Apex's New Legend Fuse is SO Fun! - Apex Legends Season 8 Fuse

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Mad Killer1412: The hold grenades don't damage you

GetGood Life: He is so much fun to play to me🔥💪🏾💯

Apex Legands Apex: The marvin head is great with the r301 skin of yours

crazycoffey: fuse is pretty fun to play, but Rich is going to have to learn to carry a few more grenades if he wants to keep playing fuse. LOL

Abraham Lincoln: They’re really neglecting path by giving octane all of the buffs :(

Danny Barajas: you left the red shield to keep the gold? You monster! XD

Kiriu Xeosa: Fuse really shot up to first place in my preferred legend list

MrAliLonghorn: Octane is my favorite legend release :D Yall must have forgot!!

eazyC music: You should do an alternater video bro!

Atticus Texas: Caustic and fuse will be nasty with a blood hound two maby or a Bangalore or gibby

Jared Spellman: Fuse is amazing so far, got 6 wins with him already. I think he should have 2 charges on his tactical like Rev and Bang and be able to use heals while using his launcher. Other than that he's fun af.

Jaddiel Baptiste: Fuse is dead trash

I Am Fenrirrr: 1st video ive watched bud , have a sub!!

One Shot: I feel like the best part of this update was just being able to see your damage in game 😂. Smallest change that made it all worth it for me.

Nicolas Leon: Do you have a twitch channel????

Solunna Okonkwo: in s7 i didn't enjoy your content but now bet i'ma subscribe bruv

Ares Fury X: Rich you can also zoom in with his ultimate


Julian Taylor: You don’t take damage for the little things that you open with the nades

tyler shelnutt: i was at the charging tower

Overdue Films: You're cracking 1mil this season for sure!! Love this stuff keep it coming!!

UncleJosh666: Is new character out??

ChiquitaSpeaks: @15:15 dude completely missed out on getting off a situation with perfectly using that knuckle buster

Jo S: Fuse. Almost as usefull as Rampart!

Jaimon Marcus Libo-On: stream on youtube plsssss

Scott Lawhon: So what was changed on octane ?

Yung Skitty: 14:07 that dmg number gave me ptsd bro

That Boy Jay_ YT: 14:10 cursed number

Ziyad: Itemp I love your channel I’ve been subbed to your from when u were playing with Alia on Fortnite

just a weeb: I-is someone actually praising octane? As an OG octmain this brings a tear to my eye :')

krishna Lalwani: Actually if you compare fuse with others he throws grenades a bit differently i mean if any other legend is throwing a grenade and fuse also throws the grenade at the same angle it will go a bit higher. We are habitual of throwing grenades without paying attention on that line whixh tells us where the oradance will go which can sometimes miss from the enemy specially for arc stars and thermites.

Gary Cain: Does rich every reply to comments🤔

Dominik Porcogos: Him on 90 ping me on 42 and me lagging him not lagging HOW

thefonz2311: You guys missed an opportunity to recreate the trailer. When that team was using the ult tower you could have padded on them with a ring of fire

Joshua Robles: having all these attachments is perfect for this seasons name MAYHEM!

Fallen Ghost: So i want to play apex season 8 but im also trying to get diamond on my snipers in cod cold war

lil tweak: try da anvil reciver on da flatline its op

Jackson Cook: I like fuse, I’m gonna use him a bunch and try to get used to him

Alexander Nox: I went into this season thinking I was gonna become a rampart main because I liked her a lot prior but I may end up as a fuse main didn't expect to like him anywhere near as much as I do

Capitalist Catto: I fucking hate Microsoft. I bought Series X not knowing that I have to Pay for online... Such a waste of money

em1ownerify: His passive needs to be nerfed That shits Insane playing against

page 4 or 7 ? girl !: 🙂

King Ace: I love how everyone sticks a frag on the vault and run like it’s going to kill them

JCU: Octane jump pad buff was a great idea and I don’t even play him.

Noah Poole: Fuse is OP he is soo fun rich

Jonathan Briscoe: I love fuse but I can’t help but pick Octane everytime now😩

octane: Almost at 1 million subs, love to see it

GCB: Haven’t had the chance to play as Fuse yet but I have started rolling my R’s! Damn you Rrrrich

commanderporky: Okay... What if... Octane used his Stim, but it lasted 3x as long, for 3x the time? So it’ll last for 15 seconds, but take 6 seconds to come back (idc if I’m technically wrong just humor me). But, after using a stim, he has a chance to throw the nearly empty stim syringe like a shuriken, flying at the speed of an arc star thrown by Fuse. If it hits someone, they get the old Octane benefits. That way, you can have multiple people speed demoning, Octane helps his team, a new fun factor is added, and the devs have something to work on to justify their wages (I’m joking 😋).

Shay Hannon: Fuse will be my main

Mr. Marvelous: Knowing iTemp and Jankz they probably already got 400 kills with Fuse already 😂😂

Benjamin Epstein: I was trying out fuse yesterday a bit just like any other season, and I snuck up on 2 squads used my tactical ultimate and I chucked my 8 grenades at then and killed them all

The Spy: I got my 4k the same way as you guys were doing XD

Benjamin Reynard: can we plzz 1v1 it would make my day :]

Hashir Coc: I thought he was on pc but he’s on ps4 like me

Might’ve dropped Jury: Ring of fire is dead

TonyGold123: Fuses hitbox is a little to big

C J: Guys we need to get rich to 1million

Reuben McLoughlin: Come on let’s get to a million

Lite: can i get ps4?!!!?

Stephen Browne: Your the only apex person I watch I even changed my online I'd name to lil iTempatron

Fizzie: This is just a tip but if you use the more higher level standard stock on the weapon that is more heavier you can have faster swap speed between you weapon

Anthony Carey: Fun fact: the 30-30 Repeater has almost 100% hipfire accuracy with the center dot when about mid range

Jay_Don_OG: Still waiting for someone to make a video of how OP his ultimate can be. Just by using it and spamming Thermite grenades in the circle.🚶🏽‍♂️

Trophy Seeker: This man is a beast at this game if I thought I was on a squad against him imma just dip out 😂

m milkyboozle: The best legend with fuse is revenant because after fuse hits his ultimate revenant can silence whoever is inside so that they don't have their abilities to get away

zack murray: I always say a legend needs a good 2 weeks to really set into the balance. He’ll be a good end game legend in rank, for that endgame close combat

Ash Ketchup: The synergy between you two is beautiful

the Janner: 12k to go!gonna hit the million this season for sure!

Jimmy Brailsford: anyone got any tips for path ? I’m really trying to get better with him this season

TheBF4 Guy: Every YouTuber : „ He s so good“ It’s the skill of aiming not the legend .....

Joshua Martin: Any bro rich uses either strike pack or cronus

Jennifer Franklin: I already got 3 wins with wraith this season the 1st win was just a full team my 2nd win: my teammate left at the start of the game I had a R-99 and kraber and I won and I got headshot hotshot badge and I had 6 kills plus I was solo the entire game I took out 3 teams by myself. My 3rd win: I had 4 kills my teammate died he didn't leave tho I had no batteries no med kits and I killed the very ugly champion :D all in Total I have 65 wins with wraith

Editmasteronxbox TTV: Fuse is soooooooo fuuuuuuuuuuuunnn

Talon: rich if you dont hit one mil this season im gonna cry

B Ward: that recharged needs to be nerffed

alireza kalaie: octane's jump pad is really cool now as you used it in the video the horizontal jumps are insanely cool

Yousif Mohammed: Can you play with Jaknkz more you both are a amazing doyoy plzzzz🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Ady C: Season 8, can't wait for season 9 hopefully new map KC is the same old

max: Rich getting better😳 lookin like a legit player now not just for commentary nice stuff mayne.

Zack Jarvis: i never thought i say this about a single fire rifle but i am loving the 30-30 repeater and the new legend is so cool i thought he only fires grandees but its every thing and its great

Anuj Singh: Im a wattson main and I have the ability to spoil all your fun

Jihaan Ali: Fuse is perfect for gatekeeping especially in small chokepoints. Imagine being spammed with grenades, a ring of fire and the clusterbombs.

Darryn Lansdell: May I ask why you only play pubs instead of real games? Like i get that people like big numbers, but wouldn't real game play against good players create better content than wailing on the equivalent of bots?

Mitch Fritz: I'm so glad that janks is as excites with the new bounce pads as I am, they're so much fun

Yeetus Deletus: I feel like fuse should be able to throw his active while healing and reloading like bang. That just me?

justin williams: Him and crypto go good together i can see it right now

EgerGamer: 5:12 45 flesh on the other guy

Levi Miller: Since height is so easy to obtain now through horizon and now octane’s pad buff. Pathfinder should get some kind of buff.

Mirage: Yeah, I know

Psycho__Hawk: have you been always using mini map rotation rich?? its from cod yeah haha

GrimTactics: All the Fuse players I ran into were still trying to figure him out. I don’t think any of them ever shot their weapon. It was either the pop rock ability or them trying to throw 20+ grenades terribly.

HARRUMPH: I wish his ult put fire in the center too many legends can easily get out of the ring

Ronnie Sunsin: Jankz is so clutch

Trois Shavers: 5:58 for a quick seizure lol. I love watching these guys play, so smooth and so many squad wipes solo

Gideon Bell: I love the pad changes

Amy Leigh: Loving the damage tracker

clinton n: That ending was intense! The drums synced perfectly, gg rich.

Karim Albitar: Teh grenade spam at the end...

Jaylen Cook: Throughout the whole video all I heard was "popin smoke"

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