Why Are Some Women Attracted to Serial Killers?

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Luc de Heus: Evolutionary theory is the thing. We are engineered by it.

G Paul: Have you ever seen high school girls crowded round a fight? That's why.

Individualist Joe: If this is how women makes decisions, then when society is going through hard times and strong men have to step up, womens rights will be the first out the window. Hell the things a single mom teaches her kid about how to treat a lady will turn him into something she would never touch it that wasnt her son. How the fuckcthey think like that I sont know.

Bosko Vasic: Now i know how to impress my crush, very educational, thank you Joe!

Gerrek Urquidez: Women are not the only ones to blames, guys. This question goes into a gray area, because this happens to men as well. Boredom, unresolved extreme childhood abuse, low self esteem, psychosis, constant rejection/taunting from guys who hate all women(which is just being stupid bitter). Really, the ultimate reason women are attracted to guys/girls with murderous(not violent, the 2 have a thin, hard line from one another) tendencies is an evolutionary trait that was forced into their genetics from years of defending their homes from strangers/invaders. If you look at Neanderthal bones(try finding female), they're shattered or even sliced open from numerous wars and one on one fights.

d coughla: Some women think they can change a male serial killer or any man’s behavior. “With me, it will be different” & “All a serial killer needs is my love” kind of attitude. It’s also a woman’s form of control caused by a severe lack of self esteem.

apollo apollo: They fucking loca

Key Lime: These women give women a bad rap. Just like it’s more common for men to beat women than vice versa, but not all men beat women.

Nacho Friend: "Maybe it's the bad boy thing." WHAT? LOL. I also don't believe it's an evolutionary tendency. Some women are nurturerers. Maybe it's just their personal preference.

Danny Fergusson: " 03:36 so but why is that you know like that's 03:38 something that 03:39 you know making the night stalker or 03:42 even making silk road 03:43 it's like why are we fascinated by the 03:46 underworld 03:47 you know the sort of like the worst 03:49 things that people do to each other 03:51 like what is it you know and and i'm 03:53 you're participating in it i'm 03:54 participating 03:55 anytime we're watching it making it or 03:57 whatever" Most likely because of the insane perverted big nosed psychopaths in good old hollywood

Danny Fergusson: You fucking idiots, all this fan mail is set up to establish an emotional bond so that the S-K might devulge some details about other crimes or reveal hidden or unknown bodies to bring in resolution to cases. Thats literally what it is.

Samuel Savary: Come on man I can't be the only dude who likes serial killer and true crime shit. Its not because I'm hot for the killers its cause its suspensful and morbidly interesting

Al Bolfoni: They are fascinated because it's not something most of us are willing to do

CoffeePants Person: They see the glamorised versions on TV rather than the mentally disturbed, often impaired creeps in real life?

Gates Goin: I think the fascination comes from the unknowables since murder isn’t something that is in everyone’s mind like I’d imagine a murderer or serial killer would enjoy watching and reading about things that occur in everyone’s daily life

Anxious Dreams: I like watching those kinda things and I'ma dude. Actually just watched the butcher baker on discovery+ yesterday was a pretty good serial killer documentary.

animus: whos the guy in the thumbnail

Justin oo: Cause serial killers tend to be mysterious and dangerous, women are attracted to this since they are masculine traits

Scorpion & A Crab: Think it’s more like those women probably experienced trauma and that they find a sense of control choosing to watch obsess or whatever outlet it is towards a darker energy.

bezerc: THe singer of bush has not aged well ....

David O Brien: It's 'an overcompensation'. Lack of excitement in their lives so it becomes a fantasy - at a safe distance.. to introduce a little excitement

Maron inc: With the new studio, Joe beat Elon to Mars.

Nic B.: I know a girl how got abused, beaten ,and almost killed by her ex husband and she still chases after that exact type of man. It's beyond insane so I don't even feel sorry for her.

Luss Doru: Because most women are sexually attracted to dominant men. And killing another human being is like the top of being dominant.

snake85233: Some women take the bad boy thing a little too far, it's illogical and ridiculous.j

STETTLER: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Luka Dacić: We need the bad as a reference point for anything good to exist. Why do people get attracted to it? Because in controlled environments, it's fun. Just like cage fighting.

Bruce Leroy: Nothing strange about broken women

Leon Königstein: The answer to this question is super logical and easy but humanity is brain washed and guess what it's 100% of women who fall for that

GNMbg: I love true crime shows and I am not a woman

DoNNa DoNNa: I really love watching those scary stories it’s really fun

Joy Bautista: Why's it's so hard for people to wrap their head around the fact that there are women out there who find murder attractive? And for the simple fact as why some people find lumberjacks attractive or nerds attractive. They just do. Lmao

Yggdrasil: It's biology.

Scott Simon: LAST 🤬💩

V. N.: Because they are crazier than the serial killer.

meh meh: This is really incorrect, according to this same director, Nightstalker himself was a killer fanboy, as of current we have more famous male killers in the spotlight, but the female ones that we do have, like Arias, Anthony also have male groupies, it's for sure to do with fame, charisma and looks as well (don't think Gein had many groupies). I myself am obsessed with killer docs, but for different reasons, and I think many people are with me on this, as on a psychological level murder docs are the most saturated: the psychology, the back story, family history, false imprisonment, prison system (as I think it's too harsh and broken) , the media involvement in putting police under pressure to rush their investigation and make mistakes, also media involvement in the trial outcome, the two spectrums: lazy, corrupt police, or good police crucified for the mistakes of the jury, judge, public and media. I have become more compassionate watching these docs, as many killers are broken people, who were victims once themselves, and then there's few who really don't feel anything, like world leaders for example, the real criminals, bombing the planet. But I'm not attracted to killers, as I fancy really innocent, kind people, with a clear mind with good hygiene and personality. Apart from groupies, there's many males who have been inspired by killers, as I said, Nightstalker himself was a fanboy. And for the groupies, I used to think it's really this ugly side of femininity, I even wanted to use that in an argument before, but then I looked into it, the modern popstars, they have some really scary, aggressive male fans, so my own bias against women as groupies was incorrect on this. The more the scales are changing, the more females are in the spotlight, the more insanely rich women we have, the more male groupies and male gold diggers pop up. I really don't know what attracts people to bad girls, bad boys, maybe because they think they can break down their own boundaries through them, I don't think they actually fully understand the murder aspect, I think there's a level cognitive dissonance involved, or parental instincts in other cases, the want to fix someone. The fame is probably the need to be noticed and acknowledged. And money: easy life, no worries, no stress. I just assume these are the reasons. I think I myself am not attracted to bad boys is because I'm pretty wild myself, so I actually yearn for stability, I also don't have maternal instincts, so I don't want to see if I can save and change some bad boy.

Ayo_ Terrion: It’s strange to be attracted and to celebrate ppl that hunt humans but men literally hang animals dead skin in their houses of the animals they hunted all the time. All of it is weird macho man things that woman apparently find attractive in men. Gotta love human nature.

whatever: Uh, Kain and Abel weren't even real persons. How the hell can you include them in a serious murder history ratio.

MCI: And why attracted to gay men ? Something not right.

bad thad: Now I know what I got to do 😎

drudill: Cause women be crazy.

demetri church: I think they like it, you ever notice a chick in a relationship that gets hit will cry about it but yet end up back with that person because they like it


Lion King Lito: It’s the best sense of security, knowing that someone will kill for u

C Williams: Women (particularly young women) like serial killers and bad boys because they represent chaos and excitement which is what the woman is naturally attracted to. Things like monotony and order doesn't sit well with a lot of them.

James Evans: These girls would not be attracted to these guys if they were they're during the attack or on the crime scene

Mickey Kyl.: Richard the Night Stalker Ramirez

M Salvarez: Wild guess: (*female voice) ”I believe I can change him*”

trent sketon: No need to worry about exes.

JCElzinga: Cause they are sexy powerful men?

Rye Rye: American expat here. This is definitely more of an American thing. I lump it in with sado-masochism. Also, creepy psychopaths probably had gentic contributions from creepy pyschopoathic mothers. Let's be fair to both genders. These are people finding each other to try and start a cult/gang.

fuze gaming studios: Simple answer: it's the dark triad personality.

Sterling Forbes: Why is it Whitney Cummings has an answer and this dude doesn't even take a swing at it.

Sage Capra: First off most of them are not second, serial killer is apparently use fear and intimidation not to mention apparently some of them use hypnosis. Finally, if the serial killer is killing let's say Nazi murderers, they're not going to exactly be mad. Especially if they're rapists that think it's marriage.

Ho Ho: He is broken. Women love to think they can fix man.

lgwappo: My psychology class discussed this. Professor said "I can't explain it. I don't understand it." He'd been a practicing psychologist for 20+ years.

H. S.: It's the Alpha male thing. It's primitive, like Joe says. But in today's world it's crazy and dangerous.

Steve Muzak: It's like admiration for dangerous animals like tigers etc. He was a violent animal.

Nick: Joe's next words at the end of this should have been "Wait, how does that make us complicit?"

Lando: No woman is attracted to serial killers schmuck

Nicole lady7: I'm guessing because it mostly happens to them? Maybe to help them know what the killers are capable of. And...maybe know how to survive it idk could be wrong?

ICEMAN: People won't like this but it's the truth and you guys have provided an example of it. The Bible says we battle not agaist flesh and blood but against principalities, rulers not of this world. Go back to Adam and Eve. The enemy could not influence Adam but was able to influence Eve. Eve's spiritual side was easily influenced by the enemy and ultimately that is what you see. For the bible states the following: For I do not allow woman to teach, or to exercise authority over men; but she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. (1 Timothy 2:12-14)

Fazz Xides: It turns them on in a primal sort of way

Foo Farew: Because they are physically attractive and understand what they want in life. Chad always wins...even when he’s a serial killer.

kforcer: I think they are a little off when they claim that the modern era is less violent. The 20th century saw the birth of mass genocide on a level that the ancients only dreamed of. Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Ataturk, Pol Pot...they committed atrocities on a level hitherto impossible.

Intuitive Mode: A woman comments: 1. I don’t understand people who like horror, however I like a small amount of true crime between days 20 - 30 of my cycle. During this time I also enjoy thriller-dystopian type materials, like The Stand. 2. I still dislike gore during this time. This is personality related. You’ll also see non-gender related neurological benefits to watching horror for some people. 3. I hypothesise that the upcoming period could be dangerous, evolutionarily speaking. In many cultures, historically, women are sent off by themselves during this time. Bleeding, alone. Predators. I think the true crime appreciation is a kind of priming to manage the potential to need to defend the self. A need to begin to develop awareness and focus on hunters. 4. The majority of women would find the attraction to a murderer repulsive. However, some people have a strong attraction to charisma. That’s beyond what I can explain. However, I suspect it’s likely related to early childhood abuse. Much generalization in these comments. Think better.

Nino Carrion: I'm less likely to be murdered.

Salvador Castro: “Some” 🤣

Vidalsky Ociosen: That’s why the world is so F*** up ! Because most women F the bad person , or sometimes turns the good one into bad , even in the past “ Eve “ turns Adam to defy God but she managed to got away with it and blame the poor Snake.

Sebastian Smith: Answer: They think they can CHANGE him.

morningstar: Men value women who can make life. Women value men who can take life.

redfoxx8488: Psychopaths... i think is the word joe wants.

Jeremie Roy: Strange? No woman think you are going to hurt them: that's why they get so annoying and offensive. Murderers are doing their own thing: women like watching them go: murderers are suspense in a woman's boring life

Jeremiah Brown: They love them because 90% of women believe they can fix thing's..

Kendo Junson: Don't even have to watch the video. The answer is simple: those women are fucking crazy.

Trevor S.: if its very common and it exists. It is not crazy.

Jesus Medina: If he’s attractive women will follow hey I figured it out -.-

Indo .Productions: Great work Joe now unattractive men look up to become serial killars. Look at the views compared to your other videos. You are such a tresour to this world

DJI Mavic 4K: Where are all the feminists 😂

Tim Hendricks: My biological dad was a felon and my step dad was a cop. They had the same attitude but completely different upbringing. My mom obviously liked assholes with aggressive personalities.

Toxichammertoe: Women got issues man!

Nicely Dunwell: Thanks for the dating tips, guys!

Mr. Metalhorse: Guys it's not rocket science. The women who idolized Richard ramirez were just a bunch of crazy bitches. Simple as that. not all women are into that crazy shit.

Victor Relmek: I love murder shows, but I most definitely am not attracted to a murderer!

Jramatik: If it's for the good, it'll end bad. If it's for the bad, it'll feel good. The happy medium is a rare breed... And ladies have a craving to feed.

Tom Lawrence: Must be why women lined up to meet Attila

Hog Fam: As a women I don't claim those girls🤦

Michael Shart: this guy is fishy. better check him out. Joe had him sussed out. Credit where cred it is due.

100 fold return: Why aren't the ladies commenting on this question?

ITSME FOOL: This dude wiping his nose a lot and looks like he's been on the sniff

Smilin' Azzdoggy: Attraction to power which has many different expressions for sure.

Marcus LosGreat: And men still think women want men of character

Johnny Pitbull: Y'all really couldn't answer this question?! It's so obvious.

TheillMadeKnght: Frued is giving you the lecturing parent stare as he condescendingly says, "why do you ask questions I've already answered?"

Jose Zamora: It’s funny that they say that is strange that some women like that. But rogan says that it’s strange but that’s because they don’t understand it. You would think that for a person like Joe Rogan that has all type of people with different crazy stories you would think that he wouldn’t call this strange but I guess he’s close minded I guess.

greg y: ummmmm.. CRAZY??

I Love: I don't know.. I always went to the worst places when I was young in our city for a couple years.. Places where people faught regularly and got shot sometimes. It's also true that after a certain hour those were the only places that were open and I was an alcoholic.. I'm sure I would not have been there all the time or maybe even at all, had I been sober. And I am guilty of falling for "bad guys" in the past. Or one in particular. But it never made me feel safe or protected, at all.. Quite the opposit since he was more horrible to me than to others on a mental level. I am 42 now and over it thank god. Or I think I am over it. Time will tell, but I know I'm out if somebody new shows behavior that looks like my ex's. HECK NO, NO MORE OF THAT! I want to find somebody crazy that is not a whimp but certainly not the type to pick fights with random people at trafficlights etc.. If anything this characteristic puts me off.. But you guys are probably right that these women that go after the likes of Ramirez believe they will be that sole person he will not harm.. And it could be true. There are several serial-killers that had families that they did not harm.

alaskan thundercrack: It's a daddy issue.

The King In The North: I think its pretty simple. Alot of them are just good looking and thats why girls like them. Ted bundy for example has class act look that makes the ladies attracted to him. Should ask why are serial killers usually good looking

Guillotine Tongue: This doesn't make sense evolutionarily because the tendencies towards violence also hurt women....

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