Apex's NEW Gun and Legend "Fuse" Revealed! - Apex Legends Season 8 First Look

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Mai Kush: New weapon sounds like it'll be the husband to the G7

Active YT: Wow a rocket launcher plz no I hope its not a noob tube that can 1 shot anyone from any range

Nicholas Wood: minor annoyance - don't flip images for your thumbnail! please. Also - SO looking forward to seeing the 30-30. It holds a special place in my heart.

Apex Predator: Nahhh guys just watch my fav YouTuber call Staycation

ryan required: i think it might be an assault rifle, like G7 did

Rene Gonzalez: Fake Shit Video

FTGOMEZ: Wao hes using aimbot do you see the damage and the no recoil 🤦🏼‍♂️

Bxsc_: when will u and Ali play again you should introduce him to Apex

MR. Gamer plays: Can I friend you itemp

Yojimbo711: Clickbait title.

CalvoG: It will def be an assault riffle and not a sniper. If the g7 scout isn't considered a sniper than I doubt this will be either

Taylor: Do you guys play in the circuits at all?

Nick Garlick: You guys were speaking another language at the beginning hahaha

LIL LUCKY: Yo, who's better crypto or mirage?

Danny E: Why do they keep adding sniper rifles? Lol

Joshua Bynum: Im about 9/10 sure its gonna be a heavy rifle. Probably gonna hit for like 60 dmg 87 head(just a prediction) low round count, slow fire rate, reloads one round at a time, but a heavy hitter. I feel the 30-30 is going to be the new meme weapon, def gonna make clips for yt and reddit.

PajaliXD: I hope Mirage and Fuse will have voice lines between them cause Mirage said he met someone from salvo so they can be friends.

David Pieper: Anybody else get some Duke Nukem vibes from the trailer song?

Lyn oluoch: Escaping Gibby's ult? Easy Escaping Bang's ult? Easy Escaping this guys' ult that hopefully is not him aiming a bazooka at you? That, that would be a problem

oMidnight: Wouldn’t be cool if fuses passive was he could take less damage from grenades OR could throw grenades more accurate

logan10662: Totally unrelated but what if they took out peace keeper and put in the 9 shot mozam or wwas that too overpowered I never used it

Rhett Foster: Name a better duo on YT. I’ll wait

Mayor Mike Haggar: Honestly, I'd be happy if they just get the servers working on a consistent basis...🙄

Darren Kritzinger: Mb new gun falls in tactical rifle or marksman rifle category

D. Jenkins: His passive should be reduced damage from greandes😭😭that would be so fucking raw

Scott Craig: I always go into a box with 1 thing in mind aswell Rich 🤣🤣🍻

Sum Guy: Did you know Octane can wallrun and ceiling surf? Check out Mokeysniper’s video on it

Angelfaze X: 07:58 my mom to me after just playing apex the last few months

Geeza: Keep it up with the Valorant youtube videos! U post a lot of cool stuff I'd like to play together. Message me on IG @geezaofficial and we can create some dope content. Who do you have the most experience with? Definitely going to keep supporting you if you want to share the love I'd appreciate you.

- DEMONDIROS -: Wich gun should be the new care package weapon and what care package weapon should be a lot floor weapon again ?

Jake Holland: the guns probably gonna be a heavy ammo sniper

Jonathan Georghiou: RICH!! A BIG ROCKET THATS ON FIRE!! it's clearly a bomb or nuke of sorts 😂

slicc boi Mcfly: I'd give anything to see them swap accents for just one video, I bet Richs' American accent is hilarious

manager_boss1 TTV: I Hope U get 1mio suscriber bro

Tony Cheng: He was killed :)

hanzla khalid: me reaches gold apex season= my time has come

kingmonkey8945: 10:02 someone really called apex devs have autism lol

FymTJ Call Of Duty Spam: 12:34 Just the worst 😂🤣 i feel so bad

Fletcher savva: I think the 30-30 will be a heavy bolt lever action, sort of like the G7 but a heavy slower gun. I also think that fuse’s passive will be less damage from grenades and explosions

Владимир Буряк: Maybe a new gun would be long range shotgun? Something like TCSG from Siege

Alexander B.: 30-30 = thirty odd thirty. Not thirty thirty. So, the new gun is a 30 odd 30 Repeater.

elijah mashter: Wtf why I nobody talking about the sound effects from fuse randomly happening in the game lately

Aquatic: I think they need to add a new grenade or something

ITz_Zaid 1: No its look like energy

don veldman: Could you please make a video playing a sniper

Javier Garcia: Sooxfar the 1x2 is good on the volt

p3ac3k3ap3r: They should add a marksmans rifle category

Chris Dunn: New weapon looks like it might be somewhere between a G7 and a sentinel.

Baron_Von_ Mike: Rich unleashed the ultimate power of G-Fuel in this match.

starbery911: So your telling me that’s not bangelor’s mom in the beginning

4 20: lol that talk about overclocking cpu/gpu for gaming, its absolut pointless OC just destabilize the framerate and even the main string of every game. its better to let the cpu at the sweet spot at basic frequenzy and undervolt the gpu. if you underclock the gpu you loose 3-5 fps average but its stabilize the framerate massive, never get any fps drops more

AlAyham Ali: Did it get leaked or in the files

martijn driesen: Are they gonna make ssbm better or not? Bc im a lvl 33 and i go against levl 250 its not fair or fun

Errol Anthony Respicio: Where the fuck is the comp bow

Steven Delgado: Best 3rd party ever

Aslam Advani: What is your age

jordan edwards: Imagine getting a legend with a rocket launcher or a heavy hitting gun with auto tracking/ lock-on target to excite things.. 🤔😂

eazyC music: Maximum effort

brad cottrell: be like a g7

Jeffrey Thurgood: Fucking click bait god damnit fuck you

Conrad Wilkins: I love you all

Gaijin Kuri: Thanks for the upload Rich. Wasn't in a good mood when I woke up to 30cm of snow this morning ...

Shady Priest: Did he just say leever instead of lever?

Cod cater: You should do a light overclock on your GPU but you actually want to focus on the memory overclock

Deavin Duncan: Can u make a how to get 2k badges and stuff like that. I reall struggle with it

Kersh: Crazy ending, you guys walked in at the perfect time!

Roman Douglas: Is this just just me, or does fuse look like crayator

rishab chopra: please collab with floating koala rich

YaBoijeans: Get this man to 1 million subs he deserves it always grinding with the uploads and they all fire 🔥 af

xTezer jx: 48 ON TRENDING

Brohan from Rohan: Did they actually make another white male? I'm shocked.

Poleybear: I want them to add a new shotgun and what I'm imagining is either a double barrel or a devotion like pump shotgun that gets faster as it fires.

Stanky Larry: I think it’ll be the heavy version of the g7, slower shooting and hits harder

Jake Steiner: Feel like (I know I’ll be wrong) but think we might get both, if during the teaser we’re left with them being aggressive with each other why wouldn’t they both join the apex games to settle things out...

Surr3alD3sign: maybe one day we can have a explosive expert type character in a video game that isnt missing a body part, "expert" implies they know what theyre doing and guys that know what theyre doing dont blow off limbs

Donyell Johnson: I want to know will it be able to knock down gibby's shield?? Just curious.

Andrew Nassar: It’s so cool watching sofar, then watch itemp. It’s like part one and part two continuation!

DOrZy: 48 trending 😎

Buttered_Odyssey: i have a 1050ti and run 1440p 60. also good game Rich!

rafael cruz: So a single fire hemlock?

Hazzux: I know you you play bloxburg with amberry

Luis Mora: I have no idea what they’re saying in the first couple minutes with their computer talk but it’s fascinating to say the least.

The Jiggler: As a console player all that pc talk flew right over my head

sprad mode: Ill stop playing with grenades if you reply to this

Ian Pleasant: I’m assuming it will use heavy rounds because of the wording. Heavy hitting implies that it’s heavy rounds. And it can’t be a sniper since it will shoot faster than the longbow.

M A: I love it when you talk about non-Apex subjects while playing. Please do it more often

Ace Glorinz: As a proud Australian myself I am going to fucking enjoy season 8

MarkyMe: "hey wassup guys its twitch" that's what I heard

Djdaniel1234: 04:04 Cladzee was your teammate in your previous video

Magic S: I’m sorry look at the combat rifle or fixer from fallout 76 then look at the 30 30 repeater

Scott Iglesia: Hey i jus was wondering how do you get your fps up to 120 like yours? I have a ps5 and a msi gaming monitor and id like to optimize my performance. Please reply i need help :(

THEerisLTU: Nice I'm playing on lowest graphics, 1080p, 50max fps and 72hz. Everything on my pc that can be overclocked is overclocked . LIT

Xenos Arcadius: The repeater is either heavy or sniper.

high ping gaming: thirty-thirty repeater? gonna call it "sara jane". hopefully it hits like a blunderbuss. lol

Jesse_Modz: 1 hour of Apex would be phenomenal

LoohwizZz: When Olympus gets the Sunset make-over

Joshua Stanley: I feel like the new legends ultimate is gonna be something like war machine on cold war

Callsign: Blaze: I hope the new weapon is broken as hell like the G7 was back in season 2 but even more broken.

Q Adams: My guess for his passive is immune to fire I hope so cause obviously he wouldn't be that good if he can't play aggressive with his abilities

DocTyro: Rich, a challenge for you, trident only challenge. Stay in the trident all the time during the game except last team fight. ;)

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