Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser Trailer 2021 - Netflix Breakdown and Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser Trailer video and Easter Eggs. Post all your predictions in the comments! Here's my Full Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 2 video too!

RG: Awesome....glad to have hopper back he is totally awesome

Joseph Wolf: The upside down world 🙃 mother Russia remember no Russian

Joseph Wolf: 😩 I seriously I can't wait for season 4🙃 and this would have been ready started already if it wasn't for stupid Corona...2020 = upside down world 🙃

hippielongg stockings: i knew he was alive they can t kill him <3 hes 11's dad <3 i balled like a baby tho still lol

Grayson Welly: I think eleven is going to get her powers back and grab a picture of hopper and find him in Russia and save hopper eleven is going to close the gate again and it’s another wtf moment at the end

Chelc Gmail: Damm haven’t watched stranger things videos in ages

Théo Lepreux: I mixed Stranger Things and Back to the Future. Go see

derbeh: For everyone wondering how Hopper will get out of Russia, how about this scenario: Hopper is able to access the Upside Down and make it through to Hawkins, or The kids make their way to Russia via the Upside Down and rescue Hopper, or A little of both: Hopper finds his way to the Upside Down and concurrently the kids fo as well, and meet in the middle?

rasta man: Hellfire club is a place in Ireland we’re some dummy’s think is haunted 😂

Donna Sweeney: Wished they hurry up I can't find anything good to watch on Netflix!

Longsandwich BLT: I think the hopper is actually a double in the from the upside down and hop died in the explosion

Jared Trujillo: i think that hopper survived when joyce did the switch because he mightve just been blown to the wall, giving him a concussion and then leaving him on the floor where the rest of the russians got him and then hopper got brain damage and cant remember anything so they mind blazed him into being a russian since he cant remember anything, eventually some things with hopper will remain in his head and will try to get out of there, or el (jane) and the gang will interfere with a message like they did before or they get a note that wasnt supposed to be delivered to them, leaving them to try and rescue hopper for thanksgiving/christmas. remember the end where they said "not the american" in a cell with demogorgons??? yea that could have been him remembering but still in time trying to not go insane or something. idk this just a theory

Michael Funk: wow. amazed they keep making season 1 over and over and over again...

RoboKnight37: Hellfire club? so basically they're going to start performing Satanic rituals or something??? I hope they don't go down that route , that's going to get pretty weird pretty fast.

Louie - Brawl Stars: Well before quarantine stranger things had completed 2 ½ episodes so likely they season will come out in late March or early April probably around Easter because they like to release their seasons on holidays

Mr king kung: I'm so sad they didn't bring any of the other kids with powers

Ben Magga: He escaped through the ladder in season three. Look at the back when hopper is looking at Joyce. You will see a ladder that is how he escaped. Then the Russians took him

okolekahuna: Love this tv series. I'm glad they're having a season 4. Wow, Netflix got some great shows, including Stranger Things, Cobra Kai and Haunting of Hill House.

Ellie Dickey: i know abat the sesoney 4 is out in febyouare UwU Okie

Matt Berry: Im surprised the Simpson's didn't predict this too

Russell Coleman: Russia, Russia, Russia 🤔.

mecra: Oh, this series still exists.

Juan Rivera: I think that right when it flashed he droped down and hanging on the ledge

290 Shiju Daniel 290: They might be using the upside down like the nether in Minecraft

Justa Mannn: I think he was transported like the Philadelphia experiment.

a guy: Ook

Yulia Evan: I knew hopper is alive. Of course.


Gina Guerra: I bet erica will be in highschool as a freshmen and joining the hellfire club

Sean Red Fernan: I mean, it was really obvious during the season ending that Hopper was still alive. Is it just me or what? I even thought he was just blasted to the other world or something. But I've always known he wasn't dead.

Xander Bradley: Season 4 will come out 2021 and the kids are to be high schooler

Jos Ray: I think he gets teleported in that scene. I thought that as soon as I saw se3

Nick White: Good thing they are bringing homeboy back. Cuz I never accepted his death anyways.

rockybaby31: I think that Eleven's powers aren't working because she had part of that monster inside of her leg. Even though she got it out the remnants of the monster is now in her blood. Maybe she will begin to have night terrors and visions about what the monster is up to and she will discover that it's in Russia. That's a theory 🤔

Josh Wasley: Man you got the most soothing voice I’ve ever heard

Famous J: I think Hopper is trapped in the Upside Down. The Hellfire Club has to go into the Upside Down Universe to rescue Hopper.

R99: I need billy hargrove back

Kaitlyn Sheridan: I hope they do not bring back the mindflayer. How boring to bring back a bad guy already used in 2 seasons. PLEASE DO A NEW MONSTER

ZC gamer and reacts: I don't think this is Hopper. Hopper 'died' and his memories have either been replaced with someone else's or started to build along with the people he was with. Or this could be a alternate hopper or something.

T-Cave Playz: huge fan i lov ur vids :D <3

T-Cave Playz: may i enter the giveaway bc i think he surrvived by going back to the past through the upside down

Sarah Rose: It looses sound! Just after the trailer

TheGamingKangaroo: Its probably gonna be released July to September 2021

Ethan Spranget: ????????????????????????/

Benny Dewey: I thought hopper would have jumped into the portal to the upside down until this trailer.

Muggles Cake Sniffer: He went through the upside down hole to the left of the scene but the machine somehow made it link with Russia or The russians took him to get information about the upside down.

jaxkills4cash: This better be the end Or it runs the risk of going the route of The Walking Dead and never knowing when to die

RK S1N1STER: Is this fan made? It looks like shit if it’s the real thing. Assuming their budget went down low if it is real.

Justin Icke: Can't wait for this new season

jeobert formentera: missing alexei

Jaxonception: 2021 is going to be an exiting year a new JoJos bizarre adventure event is coming out and stranger things season 4!

CRAB JAB: Hopper went to the upside down and the bomb went off. He escaped via another doorway in Russia. That’s why he never died

Donny Zelaya: Hopper climbed down the ladder into the upside down at the end of season 3 that why it went black and he dissapered at the end to climb down

Braulio Rivera: I think both stranger things 4 and 5 will have Andrew McCarthy as dustins grandpa.

Braulio Rivera: I think stranger things 4 they will meets dustins grandfather richard played by Andrew McCarthy.

sager R: Its been 84 yrs already still waiting for str4

BDT13 YT: Why can’t I watch this?

Oli T: They ruined arguably the best reviel by showing hopper alive and last seasons dramatic ending

Gina Guerra: Omg i stopped following you after game of thrones i missed ur videos!!!

Steven T: Kids are gonna be 25 by the time this ends.

Shannon Johnson: Narrator needs to choose between pronouncing the town name as "Hawkings" or "Hawkins" -- it can't be both.

Peter Kosik: (for the giveaway) i think he may have survived it because of eleven, maybe she had a type of radiation around her which eventually he developed aswell this could make his "power" and when the laser exploded maybe he covered his body and made a forcefield but he is stuck in another dimension so maybe he needs to get out

Zach Landon: Hellfire club was a real social club from like scotland who supposedly did black magic and shit.

handless watch: What a coincidence.. I literally was looking up to see if this was supposed to be out in July

Russ Beecher: I mean the thing they exploded probably created a worm hole that shot him to the other side of the world

A S N: I want billy back

Death Trap: I was thinking that maybe Hopper might of jumped off the platform he was standing on, because if you look close enough there is indeed a drop. But there are a couple of problems with this theory: #1. How far down is the drop? #2. How far does Hopper have to go to get out of the blast radius? #3. Could something like scrap metal project Hopper from the blast? These questions need to be answered in order for this theory to work But remember that’s just a theory a FILM THEORY

Brandon Bitsilli: Man they better grow on other kids with powers like 11 and her sister .

SALTYNewfie: My guess: season 3 was 1985, season 4, since it is party set in USSR which included Ukraine in 1980's... will most likely be 1986, so maybe there will be a link by the end of the season to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster which happened April 1986. Opening up a dimensional portal may cause damage to a nuclear reactor... idk, just a thought

Shaeq Gabol aka reverse flash and flash: 1:15 listen closely someone saying hopper

SickLog 420: There is literally a ladder leading down at the machine, so i think hopper climbed down and the just went down all the way and was caught

inamik8157: I'm sure that he flew so far away that he sustained almost no injury, except he lost his memory.

stan: Dude in the last season of Stranger Things they give Dungeons & Dragons game to Erica Sinclair

Cancel 1010: Love ❤️ from north east india Meghalaya

Rudy Black: I pretty sure they lost alot of their fan base for the extended wait along with cobra kai.Just watch

Styrmir Wíum: Hopper climbs down the ladder from the lightning machine and enters the gooey tunnels from season 2 and gets caught mid escape

Styrmir Wíum: Did everyone miss the one frame where Hopper jumped into the time travelling delorian with doc Owens and time traveled to 1 day later in Siberia. That’s obviously how he lived. It was foreshadowed in the movie theater

Sherlyn Solis: So is hopper dead or...?

Amphibian: So basically its going to be some "you thought you defeated me but i was only using a flesh puppet" with the mind flayer, or maybe a new threat, maybe the entire upside down itself

GLM 26 • 98 years ago: You said that everything that exists in the real world is existing in the upside down. What if there are like two versions of human beings too, in the real world and some "copys" in the upside down. And eleven hadn't have "superpowers" anymore bc the upside down version of her got hurt or smth like that. So what I try to say is, that some irregularities between the upside down and the real world could cause extraordinary things, like -in Elevens case- super powers. Its very unlikely that this is true, but was just thinking about that. Great vid!

Danielle Williams: Totally think that Hopper went thru the upside down gateway

Wakeless Pluto: Meh...I could not finish season 3. this show sucks. season 1 was good, but thats pretty much it

Senior Quackington The III: I hate in a series, when they make an episode detouring from the storyline, but I won’t complain if they make 1 whole episode JUST for hopper. We need way more story, from his past, and how he is still alive and where he got to currently. Maybe that’s why there is 9 instead of 8 episodes.

AstroBoy: Your videos are so deep... Keep it up!

HACKTACULAR !: The upside down is just another dimension it doesn't transport things instantly. Maybe it's a way for the Russians to travel undetected but there has been nothing in the show that says it tasnsport you somewhere faster

JackRex 18: I hate it when people say he jumped through the portal in the Russian base, it’s clearly not far enough to jump to

Rowley Jefferson: can’t believe they had to show us he was alive, they know everyone will watch it anyway so WHATS THE NEED

Teresa Dutton: waiting...

Jigmey Chosang: Am so excited about this

Timothy Wilkes: Is the Soviets trying to weaponize supernatural forces a riff on Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost arc with the nazis and it blowing up in their faces.

fakeaintreal: season 4 plot. Russia Okay lets use the upside down to transport a nuke from here to usa.

Timothy Wilkes: I hope its better than series 3 which suffered mostly because of its story/writing. Half the cast didn't get to do anything or did very little e.g. Lucas, Will, Jonathan. The Max and El friendship felt very forced even if Millie and Sadies chemistry was good. Hopper and Joyce have been reduced to a bumbling arguing Midnight Run duo. I can't quite understand why Joyce is a source of comedy now and not the sad prone to worrying neuroses parent like first two seasons. Yes the personality is still there but its now used as humour which I don't understand. Hopper, now having done away with realism. Is now a Magnum P.I. Indiana Jones riff. Yes its the 80s but that's not how his character was established. Again, much like Joyce. He was as troubled small town cop not a this now stereotypical mouthy action hero with questionable behaviour. Steve and el are completely different to but at least that didn't give me wip lash.

DoIt ForU: Here comes american propaganda who Russians are bad.

Melanie Smith: Meh.

Иоганн Вайс: Русские никогда не поджигают огонь в бочках...

DOOM MARINE GUY: In the next teaser Hopper will start seeing Reznov and plan his escape


J Holyroller: Yeah it's all about CERN people

J Holyroller: You can see how all this stuff is biblical can't you guys and y'all don't even care to nuts man that kid was carrying a blanket over his back they had the devil on the back of it and y'all don't even see it it's just nuts you let your kids watch this crap and I don't get it and I just don't get it

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