HAPPIEST SEASON Trailer (2020) Kristen Stewart, Comedy Movie

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K1RTB: Did a straight person write this?

Maybe Later: Schmaltzy, boring movie.

Tara& Jessica: Alison , Kristen,Dan thank you !!thank you !!! Thank you !! My wife and I loved your movie❤️❤️❤️❤️you hit some great topics I felt like I was watching my life lol no seriously my life lmao 😂 Dan you make me laugh ! Love you !!! Great movie ❤️❤️❤️

Emma Staub: *This movie was sooo good!! Love these types of LGBTQ+ movies*

Raya Angelique: I cried so hard when Harper came out. I've never cried while seeing a movie before.

Lory Corb: Great Kristen

Leslie Lili: This is gonna be my Christmas movie this year and mostly this is so great to see Kristen in a joyful movie like that.

Conserv Media: this is trash lmao

Leftatalbuquerque: What is it with this current obsession with bobby pins?

TimeFliesAway: Mr. Stein is alive! 😱

realpqleur: Something smells fishy here.

Clancy Choo: "WhAt are you doing in the closet?"

lovely89: I loved this movie totally recommend if you're a fan of kristen :)

JUST JACK: I really wanted to like this movie but it just confirm that none of the two main actresses should’ve been casted in a comedy, they played all the scenes heavy handed. ( spoiler........ spoiler.......... stop reading if u hvnt seen the film yet please ..... spoiler ..... stop reading if still want to see the movie, it’s not a bad movie after all!!! ) in the scene where she was arrested for shoplifting, I cant help myself but thinking of a similar scene in There’s Something About Mary and what an actor with comedy acting skill would have done in that scene. Kristen acted through the whole movie as a psychlogical drama and I only blame the director for this. Also make you understand why Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan or even Katherine Heigl worth all the big bucks, you really need actors with comedy acting skill to make these movies work.

enkayar: This is the first all white cast movie I've been interested in seeing in... years.

Cyn Y: This movie was just so bad. Tired, contrived plot, no energy, uninspired acting. They should have turned it into a horror film.

DigiDigi Dip: My kind of movie before the holidays ❤ Also I just watched this and it was awesome 😭😭

Aubrie Agado: came here for Aubrey Plaza lol

Jillian Marcellin: I wanted Abby to dump Harper and I'm mad it didn't happen

niniel: Omg why everything about this movie is cringey ew

Gnostic72: I just finished watching HAPPIEST SEASON. Great cast, great writing, likable and relatable characters & situations, great acting with funny and heart-breaking at the same time. The last 10-15 minutes of this movie pays off very well. I highly recommend this movie. It’s NOT JUST a Christmas movie about lesbians—it’s MORE THAN THAT. It’s about family, being true to one’s authentic self, how lies/deceit destroys relationships rather than hold them together, it’s about unconditional love. ‘Coz love is love is love is love... I highly recommend this. It won’t be a waste of your time.

Traudl Ha: WHY do they make this Trailers telling us everything?

Shruti Pandey: I like her hairs in this ❤💋

J M: Done watching,i love it

steve jessemey: Yet another American movie with the ridiculous ummmmmmmmmmmms. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhs , uhhhhhhhhhhhs

Alexandre Gingras: Want. To. Watch. Now.

Sauce Boy: This movie is completely insufferable

Esteban: Boring, dumb humor... it should be more drama than comedy, I liked the characters tho

Gisele Magnin: O god it's so painfully real. I'll be seeing this holiday film lol.

Phil P: I'm sooo happy Hulu did this! It's gonna piss off trump cultists 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Carrie-: the only christmas movie I'd actually watch and I'm not even lesbian or anything, seems fun

Rafael Geraldo: I wanna watch this

Mrs. Kathleen Antuna: I watched this movie this evening. I thought of a woman I met 6 years ago. I still have the coming out poem she wrote about herself. I hope she does not wait until her bones are brittle to come out of the closet. I will always love her.

ok Meg: They're still trying to shove Kristen Stewart down our throats, smh I love Dan Levy, but I can't watch a movie with her in it, it's a skip for me

anastasia: Boring. It's 2020 not 1920.

Henry Gondorff: Not interested in ANOTHER movie throwing a biracial and Fay couple in every plot....

BitterSweetReverie: What is Kristen Stewart doing in a Hallmark movie?

tsunderella 194: Kristen is soooo hot. Not relevant to anything, but I had to say it.

Brodie-tzu: Looks silly-fun. Daniel Levy you say? I’m in! 😃

Joe Thomas: Kristen looks just like a fairy elf

Pauline Valdepeñas: How to buy and watch this?

BROCCO LEA: I’m not sitting here at 4am crying

Ishaal Khan: “WhAt ArE YoU DoInG iN ThE ClOsEt!?!?” xD

stranger 31: Kristen Stewart is one of the more manlier looking transvestites in Hollywood. I have ZERO attraction to her. I just automatically know she's unnatural. Why do these starlets always have such broad shoulders? And then when you walk around the city you don't see anything close to that?

Лиля Blabla: damn, sound editing is do bad, everything is mixed terribly and you can't understand half of lines they're delivering :-/

Bxbxb 1_: I hate Christmas movies but this looks like my style yesss

Michelle Mgbeke: I would hate it if my partner were ashamed of me. Or hiding me away from their family, i would leave because i deserve better. Not to be someone’s secret...

Jay H: When I saw " WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE CLOSET" I said, campy fk this movie. I get it, they are gay.

valerie boudreau: Why does Dan levy remind me of the waiter from the diner on Saved by The Bell??

Briana Barnett: It was so gooood

PMC: Turgid Muck

Downest Foo: Gay

Traumatized Llama: Will it be on anything other than Hulu?

Laura Gahan: I worked at the Country Club where they filmed some scenes. You can see it at like 1:18.

Raragin Hotarubi: I just can't believe She was Bella Cullen?! Did she divorced Edward or something?

soulofmiami: "Has she ever MET a lesbian???" is one of the funniest lines ever

Camile Ingrid: 🇧🇷

Kate Dimosthenous: 1:28 I still don't know...

chibi matongo: Nope

Lori Laroo: You had me at Dan Levy

dahblackness: Okay like lowkey kinda like this trailer hopefully the over analysis people won’t try to creator there own message behind it and let a good looking movie just be a good looking movie

Purpletactics: So this is a lot like the movie White Chicks... with actual white chicks.

Tom F: this one better be half decent or Kristen Stewart's career is over

ZorritoGamer: Mackenzie and Kristen, I am in jajaja

Curas1: Oh ok maybe this won't be a heavy handed preachy pro lgbtqiac message piece ... 1:50 oh yeah, there it is.

Humane Enough: Where can I watch it now it’s out🤓

A White Person: Did I stay up until midnight to watch this movie right at release? Yes. Did this hurt my heart many times? Yes. Did I want to curb stomp Harper most of the movie? VERY MUCH SO.

M A.: I’m here bc this reminds me of my brother who’s still not ready to come out yet to my parents and I’m the only one in our family who knows, i think i might cry watching this, ik i helped him in hiding all the bfs he brought into our home and will always be, but looking at him, ik he wants also the freedom to just not hide even a bit of it.

Fábio Polónio: 4 LGBTQ Romantic Christmas Movies in a Year!😲 My big gay Christmas fantasy is coming true!🏳️‍🌈 The Christmas House (Hallmark) - 22 November 2020 Happiest Season (Hulu) - 25 November 2020 The Christmas Setup (Lifetime) - 12 December 2020 Dashing in December (Paramount) - 13 December 2020 Disney would never!😂😂

Jenny Meilin: why they gotta do Mackenzie Davis dirty with that wig

Golden Gurl: Uhhh....Mackenzie Davis, anyone!??!

Tien Lee: What everyone sees: lesbians story What I see: christmas movie about two people that love each other

Cameela: the romance comedy lesbian film i have been waiting my entire life

Marta Nodzykowska: Her hair is literally burnt,we cannot call it fashion tren or whatever it is what is burnt blonde.

Mint Mindy: I cannot wait !!!! Can 25th come alr?!?!?

Swetha Sajan: The fact that my girl friend is coming home for this christmas is making me feel excited and nervous at the same time!

Chaz: This looks awful, despite the stellar cast.

Shreeya Sawant: After this I fell so sad for harry and louis... 😭

C 2 M 6 M: I think this movie has a very strong moral guidance that really affects reality as well on our society.. can't wait to watch this especially K.stew here🥀

rafael belo: can i ask you pls what she true acc in facebook or if she never have what is her true youtube channel can you ask her pls im her fan im girl too can you pls say to her? pllsssssss

ELLEN Ko: Shocked about seeing Kristen in a comedy film, but the trailer looks great! Looking forward to watching it!

Agyenim Boateng Princess: I love Kristen and this movie so much 🥰

Jessica Bailie: ’what are you doing in the closet’ haahhahahahahha

joyce gabriel: What's life without love,, I'm 29 single lesbian,, you?????,

Matthew: finally the lesbian Christmas movie I needed.

Laura G: "wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg iN tHe ClOsEt" haha😂🤣 OK I'm sorry

Dandelion Minky: so "wattpad" stories.. but I will watch it

fierro por la 300: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

aditya swarup: Man Daniel levy always leaves me in stitches with his high pitched frustrated voice 😂😂😂

Dmitry Berzins: no one loves lesbian comedies, even lesbians

qopoy dnon: watching it no matter what time of year it is.

anbillie: Funny. People who would justify her lie based on being gay would be appalled if it was based on race. Like it or not the girl is a coward. She isn't fearing for her life. She is afraid of a bad reputation and being disown. The point is she also lied to her gf. If she wasn't ready to have the conversation then she wasn't ready for a relationship. A white person with a racist family could say the same thing about their black bf? Should that white person also be justified?

Dog Lover: Is this movie out can I watch it online? If so where?

Phillip [Christian] YouTube: The universe is finite because, infinite matter cannot move without an outside prime mover, therefore, beyond the curvature of the finite universe is an eternal and infinite in size property. Universal consistency [countless stars] proves that property has a consciousness and is not random, therefore God exists. God is an eternal and infinite in size spirit with a consciousness. We can test God’s infinite size and the mechanism God uses to create visual objects by closing our eyes and visualising anything. In a naturalistic worldview, infinite matter either eternal or from absolute nothingness needs an outside non-physical prime mover to get the big bang and to make more objects inside of itself. Without an outside non-physical prime mover, naturalism is a false worldview. Fire consists of the full colour spectrum. Genesis 1:3, And God said, “Let there be light,’’ and there was light. Matthew 25:41, Then he will say to those on his left, “Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’’ Galatians 1:8, But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! This entire message is free to copy and paste to anyone, God Bless, brothers and sisters.

Sakshi Gairola: 2020 just got a whole lot better!!!❤️

Marusia Marusia: Kristen can do no wrong, she is fearless. For the 1.1K dislikes, watch another movie!

halima peru: Plot twist, everyone knows they're lesbians. LOL!

jaii cee: Can't wait

anakurama: I was gonna come and complain about how KStew still has a career since she is a mediocre actress........but this movie looks like a lot of fun. lol. KStew looks well casted here :)

Ugis 0: Fuck now I wanna see it but don’t want to get hulu...😐

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