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Hamza Seif: It's Gazoline stupid boy it's not rinbow

Mr Doge: Are the pc’s good that are in the link I’m trying to get a new pc

I couldn’t really Think of a name: Why is fuses lobby theme so sad but also epic?

Ninja zhen: Fuse heirloom is kangraro suit

Evan Giammona: If his heirloom isn't the gold grenades everyone will be mad.

Lightswitch exe: Anyone else went hysterical when the grenade decided to take a peak in the crate as well?

Mr Wolf: Dying to the fuse and gibby ult is frustrating 😭.

Kien Spooner: Heirloom he runs around with his weapon like it's a baseball bat smacking people!

VerVeg 2399: Other player :" season 8 its great Wraith player :" oh really_-

Estéfano Marengo: 4:10 everyone: ohhh, oooh *admiring* 4:13 OHHH OHHHHH *GET F*UCKING OUT OF HERE*

Erik Vences: I don't like him.

kai and aiger ninja achellis: 4:08 - 4:11 😆😆😆😆😆😆

onekingdom1: Amazing

Joezroom: Ye fuse us good

Luka Baal: Everybody: oooooooooooooo ahhh grenade

Simo Msomi: I like a brighter map I didn't like the orangey version

banana clipper: I wouldn't say mediocre is equal to incredible but okay

Msbehave: The slowdown when you touch the fire is pretty nasty in my opinion

Will Walter: I ran into a dude this morning at 5am that was using fuse with 40 kills and it was a legendary

Vidhal Bisaws: How do u have pred trail when u weren’t even pred last or last to last season ?

Jaddiel Baptiste: fuse is dead trash!!!!

Nightly: I just dropped a hammer with him an have the dread captain skin this dude is the best legend to come out since rev imo no I’m not sexist either lol

Eric Wolf: Why does the Sentinel have a Hop Up slot? Is this a bug? I hope they won't allow a skullpiercer on it. That would be broken.

chicagochickens 420: 8:45 gen z nickname👌

Caden Hampton: When some people thought Watson was getting vaulted 🤔

Alex M: Not gonna lie you kinda look like fuse

Riccardo Mendola: I Am LOVING the 30-30... it is just great

Rex A: Maybe a marvin arm for a heirloom?

•Michael Afton•: I also got my first win of the season on my 3rd Game, got 4 kills and placed 7th in my first game, season 8 is lit.

TJM the Great: Yesss

gaming_with _john: Kangaroo

Taliesin LaBrie: incredible more like decent

Shredder Wolf: what gpu do u use

Marcus Johnson: 4:10 When they opened the “vault” Ohhh Ohhhhhhh!! Enter Grenade: OHHHHHHH!!!!!

ProBucks: Even though I stopped playing apex for months i still enjoy watching your videos . Keep it up 👍🏻

Fix That: I feel like his Ult is hard to aim, is that just me?

Ean Harvey: You should do like a 1 armor challenge, like if u pick up a armor you can't trade it, you have to level it up

Isaiah Bowers: the season is called mayhem for a reason 4:20

Ryan Khan: ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhh

Luke Bishop: Kandy you made a mistake, he’s not incredible. He’s craked

Lolenisi: do you use reshade?

Pink_hair 1: Imagen kandy as yur dad you could play video games all day 🤣

Nico Brooks: I feel refreshed after watching this.

Pixii: I wasnt subbed?! sorry kandy been watching for 2 years 😔

EVKO710 playz: His heirloom has to be either the bowie knife or the beer bottle

PicklesMatterToo: Kandyrew there is a advance UAV at Crypto’s Lair and you can activate it in the middle we’re the map is!👍

THE EGG: I think his heirloom is going to be a boomerang.

TheVillainOfTheYear: Ok, Fuse + Horizon is actually a good example of something that needs a nerf. Lol

Glorgloth: For the LOVE OF GOD KANDY, your inventory

Cooper Smith: ooooohhhhhh wooowwww . . AHHHHHHHHH

Alonzo Williams: Kandy: picks up a turbo charger, the supply Ben next to it sees havoc, and didn't pick it up?

DiamondBDA :D: Im hyped bc of dis update bro

Panda PK: The rainbow 🌈 is just oil

Jared Russell: Im just happy that we have a scout rifle with heavy ammo.

Julian Billingsley: Ultimate strat is gibby fuse and crypto!!!!!

Wies Verbeke: Fuse needs a nerf


MrCornChips: I just got my first premium battle pass the skins are so good and now every other season it’s now gonna be free for me bc of the coins I get from it

the half a hart hero 678: Sure, the repeater is good, but does it replace the G2 scout

Mackk: Rest In Peace scull town

〽 ason: His heirloom has to be the gold grenade somehow I know it was destroyed but y'know

Lex Brockley: In true Australian fashion I want his heirloom to be a six pack of tinnies

Terrance Clifford: lol "You won Apex"

Mark Smith: We kept get attacks type but barely no healers

aBBaZaBBa: Loving everything so far but does anyone else think 14 days just KC is too long?

Zak Rudden: Am I the only one who wants him to post a ranked vid plz

alireza kalaie: 6:03 they are deleting the game 😂

Нейтральный угол: Literally every YTer when a new legend is introduced : **insert name** iS iNcrEdiBLe! Haha bloody EA.

Lord Shween: fuse's heirloom is gonna be his lost arm

HeliPilot INIT: 10:50 kandy can mess up a thermite throw and still end up with an awesome grenade bounce that still hits a guy. Love it

Iggy's Plumbing: The charm would be the golden grenade

Calvin Bowman: Snipers are never gonna make a comeback. Why use a longbow/ sentinel when you can use the 30-30?

José Pablo Dávila: 4:08, thank me later

Will Frank: The 30 30 repeater sounds like a Star Wars rifle

Calvin Bowman: O my jesus the grenade spam meta has returned in full force

furcate-mistrust: Caustic, fuse horizen = dead

Spear YT: The golden grenade is might be

Välh H: We all know that the Horizon/Fuse is meta now.

undergroundalcoholsi: kandy playing with TV star KANE LIEU ?? <3

Στεφανος Καραογλανης: 4:12 ohohohohoh

Izeah: A boomerang heirloom would look dope

espino sld: Wait who's Kane because my name is Kane like what a coincidence

databbs: The Prowler auto reloads too

FrostGaming: LOOKS LIKE U

Knightt: Fuses heriloom should be a kangaroo scrotum... Just imagine smacking someone with a kangaroo’s ballsack

v a p o r: You guys in the beginning sound like kids who found their first lego set

Aqua Imperative: The worst part about seaaon 8 is kings canyon being back. But I dont mind the map. Everything else is good

Godzilla 113: HA I get 30 frames in the drop ship and then 55-60 during the match SOMETIMES 40 IN THE MATCH. It’s lost of fun

UknownClips_ Yt: 10:51 Dude Perfect be like:

Tremendous Maximus: How are they level 500

Foosdamoos: Thanks for giving me good content to hold me over until Apex finally releases on switch in 5 WEEKS!!!

Snap_92: Is not a very good legend right know , fun to play but need rework , the ability can’t damage yourself it’s stupid

Zarzar: 13:02 Idk man, but how can you be that blind and deaf at the same time XD

ProtoXshock: Anyone know anything about the sentinel having a hop up slot? Can even request a hop up but doesn't say which one

TweakinBanana: Ooohhhhh

El Pnut: Fuse is soooo gonna get nerfed

Mide Fatanmi: What happened to HugePwner?

Ploom!: I'll miss Huge PWNr.

Maszama P: All i played last season was horizon and was scared i wouldnt like anything else bc her movement is so incredible, but fuse is so much fun to play

Thomask: Fuse is like the cooler Mirage.

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