Outlander | Season 7 Part 2 Teaser | STARZ

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Furkan Orkun Kaza: I think this decision was a last minute decision. Since the 8th season will be late due to the strikes, they are extending the 7th season to next year in 2 parts.

Delia Méndez: Always a storm coming towards them, OMG... they´re suposed being safe at home (Scotland), they deserve to be well, at least for a while. Maybe they went to Buck´s funeral, I hope Jem´s is ok, and Ian finding love again makes me feel proud, hope he gets marrying her, she´s a good match for him.

N H: 2024 😱😱😱 So happy Lord John is back 😍

Jazz Guitar: If you had communicated it fair that it’s gonna be another two seasons à 8 episodes, fine. But this is mean. I needed this to survive summer. 😢

Patricia Valdez: Siempre hay un tormenta llegando😮

mihriban eroglu: Is this the final season of outlander?

cecilia racca: That's scam! I've been waiting for the action to start and now yoy cut the season! Back to the books, they're always reliable

Bee For Bento: She said “are you in danger” I’m sure she said this to Roger!

Dani Donnelly: To be 100% honest Oulander can do no wrong but I'm so mad I have to wait....and Brianna still drives me crazy! She calls Jamie Daa?! It's Dahh! Petty but I'm still not over the episode when she finally finds Claire and Jamie and she gets mad at Jamie for being upset about Bonnet raping her!!! Yo bitch, you just traveled 200 years and you're going to smack your long lost father! And Claire doesn't stop her? I'll never forgive that little brat! Vent over!

Devon G: OUTLANDER should not wait till 2015 for Season 8 !!! Many of us may not live to see it !

Rand z: so next year we will have season 7 part 2 and then we still have season 8 right?

TheRednationrising: Ridiculous!! First you tell us season 7 will have 16 episodes in 2023 now you're extending it until God knows when. And you're ending outlander but it's one of the best shows streaming (other than all of the sex and woke bs). Not sure whos running the show there but id re-evaluate. Dumb move.

Enrico Spoti: the 1st season was divided into 2 parts: one in August and the other in April. that made sense, by August they hadn't finished shooting the last few scenes yet. But now all the scenes have been filmed. I think it's a profit choice. To extend your subscriptions with Starz

Enrico Spoti: I don't understand why catriona can act in THE CUT during the actors' and writers' strike and outlander is blocked instead? 

waterfall844: Best series ever! Love it. Can't wait to see the next one coming

Alysha Mckenzie: This was not in the best interest of the fans 1 season split into 2 halves over 2 years very bad marketing starz 🤦🏾‍♀️

Crystal Tomlinson: Just for the record, I am really unhappy that season 7 was split! Especially after season 6 being short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am angry, truly.

Celeste Cote-Morin: Absolutely right

Ірина Береза: Чудесный сериал. Я о нем узнала и начала смотреть только весной этого года. И если для сохранения высокого качества фильма нужно время, то я готова подождать. И сейчас будет время более внимательно снова посмотреть сезоны 1-7, что я и делаю, и открываю для себя новое, что я пропустила во время первого просмотра. Сильно хотелось узнать, что будет дальше, поэтому не всегда была внимательна.

pengguna dan nama: why next yearrrr whyyyyyyyyyy

Isabella Bertolami: Mais, ils avaient annoncés la 7 saison pour le 12 août 2023 et non pas pour 2024: que se passe-t-il?

John Bladykas: See you maybe next year, I hoped

KM: I'm calling b.s. on the whole "mid-seadon finale" line. And I'm just tired of all of this. This much separation in time between "halves" is just plain TWO SEASONS. I think this lets STARZ and the Outlander powers-that-be feel better about dragging things out, but it's insulting my intelligence to call it anything else. It was a lackluster finale at that, for me.

Mel Woodworth: Breaks my heart we have to wait until next year 😢

michael miller: When are they going explain Jaimie standing outside her window in the rain, she’s inside the building brushing her hair and Frank comes walking up to him and Jamie disappears? And it’s the 1940’s?

Joyce Yang: What!!! 2024!!! Help!!! 😭I can't wait~~

Michele Ruggeri: And then is it really a Season 8 or 8.5 and 9?

Joanna Waite: Why claim you’re giving your audience an extra long season and then cut it in two and spread it over two years? Call it what it really is … 2 seasons 🙄

Bonnie B: by "next year" they better mean January

Rose K.: Why did they need to split the season!

Renaissance Ear-Candy: You simply cannot put that much time between the two and call it a half season. That was season 7, the next "half" is season 8. Don't bullshit us, Starz. It had better be like January or something.

Athandwa Nnaji: J'y b t

Anula: Too bad we have to wait now for the rest of this season 7

Kylie Arnold - The Original: Next year?!?! Why so long??? And Rollo better not get hurt! It’s just like Daryl Dixon‘s dog in The Walking Dead. If doggie gets hurt, we riot!!

D Alvarez : STARZ has already ruined outlander. Season seven part 218 months after the midseason finale.. what a joke

Nethercore: What was the point of this video?

TinkerTerrys Own Videos: More like the old "Mini Series" or the 80s than a Season.

Rosalyn Martin: "And yet here we all are"....Droughtlander 😢

debe butcher: They are ruining the whole show..

Ron Richelieu: Breaking up season 7 and extending to the final eighth season is easy. When Outlander is finished, Starz is gonna lose 40 million subscribers. $$$$

Suziesings: I don’t know why they broke up the season!

Brad Newland: The way you all talk and demand is exactly why they are all striking and want their money.

LizzyTheVampireSlayer: Enough with these part 1 & 2 seasons 😣

Mili de Alba: Im crying 😭 whyyyy????? This is too much for my ❤️

Carrie Kernel: NOT Fair !

Rengpuia Fanai:

Josh Pitts: The people demand the hostages are released!

Clifford Yamasaki: 7 mediocre episodes a YEAR,UNACCCEPTABLE.WORSE THAN A POLE DANCER!

Geneviève Barras: Je ne trouve pas ça honnête nous avons dû attendre 2 ans pour la saison 6 et maintenant la saison 7 est divisée en deux je suis vraiment déçue 😢

John Bladykas: That’s great , I guess now have to wait another year to see next espiode

Nancy Thompson: With the 2 strikes, God only knows when Outlander will return. I hate the way producers stretch out series these days with what they call "mid-season finales". Why not air all the episodes from one season. And if there's a months-long break, call it a new season. The way they're doing it for season 7 is beyond aggravating.

Ruxandra Maria: Who is the man that touches Rollo?

Monica Alexandru: oh, good, it’s coming next year. phew…

Lily: 0:08 SPOILER that look makes me realise why he married Claire! He wants to keep her safe cause of Jamie

Autumn Brooke: Can you even call it one season if the next half comes out next year?

The Cat Watches: What if Black Jack Randall makes a return for the final 2 seasons?


Irrum Naaz: Next year?! Oh you have got to be joking! 😩

Ml Pr: Que poco nos dan😢😢

Therese Bonath: It makes me crazy that it only was 8 episodes i just want more and more i never want it to end ❤❤❤

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