OUTBREAK Trailer | Season Two | Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War

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I sometimes comment funny things: So its like a different format of tranzit. Me likeyyyyy

Madden Coach: Wow!!!

OKIE: Y’all ruined my favorite game a long time ago

Sahil Bhogal: I feel like this is gonna be like L4D but a lot bigger

Carnage Of pickle: Is that the panzer ?

Sammi: billy idol

Anakin Skywakka: They took a note from Battlefield and straight up Jihad Jeeped that zombie.

SHREDDER_915: What is this I dont get it. A mode? A map? A warzone update ?

Afloat Cashew: Please don't make it LTM

M1RR3LE: i like the new mini bosses! look's awesome!

RiftKeeper: Will the majority be able to play it tho, or is it going to be mega crashing like firebase z


Brayden Dennis: Zombies has come a long way I’ll tell you that.

waSTEFul: Will this be on pc

BeyondDzr - PS4: I've Played it and Experted more


Mattia Bordoli: Che sborrata

Fierce Peter Gaming: *LETS GOOOOO*

Fraxz GG: was i the only that looked at det wunderfizz perks to try see the new perk but there was nothing

Majin Tapia: WOOOOOOO 🐺 🔥

Passive Warrior Gaming: One thing that's never changed in call of duty franchise is a Zombies scream 😂

Xlander: Cool still cant play firebasez

Lliam Broomfield: Okay not a cod fan, but that looks Hella fun with the boys

ğhøśţ řiļęý: Latinoamérica presente alguien más?

Mep00pmipantz: Splitscreen?

Mr Unknown: Is this a carry on story line to firebase? Or just a new mode

Ozan Baran Sarı: 2:05 straight up copied from apex

basti.semiofficial: So call of duty has become far cry now well

MAZY: This fkn slaps

D'Waine Williams: Just realized that the Easter egg to this update is a direct homage to the movie Outbreak that came out in 1995.

ALG阿乐: Zombie escape ?

Trippy Lights: Zombies straight CARRYING this game

Cacen99 Cacen99: This will Break my PS4

CelestialWolf: Need a new map for plunder!!! We are Tired of playing the same old Verdansk map!!! 😩😩😩😩

Gamal Abdulsalam: Not one white cis male on sight

ProDanGaming: Happy I didn't see any scorpions form cod ghosts

Scorpion -117: Im honestly not excited for this anymore if this new zombies has other online people to shoot then count me out it would ruin the fun of it all this game is just a disappointment no one wanted this no one wanted a failed game

1234 abcd: This just makes me want to go snowboarding again

Josh Macapagal: I don't have any pc xbox ps4 i only have my phone Hope codm bring back zombie mode

TWO PIECE: Can’t wait.

NewbCh8surr: i hope they have all the different enemy zombies from the past on one map some day because that would be awesome

Modz - Sn34k3rS: Billy Idol is a nice choice 😎

Fluffy Bunny: I‘m a main zombies player and with my long experience I can guarantee you that this mode will be alive for maybe 1-2 weeks... not longer... looks just like onslaught but just on bigger maps and with pack a punch... won’t be something special :/ I‘m looking forward to the next zombies map though

sebi pavel: Where is the ray gun?

Damon Harper: Billy Idol 👀

Games mr_10: Gooooo 😍😍😍

Xieon Gaming: Hype AF. Currently downloading a 15g update while upgrading my btc portfolio after buying the dip :) unfortunately I'll probably end up sending some gains to scummyvision so I can cop battle pass

DudeOfTheWeek: Heck yeah! Zombies rules!

Randosro Gaming: Aaaaand Action!

Ethen Hunt: Featuring ....zombies and breaking out

Vegito God: Wow This Mode Is Realy Insane !!! I like That

Sipe: A year after mass vaccination




Vesiolii_mid: 👍👍👍👍👍

ryanator_109: This looks so sick!!!!!

festiny: So this is why we haven’t got a lot of zombies content. Tbh. IM GREAT-FULL AAAAAA

Tahsin Huq: Bring zombies in COD mobile

Alpha Lone Wolf 1406: Buried

Groovy Dog: Still on the best thing you guys have ever made Bo2-Bo3 all the ogs know ever sense bo4 they been making it way to easy for all the little kids such a shame everything so easy for the new generation, I could hop on this zombies an get to round 100 blindfolded 🤦‍♂️ ied do it to but then ied get about 1 view an waste 10 hours of my time🤷‍♂️

ryan barnett: Dark aether avagadro????

Memes 365: please dont turn it into fortnite.

Callum Somerville: When is it coming out I'm in the lobby and the games updated and its not there

Miguel: Ta Wapo si tuviera una Play:(

Daynard Santiago: Great step in the right direction. I love it. Now, all we want is a Transit remaster or remake.

Николай Куркин: Forever 🔥🔥🔥outbreak!!!))))

ZyluxWish: 19 MORE HOURS

Николай Куркин: Cooooool🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘👌💥💥💥💥💥😁👌👌👌👌nice 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥fire

Saladin Hallak: Whatever happened to the dark, gloomy ww2 zombies with the original cast 😢

ButterCup: Was that an avogadro?

Marcel Wavee: I AM SO READYYYY😍😍

tiktok thots: So wild that zombies just used to be a neat little end of the game easter egg and now there's rumors of it getting its own standalone game. Crazy times.

TXC GAMER: HVC eliminated we know the name of the new panza soldat let’s go

TaSK: Now this, looks like FUN!

Nevhil Harren: This is So sick not Gonna lie

Humphris Jean ewen: looks interesting but not scary at all

Rionnation: BO1 AND 2 REMASTERED

Vampire Money: They ruined zombies

Jarrod Bragg: Imagine a battle royal type game mode, but instead of the gas or a zone, there are just larger waves of zombies, so you drop in with the pistol, loot up, there multiple paps and box's, with perks and wf's last squad wins

Steven Rainaud: Aaaaand 50go .

Khs Zaw: Cod warzone mobile coming out?

Design Works: i don't like it we need just a new map not zombi

ShotZSpaggo: Did someone say jeep stuff?

Design Works: fortnite hhh okey you will find me in verdanske warzon becaome a kids game s

Butterfly Effect: Raygun?

peanut butter: Sweet. Im definitely looking forward to this!


B6A6S: حمااااااااااس 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Anthony Márquez: Sería genial que saquen una versión así en call of duty mobile, sería genial😍

Henry Whitmore: YOOOOOOO

Nelisjackson: Worst zombies ever

Cloakv_v: Still don’t understand how this is open world💀?

Korean Jesus: The zombie suit is abit much

Nick Karneshs: So.. I can play zombies if I have atleast Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone? Or its necessary the black ops version

Logan Young: I already hear the playstation's jet engine from just watching this trailer

IDEK Anymore: Wait treyarch I haven’t gotten never gonna give you up yet

Uteopia: people still play this garbage ?

High Vibez4200: Even when you turn off Aim assist.... still auto aim when close range fix this take it off for competitive players so we can have more of a challenge the fact that we have auto aim assist on controller has to be the worst way to enjoy the game some players like myself dont need auto aim assist on zombies if that's the case everyone that plays zombies is trash how hard is it to aim right not have your controller doing all the work ... zombies is cracked

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