Season 2B TRAILER | Season 2 | | Amphibia

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The World of Amphibia: Breakdown: - The temple at the beginning is the first temple, with similar looks as the Ruins of Despair from "Fort in the Road". - In the next shot, Marcy has her green gem pointing at the first temple, meaning that the gems can be removed from the music box (the Plantars most likely didn't take the music box with them to the temple). - Ivy and Sprig jumping is clearly from "Ivy on the Run". - Marcy is able to perform more witchcraft or use the gem to do magic, as she is seen floating in a GREEN bubble. - Maddie is back with her curses! Seems like she's in the forest, with a doll seen in the tree (most likely made by herself, as she made one of Sprig in "Cane Crazy"). Her fighting with curses might mean Barry returns (from "Cursed!"). - *SPOILERS* the chicken monster is from "Return to Wartwood". - "Barrel's Warhammer" seems to be a Sasha and Grime focused episode, as they are holding a giant hammer. - Valeriana is back, and it seems like, alongside Anne, she's going to find something (maybe the same warhammer as Sasha, more on that later). - Someone is opening a roll of paper, most likely Valeriana (looking at her gloves, it is her). She provides Anne with some information about the music box. - YUNAN IS BACK! She's at Newtopia with toads laying on the ground. Seems like Sasha and Grime try to invade Newtopia with a new army of toads! - Marcy is running, seems like she's at the temple, with statues similar to the King's chess board statues. - Newts are in Wartwood, maybe in "New Wartwood". - Anne looks sad in the rain, clearly from "After the Rain". Hop Pop might reveal something about the music box at that moment. - Marcy holds a small statue/chess board piece from the King. Seems like she's angry. - Sasha with her sword, with a similar look as a later shot. Might be from "Barrel's Warhammer". - Sprig and Polly running in the rain, most likely in "After the Rain". - The Plantars get captured by tentacles. Might be from "After the Rain" as well, when they dig up the music box, but that's just speculation. - Valeriana is with the Plantars and Marcy, revealing something (from a shot seen earlier). - Anne looking shocked. Looking at the colors, it's from "Barrel's Warhammer". - The flashback parts of little Anne, Marcy and Sasha is most likely from "True Colors". "Reunion" (season 1 final) had a flashback, so the season 2 final might do the same thing. - Anne and the Plantars read a book, the one Hop Pop read about the music box in "Anne vs. Wild". Seems like Anne is okay with Hop Pop telling the truth. - Sasha and Anne facing each other again is from "True Colors" for sure! - The Frobo part is from "Friend or Frobo?".

Bruno Al: I really can't understand why Anne would forgive Hop Hop right on the episode "After the Rain". I mean, the only reason I can think of for her to forgive him would be if he told her about the prophecy (he must know something about it if he was the father of Sprig and Polly's mom and she was indeed a previous bearer of the Box), as that would explain why is the Box considered so dangerous, but I just can't picture him doing that, because he seems more like the kind of person who would rather have Anne hate him but return home safely, rather than have her stay to fight whatever big Evil may be coming towards them.

Iconic Me: Can't wait to watch it since I don't have Disney plus

jessie H: They’re so cute! Babies!

Exam Mole: The king is definitely gonna be the antagonist, maybe not the villain but the antagonist.

Bruno Rodríguez 27: Could you imagine that in the end it was all a story and it wasn't real everything??!!! Woah that blows up your brain!

Canelo Cruz: Me looking intrest on the golem red cracks:is that a redstone monstrosity

Marcy Wu: "People can shut up now that your 2nd favorite girl is gonna come back. I am just tired from doing this second half and I am barely involved in it despite this trailer showing me doing cool shit. It will still be Sasha and Anne's time to shine for the next episodes. And if you fans wonder what that episode of me and Maddie is like, Maddie is a pain to work with. She is a total mood killer. Not a person I would be sharing drinks with." "But you fans will enjoy everything from this show no matter what. I can literally do nothing and appear for 2 minutes total in the second half of this season and you'll still cheer for me over my friend who is in 80% of this second half."

Annoying Doggy: All I remember is General Unan. Scurge of the sandwars, defeater of Ragnar the Wretched. The repetition really does make it stick.

WallyIsmenacing: very cool! Super Hyped for It!

Un Known: 0:57 I love the timing of that riff.


Jennifer Jacobs: FINALLY MORE YES

Mechanical Rainbows: Sasha and Anne will definetly rekindle their friendship this season

Brandon hathaway: Young Sasha is adorable why does she have the bruise on her forehead?

nino i doesn't care: ...

Ryan Long: Why is no one talking about Mr Frobo

Genaro Arroyo: @alfrely vean esto

David Fiore: New Amphibia episodes coming to March? It must be my birthday! Which is no coincidence because I was born on the 23rd of March.


Ayleen Urra: Dime. Que. Es. Cano

Scarlet Web: That was amazing but sad

Orta Reyes Fabio: When do the new episodes begin airing?

Ciphy Master of Media: It's been months! Where have you been?!

Mimi's marmoura: This is so making me sad it's emotional

Pinkiemachine Studios: Wow... if this was the official trailer that Disney released, they must have seriously slashed the budget...

Justin Powers: Finally.Been looking forward to it returning.

cristian cruz: Cuando saldra

Ron's Village: You telling me mercy and the robot are going to join the plantar family

Jare 345: I am oddly happy the pay off of the robot is that it what join the family

NewSallyPurpleYT : :: That’s interesting and cool.

Lydianimations: Watching this video makes me squeal, why?

HYRI :3: Im interested about the backstory of the friendship because: It seems like back then Sasha saved Anne and Marcy from the bullies I think, based on Marcy and Anne crying, and the injury on Sasha‘s head Now that Anne "betrayed" Sasha even though she saved her in the childhood time, Sasha might be very angry and this is why makes me so hyped about Sasha VS Anne and the backstory

Roderick Mendoza: i kinda, dont wanna say good bye


Christian Boustani: FARM BOT HYPE

Juan Medina: I respect this show but it is taking while to develop. Im excited that is coming back

Marcy Wu: 0:30 song?


Kayla Girl: Me: Amphibia S2B trailer! Can't get much better than this Baby Anne, Marcy and Sasha: Me: *whimper*

Lianne ski: THIS IS GOING TO BE.... AWESOOOOOOMMMEEE - Anne and Marcy 2020

mon playing sub: 1:34 nice planting

amiti bılay: Çok güzel devami istiyoruz

KaijuKid 14: Hype levels are sufficient

PolDip Stickman: Its time to get my amphibia robe ready

Reddest 1000: 1:43 Hop Pop: Welcome To The Family Mr Frobo

AveryScarlet: Uh oh... Judging from the chest pieces, I think Marcy found out... Hopefully

Alternate Science: I CAN’T WAIT!!! *This is gonna be epic!*

Jenn Lagmay: How did you get some of this footage?

GameRHero95: Man, I can't wait to see how Season 2 ends!

Laramie Tingle: Oh my gosh just by the music alone, you will know that it is going to be epic

Zeng Sayeed: I almost cry while watching this, This is too beautiful

SuperStarGalaxy 127: YES!! It looks like this season will dive into Anne's relationship with Sasha and Marcy, along with the Plantar's, we REALLY need this!!👍Also it returns on March 6th? LET'S GO!!!!😁🐸

Domonique Patrick: My childhood 🥺

Melanie Gramajo: Is it me or am I obsessed with lil marcy Anne and sasha

Ambersand Boyland: What if Legend of Zelda, but this time F R O G U E S

Kusanagikaiser999: yes, yes, yesssss

Bean Sandwich: Willing to sell my soul for more sasha

Mica López Bustos: no puedo creer q lo publicaron el dia de mi cumple uwuwuwuuwuw

Sean Balce: Apparently Maddie Flour will play an important role judging on this clip 0:40. I think that she is trying to fight back off the attack that can be seen in the next clip.

Fuzunga: This is for one half of one season!? If I didn’t know better I’d say the series was ending after watching this. Of course, it was renewed, but I can’t imagine what happens AFTER all this.

Rey game: Can't wait to see s3

Kleber Lucci: Why is it that, Anne and Sasha kinda reminds me of captain America and Winter Soldier? I mean sure Sasha as seen in this trailer did defend Anne and Marcy when they were kids and became more of a jerk as a teenager much like how Bucky defended Steve in Captain America: the First Avenger and became a brainwashed assassin called the Winter Soldier, and Anne defend the frogs from the toads much like how Steve defend New York from the aliens in the first avengers film but still? Also in no relation to my original question, if Amphibia characters were in Cobra Kai, witch dojo would they join, because for me, I think that Sasha would be in cobra kai, Anne would be in cobra kai as well before switching to ether Myagi do or eagle fang, Marcy would be Myagi do, Polly would be in cobra kai, sprig might be ether Myagi do or eagle fang, ivy might be ether Myagi do, eagle fang or cobra kai, Maddie might be a cobra kai and general yunnan would be in cobra kai, that all I got, most of the characters I couldn’t know what dojo they would be in do to most of the characters being a little to old to join a dojo that focused on teaching kids karate (but then again, they did taught stingray so maybe they could still join) but i don’t know, what do you think, witch dojo from cobra kai would the Amphibia characters join?

CryBaby’s Universe: 1:07 I FREAKING CAN’T AAAAAA!!! ❤️

Nick Starski: Жду продолжения за себя и за Сашку! За себя и за Сашку!

Rinelf Romero: Es hermoso

ii_strangerxxthings: 1:17 I think i kinda know what baby anne and marcy and sasha are saying Anne: “I’m Anne, and this is my friend” Marcy: “i’m Marcy” Sasha: “Hi there, I’m Sasha Waybright!”

Carlos Gutierrez: FROBO! Yes~

Sunny: Ey yo, Mr. Frobo is a chad. I already love him.

David Gonzalez: Let me tell ya something, watching shows like this really brings back the sense of wonder that I felt a lot as young child. Disney really brings out the best feelings in us.

Debbie Wong: OH MY GOD this is gonna be good

Indigo Wendigo: Geez, how long has it been anyway? o.O I feel like it's been half a year... which would be like, what, since last October or even September? :? Yeah. :p Anyways, that ending with the robot, LOL. XD I guess it's even sneaking in trailer endings as an easter egg too. :p (And... it's not evil and might even be part of the Plantar family? ._. Is it going to turn out to be evil after all, or is good for real? XD Hmm... weird. :p) Also, Anne, Marcy, and Sasha are so cute as little kids, LOL. XD I wonder if we'll ever find out why Sasha is the way she is, maybe she's actually like an anti-villain that became that way somehow, maybe from like some kind of social standing from bad parents or something, like Amity from The Owl House, or Pacifica from Gravity Falls... Either way, she kind of looks like she was always a tomboy even as a kid. :p



Asian Spaghett: i love when cartoons become a chronological and epic with juicy lore and story. Reminds me of Adventure time

ElectroCaver G: Joder el final se ve prometedor

Eatinggamer 39: Ugh I have missed this show so much this Trailer literally made me sob

Evilalex Yes I have no friends cuz I’m evil: 0:55 I can’t betray him that’s what Marcy says

RAT KING: Okay but like the soundtrack behind it kinda slaps hard

KötoMisädventures: I need this soundtrack

Lays: The difference between s1 and s2 is absolutely insane, like watch the first ever trailer and this one back to back, the tone is so different and I would've never expected the show to come so far and be so incredible!

Maxie: im hyped

robloxking: This will be epic thx for showing us

robloxking: I cant wait in until owl house is coming back an amphibia

robloxking: This will be the best just like owl house

Rees Rodriguez: You think they'll be hope for anne and Sasha

•Weird_ Froggy•: 1:10 Baby Sasha SUPERMARCY Baby Sasha SUPERMARCY Baby Sasha SUPERMARCY Baby Sasha SUPERMARCY Baby Sasha SUPERMARCY Baby Sasha SUPERMARCY

Clank Zoka: Oh my god, can’t wait!

You're a eejit: Theory (DEF NOT AT ALL TRUE!): The scene of the rainfall Anne looks upset and betrayed, she also has a bag with her. Is it possible that she found out what Hop Pop had done to the Calamity box and decided to have some time to herself and leave to find her friends. Then she runs into Sasha and does epic awesome sob story stuff and talking and then they go to find the thing they need for the box and get attacked by a monster then Sasha steals to object they obtained and tries to steal it to take to the Toads but Anne is having non of it and epic sword fight.

Randy Williams: I’m still wondering why Hop-Pop’s book referred to the music box as “the Box of Calamity”

Master MoJo: Anne better get an Amphibia Outfit she is long overdue

Antonio Lopez: El robot anfibio parece una combinación de Terminator con Frankenstein , la pregunta es cual será su propósito en la serie , todavía es un misterio 🙂🙂🙂

Antonio Lopez: Anne y sus amigas se ven muy tiernas de pequeñas , ojalá hubiera un capítulo completo dónde hubieran tenido una aventura en su hogar 😃😃😃

Tina Taylor: 5 more days until Amphibia new episodes! WHOSE HYPE?!

Screaming Person: I already love the robo boi

b u t t e r s t i c c: THE LORE/HYPE GATES HAVE FOOLED OPEN!

ViewVidz: 1:17 Lip reading Anne: I'm an Anne and this is Marcy Marcy: Hi 👋 Sasha: I'm Sasha, Sasha Waybright 😁

ViewVidz: 0:50 I am 100% positive she gonna introduce herself again 🤦‍♂️😏

Jack Wwe: i need ost this video

•kevin_sama_YT•: Omg in five Days? :0

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