Serial Killers That (Probably) Don't Exist

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Babii Doll: The smiley face killers hmmm gang related could be I mean if you think about it u gotta do something in order to enter into a gang and also to prove your willing to do whatever it takes to join maybe that's what they have to do is kill a young man why men I have no clue but I mean just think about it gangs are vicious

Mah Torta: [ F O O T T R A F F I C ]

cucumber: youre right about the smiley face, im sure ive drew about a few thousand in my time :-)

Cheers Motherfucker!: And that's Ethan Kline in the thumbnail. It's all coming together now

ÞúnráR: Why did you have to go and put a sound of a baby actually on that last one oh man that's creepy as hell

Pupperdogs: Is it bad that I got excited about Shrouded Hand started talking about Vancouver at like 17:00

SmileTOBY: Haha smile 😃

Ocean Templeton: imaging hitting dislike on a shrouded hand video

Xiao Mei: okay but about the last thing... not necessarily serial killers, but *human traffickers* do try to lure women out of their homes with crying children noises or sounds of distressed women crying ‘help me!’ and the like. so it’s not wise to just dismiss it tbh. (and they don’t typically need recordings since they often have real women/children they can force to do their bidding)

L Milly: That police sketch at 22:43 is seriously disturbing man😵

PunkExMachina: The reason why media/ppl shouldn’t give serial killers a name -real or not- it’s cause it creates a certain mystique about the mysterious character and so you inspire copycats to do the crimes described. There’s probably no Manchester Pusher but it is certainly easy to copy.

Mister Timmer: I don't mean to laugh...but the manchester pusher made me giggle. A serial pusher is on the loose! That has to be the lamest way to murder someone i've ever heard.

MIC HAEL: 🎶Foot Loose🎶

G1ForLife: Rest in peace to all the serial killers we've lost over the years. You're all dearly missed by me. In the end you all were just misunderstood beings in a fractured society devoid of understanding, compassion and emotional support.

Kuchi Kopi: Ty for that nightmare inducing thumbnail O_O

Clair Clair: This channel makes me uncomfortable but I’m sure that’s the goal lol

Morgan: Idk if he's uploaded this before, but I swear he's covered the smiley face and foot stories

Ludwig Scultz: The Phantom of Heilbronn 6:43 reminds me bioshock. Reminds me of those paintings in Dr. Steinmans operation room.

Calvin Torgerson: Hey Shrouded Hand, was wondering if you could do a video on horror books?

hankdieselify: I would think the smiley face is the most graffitied symbol easily, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to see them at crime scenes. It is just too much to think there is an underground college murder scene.

SquidkidJenny //Mini Kage: 0:58 "Blues clues in witness protection" Nearly had me spill my water on my laptop. HA

Sandra Weilbrenner: Get your facts straight the 1st guy DID kill people

Robynn 9436: Not gonna lie, the crying baby one made me get up & make sure my doors were locked.

GorillaPlayingSax: That is quite an unnerving thumbnail

zyme: Smily Face Killer...Red John?

Fryrire: Hello shrouded hand, everybody here 👋

Girl VS Life: I grew up in Baton Rouge. Derrick Todd Lee was one of 3 serial killers operating in the same area at the same time. The FBI was completely confused. I got that email. There wasn't a recording, he just knocked on the door and over-powered his victims. Great vid!

crowny mars: Thank you

Amanda ICU RN: The last one reminded me of a ring home camera of a lady about to go into her outside laundry room and heard a man's voice yelling 'help me'. She called the police and she replayed the footage for the cops and you could clearly hear it. Nothing was ever found though.

rosihantu1: 0:55 that's Sam Hyde

Chill Jelloton: The transphobia in the police report is why Im fucking terrified of police

Cookie Katzzz: You should really do a Junji Ito reading! Your voice is perfect for spooky readings!

Pretty Fly: pretty daring going online and telling psycho serial killers they dont exist :X

Rachel Lazenby: My grandad was taken in and questioned because of the Yorkshire Ripper tapes, the family relocated from blyth, Northumberland to West Yorkshire in 1977. He was originally a Yorkshireman but my grandma and their 3 kids were geordie born and bred. Even I have to admit a new family arriving in town in the middle of the spree and only a few weeks before the tape was sent to the police was too suspicious to ignore... apparently it was an interesting couple of days for them all

thebinweevil: why is the Selene Delgado eyes in the thumbnail

Angela Reed-Maddox: well if someone didn't think about it before I think you may have just given them some

Arin Santry: murder mystery args are great, but using active missing persons cases as material? thats fucked up.

spookieolive: it's in not the exact same boat, but when you said covering up a murder with an urban legend the first thing i thought of were the slenderman murderers

fishmarket: your intro is literal ear candy

Chandler The Mandler: Even if catch me killer isn't a killer he is a piece of shit

Allexis13: That thumbnail is terrifying on its own

Thaflo187: I was never this terrified and calm at the same time... He's like the Bob Ross of Horror. Nice work

Andrés An Lozada: So that's where that fake Selene Delgado photo comes from

karldammann: The "Smiley Face Killer" has been debunked for years. The "investigators" are just trying to make money and a name for themselves.

Bread For My Bread Gun: Wooo!!! Love the Sunderland rep 😅😅

Timmy TheTechpriest: *Whispering* hey guys, it’s me, EpicGamer69 here

James Forsyth: Me and my brother heard a random scratching at the Front door one night a few years back and we didn't have a peep hole so my brother grabbed his shot gun and I grabbed my pistol and we had his friend open the door. It turned out that is was my brothers dog who had chewed through one of the screens In my bedroom. It freaked us out because it sounded like it was person scratching not a dog. If it was a person there life wouldn't be alive today that's how bad it freaked us out. And the state we were in we would of gotten away with it to. Especially if it was some one trying to gain entrance to the house by scratching on our door. And also my brothers dog had some of his toys in the yard so it would of been easy for some one to see that there was a dog who lived there. This area had a large amount of Meth addicts so that's what we instantly jumped to. Thinking the dog was in the house.

Myathewolfeh1: I don't buy that the Smiley Face killer is a single killer. Smiley faces are one of the most common forms of graffiti and none of the smiley faces were exactly the same. Some had open mouths, some had a circle around them, etc. Most likely it's just a bunch of small-time killers with no connection to one another.

Pherioxus: I really like your videos about serial killers you've been making recently, I can't wait what SK video you'll make next.

Alexas Machine: That dude looks like Ivan Milan the Backpack serial killer - Australia.

J M: 2009 YouTube was wild

Pinkjessica96: Can I recommend more datura videos. 😊 thanks!!

Kevin Hughes: That last point you made about wondering if urban legends have inspired real killers was actually something I had been thinking of with the "Pusher". I said to my wife while that whole thing was happening, "Gee, if someone did start shoving drunkards off of a bridge, nobody would really know, because everyone would just assume that they died from being drunk on a bridge."

LofiWackPainting: My mom just made some fantastic ass burgers and fries, that shit was fye.

NobleSixFour: As soon as the Smiley Face detectives mentioned the dark web that was it for me in terms of their credibility.

Sauce ///M3: 13 years probation wtf that’s overkill

Ben Cross: Morbid subject but always enjoy your content keep up the good work!

RedEyedBlackWolf: if you had a foot fetish wouldn't you keep the foot XD

MyNintender SexyWhore: That's an interesting point at the conclusion. People think copycat killers do it for publicity which is true but it can also be used to hide their crimes and have the real killers take the fall. Makes you think how many killers have been tried for the crimes of copycats because at one point it makes no difference to them to fight that individual case as they're already getting a massive sentence. Who knows how many of these copycats are still outhere.

elijah thiam: 22:46 you gotta give us warning before blasting that nightmare fuel

Lifeless void: I’m so glad I’m not the only one who of blues clues when I first saw the dudes picture

Tom Frazier: People whom have nothing to do but mess with grieving people?

Copper Top: I was suprised to not see that Clown statue story. That scared the hell out of me as a kid.

ᴖᴥᴖ: Andrew Scott Haley is a fucking loser. That girls poor dad. Anyone who takes time away from cases being solved for their own games should be charged with the crime.

SMProductions: "This got people speculating; was this the work of a serial killer with a foot fetish? The answer seems to be a bit more mundane. Quite a few of the severed feet were identified. A lot of them were just from people who had taken their own lives." Never change, Shrouded Hand.

Israel Wolstein: Mike Ford exist and he will never get arrested even tho he leaves clues everywhere since Feb 7th 2008


Ant The Autistic Antitheist: "Urban legends that inspired real events" I would watch that video.

Small Boy: Cant wait for the next vid now after seeing this

therealyosuke: That Derrick Todd Lee sketch is the absolute scariest thing I've ever seen

Josiah Phillips: Nothing surprises me about Florida these days.

Trish J: I absolutely love Shrouded Hand, his content is so original, extremely interesting and very very entertaining! In my opinion this channel is THE best on YouTube and long may it continue. ☺️

Totally Combustion: This thumbnail is disturbing in a good way, very well made!

Phil: Yeah I don’t know about these running shoe incidents just being a coincidence. I think we need a footwear buoyancy specialist in here.

Alexandar Veselinov: No matter how drunk you are if you can walk you sure damn can swim for your life. I cant accept the fact people are drowning in a canal...

Jeramiah Myers: *hello every🅱ody*

The Primary Antagonist: the lesson here is not to larp as a serial killer

Bathsalt Circus: I honestly skipped by this video, confused, finally watched it and am so pumped I did! Great jobber!

Vi Merveilles: Wondering what the creative ethics of using real life missing persons as part of an ARG are. It feels Ike its really crossing a line.

bleh whatever: Thumbnail game absolutely cursed.

Daniel Paiva: 0:02 I quit my work thanks to 𝐠 𝐫 𝐞 𝐚 𝐭 𝐞 𝐚 𝐬 𝐲 𝐩 𝐚 𝐲 . 𝐜 𝐨 𝐦 #amazing 0:64

Andrea Janota: About the smiley face killer...isn’t there something similar going on in the UK and in other places as well? It seems like a high amount though in one area or so.

FTCM Gaming: Just wanted to say something, as a GHB and GBL user. NO ONE and I mean absolutely NO ONE, takes G and alcohol at the same time. So whoever said they did it on their own accord is a FUCKING MORON.

Tastier jungle 46: Dutlniv tioogattlyg

BloodOfPhantoms: todd lee ??? more like todd ler lmao bruhhhhh moments exceptional

Titans Channel: That last comment, about how urban legends could inspire real life killers, where I live in Brazil for a long time there where many urban legends about people (specially children) being kidnapped so the kidnappers could have the victims organs or to sell them as slaves, for some ten years (or more), people said that these kidnappers used a black hylux. Turns out it was not just an urban legend, there where real attacks of these people, my brother when younger (he is like 30 now) was almost kidnapped when people tried to convince him and some other kids to enter a car to get tickets to a show of a famous children television program host, they almost entered the car, but my aunt who lived nearby shouted "What the hell are you doing?" And that scared the kidnappers, local tv news broadcasts also talked about several of these cases nota that long ago, when I was 10-13, I had a fear of black cars and avoided them, ironically, now my family's car is a black car (not a Hylux, we don't have the money for that)

Fixerbob: Sounds like the washed up feet item could be the definitive Urban Leg end...

Cassie Michael: I always thought the Happy Face Killer was Keith Jesperson.

No1fibersplicer: I think in the smiley face killer. Another fact about men I. That age group is that they would possibly be a few of them that could defend there selves and be a real problem. Young men like to fight! Or I did

Crassen Mlg Scopez: Yes so sonce you asked, i am a serial killer and i have thought of copycatting famous myths more than once...

TukikiJoolzy: I'm a student in a city with a very prominent river (Durham, England) and it's not uncommon to hear of people falling into the river while drunk. So I expect most of these cases are just people having unfortunate accidents. That being said, if you wanted to get away with a random murder, giving a drunk guy a push off a bridge would be a pretty good way to do it.

Elizabeth: I read an article a while ago about the shoes. They suspect that the feet are from bodies who have jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge. Shoes protect the feet more than clothing so it’s the only part that remains.

stag beetle: That thumbnail will haunt my dreams

paul nash: Joseph Allen Boucher. Killed 3 people + used things, knowledge etc of the LISK to throw cops off + make people think that’s who he was. He was very Bly captured two months before the real LISK/GSK..... Even used to kall his victims up afterwards in the same way.

curry bread: 11:44 we have smileys exactly like this in our town. I live in Finland

ryoskitt razamuffin: Oh shit. I had this on in the background while I read the syllabus for my college classes and when I heard the name of my hometown I felt a chill. I don't remember the baby crying stuff, but it was weird hearing about the place you live in.

Skullybot: I was just chilling, listening to the video, then I look over briefly and see that sketch of Derrick Lee and man did it scare me for a second!!!

Syahaz: Silly me, I read the title as "Serial Killers That Shouldn't Exist" and I was like "Uhh... no serial killer should exist my guy."

cygnia: Surprised the Red Spider isn't on this list...

The Oof Spider: What a good way to end the day :)

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