Good Bye, Caustic (Apex Legends Season 8)
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flimzy ps: The irony is I played caustic today after the nerf, and had my best games with him. The nerf honestly isn't that bad.Написать
arfan YD: 😭😭
MysteryShack: we can get item from that robot...woootttttt never knew it before ><
Pope Francis: They really hit my main hard but barely hit Gibraltar at all..... Like WTF Respawn.
空调22: To counter the nerf, we should make caustic go on a keto diet and make him skinnier.
william ballard: Well now you know how us wraith mains feel
Derick Van Der Walt: Caustic isn't the strong one. Bloodhound is with his tactical having no cooldown.
Eruptionzz_: imagine being nerfed on ur own event
Domari01: We are hurting here
Elijah Kim: I don’t main caustic so it’s good for me🤷♂️But I feel for the mains
Caustic: "In the end, everything dies" is quite ironic now
McSplodeySauce YT: It's the stereotypical ttv wraiths that bitched so much they got what they wanted. Unplayable caustic 😔
Kenneth Kadin: As a caustic main this doesn't phase me. I love caustic for his kit yes he is definitely strong with his gas if u can use it properly. Caustic will always be my boy as well as lifeline. Love my boy caustic mains will live on and prosper 🙌
Sam54: I love him when he was unpopular at season 2-4
Liztomaniam: See when you play the game looks like Apex it feels like Apex..when Shiv or Timmy play Apex it looks like a playstation 2 campaign mmo.
Joker 98: Kandyyyy nooo u have all skins accept for third emporer
Lamarr 08: I loved caustic, he was even my main for a bit I can’t believe Apex has done this.😔
Uranium: 6:44 I dont think he noticed it was a collateral headshot
Jack Cooper: I’m with you I just got 5k kills with him and then he gets a huge nerf when his event comes out
Argedian Haloway: Doesn’t this nerf just make him a worse bangalor?
ZrK SupremΞ: Salute to him
Nastynas _: They killed him on his own event😪
Ray Mawliwan: 3:47 shoutout to me Mawliwan
_outcast: Did he say he’s weak when he first came out Me drops 9 gas traps instead of 5 like bruh I main caustic 😭🥲
WPEX: 9:28 *65 red* hmm
ITZCHRIS YT: I'm scared to and I just got his heirloom
Its so シンプル: I like how kandy is the only person who will miss caustic
1zens: Just got a 4k for caustic last week. He is the only character i have 4k and now he's butchered by respawn, unlucky
DAMN: "oNlY bAd PlAyErS pLaY cAuStIc" -TTVs who've never seen sunlight
Ian C: thank god
Exciting Python0: I remember when playing a character actually mattered but they have nerfed them all so much its just cod. I want characters to be op in terms of their ability.
Lily Perreau: As a caustic main, I am uninstalling apex and destroying my ps4
Memenade4Sail: I just wanna say... It has been an Adventure About us Getting owned By Caustic Mains😭 ...R.I.P(Causthicc)...
Aeridd: L
Michael Price: If you die to caustic gas it because you walked into it while being shot or have just been shot. The gas doesn’t take away full health bars unless you’re trash.
Lion sin Escanor: Bro I remember when his gas did like no damage a d no fortified uhh pain
Michael Price: If you die to caustic gas it because you walked into it while being shot or have just been shot. The gas doesn’t take away full health bars unless you’re trash.
Jesse Meyers: I also enjoy characters others don't like, it's why I love playing as wattson. I don't see hardly any wattsons
Mayko Mp4: No matter how bad he gets I will never leave caustic
ThePrequel’sWereGood: Is your content even allowed on YouTube? Cause damn your on-point aim is fucking nasty.
Lincoln Oakley: 5:46 Notice how Kandy's downed teammates still have shields? I've always wondered why lately in pubs I sometimes hit purple shields on a downed guy with a white knockdown shield. Guess I'm not going crazy then... Must be an issue with going down in ring maybe?
Lucas Dykman: I always thought he was too good and overpowered (hated him) but man he is a really cool character/villian
CJ on 60 FPS: I loved caustic RIP
Justin telles: That MRVN is going through the worst rn man
Dominic Seveur: if he's only gonna do 5dmg/tic then for a balanced buff his gas could stick onto the enemy after exiting the gas cloud. Maybe for 75% of the time of thermite afterburn.
Oop: that horizon wasnt having a good day, also as a caustic main it does hurt
King_the_grizzly_sin47: 😭😭😭😭 rip recoil
Swampy: My respect when u said u will still play him 📈📈📈📈
Swampy: Yall they will refix him just complain enough like the evo shields
ᗪE᙭TEᖇ: It'll be fine, word of advice to all of the caustic mains. Nox Grenade + Frag = GoodTimes
Dante Lopez: RIP Caustic
Kami: Caustic wont be bad. change my mind.
Stim Zero: you might as well tank through the gas now
Unique_Sofa: "Headshots 2 people" Kandy: Sure i killed 2 people but its about the message.
Jeff Schroeder: Caustic still gonna be strong
Mat Bagnall: He's finally balanced. His latest buffs to remove vision blur and slow to teammates, as well as severe increases in damage dealt made him OP. He will still be a solid pick if you know how to play him and he will still work well with team composition. I think this puts him in a much better place.
JOSHUA ALLEN: Thats bull bro only 5 per tick
The Patriot: start with crypto :)
Aarushion: RIP Daddy Caustic. Now it's Daddy Gibby
Nopski: if it's only 5dmg per tick then why increase his ult should be less
noah skerness: I personally think the damage wasn't the issue but the stun effect it gave was
Kodey Crane: UUGh i hate it when he plays w the r 3-01 cause when he does THERES NO RECOIL UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH
Black Bimma: Was about time
dylan Corker: Ok well he’s still good bc the people in the gas never stayed in long enough to do that damage but I used him to bunker and hold positions. And you can still see thru his gas like he’s still gonna a be good don’t let that 5 tick damage scare you not to use him. I’m gonna use him till the day I die😂😭😤
Isiaac: Do you think the should make using finishers more viable ? Maybe giving full health and shield ? Or even just giving full health . There is shield swapping so there's no sense in finishing and make yourself more vulnerable .
Fergus MacLeod: What’s that ‘888’ badge?
Parker de Auer: I mean tbh he is too OP like i was killed by a single gas trap on drop
NUGGJESUS: Unlike the Pathfinder nerf Caustic will not be missed
LiLi: Honestly caustic needed to be nerfed that man was choking us straight cancer. he did so much damage and slow us tf down just too much can’t even counter all you can do is run and that doesn’t work sometimes
MaxLiam Logar: Kandy?! Are you going to continue the 20 kill badge series?!
i like video games.: That horizon is the reson i dont solo que
aniket ray: Came back and saw you finally passed the 100k sub mark :D
justDedo _: As a caustic main my tears are not because I'm sad it's because I'm happy I played with him a lil bit
bdc_whiteboy: at first when i read the title i thought that they were takeing caustic out of the game
Mr Green Soda: RIP caustic
Forest Bailey: Lmao the way you told Sr. Peppercorn Grundlesnatch to think about what he did. Grundlesnatch got sentenced to time out
Waldo YeEt: No one cared about me till I put on the mask
Harrison Adams: Ffs I literally just bought him. RIP Me..
TTV_OG_MackaB: What happened to the 4k grind series????
Trap Moves things: I loved caustic 😭
DarkMafia: Yo I'm new to apex and I started uploading videos, hope you guys can check it out.
mtrza: Haha yes caustic is gone now yessss 😤 me no like caustic
Excellent171: I wish all the "big pro players" would stop whining about cuastic. They have so much power and influence over the game and I feel like that respawn is only listening to them and not the general player base. Becuase of them and respawn I now have to either re-learn how to play cuastic or pick a new legend to main.
Rudolf Wisteria: Horizon teamate so suck , to much talkin
KYOUMA zaraki: What does it mean a damage at a flat rate of 5hp instead of 6hp > 12hp ?
Hartz RushMaster: I do not understand why they nerf Caustic. Look Horizon is OP and Caustic doesn‘t dominate the Meta at the moment.
Jussi Lavento: Kandy sounds so vengeful. Taking his frustration out on poor gamers.
Skuzious: Imagine getting a town take over and getting nerfed it hurts
Damien Payne: Coming from a caustic main this nerf isn't all that bad. They still plane to do things with him. I see this nerf holding him back with the new map change just imagine the damage in that area of they don't nerf him
Bence Igyomosi somogyi: Peoples see caustic nerf :caustic mains 😭:any other player 😃
Dominik Wąsowiczc: Tbh, no one will play him, so caustic is not going to be easy countered by other caustic. I also thing they will give him some buff after few weeks.
primepursuit: I think as a caustic buff like the gas traps they’re based off from titanfall. Fuse or a thermite grenade should be able to ignite the gas that then causes a ramp up of damage to HP
Versace_Sheets: Caustic crutch peepeehands
Snagger Boy130: They really go do that to my main I got all my wins with him🤦🏿♂️
Jerry Terry: Im gonna miss him
Crazy_Noisy_Bizzare_T0wn: They really wanted to hype up Fuse so bad that they dragged down Caustic huh
King Yeet: Kandy, will you play apex on Nintendo and try it out?
Tembleque: But why
Revnat: Goodbye? Mora like: Thank god?
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