Suspected serial killer arrested in Missouri

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kekdo la: Blm will say he was bullied.

kekdo la: Yeah let them out without any tracking what could go wrong?

Stumpy: Ha proof that the government does not need to chip you, this guy been carrying one on him the whole time, his cell phone.

joe mama: Buckwheat has fallen on hard times.

James DeLap: Buckwheat busted!

Hakeem The place 2: Wow interesting he is not white.

CapricornX 73: This is excellent Police work

UKsurgeonFRCS: What difference does his arrest make? He will live in prison amongst his own kind and he will get drugs when he wants them, use a mobile phone when he needs it and eat whatever he likes. This is not a punishment. It's a camp for boys.

Napalm Wolf: At least it wasn’t a knife, getting shot is way less painless

Acai Blu: He is innocent..he's b l a c k

Ken Brown: Hey Shep,hows that Russian collusion thing going?

Matt Dias: Put that pile of crap under the jail.

Trapper: Crab man really hit a low point after My Name Is Earl

Two-Fifty Gaming: This guy looks almost like Crab Man from "My name is Earl" tv show. 😆😆

Brandon: But Joe Biden say that White Supremacy is the biggest threat in the country.

Disabled Vet 512: More likely they just picked up a random blk guy.

Schecher: why this in my recommended

The Sons & Daughters of Liberty: The Legacy Media, these are your Final Years. The American People will not forget the subterfuge and guile you propagated upon them.

Apex Predator: That crescent moon tattoo should be erased with a.44 caliber round.

Angrywhiteamerican: “ White supremacy is the greatest threat to the homeland” joe Biden

Junaidi Salam: what happened to his hair? could it be a place to hide his gun and bullets?

TONEakaSHOW: Ok cool now go arrest the 1000 serial killers in Chicago! Who every weekend and holiday, go around shooting innocent citizens!

H Max: Do we know the race of the victims? Because if they were all white then we have the motivation right there.

The- potato-warrior: Skin color matters

Mas Davis: That is crabman

Britton: Wait....we aren't going to mix race into this story too? 🤔

STAR VIP Tv: Putin in Russia is Laughing !!! Every Day !!!

Richard Cumber: The crescent moon tat seems a signal from the Deep State. Let me guess, a portion of the Islamic world will soon be creating chaos and bloodshed and the media will circle back to accusing Americans of Islamophobia. Same old predictable fake news cycle.

Nishkid641: Never trust a man with that type of hair.

Preston Hanson: Iv noticed those who have face tattoos are really trying to broadcast something and are dangerous losers

Sean Richards: He gonna get his back blown out by those boys in the pen

Kailin Yah: He looks biracial

Kailin Yah: Arrest more of them

Kailin Yah: Good

relax man5050: Where’s the BLM people when these kind of things happen? I guess they really don’t care about others. 🙄

LastNightsSuccessStory: Were all his victims females? Sounds like a women hater.

Lisa McManus: Is he one of the illegals that Biden flew in the dark of night????

New Yardley Sinclair: What's with the Halfro. Looks like someone took clippers to his hair

Jin Sakai: Was the victim black? 🤔 Does BLM care to comment? 🤏🤪

Paul Caro: Hey Crab man!

New Yardley Sinclair: That sounds like a spree killer. Not much of cooling off period.

mopthermopther: Video games create 💀SERIAL KILLERS💀

kevin g: He'll make a fine wife in prison 🍆

Dain Batterton: Ohhhhhhhhhh I’m Shocked he had been arrested before!!!!!! 😧🤤

andy Hadzhinyan: so much for black power

Augie~626~: He will be released soon. Here in L.A. county a cold blooded killer's case was dropped byL.A. County prosecutor Gascon and the killer was released. Just as easy as that.

Cynthia Tucker: He wanted to be famous. Sad. Condolences to the victims families.

John D: That’s jogney lee spider head

Stellar Living: What a pos

kaylene miller: Hey about that kyle rittenhouse trial today where the supposed victim ON STAND admitted he advanced on kyle and aimed his gun to which kyle raised his in self defense. The prosecutor sat at the table with his face in the palm of his hand. Lawyers are calling for a directed verdict. He was innocent all along. GOING TO REPORT THAT SHEP? won't hold my breath.

Lesco Brandon: I lived in Kansas city for a while and heard about people getting killed sitting at red lights, I wonder if this is the guy

heavystarch100: Thats my city...St.Louis the birthplace of haterism and the real town of Perdition!!

OG Juicebox: Wrong again, triggered W people. He's just a common thug. Serial killers are intellectuals who taunt the police with clues. So, reveal the alleged "distinctive manner" of shooting or no dice.

dan ven: I can't believe I'm seeing another white person in black face. Shocking ! 🤣

Tater Tott: Hey...he had the gun on him BYEEEEEEE good ridance

Volk: Wait! Joggers don't be serial killing! U racist!!

pubggaming: Rural oklahoman here, I've never felt safer now that our state has chose to uphold the constitution and observe our right to bear arms, whether it be concealed or not. I stay strapped so I dont get clapped..


pubggaming: Make public hangins great again

Robert Sorenson: S&P up 4.7 percent on the news

BR0DUDEMAN: Those dang white supremacists at it again being the biggest threat to this nation. Why won't they stop?

merlin mage: Thats crazy and messed up for the victims and this guy didnt get caught because people were to scared or didnt see anything when hiding no cops couldnt do anything. If people could defend themselves this types of crimes wouldnt happen so much and unarmed people wouldnt have to run because some bad guy feel like shooting random people. Its not a good feeling to alway have tp be watching your back because you know you dont have a weapon to protect yourself with and criminals know this.

RUFKM CHANNEL: Sons Of Sam ...lives

Laughing Hyena: He killed black ppl so it never made mainstream media. Could’ve prevented more killings had he killed a white person!

Praveen Sriram: Why did YouTube delete my comment????

aoc barbarian: Mug shot looks typical

ISAIAH 29:13*TRUTH: Hmmmmm..... crescent moon in the forehead? That should tell you this is a scapegoat. Paid and orchestrated by the government

jim q: Welcome to Bidens OPEN BORDERS

ISAIAH 29:13*TRUTH: Oh I thought it was government official. They are the real serial killers. Their murder numbers are in the billions...

Emma Peel: serial killer with face tattoo & leaves shell casings. he's not trying to hide his hate. what color were his victims?

Ms Gottaluvme: Psychopath

First Offense: Thanks for leaving Fox shep!

Roger A Butcher: I didn’t notice the crazy tattoo at all, my brain was stuck on Side Show Bob.

Andreas Maceyra: He's no Bundy.

Skarekrow: And it's... Darnell Turner from 'My Name is Earl'?!

Nick Dent: Woah he got eye liner on!

Manny Bravo: Wow there actually reporting news that really matters to us regular folks.


Lawn Man: Thanks for covering this Shep

Renee & Vic: That’s the town right next to us!!!😱

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