Stranger Things Season 4 Trailer 2021 - Eleven and Hopper Netflix Breakdown and Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Stranger Things Season 4 Netflix Trailer video and Easter Eggs! Post all your predictions in the comments. Here's my new Marvel Phase 4 and Eternals Trailer video too!

Rae Lynn: While this was cool, I had hoped there be more new footage than this.

crayzmarc: Does anyone watch this anymore???

SpeedbreakerNo1: Am I the only one who sees the big "5" in the camera lens???

Corkey: In the massive plinko machine the balls land on 4 and 7 4 + 7 = 11

MoMo Nasri: How the heck did he survive from that explosion 💥

Cleve: I stopped watching after season 2 but why did it transition from the boys being the main characters to 11 being the main characters? Wouldn't regular boys trying to fight off monsters be more interesting than a super powered girl who happens to have the exact powers needed to fight said monsters?

Amit Swarnkar: Man It's been so long I have forgotten about Stranger things😂

saurabh Sukhdeve: What about flash ?? Why you ignoring it

That one RC Car guy: Dude you missed the plinko Easter egg 4 and 7 were covered 5 and 6 were open ….4+7= 11….5+6 = 11 lol just a clever little Easter egg

sinister gains: The 4 and 7 probably just meant 11. 4+7

Rui Seabra: 4+7 is 11, but it could also be July 4th...

zootddrnl: I think the Plinko Game is 4+7= Eleven ;-p @emergence awesome

awoken V: Season 3 blew fat chunks

Thomas Parolin: dude just make bad back star wars vids

VisionaryHi: Man so much hype for this New Mutants movie

Cousin Pete: Sooooo no one is helping hopper??

mboiko: Plinco results...4 + 7 = 11

Neal Mcbeal: Me: Holy shit, more of them?!? Not even five seconds later : 0:15

Whomp Rat: WERE... NOT... EVER... GONNA... STOP... MAKING... NEW... SEASONS...

Felipe Morales: 4 & 7 = 11, so maybe it was her playing that game

Chris Boone: Hopper becomes Red Guardian in this labor camp! Then a few years later he meets Natalia Romanova Black Widow!!!

JoBIRDMAN BOM: The 3 4 5 6 the 4 is covered there on 4th season 5 , 6 might be to more seasons stoping at 7

Noah Reed: This is giving me new mutants vibes

Gian Espineda: The numbers in the plinko game 4 and 7 which adds up to 11, is a reference to the main character.

jo Renz: At least now we know red guardian’s backstory more.

Muscle Bird: I dunno, waiting another year.... thats kind of a long time to wait again and i am starting to forget about whole ST now so i am not sure if im gonna be interested a year from now

Brodes: 4:07 bruh really? 🤦🤦🤦

Anthony M.: 7 + 4 = 11 in the Plenco game

Girlonfire 2.0: I can't wait

Pete Eddy: I really hope they don’t delay it even later! It’s frustrating enough already!

m3lissa021290: when I saw the 4 & 7, I instantly thought of what it equals when you add them two together.... 11 🤷🏽‍♀️

hE neED SuM mAlk: 1-11my theory is they will tell you about the others

C Weed: I just hope it's better than season 3. 1 and 2 were kick ass!! 3 was slow and felt like they were just repeating 1 and 2. I was underwhelmed by 3. Season 4 looks promising but yet, so did the trailers for season 3, so we shall see 🧐🤷‍♀️

travis lockhart: I really hope the additional cast members don’t make the season stupid and continue to keep to its original Content

Sam Carpenter: Joshua Weissman is PAPA

Morbo Kzzuta: Confirmed: Aleksei Shostakov aka Red Guardian infiltrated the town of Hawkins, Indiana in the 80s under the guise of sheriff James Hopper.

myathe plays games: My headcanon is that Hopper goes to Russia and becomes Red Guardian :3

Jdgm987: Papa

RedNaxela: 4+7=11 just saying

Irving Zarazua: Oh shit people still ride this wave?

Francisco Octavius: At this point season 4 will be the kids in college.

Saer Mohammed: This show is too overrated. IMO. people always hyped it up but to ME it aint all that.

SerKikoSmore: I forgot he was supposed to be dead lol.

BattleModeBainbridge: But how can they top a season in the mall yo?

Sun9y: Wtf dose it show “the shining“

D.J. Plays: When yo mama cancels your Netflix subscription

SUHAS SIRIKI: No there is another teaser the hopper one is not 01\04

Photis Theodorou: 7:08 356 days until season drops

hyperjak810: I think the plinko machine is supposed to be for Eleven cuz the 4 and 7 slots were taken 4+7=11

Levi Ackerman: Well wasn't the other psychic girl from season 2 name Seven?

Diandra Durand: Hey are you gonna do bad batch?

Alex Hernandez: Maybe they are just saying Eleven. 4 and 7 adds to Eleven

Scott Blackburn: 5+6 is 11

Samantha Nickson: OMG!!!!!

B. McAllister: So there are definitely other numbers out there that are definitely not good and are either loyal to the assholes in the lab or just rogue and hate everyone and everything. Will be interesting to see what other powers they'll have.

Daniel Hall: 4 plus 7 = 11

Random Hydrocarbons: Pinko pieces in 4 and 7 = 11. Empy slots 5 and 6 also = 11.

carver Augustus: 002? Does that mean we’ll get 02 and Hiro in S4/5

Q Phenom Anon 17: Wow, what a deep dive. I don't think these images specifically mean things. like the chess metaphor, I just think they were testing mind reading and which child could do it better. can this kid control where the plinko chip goes etc.

Mohsen Kiyani: a few things that i think are important to notice: 1 - kids are not touching the cars on the rainbow, they are moving them with their mind power. they are all like eleven 2 - the chess they are playing reference to chess played in blade runner and is a sign of death. and there are six white pieces (boys + eleven + Hopper) that one of them (queen = hopper) is behind enemy lines. and in chess black is in superior position. in if the black pawn move two more squares will reach to the end and would be replaced with a way more powerfull chss piece and mind flyer would have another extremely powerfull avatar in real world. 3 - there is spin top beside the chess board looks like the one from inception but wooden and kinda older version that is obviously not spinning because this is not a dream this is the exact reality that were happened. 4 - i think the plinko falls into 7 that plus 4 become eleven and means all other kids are gonna die and their powers will all plus together and concentrate in eleven. like eleven is the chosen one and they should be sacrificed in case that she could have the ultimate power.

curlyhairdude535: This is unrelated to this, but when are you going to do videos on The Flash tv show? I thought you said you were gonna lay of videos for that since it was only continuing last seasons episode, but at this point it’s for sure into the next season.

jjf: I forgot all about Dusty

Negative -1: bro where are my flash reviews like come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

midoribushi: Supernatural super soldiers and Hopper!


Phil Fowler: These kids are gonna he grown by the time this season releases

Htliven: Pretty much played out?

Diego Rea: Hi!! Will you be doing a video on the recently released House of the Dragon photos and cast/characters?? That would be awesome!!

connor scott: That’s cool that the faceless man is in Russia now! Now, where arya

Luka Krantz: 4:09 “Galen matarazzo who plays dusty” 💀💀💀

Alex: Not sure if the Plinko numbers really mean anything. It's on 7 and 4, which adds up to 11. Could that be it?

Edgar Aguilar: Does any know when it is going to come out?

Akeem Heshimu: How long must I wait for this to come out... :( whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Golgothin Gaming: why did you stop making videos for the flash? Also any bad batch videos coming?

Mason Coop: 4+7=11 maybe🤔


Mcpe Redstone In Hindi: 3 5 6 you add 5 and 6 you get 11 3 novembee

ShadowArtist: I really pray your wrong and they release episodes of season 4 **this year**

JustBlayz: The clock signifies Friday Dec 3 2021

Danica Altmann: Wow this is insane

Siggy: Hopefully the extra episode in season 4 will be better than season 2's extra episode. That was a waste of an hour.

Nick Grey: Or is he introducing 11 is the surprise?Her remembering the other "special kids"

JabbaTheGoertz: 7 + 4 = 11

Red Panda: Everyone, are you listening?

Cheezbud: the numbers shown on one of the games in the trailer could indicate more of 11's "siblings"

Abner Cestari: You need to understand this footage is from the actual series, so the numbers you think are related to the teaser number don't make sense because this is about THE SERIES, it matters in the SERIES context, not in a teaser.

shihab di nero: Still not gonna watch this bollocks TV series,iss boring🤟🏾

Don Pierre: I think its gonna be 356 days from when the trailer dropped till it airs

Al Gore: If its anything like season 3 I want nothing to do with it.

*A Google Account*: I feel like stranger things is on its last legs. Season 1 was really good then slowly downhill from there

Myself: damn so hopper is red guardian's real name?

Justin Henry: Bad batch Easter egg video please

Jackson: Where is your Star Wars: The Bad Batch video??

Nkiruka C: So much awesomeness 🥳

Rob Burminski: I figured the 7 and 4 pointed towards 7+4 =11. Perhaps the two children in said flashback attributed to her getting her powers in the first place?

Conrrado Caballero: Congrats on reaching 4 million subscribers, man!

crash override: Kind of a disappointing teaser tbh

MINIBR000 YT: The kids are gonna be like 19 when the 4th one is released

Doc Melia: They focus on the 5&6 in the plinko game right after showcasing a set of twins in the facility. I think the twins are 5&6. And I think those plinko nails are going to kill someone.

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