7 INCREDIBLE Tricks For Climbing Early Season - League of Legends Season 11

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kala: I got a better tip, git gud

Alexandre Pö: am i the only one that likes to play passive so the enemy gets angry and makes shit plays

Luka Rilak: I am 16-3 w/l and i get like only +15lp

yusof sin: alredy played my matches, I got 9/1, sadly I lost one due to bad and trolling supp

ALE HD: QOTD: Well, i am planning to be oneshot by a Kayn in 3 different games of playing ADC, because Riot doesnt care, that this champ can kill you in 1 second without counterplay. After that, i am going to permaban Kayn

TIONGSON, Neil C.: My placement is 7-3. 7 Wins & 3 Loses, and I was placed in platinum 2 hehe.

R3M1X: What if my team gives 3k/m to enemy??

Carlos Arriagada: 5:04 Oh yeah, once i was playing Sion and recalled, enemy top was pushing at half HP, so I thought i could ult to lane and get kill but that would had been obvious, so I DID ult, but to the botlane that were already in a fight and got double kill for my ADC. Noone expected that lel. XDXDXD

Pooya: Nice guide

Ayush Shrestha: I lost 4 straight provisions because all my 4 tops fed hard and made it uncarriable. Some just don't listen.

Eric Owens: 1:05 ADCs so weak in s11 that this match was probably either a blitz or naut carry.

Matt: Night grinder.

BhartasX: i had enough of rankings. i lost all my placements. i hate the game. i hate people tha play this game. they dont know how to play it and still they rank!!! omg im so tilted that i cant even write this.

Xalto 49: These tips are so good Time to forget them in 2 hours and remain hardstuck bronze for another full year

Ollgabopi: "fastest average game time" this is a problem.. because this is because people give up... All it takes is one ace or almost ace in late game.... You could be doing shit the whole game! But if you get to late game and gets a lucky ace you might win! Don't surrender people... Be patient! You WILL win more...

Troy Johnston: QOTD: for placements, I wait for the first 2 to 3 weeks of the season to go by then do my placements usually until I get tilted

ShangHai: how do I initiate a 5 stack early invade if my laner farthest from the buff only thinks about himself and won't rotate no matter what

BusfarePlays: I once had to go against a one trick diamond top tahm kench and his duo jungle friend. I got curb stomped. I took a hour break... Came back and in champ select was another top tahm kench.... What do ya know.... Same duo team. League is fucked lol

Cristiano Yagmurdzhy: Don't tilt= When u roam a volibear a get a kill, feed him, but after he die because he's greedy and flame you without a sense

Zerodrive 1: Went 9-1 in placements only to end up in bronze 2!!!! For fuckk Sakes

Ethan V A T Exclamador: Oh no 0/10 kayn player again? Why? who is it? U know him? Well of course i know him, thats me

Marlon Davidson: Players are bad , don't take advice and just do what they want ... This video is irrelevant cuz they don't play as a team lol this game is so annoying ... Sigh 😔

KEK 4lyf: and what r u supposed to do i your bot feeds than their supp has vision and they dont

Ruis Leipä: I already lost 4 games

Loay TM: i wish if i cant tilt but what the fk can i do if the bot lose 0/10 in 10 minute in every game i play

StarPlatinumRequiemOverHeaven: QOTD: Having a KDA of 36 and still losing Am big sad

Selling Soul 5 Bucks: What's the point of these videos anymore? This has been said over and over and over and the only difference is now it's a new season. You can go back to season 2 advice on climbing and hear the exact same things.

Luis Lux: Just "not tilting" truely is an INCREDIBLE trick for climbing in S11

True Dxmage: QOTD: I have to play really early in the morning, like now. Because my internet is horrible

Duy Phạm: 10:15 me as a fed darius and my friend as yuumi laughing at their team while they running from my 15+ kda

Kata 4Waifu: Yeah ive never been too big on ranked but i have been improving greatly and decided this season i'd go for it ive tried duoing but none of my friend are as determined as me but ill find a duo that can have fun but play seriously someday

MagZ: everyone says to stick to your mains and who you practice but that's really hard for me for some reason, I just can't find champs I want to stick to. Idk if this applies to other people but if it does, I think an updated video for how to find champions to main would be really good.

Hei Lombardi: QOTD: Mute all, not talking to your team, playing for yourself, focusing on your macro and your plays, and play to improve

Ramazan Eraslan: Is tht normal tht u get lower Lp for every win in Placements? I got first 56 thn 46 thn 36 thn 30 and 30 again is tht normal? I played 6 of 10 Placements and won ez with my main 5 Games and Lose 1 Game because Samira is broken i did Pentakill but not enough to stop Samira impossibe.

Jay Bear: Man the toxicity is through the roof during placements / season start. Not even worth playing til everybody chills the hell out.

Tiago Kenda: QOTD : Could have gone 9-1 but ended up doing 7-3

Just1n3: i just otp zyra and at 6 i go into the jungle with a pink and just onetap anyone thats not a tank

Abadeus: Today i deleted this game. I was Silver 2 in Season 10. I wasnt playing ranked games that much (70 games total), and yesterday, i've got myself into bronze 3. I thought, okay. Got to Bronze 1. Today got to promo. Promo started with trolls, leavers - 4 losed games in a row total. Bye. 👋

Alishor: got d2 after my placements , looking forward to that challenger border with my turbo mmr

iceywolf1: QOTD: Early morning grinder for sure. Play a few before the trolls wake up and I placed pretty solid at gold 2.

Murasaki Desu: play 10 games in a role

Matt Gaming: QOTD: I space mine out so I’m calm each game, not tilted or hyped up after a loss or win

Omar Ibrahim: can you give me 1 new uselfull jg guide this season like i'm a poor yi player s4 hardstuck any help :( iwatched everything all says gank.... icannot gank team pushed their lanes ......... get obj team fed because they pushed late game i be 4/11 because they overpushed and fed and finally they say jg diff....

Gurken mit Fanta: Is lulu, taric, pyke (vel koz) good for sup pool? I thought enchanter, tank +2 lane bullies would be ok but if u have another sup class i need to add pls tell me!

Adrian Gonzalez: early morning is time to play

Anonymous Meow: in my placements i had 5 trolls and 5 afk, lost 7/10. I have never experienced placements more toxic and awful that these

Ian Hamilton: "A gold duo can take beat a solo queue bot lane" plat? Other gold? Silver?

Bryan Purcell: I hate placement matches. I started playing league years ago and was always around gold 2 but dropped the game for a while. At the end of December I picked the game back up, got from bronze 4 to silver 4 in a couple days then the reset hit and I'm getting quitters/feeders every game. I dont mind going against "better" players every now and then but damn

Soheil Nazari: QOTD: 3 games per day usually early morning

LegendAhri: Mentioning climbing with a duo makes me really want to see a season 11 best duo synergies video.

dim nik: Why when I'm playing with teammates of my country i always win and when not i lose? I was winning games when suddenly riot decided to put me with a team full of feeders and give-uppers

Malthe føns dissing: cant you make something that shows how not to tilt

TheRydog: Mute chat. Just mute chat.

Fighter Lm: Www

Daniel Chong: QOTD: my plan was to up my cs, and care more about my jungler and my top laner and while getting an early lead as fast as possible over my lane with the whole unpredictable plays, invading together, and overall finding as many picks as possible early game. Then, just play smart and play well mid to late game and win with good teamfights. It worked, and I won 8 out of 10 of my placement games!

NGP: I had my first 10 1-0 1-3 3-4 6-4 the final score.

Sebastian Chayer: I went 9-1 in my placements but still placed bronze 4😥

Joshua Werner: Me an Anivia one trick with almost a million mastery hearing i should stick to my comfort pick in placement well she is currently a top tier pick. "Squee!"

Soul Eclipse: My first 4 placement games had rage quitters. First game Vayne top got destroyed by pantheon and rammus and went alt F4, second game Xin Zhao jungle (why, just why), ran it down after he got flammed by our mid laner and ended with 13 deaths. Third game Diana mid dies to enemy Yasuo after 3 minutes and goes alt F4. Fourth game Akali dies twice in lane and goes alt F4. Fun times.

Sebby Music: peelers, engagers, burst damage, consistant damage, kayn..............................

Ayi Atayi-Ayikoe: I was hard stuck iron 3 last season now I'm bronze 2. Thank you.

Mr Diese: this content is getting recycled in every other video...do you guys forgot everything instantly or are you just that stupid that you don't know these things at all?


Јоvan Petrovic: QOTD: Not try to have fun and just spam tryndamere

FGO Fanatic: As a top laner, getting focused is pretty fun for me just cuz it means I can take pressure off my team

Spolchen: I just don't want to stay in low elo long, bullying unskilled/new players is boring

Bernát Fábián: 2:13 you forgot Karma. The level 1 ult is just broken

Aryan Kumar: QOTD: I am just waiting for my ping to go from 280 to my normal 30 in SG Garena. And hoping that Riot will soon make an official server in South Asia :')

2MC SoftestMeat: Play malphite

Matt Hoskins: Step 1:play pantheon Step 2: profit

Miyukiniisan: I played a placement game where I had a plat and an iron player. Imma wait out a week or 2 before I start playing ranked again

Phteven: Just don't play Placements early. It's a trap.

Metodej Nemecek: I em plaing with my friend two years

The Sidewalker: OMG - Tthat last 'who are you champion quiz' answers i did yesterday come out today as a tutorial <3

apcl: Did my 10 games straight in 1 day. Was exhausted after.

Ghost: This is my second season of playing league, won 6 out of 7 placement games (Plat 4 97lp atm). My goal this season is atleast diamond 4

Nott Aspect: QOTD: I started my placements 5 divisions down and won 5/10 having to carry every win and each game was super close. I don’t understand why I just got out of silver into gold last season and then on placements i’m shoved back into elo hell... Now i am getting trolls left and right in silver. I just got a jac ADC that decided to run it down to fiora and act like he didn’t just pick jax. idk man i’m now silver 3 and have to get all the way back to gold.

Nathaniel McKeegan: duo queue? INCREDIBLE!!!!

Jonathan Zanders: It’s always a Yasuo that goes 0 in 10 I swear trash players these guys that play him

RediGOESvroomvroom Vrooomvrromvrooom: GUYS I UNINSTALLED LEAGUE....I LOVE it AND IM ADDICTED BUT IMMA TRY TO GET RID OF IT..im free 😌 Day 1: watched yotube vidoes as usual but didnt install back Day 2 : wanted to play it soooo bad but i didnt. Pleasure : 0%

Pluv: tip #1: Have the smurfs on your team.

Yukinoinu: This is kinda dumb "guide". None of this is actual information to win, it's just on obvious things to do in the game that the tutorial literally tells you.

Christian Johnson: Getting some placements in while watching this video lol

Achilles 1996: Let me help you , mute them all , this will instantly help you

Victor Taudin Chabot: Hey guys, i subscribed to the discord page, but I can’t find the giveaway tab. Can you guys help me?

NXE: I played 6 games so far on ranked and i only lose 1 game, which is the one that i duoing.

Swingtity: 10:17 why are they talking about season 10?

Solarius: Play unpredictably* My ADC jumps on the enemy team without anyone to help

RJ Clayd Pelegrino: Lmao queue is broken. Everyone is autofilled and dont know what to do holy shit

Eazy Rap: Proguides encouraging level 1 fiestas...

Luka Zivkovic: Yo someone wanna grind with me on eune? I cant find anyone good to play with me lmao

Hanifcake: QOTD: NEVER EVER play in the beginning of the season. The placements are so broken and toxic, I would play soloduo like 1 or 2 months after the early season

Μανώλης Κωστάκης: Well i won 8 out of 10 games, and the 2 games were lost due to toxic people who griefed, so i am happy!

Caleb Elliott: QotD. I’m going to play a ranked game or two if I have a good time in norms. I am only going to one trick Yone, and dodge games where he is banned or I’m auto filled. I’ll play Yone toplane if I have to though.

Suicide_Chickens: New player here. Just started my first calibration last night. First game: lvl30-40 players matched vs lvl230+ players. Obvious loss. Second game: equal experienced players but we got Morgana troll on our side who just went and died under the enemy turret the whole time. Sur on 17 min. So I got B4 as estimated rank :( Then I managed to get 2 wins and was promoted to B3. Don't know what to expect from the remaining 6 placement games though...

Jesse Orava: I mean im already ready to quit league, 5-5 in placements and then a 3 game loss streak, depressed and no motivation to play, funny thing is i play really poorly for no reason

Nathaniel Killian: Awesome 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️

FEAR: QOTD: I'm an early morning grinder because I have to wake up at 5 am to prey and after prey, I start to play League

ntis SantoSant: I'm Single 😍😥

Aydin Darnell: So Nice 💘💘💘💘💘💘

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