THE FINALS Season 2 is Incredible...

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@HandlerYT: The new season should launch tomorrow March 14 unless they decide to release it earlier.

@billywillythefrog9523: bro is allergic to ranked play

@vijaykrishnan2520: Handler :)

@Robin007George: Can u play 5 vs 5 with total 9 ppl u know..?😊

@TerkanTyr: Is it just me or is the Finals weird in how it consistently turns good players kinda bad in terms of aim, but somehow still feels good enough to play that good players stay interested? Basically everybody keeps missing when they play this game, it can't be just me who notices.

@blckknight6383: bro imaging being able to pickup the guns of the dead enemies

@Subsistence69: I love the finals so much. This new map looks sick as hell

@rival-slays: Yessss more finals content. I’ve been so sick of COD lately, this new game is so bad. They nailed the movement and gunplay but ruined everything else.

@AVeryBadKid: handler is incredible…

@jordynsmith3977: my jaw was on the floor the entire intro because of all the new stuff

@Yoshi92: By far the most fun shooter out there. S2 looks incredible. The next FPS that comes out without a 100% destructable map I won't even look at lol

@user-gr3dk8vo6v: Music? 🙏

@znxster: It has been a while since I have seen the name Seagull (from the first match). Used to watch him back when he played TF2 in Classic Mixup

@danp7403: The Finals > MW3

@mangos__: so what your saying is, they know what Handler’s face looks like 😂

@imrnp: this is my favorite game of the year. please upload more season 2!

@YSL_Josho: 🔥

@twizzz2013: The Finals replaced Call of Duty for me entirely. It’s the fps game I’ve been waiting for. I mean it just feels so good to have the choice to casually play with no issues like unranked MMR. Then when I’m dialed in I can play ranked. I’ve missed that so much. If my casual shits on 1 lobby and I get destroyed by the next so be it.

@mobilemaniac1746: The finialsssss!!!!! Let's goooo!!! God bless y'all God loves y'all ❤ Verse of the day Luke 10: 19

@Noir_Deity: Nah, the light portal is insanee, can’t wait for season 2 drop🔥

@ryanbath1050: I really wanted to enjoy this game, I really did. But there’s just something about it that feels off and I have no idea what it is. Could just be me being burnt out from FPS games, idk.


@Sp00n4ble: For the longest I had a thought in my subconscious that handler and aculite are the same person

@tylerbunn5966: Such a great trio of Gamers!

@Prxv-do6lm: I tried the finals when it first came out but wasn’t really feeling it so I stopped but this video is making me wanna give it another shot

@Imonsday: Is mw3 better or the finals ?

@RyanG-ij8xq: The “hacker” looks like it’s gonna be so annoying

@Daborus6319: They need more modes

@Nemsk: THE FINALS is a delightfully entertaining video game that offers a multitude of reasons why it's an absolute blast to play. First and foremost, its fast-paced gameplay is expertly crafted to keep players on the edge of their seats, with quick match times and non-stop action that never lets up. Additionally, the game's emphasis on teamwork and strategy encourages players to work together and think critically, making each victory feel earned and satisfying. Furthermore, THE FINALS boasts an impressive array of playable characters, each with their own unique abilities and playstyles, allowing players to experiment and find the one that suits them best. And with a constant stream of new content and updates, the game stays fresh and exciting, always offering something new to look forward to. But perhaps most importantly, THE FINALS has a certain je ne sais quoi, an intangible quality that just makes it plain fun to play. Whether it's the thrill of pulling off a clutch move, the satisfaction of dominating a match, or simply the joy of playing with friends, THE FINALS is a game that puts a smile on your face and keeps you coming back for more. So if you're looking for a video game that's pure, unadulterated fun, look no further than THE FINALS!

@jackiesimplejake: Looks really fun, I just wish they removed certain things from the game and doubled down on the unique style of the game. Get rid of turrets, no gamer ever said they enjoyed auto turrets in multiplayer games, especially a movement shooter. They should add something that compliments the game like a vacuum cleaner that sucks up environmental hazards such as gas, goo, fire, and smoke. That would make so much sense considering Medium Class is basically team support. Hell the new ability to hack walls is amazing and is exactly the originality that we all love. Turrets are bugged anyways half the time and the hit markers on them are horrible on them and give such bad feedback

@pantypirate3802: This game is awesome, people complained too much about the ugly characters, I really don't mind it if the gameplay is satisfying.

@helpmegetbetter4940: Nice

@matiaspaludetto8081: Why is this game so cool? It makes me mad

@thepunisherxxx6804: Don't see S2 patch notes. Did the revolver get any buffs?

@pearagg: this looks so cool

@DonMan_98: Hope this isn't a vid riding the hype and we see more Finals from Handler. This game was always Fun!

@Meek_Mills_Butt_Plug: I've been stuck inside of Meek Mill for months now can someone please come rescue me thanks

@danishspastry: 14:45 that flick and reaction time... GG Handler!!!

@viniciusmendonca3194: Nate Gibson and Handler in the same lobby, nice!!!

@luisddbananachop9943: More the finals videos plz

@dibanhiaguirre3: And im here stuck at work I wanna go home and play it already 🥲

@YourMommas: The Famas is so bad, it took you like 5+ bursts to kill anyone.

@skrublordaugust: day 738 of telling handler he’s epic :3

@JesseWhiteman117: The Finals is a FPS fever dream in the best way possible.

@xGqlactic: Conpletely forgot this game existed lmaooo

@Bozzyman2: maybe I'm getting old but I can't keep up with people like y'all

@BlueJayz474: “Man there’s nothing to watch on YT right now” Handler: 🫴

@MariaMacias18t: Thank you for your great videos! They always add vibrant colors to my day.👾🧇🐳

@chimeraelite: Might get me back in, cause i genuinely enjoy the gunplay.

@sjwhater: yeah stupid pistol does more damage than famas suuure

@diztris7531: Israel started WW1

@sluddysol: second

@copynoob4031: Second

@berryboi565: it is criminal to be here this early

@dillonconley9771: first

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