys!

Zachary Gonzalez: Remember.... best intro on YouTube 0:10

Alan Balicki: How do I break the news to my 92% full storage?

Panzer Hund: prepare yourselves, update day is coming

deidmoose: What I want to know is why BA Baracus is in the trailer. Is there going to be some badass A-Team theme?

Jamie Smyth: I need to get my ps4 fix

C HUSTINS: why is no one paying attention to the intel about snitch wanting them to only think they care about nova 6. the crystals makes more since as they change people into zombies and would allow a purple gas zone for the new CW Warzone map

Jakob J: Cold War multiplayer camos look terrible in Warzone .. will zombies camos look good? If they don’t then damn what’s the point in even having Cold War downloaded

Bradley13: I really hope PlayStation fixes the storage problem. Already have 270 GB left and this game will be as big as it’s storage lol

Dannie ray jr: Great information, i enjoyed the video

Zditta12: Me crying coz Immortal doesn’t read comments that much anymore ;-;

Zach Lawrence: I'm telling you man the QBZ is the play. damage is alil trash but has absolutely no recoil

Davidpops: i hope they fix the challenges getting stuck on a number

Michael Huber: Why does it sound like the same guy voices all Russian characters in MW and Cold War😂😂😂

Knock Knuck: Zombies cameos!! Lessgoooo!!

Wrath Fire: 9pm (if that's the time) is actually 5am uk :p

jangofettjr 123: Finally someone that calls the Vodinah a SHIP and not a BOAT

MW2 Diety: Man they put 1v1 in multiplayer in MW19 and i had actual fun playing that last night, You guys should try it, It’s a breath of fresh air.

JoshThaChosen1: Nobody plays cold war

Ethanwinter96: Oooh exciting video man, thanks so much for all the awesome Intel! LOVING the activity on twitch lately, it's very fun to watch how you play right there and then live! Smashin it as always!

pumpkin patch: I'm doing fine how are you

Larry The Goat: Can someone tell me with sbmm if you're in quads will it join a game based on the hosts stats or everyone's?

Khalid Mohamed: I just hope they make the crossbow a special weapon the m82 is terrible

JxshBevvz: Sorry I’m late MrImmortal.😢

Bobby 2o9: I need them zombie warzone skins

Pompomrick4: I hope they add that you could use the new cod league weapon skins and charms on the mw guns 😭

That1 Guy: I still won't matter if they bring dark aether to wz if the BOCW weapons still don't even work properly. But at least I'll be ready for when they do...

Justin He: Ive been wanting dark aether for forever

_ Miamitoibiza: Which league camo do you use from the 2 red one? They also look identical to me

John Vellekamp: Bruh cods files are so thicc their probably sponsored by seagate

Amish HACKER lul: Just looked over at my GF and meowed at her during the intro. 3 yrs on the 24th she gets me.

Kobzie_: Your clips in the background are getting insane 👌

Sean Michael: It would be sick if zombies gave away where ppl were like surrounding houses where campers were

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