Seer is TOO Good in Apex Season 10... - Apex Legends Season 10 Seer Gameplay

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jr_ Peanut: Wait wait anyone else see that it said 21 squads

Just Some Guy With A Red Eyes: Thought I was looking at a Raiden skin for MK11

Matt Plessinger: I think my problem with him is the interupt ability of his tac to stop revives and heals. I think that's a bit too much with how much information you get from his abilities. I think his kit has its own synergy comparatively to bloodhound and I think if they tweak him he won't be an obvious better choice. Also maybe it doesn't need to do damage? Like why 😆 I think his ult+tac+passive is really fun and refreshing. it feels like what a recon character should be, he's just very strong right now.

Jonathan O'Leary: iTemp is on trending! Let’s go!

Gameroy 84: Seer looks like he believes that there are no such thing as a coincidence

Booba44 Gaming: Thanks for sharing. I will sub to your channel my friend

Chicooo The3rdd: “It’s huge”, “that’s what she said”

dannon G: Apex legends is slowly straying from its roots. But that's cool I need to play something else anyways

Milkweed191: Janks and sofar were kinda dicks when it came to helping him with content considering the amount of times he’s super awesome in their videos. I noticed they were some assholes.

levi leausa: I don’t like the me character broken af

Ryan: Is no one gonna take about how the gold energy mag does nothing on the l star

Kuratchi serafu playz: WHAT THE G7 CAN UsE A SNIPER STOCK AGAIN!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! WHEN

PK Lo: BRO, you're trending atm! That's hype!

Sven ten Bosch: Would love to see a video on how to best counter a squad with a Seer on it? Which legends to pick, tactics, etc.

Alan Vasquez: It's Black Raiden.

Evan Jossey: Seer is the best legend to be added since Octane.

GemsOnVHS: I feel like saying the new character is OP is just a clickbait strategy. This gameplay doesn't really reflect anything OP seeming. Half the engagements Seers abilities missed or weren't even active/effective.

Adam Jinx: 31 on trending, good on you Rich 🔥

Michael Robinson: Only played a few games with Seer and had so much fun 😭

Antonio Avila: This is so stupid

Boof Man: Seer also makes it impossible to play solo, you can’t dance around teams and take them out when they know exactly where you are at all times

Abell Seyfu: One doesn’t experience self-transcendence, the illusion of self only dissipates 🎈

Suss: you couldve put the gold energy mag on the lstar

Abdullah Mahd: Day 65 of asking rich to use colorblind mode

Camille Marilleau: I was sure someone's title had to be "Seer is OP"

Fit Franco: 0:48 nice wall hacks kid

Spiral Phoenix: He has his q on L2. I’ve never seen that one before.

Big Tasty: 17:32 Sooxfar asking why he’s always soo far lmao

Underground Case Breaks: 14:50 have you boys seen it down here 😂💀

Zay Hendrix: Bruh, ik it's always bad but this new world's edge is third party central. Can't finish a fight without getting obliterated from a third team no matter where I land.

Tou Lor: Yall make this game look soo easy!! Lol haha

Eggs&Bacon: Dude looks like a lady

Riu: I didnt find the difficulty fighting this guy since I have valk to save my ass also to flank seer flanking :)

Camryn Morrison: I've seen this dude get 20 bombs with some average legends if Seer is OP and hes getting an average game with him that I would get then this game makes no sense

Kwazadi: his tactical should last as long as the BH tactical scan

PARMENION: To much Op I thing compare others legends

Simon Jeebun: Ive watched all the POVs and why do these 3 make one of the best Trios

DEV’S FUSION-CONFUSION: Wow u get wins daily. No wonder u have so much legend tokens 😝. I just started playing 3 weeks ago. Last to last week I unlocked octane now on my way to unlock seer probably I will unlock this week. Most of the time I don’t even get kills . Pls share ur tips to get kills.

TSUKUNE: takes a lot of skill when you play with teamates like this everyday

Neffels Tech: "Running marks you when inside seers ult" *everyone going to settings to turn off auto sprint*

Tressly: Every Youtuber has to say the new legend is OP when they’re really just alright

Khalid Saifullah: Please dont nearf seer

Platnium_OG_ !: I felt temps pain at 3:05 he stood silent had no reaction to that wraith😭 I would of done the exact opposite and raged quit

HeyItsMeTrousers !: I remember the days when your teammates weren’t salty sweaty offensive noobs that blame the entire team for their terrible decisions. The last three times I’ve played I’ve had 2 french guys and an Italian guy absolutely hurl abuse at me and the other teammate the entire game then the game finishes and they have 1 or zero kills and 300 damage.

Zack Marchand: I’ll die for this wifi

Savii Skoopneck: *new legend comes out. respawn: meet seer. seer comes out. youtuber's, content creators and professional gamer videos about the new legend: seer is OP, seer is way OP, seer too strong? seer is insanely OP. respawn: okay...... NEEEEERRRRRRFFFFFFFFF 😂😂😂 this is all for jokes so please don't come at me yall i love rich he's like the most positive and the most chillest apex player like ever man 😂😂😂😂😂😂

J Boyo: If the Seer ult is red it is enemy ult. All blue is friendly.

Dyontre: Honestly, Seer should be OP if you really think about it. Every guy character is good/decent in their own way but there really isn’t a dominate male. However, a nerf does need to come to the distance and cooldown IMO. Besides that he’s solid

Jaidev Singh: Whatever the game is, but it has the worst matmaking system, it purposely chooses weaker opponents against stronger ones. Sh*t matchmaking.

Ismail Gomaa: I've never seen Rich this toxic in my life. He's so excited, bless him 😂😂😂

Todd Rivera: Seer -bloodhound meta about to be crazy now or at least eventually when people start using them together seer-rev too maybe

ChemECRS: Shiv: There’s so much unnecessary sound in apex why would they put so much sound. Apex Devs: Hold on we gotchu. *Adds the loudest sound of all time to Seer’s tactical*

Galaxyz ツ: Apex just downloaded and I was so excited to get seer! But my controller died :(

Spence TheFence: So they were able to give the artist a stealth way of seeing enemies with the heartbeat, but the hunter still unleashes the power of the sun when you go to scan where you think enemies are lol.

Mrstates Theobvious: They need to slow that tracking/ disabling tunnel thing by a full second.

Rojae Smith: With the rampage when your really far tap shooting with it is broken

Senpai Maikeru: I love seer he my new main

Clutch Mamba 8-24: Jesus loves you

AbitOfErthang: Bloodhound and seer r a killer team

Jae Propz: @Itemp Plays it's my birthday maybe that clout will get me a response from you lol my question is since you and so far get content together / with each other and I'm pretty sure you guys are both signed to whoever maybe maybe not but my question is whatever you and so far do together is it contracted like did you write up papers just in case it goes south or is your business relationship strictly based off of friendship? My guess is based off friendship but I thought it was a good question you might not of ever been asked

Jon Young: You three are KINGS... Of useless game fight commentary

Patrick Starfish: Rich is trending congrats 👏

Finesse: It’s crazy to see Jankz where he is now. I’m so happy he gets to play with big content creators like you.

Kobe_Power: this why shourd complain. game in unbalnace due to controller plays. notice most yourber on controller i wonder why that it.


Kris: they do this almost every season to sell shit, what else is new

Christopher Charles Realist: This is the funniest vid I've seen in a long time

crashpex alo: I would love to play this but my Xbox won’t connect to my internet like wtf

Monjiro: A group hug for all the people who are still waiting for their update to finish downloading 😢👍

Much Love Gambine: Every time a new character is released yall scream OP. But after a month they get nerfed and then y’all go back to the wraith Bangalore mirage trio🤷🏾‍♂️

Frank Castle: Next, play ranked with seer

LiT TV: Seer looks very Nas X inspired

DovahQueen: I dont understand why people dont care about Better helmet its like the most important

xGhost: You know what that means good means nerf time

Kobe_Power: powler on controller is broken. they need to get rid of aim assist.

Ryan Johnson: Bloodhound and Crypto mains bout to jump ship. I'll stick with my girl Lifeline but will play Seer sparingly.

CeresEclipse: Never heard Rich scream/shout before xD

D066F4TH3R Apex legends: I'm bloodhound main with 12k kills... I think now with seer bloodhound is completely useless.

Zasque : Hey do you know you can zoom in and see heartbeats without needing a gun in your hands?

Dan Brookes: Awesome video. Laughed all the way through!

Vanilla Goose: should have called him snake the way he slithers across my screen 🙄

Benny B: i get why they made Seer act like he's dancing, because you need to be constantly, spinning and dancing whiles rotating to be tracking enemies with your passive. you can't just look in one direction, you should dance around in all directions so you can spot with the blue, then when you in range (the yellowish-orange) send them drones out to reveal, then throw down your ult..and farm them boys down. Mern I LOVE SEER.

Jamie R: I’ve been loving the game, but I’m not playing until he’s nerfed, he’s so stupidly overpowered, all teams do is get in his ultimate on a building and stay there like rats, I absolutely hate it.

Soumil : 14:04 the intentional scream is perfect

Faded Mindz: Me downing Seer: “haha yeah, that’s right!! choke on this D!!” Seer: “Come here then, sweetness 😊” Me: 😑

FresaCero: Can`t wait to try Seer myself! Keep up the good videos!

Chavez Joseph: He is annoying that's for sure.

kobe Corbin: Seer looks like lil Nas?

Alex: Way too OP...

Nolan Farmer: If y’all played fuse tho, that rampage is infinite charge.😐

charlie ford: Probably one of my favourite apex players to watch is rich 👍🏻 actually respecting his team mates unlike others. Really enjoyable

TWICKS: The 3 of you together is so funny

Skywashere: I almost lost my acc b4 season 10 today and it was hacked luckily I was able to recover it...

Brohan from Rohan: I feel like their goal has been to out do themselves in making a new legend OP from one to the next.

Lunatic Child: Obvious evidence that the gays will always be better than the st8's

Jamie Harper: Less than 24hrs and I'm already ready to uninstall, Seer, Bloodhound, Rampage meta. Already fed up of it

redlor04: Can we get an F in the chat for Sorting Factory

YEx-R4Fe: I’m gonna cry

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