Mayans M.C. Season 3 First Look | Rotten Tomatoes TV

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ChrisCane4Lyfe: I can't wait


Shaun Morin: Remember when SOA first wasn't until like episode 10 until they killed someone. Mayans came out swinging hard!!! 10 minutes in I think! Lol

Lord Salty biscuit Fingers: Watched the entire show of sons of anarchy which was great until the huge huge let down of the last episode, sopranos style, lazy writing. Not gonna put my faith in this show only to get again unanswered questions I.e. you remember how NOTHING came of the story on jax’s dad being taken out by pearlman? No, they just dropped that lil’ hint in them NEVER bothered to develop on it......disgraceful lazy writing, should never have brought it up in the first place if you weren’t going to go through with it.

Fernando Martinez: Thought that was albert einstein in the thumbnail...

MrPaulVacher: YES, more of the MC and less of the cartel! I'm interested to learn the members backstory, at this point I honestly dont even know who the VP and SGT are

Anthony: Are you kidding me 10 episodes WTF MAN!!!

Maria Isabel Maltos: I don’t like that JD Pardo has to be with Sulema after her behavior

Yvonne Bussell: She be strong to take of him ,for real ,,, ❤ ,,,love him,,,,,,❤ 2021 ,welcome,,,

Santiago Lopez: Excited for Season 3 to come out.

BoRoN TeRoN: Seem like miguel not gonna make it in season 4 according to this trailer.. Who agree 😂

Skankhunt42: Damn! I had no idea Emily's actress was Irish like me lol. And I'm super glad to see they plan to flesh out those characters in the charter more. That's been SUCH a massive problem with the first two seasons. You really only get to know about one member besides the main brothers. Coco. Him and Bishop are probably the only members I can name offhand. That's not good. By Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy I could name every single member around that table and I knew a decent amount about them already. It's one of the parts of the show I loved the most, the connection with each member. Less time on cartel crap please, and more on the club itself. That's where the story should be focused. This is Mayans MC. Not Narcos.

Nahuel Castro: Coco is in real trouble

Beach3Girl: Off the chain...bring it on!

toni-shay watson: Hope their brother finds out who his real dad is

Jax D: Mayans and SoA have never let me down, just wish it was more than a 10 episode season, can you just imagine if this was a 20+ episode season

Richard Martinez: I Think Adalita got caught on purpose to take down the cartel

lapiz Bastet Intuitive Vibrations: Cannot wait for this!! Really interested in Bishop's back story!

bienio11: Can we expect s4?

Wabi Sabi: ❤❤❤✌👍👍 my favorite show coming back hopefully still a live to see it

Mysterio: El Padrino

Anthony Campos: Im glad theyre giving EZ a girl. He and Emily have no chemistry.

Ring Dave: Mexico is so BAD Mexicans run away from it. Failed Catholic Corrupt state. Making the USA more like Mexico is a BAD thing.

Khaldion: Looks epic, can't wait. :)

Cegonha Power: S3 it's out when?

DayInDaLife: a show about scum bags being scum.


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