Caustic is BACK in Apex! - Apex Legends Season 10 Caustic Buff

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That Guy Called Austin: It’s been so long since he was a feasible main… I’m glad they buffed him but now I’m going to have to spend the whole season re teaching myself how to be a caustic main

iTz Jukez: 6:59 they finish a heal at the same time

Lance Ropiha: go

diamondwhischash dh: scrapmania

diamondwhischash dh: golden harry potter joke

SKReaper: Those are the team mates I want 👌👌

Charlie Beattie: Day 5 of asking for itemp to use his og combo the G7 and prowler

Mirosław Borychowski: No he's not back

kamohelo matobako: Batman??

Barry-John White: "is this guy playing as harry potter? He's stuck in the stairs." That's classic... 🙈 🤣

Kaitlyn McRae: Caustic is my main. I just like annoying people. Like back when the ultimate would stay after the whole team died? Amazing. I’ve perfected the panic ult.

ieagleye: I already maimed caustic

ACiDFiRE: Gg rich

That R0ryt13: Are we just not going to talk about that Kraber shot?

Doctor_Gibbo: You've always got to watch out for those thermited up rampates.

Shane Barker: Rich you should use the ULTIMATE ACCELERANT especially with legends that have damaging ultimate’s

Big Tasty: Caustic BAYBEEEE

William Burke: Long time fan! Im glad that you found cool people in the apex community to play with... but I do really miss the 'solo' Rich. You're awesome, much love!

Anselm Rd: My net is very strong yet I still get frame drop & packet loss😔😔

Nuke 53: Caustic mains show of hands?

Cgates642: The dead silence when that Crabber hit him in the head was so loud.

Alex Lippert: The tap strafe at 7:55 was sick man

Christian R: Harry Potter LMAO

ŤHÈ MÁĶÉŔ: Thats what i want my teammates always! Stick besides me despite we lose or win...that match were intense

sixth book: It's the Harry Potter reference at 3:11 for me! Lmao!

YamRaj: Day 137 of asking Rich to try the elite controller

Virulent_acid: i love when u play alone the others are annoying


Andre Foster: Rich be careful with caustics traps because they can destroy them if they don't inflate all the way

Markus Eikenberry: @7:23 "What on earth happened to my trap?" *Shot his own trap on accident*

Evan Garber: I love seeing you play with sooxfar bro I would love to see more ranked arenas with you guy

jess: Day 25 of me asking Rich to play Wattson and Soofar to play Caustic

GPEART1: Harry Potter lol.

TX TRiLL: By far my favorite apex player .. you’re a legend

ZaentYT: I mean, about the Harry Potter reference, the Prince of Darkness seems like a Half Blood Prince or Voldemort reference, and Philospher Stone to the first book/movie of the series. Anyways, that S2 caustic skin (Prince of Darkness) is the skin that made me buy the BP

Rowan Duffing: Playing with Harry Potter under the stairs made me dye 😂😂😂😂rich is so funny

spesimba209: You can’t tell me the re45 isn’t a good gun to run.

mike hill: You got lucky they didn't push

Albert A Garcia: I miss the full auto prowler

Sreeram Praveen: Day 19 of asking Rich to go undercover on apex(by changing his name and badges) and ask randoms what they think about Itemp plays @iTemp Plays

Anthony Lima: Boring legend? Sorry to those of you who like activating 3 skills before combat instead of actually SHOOTING

Jhoni Danes: I love how you got Kraberd and didn’t say a word 😂

Titus Brann: "maybe its just cuz i like to annoy people" lolololol

Nasty_ Playz23: Apex Legends is an awesome game in general. (Change my mind)

Dalton Phillips: People ain't playing caustic right if they think he's boring

Kixson Buenafe: Nice... "scrrrapitol city it is mi amigos" is a legendary intro quip.

Boiray gaming: Nice vid bro

edmondYJ: Eh...they did fix him alittle....but sometimes I'd get no regs on his gas when the enemy is within the gas range.

brettf45: Pssst...dont tell sofar, but ur my favorite i temp ❤

Binnsie B: 3:12 shit had me rolling

Poya Sohkandan: u not funy

King Aggi1: I main caustic, he was my second choice after wraith. Movement might be a little stiff but the gas helps alot

Roberto Robles: Hey man, what is your control button set up? Im struggling to find the perfect one

Jackson L: Day 5 of asking for a fuse and rampage combo

Christopher Sexton: Honestly, no the wingman outdoes the prowler with no attachments because idk hoe you get all five shots on target on people no matter the distance, how dont you have like any recoil with any weapons?

homelander: allaghbahgbhhhhh

Aztec Knight19: Nice caustic skin

Luke Hengst: my jewish friend wished caustic was german

Sovreign071: Caustic has been on this spinning yo-yo of ballance and re-ballance, so he's aure to change again in the future. That said, while we already have Recon Legends that give intel to their squad, I feel like a good change to him would be altering his Passive "highlight enemies in gas" to spread to his squadmates!

Mark Rodiles: Love when you play on your own with commentary!!! Just like the good ole days of fortnite

AnassRio: WoW the aim assist is insane in console

Sam Purchase: Caustic is still not powerful enough for me to dip pushing him. Fair enough if people can make him work but I’m unconvinced.

Seth price: I absolutely hated caustic in his time, but they really did nerf him too far, where is he now is where I always thought he should be.

justinlapointe11: Lets see if this works eventually. 😁 DAY 60 REQUESTING RICH DO THE JOHN WICK CHALLENGE. (Pistols only)

catsandrubber: Sweet video. Love me some caustic and good group work

Bentfluffy Balls: Rich is the new op character in Apex Legends

Sleepy 😴: Can you do a game with revs nerf

Juan Garcia: Anyone else noticed that his traps kept disappearing when they landed!!??

Marvyn Luna: he is a happy medium now which is good.

Bryan Perez Cruz: Rich, pls, I need more bocek bow content 😔😔😔😔😔

JE _Shred-Z: love your gameplay man <3

ZZSPIDERMANZZ14: Day 3 of asking "Can you please do a controls video, I have been trying to learn it, when you changed to R1L1 for shooting and aiming, I changed it too, now I think you have to go back, itd be great if you could please show us the controls and what you did, because I have always wanted to play like you. Thank you!!!"

Dayday Hotnow: How do u type so fast😭

Baraka Mandi: Gas daddy

James Welbes: Whoever things caustic is boring is a big dumb doodoo head

Michael Milian: Never stopped playing Caustic in S8 and 9. Now my patience has been rewarded…

J SanJuan: That Bloodhound just laid there and accepted their fate 😭😭😭

Justin Nickolas: it’s been so long since i’ve heard “sccccccrrrappppital city it is, my friends”

Hannah Smith: Rich talking to he team but they can not hear him

Abbie Camello: You have to be a little bit toxic to fully enjoy playing caustic lol

dimesack- drunken master: I like eggs 🥚

colton barner: add ceebeeistheshhh. would love to get teams with mics

BrknLaw: "What a unit!" 😂 I've always had a good lot of fun with Caustic... might have to go do some Fragment stomping with the prowler and rampage 😁

ElvenGodFromHell: Caustic is back? *Caustic never left*

bigurk101: You're hands down one of, if not THE BEST apex streamer/ YouTuber out there man. Cracked at the game and super entertaining. Keep doing your thing iTemp!

jorge bulnes: You have gotten noticeably better with that strafe

Patrickakes: I really love how much praise he heaps on the teammates! Sucha good guy!

YungSneezy: play solo ranked again

Lucky :D: Love when people think they can push through my gas

Mr. Cruz: Yo itemp, wassup!!!

Sweatyx_xcliXs: I’m here

Jhogan2424: Day 3 of asking itemp to reply to my message

canadiananim8r: 7:25 "Stocks are undervalued" says the guy who didnt craft a lvl 3 when he had the chance?

Yargus Whetz: I think the video title should be, "the prowler is back."

C4TCH XXII: As a caustic main i approve, even rocking the necrosis.

ICETR3Y: Day 20 of asking Rich to show a pop up of Sooxfar every time he says “so far”

Triplezero XZ: Caustic is one of the most fun legends to play IMO. To trap an enemy team in a buidling filled with your smoke. To isolate one from their teammates and pull your finisher knowing his teammates can't save them. It gives the ultimate mad scientist power fantasy. People who says he's boring more than likely haven't learned how to have fun or to move effectively without their movement crutches.

jonathan lizarraga: Day 62 on asking ITemps for a Spanish video

Neville Bamshoot: I know you probably need SooFar and Janx to make Apex playable but I do miss your solo commentary young man.

Spaghetti Top: Caustic is so fun! I consider the gas my farts. Makes me smile

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