*NEW* COD Mobile Season 2 Patch Notes Leaked!! (+Battle Pass skins) | Call of Duty Mobile

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HawksNest: So Korean CODM made a post showing that the buffed weapons are the DLQ, ICR, ASM10, and the DR-H Nerfed: Arctic 50, War machine, Grav spikes, Annihilator

Parnab Das: Sounds great

Partho Proteem Das: when hg40 was meta these youtubers were crying because assault rifles weren't viable now Man of war, Drh & asm10 is meta these guys are again crying for the return of smgs.. Cod devs to be these youtubers be like: Bitch what do want decide that first ...stop whining

ProGamer Sam: Happy for nerf of Arctic nerf and also happy for dlq buff

Tricolore: CODM : Nerfs 3 shot ARs like DRH, ASM-10 Me : YAY *AS VAL has joined the chat*

ReaperHackz: Man PLZ! OMG PLZ 120 FPS!!! 13:08


nads 将軍: Dude, the title must be.. “reacting to the new patch notes” bc this is a pain trying to understand the reading and you at the same time, smh

ShaunDelier: Whoever made that list sure loves butts tho

Jefil Christian J Luna: Me who was grinding Diamond Arktik. 50 for 2 days*

Richard Wijaya: Where is the ultra frame rate for apple A14 chip

Gerard Wamar: drh is already broken with fast ads with 3 shot capability prolly the best gun in the game and its getting a buffed lol sure!

CraftCat: jumping is weird now because it feels like I'm on the moon. from my observations, you jump a little bit lower and have a bigger forwardleftrightback boost or what's it called (I call it jump range). And sorry for my bad English, it's because I'm an idiot

Shot on iphone: Help us collect 100 subscribers

Hendrikson: The thumbnail that codm needs

Darki Draw it: "and mara for all the simps" 😂 hey ferg ... understood? 😂😂

Akinyele Small-Thomas: Mira is going to make ferg act UP!

Cecilia Rodriguez: it's 10 for everything but the battle pass it come out at 11

Yorkshire Tea: You guys know why the Americans get season 2, 2021 before anyone else is because there in the past everyone else is in the present lol

Mars Gaming: They Nerfed Artic but not NA-45 :)

Dominik Bachratý: 1. buff ads speed of all primary weapons, excluding snipers 2. buff shotgun movement speed slightly and do something with their terribly inconsistent hit registration 3. remove ads bullet spread, it doesn't exist in other cods, so what is it doing here? 4. nerf Arctic .50 stopping power - it doesn't make any sense to have something so owerpovered and abused as this is 5. make akimbo deagle be a minimum of 4 shot kill, even point blank, reduce ammo cap for akimbo (make it high risk, high reward) 6. add damage over range drop off for all snipers, keep the ads speed as it is, but if you have full ads speed build, you can't one shot from more than 30m 7. rework attachments for ALL WEAPONS, there really isn't too much versitality, you only have like 2 good builds for each gun and the rest only feels good when killing at 10m max - because at that range even with terrible BSA, you don't notice it that much 8. every season should change the meta, to keep it fresh 9. if you want fast killing weapons, why the hell are you constantly nerfing movement (bring back season 3 movement) 10. change persistence, so that you need to get 2.5 times more points instead of 2 times more points 11. make it so that you can't equip alert perk in SND, everybody is camping and waiting for their built-in UAV to work 12. bring back dead silence from one year ago, where you couldn't hear the footsteps when running, walking and crouching, but every slide, jump and climbing over obstacles you could easily hear This is what I would do for season 2.

JustMow2: When u realize this was out 5 hours early than the real update in s2 in garena

Miracle Esports: I hope they fix the black screen issue

chiken chiken: I thought the ranked reward was an fr556 skin

George Jordan Reis: I couldn't quite get the artic nerf. So it's not going to 1 shot on the leg anymore?

KubeOne: This is cool and all but I hope they fix the fact take you can't even do something as simple as play a pub match multiplayer without the game crashing. 🙄

EriqPlaysYT: Actually..... I quite surprised that artic 50 getting huge nerf (so huge that destroyed it's capablity)...... But still.... We can use normal ammunition 😁

Praveen Hxrath: knew the man o war was not getting touched just from the the lucky draw leaks

Mustafa Majid: My native language is arabic and i don't play codm often but still understand the patch note better than hawksnest The war machine got a nerf and a buff Radius decreased Damage reduction decreased Because tbe war machine do less damage the farther you are

NatureTunes: And still the players which bought the AK-47 FROST BRAND have an advantage as the Red Dot Scope is build, meaning they have extra slot to attach something else 😒

Prøtøtypë: Is anyone else getting this glitch where when you cant move for like 2 seconds or is it just me? because this is really dragging me down in 1v1s, and it happens randomly.

kielkhel TV: already updated in garena server, 1.2GB is the update

Jeozep: Can you make top 5 guns in season 2 2021?

Cyber Gaming 101: 6:52 reek oil

Eino Duazo: *B U T T*

Imran Reza: All the buffs hawks said arent buffs but nerfs except the dlq damage buff

DK Dude: 13:30 I think that its the glitch where when the enemy prones and unprones repeatedly the enemy sometimes doesn't show on your screen

Mokke 。: bruh chill the camera shakes like having an earthquake

caleb ferguson: Emagine wall running in 2021

Ingrid: 14:45 A good meme material here

Vay CodM: Jump while moving along the wall is something I wanted for sooo long,it will help natural movement so much more,I hate being against on flat wall and not being able to jump or move around corner correctly without jitters or literally pausing for no reason

Mysterious: RIP DVT.Heaven. 😢

TechFramework: Reek Oil Boi

ITOPINGS: The amount of butt in the buff-nerf list is insane

ITOPINGS: 6:56 YKM combat Butt😂😂😂

Adil Surfas: Any thing about black screen fixing and freezing while playing br in some devices like pocox3

DerEchteKaan: Nice

ghost 1.4.1: They didn't fix black screen bug in BR MODE so i think cod m is Dead forever

Vraj Patel: DlQ 33 getting a buff. Me: who used dlq 33 in whole season 1 and unlocked diamond camo. "Happy noises".😃😃

Ironlady: Thank you sm💙

Sal4h Huss3in: I enjoyed watching 👀 your video

Johnnyplayz: The downfall of codm....

Xandy: Thumbnail made me cry

ツツ: Word of the Day : Butt

Lazy Haze: Why did it feel like hawksnest was taking a hit at ferg when he was talking about the mara skin ?HAHAHAHAH

Mr. Tacoz: 120fps is out now. But sadly, for 120 supported device only

ZEN SEIKYE YT Gaming and Anime Video: When will the garena server put 120 fps?

iDanx 45: Love U

R/WOOSHY Mcwoosh: Alex looks like nick jonas,XD

RGkiller codm: POV: you didn't watch the whole video

Keerat Singh: Easy they want make game hard and make as all angry and more rang

Robert Emmanuelle Gerochi - Pusoy: What nice update !

blue coilz: jump while.moving.against wall. is u couldn't jump up onto something when u was all the way against what was in front of you. you had to back up a step before u could jump up..thank God they r fixing it..

Alok Soreng: What is "KRM battle butt plate attachment"???

John Gideon C. De Ocampo: just updated on Garena Version and the arctic is slow af

mohmd alaa: bruh this is the 4th time that the annihilator is getting a nerf in mp

zEro2: Im just waiting for a shadow nerf to na45 and 50gs with akimbo perk :(

Jeremy Hernandez: damn, march to may. Damn season's are getting longer without getting funner.

DNCx KNIGHT: Myth:In s&d mode if u kill 20 without any death u will get nuke in s&d mode Big fan hawknest sir ❤️❤️❤️

Mr. Noice: no akimbo deagle nerf ? no NA45 nerf ?? wtf

Ashwin Abraham: Am just lmao at the translation 🤣😂

Abir Hayet Joy: Wow! So much is going on some getting good nerfs

Mortal会: Any1 know wuts gonna happen to the NA-45 is it gonna get removed or nerferd cuz that gun is so annoying

LYRIX: I hope that from now one hawks calls stocks "buttboards"

ZEXAL G1: Salute for arctic 😔

Ranggadewa MMXCII: Are the red dot added to sks? or only on spr

Shred: Yoooo

Rishav Gogoi: I always wanted wall running and bo3 maps

Rafi Khan: no 120 fps?

Fernando Torrento: At this point I'm pretty shocked they didn't buff the MOW to a 2 shot rifle. Another season without smg, lmg and shotguns in ranked. Good job codm

Mshrm TOK: Rly they dont nerf the stupid akimbo deagle

KMA MHAMAD: 14:47 best thing they did this season and best reaction...i took a screenshot🤣

Madhav Krishna: Annihilator after players still using it : I AM STILL WORTHY

Lanz Hashimoto: Yay they buff the dlq

Ok_Sea_7234 - CODM: pog icr and dlq buffed

Justice: Yo i use the s36 in ranked and its a getting a buff Im hyped.

Armando M: I just want the snipers too be nerfed ain't no way why it should beat an SMG close range 😔

Edydudey -_ -: "Mara for all the simps, ofcourse"

George Liao: No one: Hawks lists every continent but oceania Me in New Zealand: Cries in a corner

Yellow Snoop: What with this no butt stuff?

DElmer: "you can jump while moving Along the wall" means if you are moving along a wall you wont get stuck when trying to jump beside one.

Sexgneur: Where is the nerf for locus ??? ADs speed for sniper in general ?

Devbrat Singh: so i am not gonna play season 2 because man-o-war and na45 are still not nerfed

Rupesh Nerkar: Hawks: hvk looks like a hvk but doesn't look like a hvk Me: huh

Comedy with Amartya: That's Korean Language Hawksnest that's Korean!

Rami Allaw: I cant wait for the new battle pass to see people buying it😀😄

bonchok Tiu: good thing they fixed the hitbox when the enemy is proning, I tried sniping the enemy foot while proning and for some reason it was a headshot

Арсений Сойко: Another season without goddamn Зshot AR nerf...

Jhon Peter: looks different with garena patch notes

Ripsaw EV-2: 14:46 I feel ya Hawks

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