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Alpha Games: Shipment! , love this map

Nothingam! Lyngdoh. T: New world order

Terry zikusoka: Who else can't get the battle pass

Saed Miran: attack of the un dead I love this mode

Saed Miran: wow I so happy

De'Merriko Reynolds: I just pick up other people’s weapons and overkill that way, you’d be surprised at what people are running

قناةباسم قناة: 🤔🤔😐🤔😐🤔😐🤔🤔😐🤔😐🤔😐🤔😐🤔😐🤔😐🤔😐🤔😐😐🤔😐🤔🤔🤔🤔😐

Justine Panado: FR556 and SKS can be use in BR mode now😍😍

Willy Perezs: Anyone else want canted sights

Nufarie: Where's nuketown old map? Please bring me back nuketown old map

Tali Kehidupan: Bang face reveal

Dylan F: How much will the next season cost?

NeveR4GivE: That LOCUS skin is lit

sprite :D: 0:17 but if you close your eyes 🎵

LionHeart 22: Looks like legit

Juan The Gamer: 0:40 come here indo!!

Puloh Saepuloh: Kapan apdet bang

Coolpig 551: Im the 420th

Coolpig 551: Im the 420th

Aditya Zikry: Literally everyone : finally, some new guns will be added in the next season Kilo-bolt Action : finally! I have some new friends

Donald Skerratt: Bruh I want f***ing overkill. COME ON

Duy Pham: I’d like that “glock” will be the next new gun added into the game

Mentula Magna: Mw is so much better than codm

Augustus Antony: 2:03 poor bot 🤣

sniper force: Ok my wallet is REALLY going to hirt

Mohit Dasgupta: My brother opened a channel and I hate him , please roast the living crap out of it in the comments , the channel name is Osama and Obama

Gorgen Sky: Help me 1:48

PhandakCODM: I feel like im playing cyberpunk XD

SCP173SPOT: Is shoot house is in mp or br

Suzette Sobrino: With that many of bots its gonna be a stupid match for sure you being the only actual player and the rest are just bots

Brent Richard Francis: its look like shipment 1944

PalafoxIsYourPal: Shoot house should be in more infinity ward call of dutys

FuryFox 1000: 0:57 wait!..... I know what that marksman rifle is..... yep that is the SKS from modern warfare.

TRFxRo55i: Nice Famas

katie Peterson: *footage captured before dmr nerf*

Gabriel Bocalan: Daily login skin will suck

Id not know: bro when are the new scopes coming

Golding Dynamite: In attack of the undead will the neon light on ftl glow without night vision goggles

Andro's Gaming: Are we getting zombie mod !?

Pumpkin Z: Just one character is battle or I’m saying wrong?

iCobain: The locus 🤯

HENERALKING YT: Its gonna be awesome if reclaim,shoot house and shipment Search and destroy map

Indra Taka: 0:33, whoa, Indonesian text 😁 ... Impressive

Prohack Gaming: This season is based on cyber attacks🔥

PresidentYT: So excited

Jayden Joshua: lmao i didnt even knew you had a yt channel but we are friends on the game 🤣

NG GHOST: Brother, can you open discord?

Help me reach 1M with no videos: The new map is rebirth

Help me reach 1M with no videos: The locus looks super cool

Jakindil N. Sangma: Hope Famas comes with underbarrel shotgun

meowmeow_ kunn: I want ASM10༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

P: please make m24 sniper available in codm

laurence Bolano: Knife?

JP.: Hey any, what software do u use for editing? Been watching ur stuff since the very beginning great contents!

Hadi Handyrianto: I need the raw krueger

Jacob Andrei Paras: Wow another FTL

RK Cronus55: Hmmmm they've included shoot house, ahhhh, haven for longshot challenges

shadow gaming: 1:43When you have the sks frist before it's release

ĐuCành: 1:50 just like the Zombies mode in round 20 lmao

Lawrence Gelsano: The shipment map is still the same

Mirnes Kikanovic: Are they gonna fix bugs. They should concentrate on that

SaveshGaming: When They Gonna Add Modern Warfare Shipment in Global Version?

Zouh: I like the skin

lil Guy: So its only one character in the battle pass!?

Milky Joose: What about zombies

Suniah Senduro: 1:04 why this language Indonesian (⌐■-■)(ಠ_ಠ)>⌐■-■

marie hicale: ngl but the locus looks like a xpr style lmaoo

VGx Reaper: Shoot the ship in codm oh how chaotic

Aryf Mac: Wait only one battle pass character?

Thunder Cyco: 1:45 The only thing that works here is lock yourself up in a room and wait for them to catch you😂

JAY con: What i wish for is another Battle Royale map...

Necessary _Bee: Con mobile is slowly becoming a console game. Just look how crisp the graphics are getting.

Edward Gimenez: Finally a good battle pass

Jeandry Brito: Chinese version have everything different than global 🤦🏾😔

Kevin the iban: Yass if they add shoot house we can be handler


Tbag Specialist: 0:27 song name?

Adistya C Nugroho: Wait. That thumbnail, is that FTL combat rig from Infinite Warfare? Yep! I'm gonna take some rest from sweaty Warzone and try to get the skin.

Daniel Acueza: Its that real?

Engku Hafizuddin: There is one undead among us

Engku Hafizuddin: Attack of the undead among us


Sachintha Kumarasinghe: I really need a ak47 epic skin And also we get 5 epic gun right from bp

Sinhooker: When do we get regular Nuketown back?

Sinhooker: Bp weapons look ass

Kevin Vang: SKS is the marksman snipe that be worth to get gold or damascus

MMBADS: So ur indonesian

Alphonsa Poulose: The locus and FTL skin looks cool.

Kyrie: CodmPunk 2077

JM Vita: Shipment Modern warfare map vs. Shipment 1944

Ultra gaming: I pray whoever reads this becomes successful in life


Sam gabriel Bibanco: trash HBR

Rishith R: It would be great if they can add finishing moves like in modern warfare

alex from cod: the hg looks like the razorback legendary and hg gold standard

Junel Corre: The Locus looks dopee!!

Hasan Nasrullah AL Arancia: New FTL skin like FTL:Second Stage but with LED light.

Icy- ChickenFrost: The attack of the undead actually makes more kills for a nuke

Icy- ChickenFrost: I love ur music when it starts

exelentblu: why is Indonesia language in there??

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