*NEW* New Legend FUSE Gameplay! New 30-30 Repeater - Season 8 (Apex Legends)

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KoRnyBig: I feel your pain, Kobi, but at the same time it's kinda comforting to see that I'm not the only one getting cucked by the matchmaking. Difference is, my friends are all bots and we're still getting matched with sweaty three stacks

Omar Tolba: Why the fuck you don't use your tactical and grenades ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

lee butler: No scoping with the 30-30 is op i tried it in the training area

Jaddiel Baptiste: fuse is dead trash

LoreK: Imagine being a fuse main Losers

Jazmyn DeBono: The game did get a lighting retouch and the servers were updated because they new the influx of people would be insane!!

james hulsey: My best was a 9 kill 1800 damage match last night and that was action from start to finish. Felt like a 5k game.

ApexDaGoatYt: Fuse is not good his ability’s are easy to get away from wraith and pathfinder are better and the 30 30 is trash

Dwillmadeit: smh I'm getting so much input lag on the 4 its unplayable

Isaiah Stilwater: Dawg drop your fucking cells

billyboatman: Also the 30-30's hip fire is absolutely broken. It shoots perfectly at such a far distance with hip fire. It also has barely any drop from a distance.

billyboatman: Fuse is a problem haha. Launching a rocket into someone's chest is so satisfying with his cannon arm.

GB FinalStrike: Fuse is overrated but god tier

Hock Gaming: I got the 2k badge and 4 wins on fuse last night!

Learnin2: haha far from 6 k kid ;)

905Ghostgear: Why do you sound like that? U sound sick or sad or something...

mojo dragon: i keep on getting into bot lobbys and getting lots of kills

StewieGucci: I love this season bc kings canyon came back!

Allan Najera Perez: Whatever you do don't ever join his streams,legit chat and him self are so negative its sad

captn skipper: Played 10 games..... in 10 minutes....... turned console off...... 😓

TRiLL Trap: I love this new guy, first game back on went straight to ranked, started in gold 1 this season got to diamond last season, dropped 9 kills and 8 assists. Have to say I quite enjoy this guy

Gh0st xRexy: apex is weird right now as a gold 2 my teammates r bronze four like can someone explain that

Destructss: My favorite part was you falling of the map tbh ;)

Kinglik7: I feel you. It’s ROUGH! It’s gets sweatier by the second in Apex. I was playing in Bronze lobbies yesterday but almost every team that I died to had AT LEAST one player, it seemed like, with a 20 and 4000 damage badge. Bronze, Silver and Gold aren’t really even Bronze, Silver and Gold anymore!!

Jose Was: Aye bro heard ur given out free stuff how about a game with u Play_Cowboys98x it mean alot to me ur #1 fan bro

Casey Ebinger: Man I’m not being rude, if anything it’s criticism, but I personally think you were more entertaining and fun months ago. What happened?

JDouble Sends: I would play Apex right now but it’s no fun because everybody’s sweaty as hell. I’ll play it next week or some

Micah Johnson: i just used the 30-30 its foking insane jarvis

Nicolas Roche: Got stuck by my own arc Man just straight up lying 😂🤥

hey u suck: Did this man really fell of the map on KC!?

Caleb Nichols: kobi, you da goat.

Pete M: Kobi: "Ew, I only got 800 damage" Me: "YES! I got 800 Damage!!"

consistency diff: fuse=crayator

TheFlameKid: I need some time to play with fuse, I can not get used to him and I feel like I have no time to reset. Every game its third party after third party.

MrBorn2rhyme: Glad I'm not the only one that thinks the diamond lifeline drone charm looks amazing on the wingman lol

OsaOMEGA: what is your aim setting

Josh parcell: Fuse is shite change my mind

Noah Pymble: and ive got to say the parkour off the map was peng

3RD Way: Is it my phone or is the video quality hella sharp

Noah Pymble: This has to be the update of the game- i have enjoyed it so much and have a kdr of 4 already season 8

Tyger Yong: kobi kobi kobi ngl your kinda slacking, i love you homie, but i expected your gameplay to be god tier cus ur a GOAT. ggs

Tristan Thor: Anyone else think the 30-30 repeater is broken? It literally does soo much damage if someone can hit there shots with it I’ve played with some friends and they’ve gotten one shot with it

raider RD: I am rocking fuse, hes op

Everyone1lies D: 7:24 is that a speed hack. When you die look at the guy chasing after your teammate

Keegan Jojola: They said they were taking out the yellow glint in Twitter I was so happy to see that. I’m watching because my updates at 50% 🤦🏾‍♂️😂

WhiteLama: Fuse is my new main, I love him! The 30-30 is insane, they’ll probably nerf that shortly. It’s interesting that they add a weapon that’s pretty much a better replacement for the Scout and the Longbow.

ultimate gamer 2018: Fuse is awesome

Quaa 3: rip juice

Jonathan Rodriquez: Had to come here first for s8 gameplay, kobi shreds

Een Vogelbekdier: When I saw the thumbnail it immediately reminded me of that trash game fortnite

Peanuts: When are you announcing giveaway winners

Mr Crabs: R-301 is so op with the new hop up it does 35 damage more than g7 scout and it can be changed to automatic 2

DeciSan: I watch your videos while I work out ❤

LoDaH: Why do streamers never take the gold body armor?? I personally always shred with it and am curious why they always skip over it...

Benjamin Fagan: I heard somebody rip a vape

DAMN: If u let the wraith help octane instead of reviving you, they could've won that fight

Oscar Nieto: I fucking shred with fuse brother

Markus Brown: It just made me retch that the fact they added BLM badge. I'm fine with Black History Month but BLM? Ew! They caused $2 billion in property damages

Profanity727: Bro you good? Your voice just sounds so.....depressing....

split-second: bro this man is disgusting on controller, i fr wish i can be as good as this man

MV Rosie: Anyone else having purple and orange squares with error codes popping up everywhere. Last game I played my map was glitched in orange and purple all game and every ping was a bloody square or purple orange

Colten lane: Can everyone get kobi to 1 mil subs

Saul Ramirez: damn, Apex going 2 years strong. Hell yea

Chance TheGinger: this man zooted lowkey🤣 when he fell off the map i lost it😂😂

Comaht0se: You know this update gotta take 10 years, but that 30-30 looks... *chef's kiss*

Snow Coneかき氷: fuse is my new main no cap

King Luthar: Try out the old gold skin🔥

Epic Noob: Reason why it’s so sweaty is because we have bad internet and you guys have good internet

Brett Truax: Ngl, fuse’s ultimate is a bit meh especially for how long it takes to recharge

Can I get 1k Pls: Aye a vid

Ekzotikz: I have not had a high kill gameplay on fuse yet but my first game I got a 2.5k and I didn’t even notice they added a damage tracker till the next game.

CJ: These videos frequently look a bit dark and... off

path fider: New gun is op

Adam Stiger: im geting a new game so im going to be late

Lee Rodriguez: He's pansexual apparently

SCIU Reaper: Ik u probably don't look at the fps the hole time but it's way more stable

Liam Donnally: Mines fully charged all I need is for someone to peek it

SOULREAVER654: Tbh the worst part of this season is the bp

TopFlight Crew: Damn so the 30-30 just a wingman rifle with a charge😂

Jadin Bartlett: Fuse is mad op 😂

Harvey Crewe: What you thinking of the patch so far Lord Kobi?

Chris Paschke: Fuse is amazing

Big B: Refund my 2B please, its nothing to you, everything to me..

Duval Jesus: Guess I'm a bot XD I have games like that all the time

stuhar65: I still think Horizon is the character to use she is just too good

Luke !: It won't let me go into the game

NME Smox: I had a over 2k dmg and 12 kills game with octane on one on my first 3 games, but died to zone on second place then xD and my team mates was both dead too xD

Jose Ocampo: KOBI :” Sweat the gib, sweat the gib!” KOBI gets sweated- “They’re full sweating like it’s ALGS” Found that kinda funny lmao, much love kobi ❤️

Jay Bruce: It's funny how when these youtubers play with full sqauds and always complain about it being hard.....yet when they play solo they just dumping on people "full sweat".......lol and use it for content......but I've said it for a long time.....full pre made squad matches are ten times more competitive then solo and that is why 99% of there videos are solo

Joshua Bynum: I like how your rocking the mastiff 30 combo. They was my ideal combo too.

Fun Palace: can anybody tell me where did kobi post the results of the ps5 giveaway

Sam Rodriguez: Knocked damage counts again lol get ready to be instant thirsted constantly all season

Clive Walker: Dude fuse sucks so much

tristin thompson: Bro the damage counter hits different

ethan dredge: loving the intro music🤌🏼

tabby da gamer cat: My game that still has 99+hours left to update:)

Q. K.: My personal fuse combo Horizon Fuse Bloodhound/Lifeline

Dion Bass: My guy sounds leaned out 😂

Ruan Engelbrecht: Sweats with 130 kills on wraith? Yeah 🤣

CHXBBZZ PERKINZ: i'm once again on an apex video asking if anyone is having trouble with challenges and badges not completing

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