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Brian Tallam: I dont know if twas the real you.. i met you at the bus station(blitz) ... You took damage from me and you ran inside the house, camped WAITED For me to come upstairs Kenyangamer™ 😎

USERNAME: This game looks it's for kids, role playing like ur a soldier, CRINGE

KAT: Free Mil-Sim OP

Valkyrie: The robot legendary skin is absolutely insane

محمد موسى: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Call of Duty Gaming: SuSy MilSlim

Logic: Terrible skins ngl they look default are there any chances their gonna change it? Doesnt seem worth the money

ATOMICAL: This worst bp after s10 one

Miku ♡: I expected it to be a skin of ak 47, but they are still better, but I love the m4 👌

menace: the blueprints looks really basic but basic doesent mean its bad,its still clean with minimal design,i lowkey fw the small details like the letters on the side.

F9A6_ 96: Anyone knows when this bp will end so i download the game before it’s gone.

Bablu Jha: Anomous said Pinned my chat❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

130SaBougePas: Very ugly operator skin...

William jr: Im not happy because of the GB of the CODM is high!

Leonard Sato: Bruh the qxr looks defualt lol I'm hooping for a nice iron sight

STOREYWATCH: Bois we got griggs in the house

Parimala Sharavanan: Not elite of the elite it's trash of the trash

Discord Server Raiders: I might not buy this battle pass, these skins kinda suck.

Red: Boxing gloves exist Every codm player to katana : i dont want play with you anymore

SCP-1471: Ahhhhhhhh!!

Showstopper_YT: The price of the draws are really sad. One has to pay alot of money just for a legendary weapon. It is sad for players who do not have alot of money to spend on the game but love the game. There is nothing for the average gamer.

[Juan Carlos] (BoonSatsky): I don't like the battles pass, the skins are like normal weapon

OPSMILEGG: Lest Goooo!!

The Fly Savage: epic weapons are trash they dont even look like epic

NOTsoFAST: This is the worst battle pass I have ever seen

R N: How much money I need for premium battle pass!please anyone tell me!😇

ますらをぶり: Demir…♡

M gyu: The camos for this battle pass is disappointing...

HAPPY CODM: I hope we get at least one custom iron sight 🥺

marine delise: Other than M4, everything else are shitty in the BP

A Malay Person: I want that heli though.

Goust 21: one of the worst battle pass

COD Memology: Which gun is that in Odinsong draw?

Scrubz_Triple_P: Two Mil-SIMs this season, one in bp, other in daily login 🔥

Amirul Amer: Mil Sim-Balkan Special ATU looks like he has his own voice...


Fake Gamers: New Choper👌😍😍

SHSfusion: Ngl,Mil-sim force sweeper and M4 outcast vengeance *chef's kiss* 10/10

Cyle jian Delos reyes: I'm excited yehey


Rambosaurus Rex: The ignition point draw I am for sure getting

Bryan Wang: legendary helicopter skin looks a lot like those helos from that avatar movie from a while back or is it just me

Rambosaurus Rex: 0:22 Is that the OG 2x from BR?

Bryan Wang: the pattern on the epic dr-h looks so clean imo

[AQIL]CryoAzure: 😍

Carla Jane Pisco: Walang shoti

LMツLobitaYT: Nice video ññññññ

Nathan Halili: The Battlepass Gun skins sucks except for the M4 but the gun is trash and the other gun skins looks like the default bruhhh... And why codm always put the same gun on the Battlepass like QXR,M4,DR-H,RUS,TYPE25 and PP19??

Dimas Ari: Mil siim keren

彩虹六号: 这么多好看的角色 武器👍🏻

CYBORG•scp049plays: Hell YEAH! LEGENDARY CHOPPER AND WINGSUIT IM WASTING MY MONEH ON THAT D:) I guess it will make me fly I think reaper can fly since he has wings

Savage Cat: i am going to definitely buy this wingsuit 2:12

Middle•Finger•4u: Sarge and mil sim two ugly skins

F.Y: The new theme song ruined this season dude And theres new change when granade is near you the soldier will say "Shi* INCOMIING!

Kay Sev: I'm so excited about the Balkan operator. CAJ🇷🇸❤️😍

James Roi: That helicopter thought 😍😮

BRAIN CELLS: Damn this battle pass is good than the old battle pass but im going to use my cp in the legendary Helicopter skin

Fanica5D: Why did the type 25 get nerfed? It didn't needed it...

Beauson Loy: I love it

mcrage: The lobby Background music goes hard🥵🔥💪

saeed bari: You can show Dance Battle

saeed bari: Oui. Spectacle Danse Bataille

Ze Ro: But what a zombie mod ?

Matt Handsome: Like god of war 4 skin lol 1:43

CLL: Otter - Philippine soap

jeb 834: 1:49 kinda a reference to that scene where an old man survived from the arrows hailing above him

Eduardo J. Arias: The helicopter skin looks bad ass !!! The people are gonna think that you are flying an UFO aircraft

Kuro: Might be the worst bp we've had in a while

Илья Сидоренко: Понятно

Александр Никитин: Бро, ты что русский?

NMA_ YT: RUS buff is all i need to know!

ryyz 13: Battle royale map...please up to codm developers xixixi

Aa Dd: We want a clip about free stuff

BRYLL REAPER: Why the odinsong character is looking like son of kratos atreus

Ruff Ryder: all the gun skins are just meh. nd they could have given something better instead of tht basic looking qxr

itzy ryujin: BO4のSpectre欲しい!!

Dylan Dog: They should put Serbian flag on CAJ, because it's Serbian Anti-Terrorist Unit.

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐃: That's bullshit Too many DRH skins Qxr M4 What a trash I don't appreciate it

KaRtHiK: This battlepass looks like waste🙂

Kenzieジ: 1:02 I thought Pearl's mother was a whale or a crab

IamMalaysianUNSA: If its military theme, so must be true military theme

Adamlessopポッ々: We need all free bp

25Kill Streak: Are we still gonna have zombies or no

Marcel Galliard: Finally a free Mil Sim Skin!

hunted: The daily login characters is better than the crate characters

SEMPAI: Мил сим кайфовый, остальное хлам

Jon Yurence Labanda: Panget character

DangerfleaWasTaken: Tbh a lot of the skins are bland but that m4 is cool as heck

JEs IDYT: Looks like I'll have to buy the Battle Pass Premium maybe

MøhăMMęđ ÌQ: This maybe one of the worst seasons ever ☹

Goth Senpai: The only thing good about the battle pass is the Mil Slim Balkan

Xpain Pon: Why i still dont get any update?

Toni Montana: Ich gönne mir nur noch battle pass. Die ganzen Drehungen sind einfach zu teuer für nur Optik 👎🏿

nazmi mislah: Looks UGLY af

Govind X-A: Trash bp not gonna buy but also bcoz of exams

Theo Arellano: Another MIL-SIM let's go

Wirayd: Mil-sim never dissapointed me 🏆

CyberYT: BP: *has Mil-Sim Operator* Daily Login Reward: *has Mil-Sim Operator as well* Me: hEhE bOi!

Chris Dombrowski: When came the wiking draw

Rizal Chan: Qxr again? Ah, i have to much type Qxr season before, from tokyo escape, and ect. 🤦‍♂️

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