OUTBREAK Trailer | Season Two | Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone

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nemes1s: Meh.

BLOOD Dirt: OMG I can not wait to play the game!!!!!!!!

Champion c: You can play now offline

Ben: Is it to hard to ask for world war z style zombies in cod?

TYLER SWEET: yo go check me out on Tsweet gaming

Adam Nehal: So how is this gonna apply to warzone???

Lance Skopik: "So sir for ideas you want me to take acid and watch stranger things AND black hawk down? " (Activision) ,😌 yep.


Ü: 0:52 I see a tanky fuck from origin and I don’t like it


LaB_Jnieto: I can’t wait for my PS4 to explode when I play this!

sitting and chilling: I can't wait to play this

Ricky Burgos: Put warzone in the title but doesn’t show gameplay for the event

Trafalgar D. Law: Kind of modern warfare spec ops, kind of 🤢

Joseph long: Bro just remaster der riese and call it a day wheres my fckin wunderwaffe at gimme moon back too while you're at smfh tired of this bs

S1cK_ShocKz: holy shit im so hyped

Kade Wisniewski: Wtf is this😐😐😐😐

Jackiscool: This is gonna be bussin

Isis Is here: I fucking can’t wait

M4CC4_P4CC4: I'm a bit confused is this just a really big zombie map or is there more to it

Dyl4n_S4intz: Rip storage

Róbert Princz: I love all the cold war zombie trailers for this to the music hits great

Surpriser X: Let’s go hackers and glitchers

Dan Guthman: I'll pass its all co-op having to play with other people is bullshit

Justin Sanchez: Spuad up with them guns up, we blowing zombies top up so get ready to get mopped up😈💀🩸

sum'n: When it was just a horde of zombies attacking a 2 story building

Moonwake534: So Fireteam dirtybomb meets zombies?

ScotsmanDoBeMadMental: 0:54 wait a minute. They brought back that armour guy from origins and der eisendrache? HELL FUCKING YEAH

Qwa nie uwierzysz: check my actions guys 😀 tell me what you think

TheDarkLord: Craziest thing I have ever seen

The Deer God: If I'm not mistaken, was that the mech one of the Nikolais used in grovi?

Sceptic Indian man: Me watching this in 240p: WAT GOING ON

Mr J: Tranzit without the bus

Rudy Montanez: Stop making the zombies so fucking attractive🥴🥴🥴

bingbashbosh1: Fire the guy who edited this

roadkillwastaken: Pog champ

213Pr0ductions: Hopefully this plays good. Firebase Z is awesome glad they finally did zombies right🤝

Mighty Mochi: COD zombies with a bigger world map and vehicles? Sounds good to me.

rahul Koshle: Call of duty trailer me hi sab game ki maa chode deta hai

tRasH: Who is wit me on this there should have been at least 6 people not 4 come on now

tRasH: Yo this shit looks clean

DEVILKID: Haven't played COD for a good decade now, but this ACTUALLY looks good!

Pr0 Gamer: Scooby soo new skin 0:08

Redefine: 0:53 Treyarch really just used Jeep stuff to kill a zombie?

Tyler M: Will split screen be available?

Joebama: damn

Jordz YT: If Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty Zombies had a love child

L0G 0FF: Yes because I want only new zombie maps and a new battle pass not new everything and ideas from the community

Andrew O: Nice, transit remake.

Andrew Lloyd: Let's hope it's really as good as it looks!

The Otter: The song is Rebel yell by Billy idol

Kyle Robinson: Super Hyped for this hope its Badass

ImUhRandii: is it a battle royale with zombies in it? or just zombies?

BlankPage: Zombie

Ahmed - Live: It’s it just me or didn’t anyone got an season 2 ad before watching this?

The_Juice_ Goose_Plays: That looks fuckin mint tbh

sweluminati: So is this warzone zombies ?

This is GAMe: Pass. At this point just I can't complain anymore about a terrible job they have done with zombies. Let the new generation enjoy this crappy game.

Placebo: If youre playing Ps4 and dont have anyone to play Outbreak with, add me PSN: Desarty

Lil'Shot Gamer and Roaster: They are using c4s like grenades 😂

CodeNameRed: Hope this is for warzone

Gabe ghost: Isn't it just battle royale called outbreak

CatalinX-ul: OMG so nice !

WITE FOX: Keep zombies in black ops please modern warfare don’t want you

DarthVaderITA sidius: Billy idol

Nick King: Btw we think this is crazy wait till the fantastic 4 come back outta nowhere. Richtofen, Dempsey, Takio and Nicoli. That's gonna be the day

WooWeeLiveStreams: Wish we could buy zombies separately

Nick King: Watch warzone turn into the same thing when the ship arrives. Huge zombie outbreak and u plus 50 ppl gotta survive a giant hoard of zombies.......

Saif Alkhalili: Nice

Jan Kult: It's a mod for Warzone, or is it something new???

GingerAle4Life: These maps are too open. They also have really abandon the dark and horror elements of the series. Make the maps big but cramped, scary, and claustrophobic!

Ashen One: Because of the sh*tty matchmaking in Cold War, I don't care about the multiplayer anymore, but this looks at least somewhat exciting.

Cunt spanker 420 69: Zombies is the only enjoyable thing to come out of this. Please don’t ruin it.

Nico Garcia: Ngl this looks really fun but damn, gameplay still looks and feels like 2010s release

Tres 6ix: Don’t ever let them replace the ray gun! They think this rayk is gonna satisfy...

Dd T: I don’t get it

Dumplings Boi: This Easter egg better be more difficult

Eshel Dar Epstein: How about fixing the fatal error crashing Before releasing a new map... About 25% of plqyers cant play

Hoodie_Brizz: It’ll be gone next week

Austin Metz: I can’t wait

Alejandro Ochoa: I hope multiple squads can come together or this is somehow a HUGE HUGE teams vs Zombies madness shit

Gaming With Chander: Dog Water my guy

Delfino: It’s billy idol for me 😌

krepnata kadara: The whole concept of superzombie and superweapon upgrades really resemble on I played in Roblox

Kloudy Gaming: Bro what even is this game mode anymore.... I feel like Zombies fell off after codbo2

Sorurus: The craziest thing returning is either the Panzer or Avogadro.

Big Swish rolls: Yeahhhhhh this about to be fire

VenomousOrangeZ: I still don't understand what this is

Penguinguy: Magic, jet pack zombies, portals, interdimentional monsters. This is why I could never get into COD zombies.

Anthony Jimenez: I’m so glad we’re not getting a Tranzit remake. Tranzit was by far the most overrated map ever. The only good thing that came from it was Town. Anybody who says Tranzit is good is only saying that from a nostalgic type view, not for quality.

Sleeping Shaq: Better be able to Bump all those Useless Mixtapes I got in Cold War

A Z: This is like the dumbest trailer I have ever seen.


FreezeGoD: Put the songs in the bag, this is a robbery and I will use my imaginary gun if you don't upload those remixes... pls.

Samuel Valliere: A shit here we go again - weaver

Christian Cosgriff: I might of missed it but is outbreak part of Cold War or Warzone as I’d prefer just cold war as it’s gonna be annoying AF having both taking up ridiculous amounts of storage on my PS4

John Ahn: So warzone zombies?

Danny 200MPH: any bets on many GB's the update will be? my guess is another 20bg

Slim Hades: I can already tell this is going to be a major disappointment, recycled maps with added zombies, wow so innovative??

burgerbait: and zombies requires 3 friends to be fun again. oh well it was fun

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