Outlander | On the Set of Season 6 | STARZ

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Jeska Doy: Ah, can’t wait!

Clara Rizzo: I'm waiting

angela sweet: I am looking forward to see season 6.

Prentiss Lashure: So good to see everyone together again! 🥰 It’s kinda weird hearing Sophie’s normal voice 😆

Forza Eagles: This is the best serie that has ever been made in human history.

Mary Beck: I love Alexander Vlahos he is great!!!

Sofia B: What the hell, they can't even make Jamie's hair at least a little bit curly anymore?😔

anjana pathania: Can't wait!!!

Helle Behrens Eriksen: Jeg glæder mig !

Living Moe: Yeayyy can’t wait for season 6!

Elijah Last: I have just finished rewatching the series and I don’t want it to ever end 🤣

Aneta Dymowska: Well, we are waiting when this 6th season will be. And we will see the further fate of the heroes.

Norberto Edgardo Bertone: Son maravillosos!!!

CC Hamming: Hmm nah. Im done with this show. It's reliance on rape as a narrative device is over-done and ridiculous at this point.

Vivian Freire: Please use their own body parts. I was crushed when you used someone’s else’s thumbs, when he saw Brianna for the first time via Claire’s portrait with light lol. That was too important of a part. Bring Murtagh back in some way 🙏. Please tell me he see’s his son again on 6&7.🙏 DONT show Black Jack or Briannas rapist, they both cause me much anxiety. Last but not least, Above all else, thanks and praise for the intense hard work everyone goes through to bring you all to us. I believe that is why the droughts, I keep that in mind, when I get impatient lol. Blessings!

Jana Paslay: COOL 🤗can’t wait 💫

Cherry Pie: Я так соскучилась! За пять сезонов герои стали уже такими родными, я в предвкушении нового сезона...

Mélanie Melding: Par où va commencer la suite ? C’est magnifique de vous revoir tous ! Un peu magique ! Hâte 💫✨

Claire Bacolod: Yey

Ellora Diehl: I can't wait. Please don't kill off Jaime!!!

Salem Gast: Yall better be filming season six😤

Kristina Paxton: They are like I'm knackered but I have to do this promo lol

Lmfy: Is season 6 really happening? Omg! So excited. I've missed this series, the characters, Jamie and Claire mostly, the intro music, and the storyline. 😍💕

Alex Nicol: Yes!🤗😘😍

Alexicia moore: Just let me know when Season 5 and 6 are updated on Netflix. Then imma be excited. I don’t have starz and I’m not paying for they subscriptions.

Светлана Жарких: Cait looks swollen. Could she be pregnant?

Hüseyin ÖRÜN: Come on!! When will start? :(

Ruth McFadden: I am a new fan, enough so I bought season1-5 and can't wait for 6... I haven't read the books, can anyone tell me if or do you guess we will see Jenny again? I'm hoping she will come to America to be with her brother, I love their relationship, she is one of my favorite characters. We didn't get enough of her!

Alice Smith: That's round the corner from my house. In fact, I saw them all leave set today as I was coming off night shift

Adilma Rodrigues: Aguardando ansiosamente! Eu amo! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Mary Grace Villa: Omg im sooo excited!!😍😍

Karen W: I subscribed to STARZ yesterday just because of this series. I’m embarrassed to admit I am late to the party, but now am as hooked as a few thousands of other people are. 😁. Thank you to the author, the show runners, script writers, crew and amazing actors who make Outlander possible. What a treasure you are creating. 🥰👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Hugginsince79: We are excited too

꿈많은 똥똥c: I am so excited season 6 i cant wait 기대되고 맨날 이전 영상보며 기다리고 있어요 언제 시작하는거니 정말 ㅜㅜ

Patricia Hall: It's about time they gave Sam a decent wig instead of those raggedy bfugly ones he's been wearing. Oh, and, SAM: you could have grown your hair out by the end of S2, definitely by S3.

Gina Fox: I was hoping Ian & Lizzie would get together. Bummer!

onesixteenth: Yay, Roger and Breeeeee #RogerMac epic beard 🥰 #TheMacKenziesAreHere ❤❤❤

Şeyma Keskin: Sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum😍🇹🇷🇹🇷

Pawel Ostry: Czekam z niecierpliwością na 6 sezon!!!

Dixie Burbank: How does Starz work? Do you live stre4am the episodes or have to wait until each one comes out? Been watching 1-4 on Netflix and want to figure this out for the future. Any help out there?

Mustafa Yeahia: Wooooow!!!

Golden Logic: *Yeeessss!!! Richard gets his beard back!* Brings out the real Scottish in him and Roger

Julio Bichman: Se solicita traduccion al español. Muchas Grscias

John Nielsen: It's now outlander standard to do only 10 episodes every 2 years.Starz needs to give this great series to someone else.

Yumana Nasr Eldbise: I can't waiiiiiiit 🥰

maria clara Alcantara: Sensacional♥️♥️♥️

Sheryl Alexander: Gosh, this really put a huge smile on my face. I cannot wait for season 6!

Mohamad Harrouk: 😍😍😍😍😍

nerio de jesus paz barrero: WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : 18cams.xyz !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617150947

Caroline Vallée: OMG !!!!!! Can’t wait !!!! 😍😍😍😍

angelique Lhotellier: J'ai tellement hâte de retrouver tous les acteurs de #outlander saison 6 . Caitriona, Sam , Sophie etc ...👍😘

Sahana Arani: Cait and Sam both deserved Emmys, Golden Globes for last season. The finale was just amazing.

LórienHandMade: pleeeaaaaseee!!! Put them wrinkles and white hair to those two!!! They´re as gorgeous as always!!!!

Ed: Ahh the Christies. This season is going to be awesome.

Linda Allen: Greatest show ever.

MtlGrrrl: Apparently.... Young Ian is finally gonna get his freak on... 🙌😉

Lorraine Green: Thank goodness!!

j shae: 😍

Sree s: Can't wait to watch it on Netflix 💖💖

vivien meddings: Hooray......!!!!

박진옥: I'm already excited 😆😆 I'm looking forward to the tension😍😍


Alison: Yes!!! I'm rewatching the series for like the 6th time. ❤❤ I bought the book set as a bday gift for myself. But I'm scared to read through in case ill spoil something as funny as that sounds

Ken W: Caitriona could not be more fetching. It doesn't hurt that she has range and depth, sensitivity, good-heartedness, rare intelligence, and humor. Color me smitten.

Bianca G: So excited for season 6 !! Love this cast and show so much!

quibily: Eeep! Is that young guy at 0:25 Willie???

Hi, Welcome To Chili's: 0:45 I love those two!! 🥰😄

Patricia Ward: I’m thrilled that your all on set

erika braga: Can’t wait

AStoryGood: 0:29 - Sounds like that'll be Roger, but if they follow the books, they'll get to what's been hinted at in seasons 4 and 5 (built up to, I mean).

Juan david diaz: Holaaa.... Me encantó la serie outlander la ví por Netflix solo hasta la 4 temporada 😭, quiero la 5 , que pasa Netflix falta la 5 y 6 si hay..... Desde pereira- Colombia 🇨🇴

Simone Santos: Amo❤️❤️❤️

ranchofiesta: I see a Redcoat talking to Jamie in front of the big house.... Donald McDonald???

Sara K.: Looking forward for Season 6!!! I am so exciting!!!

Veronica Vale: ME ENCANTAN!

theylied1776: I can't explain it, but there is something so fascinating about a woman with a Scottish accent?

Kim McG: So careful not to let out any spoilers huh! lol

Deehan Yu: Late fan here..waiting for my bluray season 1-5 to arrive... Looking forward for Season 6...

Laura B: I'm really excited as well.😁

Coffee Tea: Gah, on S4 and my Droughtlander is coming! Might start reading the books over summer to tide me over till S6! 😍😍

Lia aaa: Omgggg i'm so exciteddd I hope there's more Fergus in this season💜

Lauren Pomerantz: Just gave myself as a birthday gift the Blu Rays of Season 1 through 5. And read through book 8 which is great to read the books.

Usui P: I see Young Ian and a certain someone... hmmmmmm

Ana cristina Saavedra izquierdo: Fantástico 🎉🎉🎉🎉

foberdud: Hell yes. Goin through for the second time now, will be caught up in time for whenever season six drops.

Beach3Girl: Yes, yes, yes...can't wait!!!

Márcia: I'm exitnig to watch my beloved show.

Doug Koyama: I found a good way to endure the drought is to just keep watching what's available again and again . . . . I'm on the second time through now and the added insight into the characters really helps to bring the story even more to life. Thank you!

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