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Tanner Ricketts: This can’t be season 8 because the video has sound

AJtheSiren: The TF2 references gave me LIFE

Lance Shipman: Mommy try again when he dies lmao

Amai Sukari: 5:16 had me in tears LMAO!

Mr Jonni: you are very good editing

Khrystyna Kupinets: "With this jump pad you can almost reach the gods" - Here's where I died from laugh.

FreshJuice: i lost 9 brain cells watching this video

FreshJuice: now THIS is the way

GDK Games: What was that metal music playing during those fuse clips? That was badasa

Михаил Бурмистров: 3:15 i am russian, i dont get this joke... Help.

Gary Rochester: who are these edited by?

Cam: What rank are you in

DJ Miner: 1 kill= 30 edits

Kririks: We need a video called "iconic is trash for 5 minutes"

Kekaki Games: Is this re-upload?

Faidillah Agustio: I just see "Hahahahahahah" xD

Tahitimotion: Nice video , tf2 .exe one Day

Xpert Spooky: I love the mando quote in the beginning

Billytheburp: 2:18 you just made someone reeaal mad lol.

JJanky_Boi: _That Sawcon joke was legendary._

a lil confused: That ooga booga clip made me nostalgic :(

Athyris: Are you playing with monkeys ? Because my lobby never looks like the one that you guys always are :D

adri c: Milla "100 cuts in a fight scene" jovovich

The Commenter: Just to tell you. You got to learn the way of throwables with fuse, in which you have mastered.

Star Platinum YT: Tigth tigth tigth !!! :) Noting but love

Lmaokay: The guy at 0:17 was totally tryna finish his bowl 😂😂

tanner !: not enough mastiff to be season 8

Indian Brace Face: The amount of times he fell for DEEZ nuts is unimaginable lmao

The Meme Man: Haha very funny, the video is 6:09 minutes long

Milt0nn米爾頓: 2:45 three arms???

Chirag Nepali: 2:46 was that octane using 3 arms or i am confused

CHITUS1⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: I love this I need more Get ready Here it comes Subscribed and liked

Angry Sagan: 0:49 what is that sound effect?

zaggyzombie: Glad that YouTube recommended this to me

Glasgow187: Oh my lord. Batman fuckin GOT me 💀💀💀

trapjack69: wonderful video once again! by chance do u think you could check out some of mine ? i attempt to make .exe videos as well !:)

Xtreme neon: I remember the old profile picture. Green

Buzzlitebeer: apex season 8 .exe everyone and his mom uses the mastiff

Boba tea: Lets see p1nk-san this is the best channel exe

Alex: Keep the spitfire sound, it's great

Zahidul Miraz: Your intro really made me thirsty as heck

igor Piotrowski: What editing software do you use? Just curious

Simsam: I like the doctor who reference, it’s FANTASTIC

RecSule115: 2:12 how wasn't that Lifeline downed if you dealt 100hp damage?

SemiProSmiles: Love all the star wars edits

PinguAX: imagine dragons

Thugnifcent 24: Wow am surprised you used the stick at 2:09

TheLordofChaos14: Nice doctor who references

KindredPhantom: Sawcon. Brilliant play by that man.

Cra2yTurtle: You can tell he likes Star Wars

jacob chirapatr: apex needs to add real moving emotes shit would be so funny

Broturm11: I see that he has made the video 6 minutes and 9 seconds... lol

ObscureIdeaz: What kind of psycho plays with the tactical button as *9 what are you playing on a chromebook*

Nrusingha sabar: 0:58 i thought it's Titanfall 2. for few sec.

Umut KOYUNCU: 2:15 Sweatball Wraith tried to knock with melee and got what she deserves. I'm pretty sure after this she immediately DC'ed haha wp

Qil Qil: 'with this jumpad you can almost reach the god' --Bloodhound 2021

KIRITO: Hey what your insta i send you an clips

Raphael Sattel: Thats good content

THIRDY: The Title should be "FUSE SEASON 8.EXE"

Marko Vlaisavljevic: Season 8 and iconic still has season1 jokes

2Wonky: Since when does bottle play mnk?

Morgan Parry: This is the way

Marco Solinas: Killtacular, killtastic, killtrocity

Vanshae: 1:05 A PSYCH REFERENCE? Liked.

Mazen Ahmed: 1:35 Snipin's a good job mate 1:38 Challenging work it's outdoors 1:48 I can guarantee ya won't go hungry at the end of the day as long as there's 2 people left on the planet someone's gonna want someone dead

Dylan A. BryBry: WTF are these keybinds lol

Cas Harbers: Can we talk about this guy taking a gold helmet as octane, like why.

Ziggy piggy: I gotta ask you y have y as jump!?

GOD: Can’t believe hes never been to salcon 😔

Matteo Sallaku: Great job

jzsleeping: I appreciate that you put doctor who  in the video

CLUB BIZARRE: I miss Daequan 2:30 ... 360 ooga booga boogaaaaa, doodoo

HARNAF: Does bottlecap streams?

VeLocity: Bottlecap is left handed??

Razrboii: Bro 1:16 that’s me lmfao

Tสאָerz01: stop watching this soldier a red spy is in the base

Agastya 2008 Kaul: i appreciate the doctor who memes :)

zakery pain: I've seen that jump pad glitch in game twice

Josh Smith: You killed me the other day homie😂

akuani: that fps man, what is your GPU and settings? I only got around 60 to 70

Eoka: You ever just solo win with rampart

master play: Good referense tf2

GhxstXIII: How can you be so good

Petalord: xD

josh h: Psych meme. That’s a sub

GuTs Rage: What video editing program do you use to make these BANGERS!?

Name Text: 2:40 WTF

Shane Westy: Just realized the keys for his controls are 6 9 4 2 0 lol

Lachlan Zivic: im sorry, hold "Y" to double jump? are your keybinds okay

Rahm3n Noodles: Noice

Toaster Taco67: 0:05 if you didnt see that one on reddit first, you arnt EBIC

febin varghese: I'm guessing you have watched doctor who

JTzan: Petition for your mastiff sound to become the official sound

Mr. Moose: 6 minutes and 9 seconds 👌 nice bottlecap

Justin Rauman: the virtual riot samples are killer

RED_: 2:28 okay i coudnt hold my laugh at that one xdd

I like Star Wars: Who else saw this on Reddit?

Michael Westen: if you will read this comment, I will unsub and dislike the vid

Salulo: Great video as always! just a question: how do you do the multiplied evil laugh effect at 5:51? I've started making videos and wanted to implement that effect SO MANY TIMES and can't find any tutorial :( Is there a special preset or effect on premiere? thanks a lot!! keep up the good content!!

Mandoアルマンド: How have I not subscribed to you this is some dank ass videos💀😂

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