HAPPIEST SEASON Official Trailer (2020) Kristen Stewart, Alison Brie Comedy Movie HD

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chris k.: Damn Kristen is very sexy in blonde,btw pity she isn't attracted in men anymore.

raga raga: wow..guess i'll be giving this a miss this christmas

Netflix MovieHD: Happiest Season f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E HD | Original Movies ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➱ t.co/ZQhv9Z62JL?nara Leurs états de sant respectifs les empechent de s'approcher trop pres l'un de l'autre.??22

Ahana Kashyap: https://youtu.be/eU16Sccpj7E

Penelope _: "Yes I'm very sexually attracted to her, a female" *my best friend three years ago from deep within closet.* Me: yeah right Him: wait what!? Me: wait.. What? Him: how do you kn- Me: wait- Him: .... Me: .... Anyways we are still friends and he's still closeted just with a boyfriend now.

MissMai: I will take all the gays i can get. Too much of straight movies out there

DerfMag azine: A massive mess of unoriginal stupidity

Red Rose: Would it be nice to have a wholesome lesbian movie without it being focused on coming out? Yes. Will I still be watching this 100%? Yes

Suchismita Gupta: Nice👍

Katie neves: Aw this is a good trailer

Yasmin Benavente: En donde, Netflix, Hbo?

Karupé Ma: Yt is like, girl plz dont be Mackenzies character, and im over here like LIFE IS NOT A FUCKING MOVIE *screams diabolically*

Cally Cagney: All the people praising this movie as if it such a great new concept. How about we have a LGBT+ Christmas movie that isn't about coming out, hiding in the closet but instead have one like the thousand other Christmas movies about straights characters where the main theme isn't their sexaulity. Now that would amazing and groundbreaking.

The X In FOBs Phoenix: Looks like a great movie

Rue Telmo: Love you Kristen 😘

Hind-A 20: Another gay movie

Donahí Soto: This will have better sales than all Kristen's movies together 🤣

Dramatically precious literature: This a true sentence that everyone has a different life!

victoria olaosegbe: Thats the plot of the whole movie right there

Grace Vega: Its like a lez bomb movie ..i love mackenzi davis in terminator name grace te acting is superb.

Jennifer holmes: That looks cute

mohammed shamran: G shit 😔

feralnerd5: "Have they ever met a lesbian?" aksdghfjlsjgdkf i cannot WAIT for this

Jorge Navarro Dongo: first time I see this actress smile

Samantha B: Lol professor stein is her dad

Nisha Rathore: " I nailed that & she's fabulous" - that face & expression 😂😂😂😂👌💯 I love this guy already who ever he is. He's a next big thing ❤️

Hussien Alsafi: 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼☺️☺️☺️☺️

Qualimar: I actually like Kristen Stewart and this looks fun but the only time in this trailer she looked remotely believable as straight was in the thumbnail. (Also totally calling that we'll get a 'twist' with one or both parents being secretly gay.)

Ancel George: I don't even swing that way but I'm happy y'all are getting some good representation. So excited for this movie!

jada thai: This is a good trailer... let’s hope this doesn’t bomb ❤️

FREE Will Dummies!: Happiest kristen Stewart thumbnail 😅😂🤣. Her face has been like this 😱 since twilight lmao.

Alicia Martin: I just want Kristen Stewart to be my mother

CalvinRR: Why does kristen chose to be gay when she's so beautiful' always loved her movies with jesse eisenberg

Philippine V: "They also think that i'm straight" 😂😂😂😂 Kristen Stewart straight ???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

kristin stewart: Amazing

AmriSleepy: not bad line up. even Mary Steenburgen, milf from the proposal. noice.

Nada Umutoni: Am I the only one that came for Kristen and stayed for Dan Levy !! Absolutely love him

Sage Land: Can you imagine waking up and finding Kristen Stewart on one side and MacKenzie Davis on the other? Thanks Heaven.


Transcendency_: Been looking forward to this film since forever!

luiz guilherme moreira sales: Oh NICE Hello I From Brasil so Christhmas N_N

Ellie: definitely not the 5th time i've watched this in two days

ISOBEL: Swear to God Kristen Stewart is the cutest human being on the planet 😩😩😩

A A: Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Kulvinder Singh Katnoriya: Kristen Stewart gay


Procious: Why does Kristen Stewart keep getting work?

Smoothsails: Hmmmmm, I’m afraid of the backlash is I say that looks like shit, but that looks fucking horrible!

Niko B: I wish I was a lesbian

Milk Sips: This looks lovely!

Michael Singer: Kristen comedic timing is so good. Also Mackenzi Davis, Victor Garber, Alison Brie, Dan Levy, etc.

Ang R: God, this looks awful. Just so God awful.

E&A Graphics: "What are you doing in the closet?" Me: Ha, I know right...

Stepan Serdyuk: Damn, is Aubrey leveled up or what!

Ash: its the lack of chemistry for me

Hambin - in: Que día es el estreno y por que plataforma? se ve buenisima.

Tasrif khan: Stewart <3

Edward Diggory: oh kristen 💖

croitor2009: It's not fair...I cannot watch it in Romania...

Maldwyn Dobbs: It looks hilarious, this looks like one to keep.

Rain Drops: The ONLY two girls I've a crush on this entire planet, comes as a couple in a movie!!! What. More. Can. I. Ask. 💜

AFTAB KHAN: I don't know why i hate this girl!

DonRej Stevenot: This seems boring, which is shame, but the closet joke kind of gives away the boringness :/ but maybe I'll give it a try anyway

Alice Priestley: Omfg it has to be +18.

Oai: que mal que actua esta mujer Kristen Stewart siempre pone las mismas caras en todas las peliculas

Anja Abi Nader: Mr. Andrews and Clara Clayton in one movie? Hell i'm in!

gnurt AEDD: ANNIE'S PRETTY YOUNG. WE TRY NOT TO SEXUALIZE HER! I'm only here for Alison Brie

Lilith: I will totally be watching this movie when it comes out ..............peace ✌ out

Lucius Pl: No one cares you are a real lesbian.

Mpho Mogatusi: Ahhh another woke movie when is the new Batman coming out?

Keith Nayo: I cant wait

stealthb0y1: wow she's a lesbian, how fancy

Siti Dee: MCKENZIE DAVIS! that is all.

Maria Gina Sonia: It should be abby plaza with kristen stewart

Ungrateful Bastard: Huh, this is new from her

Sebastian Koehn: go gays!

NOXISUM: I normally watch everything Kristian Stewart but this looks a little to ....... Um 😐......... how should I say this?🤔....... ......not meant for my straight male un-targeted audience group

Sayan SenGupta: I see Stewart and I click. Addictive..

Nikhil Verma: Kristen Stewart with long hair my love ❤️

Silver Fritz Reah: THE GAYS LOVE IT!!!! (altho im prettyyy sure the overall plot kinda seemed familiar to me, idk whaaat film but its out thereee) anyway,, WE LOVE IT

Cristian Delpiero: Always satisfied when i see Kristen Stewart , idk why

nini fungna: looks good, i've been looking for it , but i haven't found this series..... thanks for upload....

buffy455: I want to watch it nowwww!!!!

昱賢江: Is anyone know what the song name?

Whitney W: kristen stewart looks so hot in this

RRG: Im here for the schits creek guy :D

Jim Moore: Looks like it's going to be a gay Christmas

Dana Villano: YAAAS CAN'T WAIT

Nico_beingBeeGee: K STEW......sure.....whatever it is, watched personal shopper last night at 4 am, this will be fine.


cdwadams: What year is it? 1990?

glaiza Pizza: Mckenzie Davis and Kristen Stewart.. this make so excited and happy

xenogen xaris: gay

Immaterial Divine: Another sjw film just what 2020 needs

S. Ayala: I feel this is going to be another of those "woke movie" failures.

Agdak-Peace Naunted 20T Feend zu Flealess: So Bella ends up being lyk R. Kelly hwile Her Demise My Rise d8s chix : : tht r chix , , this should b a gud mix

Milton The Great: Why is everyone in a movie rich, and they don't even notice? Big house. More normal people please.

karthik sai: Song?

Andalosity: Dan Levy? Sold.

Akosi Aya: I still love MacKenzie's pixie hair 😣😁 not this one ✌️

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