Suspected Senior Home Serial Killer Charged With 18 Murders

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Elizabeth McCaul: Family should check those things out

Jason N: Suffocation = Natural death? Ok.

WearyTho: Id smoother him with a pillow.

asz1973: Now imagine the news coverage if the races were reversed.

owowhatsthis ._.: Wow

androssteague: This guy makes Jack Kevorkian look like mother Teresa.

androssteague: You don't need a non-profit you need to up the goddamn security and vet people who come through. Everybody loves to play the non-profit card every time someone F's up.

Ilsah Ahmed: Sooo.. I’m living in an apartment with elderly people...and it’s still not safe?

Katie Harris: He's the epitome of evil reincarnated.

Julie Heiss: Absolutely heartbreaking

JaiilahMarie: Y is his name shemermer💀🤣

Jumex iii: You know your weak when you target the most vulnerable members of society, just saying.

Taco Bell: He better spend his life locked up with other inmates that want to beat him up every day

Ebony Chambers: Trash .... trash af 💯

Michael Ciccone: Well said ! New Jersey nursing homes __another disappointment

Michael Ciccone: Very sad...poor souls. Dallas is another NYC.

Michael Ciccone: Alaskan food commercials all day

kazeshini: Disgusting

Rose Roper: I’m so sorry 😞 on behalf of the black community please do away with him, heartless bastard

Jack Nasty: What a loser

Anonymous User32: The senioral killer

Precious Jewel: He may have an accomplice at the home

Bruh Tay: All I need is a few minutes with this guy just a few minutes.

Jequan Jordan: omg its always billy

youcanfoolmeonce: Management and staff should go to prison for 20 yrs, fined for 18 million dollars, coroners should lose their license and the murderer should get the death penalty at a speedy trial.

INFERNOFEROCIOUS: Ted Bundy: Not bad kid.

god emperor almighty forefather TRUMP: Inside job another 'brother or sister' told him there were no cameras

sebtown558: Disgusting, what a revolting human. Anyone that targets the elderly is a coward.

M E: Why the fuq would anyone expect anything different?

Carmen Reed: Why kill elderly people and steal jewelry, now the love ones can't have something valuable to remember there elder.

itchoke: There's a place in hell for this man.

London T. Pulliam: He should be lock up n forgot about

V Always: Rest In Peace to all the life’s stolen by this vile thing.

Tappyioca: Im so sorry to all the families but shamir mir

Abiti 4: White people, stop putting ur parents in homes,now look...! No am not being racist.

Sweetie TEA: That smug look on his face. How disgusting

NYEXER Big Smart: What’s the bet that at least 1 of those woman actually died of actual causes

Txe Pluggk: This guys a bum stealing from the old they’re already vulnerable as it is

Steph Playz: I think he was bullied when he was young because of his last name 🤦🏽‍♀️...

Jahzara Hutchinson: Whoever said they understand killing go to a mental hospital. Whoever said they understand an African American Man killing Caucasian women because of slavery read a book slavery was abolished over 100 years ago lmaoooooo

elemzy: Lock him up

Tsunami Reid: Billy shameermeer is crazy

BenjoBanjo 0161: Black on white crime and no one says a thing. White on black and it would get framed as racial.

Lamees Damrah: Dang they still don’t learn anything that the world has changed and evolved smh some people..

Porsha Mason: Sick

beqir gjukaj: I would never leave my parents in a nursing home, It’s also the children’s fault for not being cautious with leaving strangers with a vulnerable person.

The Great Memory: Rest in piece to those elderly people 🕊

Spitts: Cuomo makes this guy look like a puppy. His specialty is taking out people in senior citizen homes.

Princess Queen: Rest In Peace prayers to their family and everyone 🙏🤍

Michelepet07: I’m not sure if that’s the suspect. At this point I don’t know what to think.

Sinpiw_iz: Guido Mista would be very scared about them dying on the 4th floor.

John Green: If it were the other way around there would be riots.

Blouut: TF why old people tho

Raymond Phillips: Can you imagine if it had been a white guy who did this, and the majority of the victims were black? It would be labeled as racially motivated for sure

Danielle Matt: Smh put him under the jail!

Jennifer White: That's a cowardly thing to do I hope the killer gets life in person

Olivia Caban: Law suit

Steven Zander: What’s striking is that he murdered all white women, a serial killer who, tortured white elderly women to death. What’s more striking is that inside edition won’t report such a obvious fact.i guess it’s not anything new, in a year that saw white children and elderly slaughtered by black Americans. Blm

Eileen Cobb: shamermermer

yup it happened!: My grandma died, the same way, it was a lady, that abused her ! But; because my grandmother died, from her injuries. They dropped all charges, cause she was the only witness "" ! So she got away with my grandma's murder ! Both ladies was a caretaker, who worked in the oregon area ! So be careful !

Justin Mitchell: I wonder how often this happens.

Real Madrid Until I die: Male version of marla. I care a lot

kim mcguire: Name bille shmememer

Emily Wiebel: This is sickening and disturbing. When a family member is in a care facility you trust that they will be safe so the idea of this monster sneaking in as a worker, not even being noticed and having the time to sneak in these woman’s rooms and murder and rob them is scary and neglectful.

Mike V: Clearly also a hate crime but inside edition won’t admit that

monee jimmerson: GOD seen him!! But if their moms where so healthy why did they put them away at a senior home

SpicyMink5: Billie "Shimirmir". The name tells everything.

Jarred 333 other channel: He got the damn Rolex

Jarred 333 other channel: RIP

RenewedFr0ggo AKA king hebob exp: The fly that went straight to my food has bigger balls than him

Laura Walker: A senior living facility is where you'd get away with murder because doctors just look at the age and write the deaths off as natural causes.

Ep Wockhardt: Smothering with a pillow gets ruled as natural causes?? How did they know they where smothered? He confess ?

Solo Wopstick: How could they have allowed that after the first 🤦🏾‍♂️

Audriana Branch: My mother in law who I loved dearly WALKED into our closest hospital here in derby Kansas hospital, came home NOT WALKING SUDDENLY!

Audriana Branch: Hospital too!

Madison Pettway: Literally could have just stolen from them. This is sickening and unnecessary

zumrat abdullayeva: I dont gey it why do people do this!?

Jack Dec.: You litterly can’t have a soul if you target the most helpless people, they didn’t get to live there life to there fullest.

Linford Renno: What ever sentence he gets life sentence or death... once his inmates find out what he did, he might find a few of these 🤜🏻💀🤛🏽 He is disgusting!!!

Jack King: In swahili we say, "Asofundwa na nina, ulimwengu humfunda". Meaning , A child who is not taught by its mother will be bruised by the world. Billy confess your sins before Huntsville swallow you up.

Scorpus Balbus: God is going to punish this 🌎 and it has started since 911 .

꧁Serenity Moon꧂: I could NEVER put my mother in a living facility. Id rather work hard to get a career just to afford her a happy life!!

Gôjira: Everyone: Oml this guy is a coward Me: This man killed 18 people because of jealousy? It isn’t surprising

Jay Allen: Wow, a black attacking white people unprovoked. Shocking...

Edickens: Proving racism is correct

Fer Iah: This news is 1 year old !

David Hamilton: Blame it on the murderer, the facility and the family who had their elderly parents over there even when they still had family.

youcanfoolmeonce: Denied wrongdoing? Of course, they just didn't do their job. No responsibility, beloved small business owners. Just collected the money from their victims! Something is wrong with the society that this can go on for weeks without notice. And the coroners were neglecting their well paid jobs also. The culprits will go unpunished for their negligence and the killer will have "American justice".

Pataganja: My first thought was that’s a bad spot cause those places always have cameras. But I guess they have zero cameras yeah that’s a good law suit.

commonman80: If He's Guilty? He Should Get The Death Penalty.. Point Black Period.. Yep...

Angela Ollila: My parents WILL be living with my husband and I, when they can no longer take care of themselves!! You can’t trust anyone these days.

Lisa B: I don’t understand why white ppl leave their parents in nursing home if they love their parents so much it’s depressing . Us Mexicans don’t do that i would never let my parents go to a nursing home as long as I’m alive. care givers can come to homes and care for elderly if you unable to but still live together with family.

Biscuit89: fake news

Sherry Smith: Shouldn’t this be looked at as a hate crime? He killed all white women. That’s what they would say if it was other way around.

pollutedcrimson: There's no such thing as 'natural causes' in death.

Joshua Williams: 👀... HE needs the chair

K W: That’s crazy yo. He’s a sick guy. Good they got him off the streets. Give em hell in prison in guys!

Son Of Steel: I guess his black life didn't matter when he killed those people.

Dasia Reed: I hope he knows in jail they don't play that

UnofficialBeauty Queen: Comments: Could you imagine if a white guy killed- Yes, we can. Because it’s happened for years. It’s called history and it was never considered a crime. This wasn’t racially motivated and not all of the women were even white. You can stop trying to be oppressed.

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