The Most Notorious Female Serial Killers Ever

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J K: Had to fast forward through Amelia Dyer. Have heard it before, and I can't do it again

Gracie Saccardo: OMG sad 😭😭😭

Howard Craig IV: How evil does a human have to be to take the life of a small innocent child, who does not know if he/she is coming or going. Truly a pure monster. May their souls rot in hell until eternity.

Marc Steven: They forgot to mention Aileen Wornos. The Florida prostitute serial killer who was eventually put to death by lethal injection.. Watch the movie "Monster" about Aileen Wornos, it was done perfectly...

COLIN TOSH: Do female serial killers not tend to have a deep hatred of men and seldom kill other women?

William Rooth: Did anyone else notice how many of these women were nurses or in the healthcare profession? Hmmmmm....

Renato Gurgel: handsome host

tiny pete: do more researching or at least tell the whole story. Leonarda Cianciulli was a soap maker, who made the soap to save her son from death in WWII. she killed her friends and other women in the town who were lonely. she would manipulate the woman into believing that she found them a husband or a great job and steal all their belongs after the killing. oh and the body in septic tank was because the soap did not turn out right, as there was not enough fat on a couple of women. she also made tea cookies with the blood of her victims. which she gave to her son, who stated they were dry on the first attempt but she got better with time. she never wanted to kill her victim but she saw it as a way to save her son's life. its a very interesting sad story that's for sure.

JohnDoeTheTroll: 3:56 She looks like Sean Penn lol

Liz Cawthorne: You couldn't find any modern female serial killers?? Myra Hindley? Beverly Allet ? Aileen Warnous ? There's more a

Flora Dora: Where is the Marquise de Brinvilliers? And Mary Ann Cotton?

Somebody’s grandma: I guarded Genene Jones when she was in the Bexar County jail, in 1987. It was difficult to work around her as I had two small children at the time. We had to keep her separated from the other inmates because obviously everyone wanted a piece of her. Evil woman.

Cale Clayton: Gene Jones should of got the death penalty killing so many children

Professor Sprout: People who feel powerless will look for power in perverse ways. When I feel powerless I leave ultimate power up to God and hope I am under that protection. Only humble people can do that. Some think humility is weakness, so they act out. We are all powerless much of the time and detachment is key.

Good morning, Sunday morning!!!: Ok? Where's Hillary?? 🤔

Christopher Edwards: These women are awful. And there's more of them.

Kimberly Patton: The Benders? There are way more women serial killers than you'd think!..Masumi Hayashi took a pot of curry packed with arsenic to a festival of her neighbors and killed 4-5 people ,her daughter jumped off a bridge with her 4 year old daughter ,afterwards her 16 year old daughter was found bludgeoned to death ....Dorothea Puente buried her boarding house tenant victims to steal their checks..and buried them in her garden..Lizzie Borden..etc etc etc ..

TheBrowncoat2112: No mention of Elizabeth Bathory?

Laura Odenwaldt: Why isn't Aileen Wuronos on here?

Kine Griffin: Woman?

Chris Travis Scott Joplin: I can fix her

Benjamin Wolf: Eeee

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