Married at First Sight (AU) Season 8 Episode 12 (S08E12) (March 10, 2021) Full Episode HD

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Kesar Nijjar: Coco is an air head

Judith Anthony: I hate how morality doesn't seem to be important to everyone. I mean they did choose to get "married", but that's clearly meaningless.

Mon Avis: People dont get worked up. These are all (very bad) actors and the whole show is scripted !! The writers have zero imagination/creativity/talent as the exact roles are being repeated from last season and the one before that all copied for the US show which is also FAKE !! :/

Brent Bowers: What a fucking baby

Hope Bullard: Samantha, 😭😓 I didn't see the last 10 minutes!! I'm so sad and I feel for her.

noir pearl: lol when sam said idk if u poked her e in the eyes with your big nose or not..

Robert Guest: Sam wants to go, But i think he would be trying to pick up more than he can tow with bryce....trying to give Bryce the tough boy look.

reallymagnolia: funny how the only other a**hole in the room (Bryce) is so affected by Sam’s behaviour... poor Melissa having to deal with that on top of everything else

reallymagnolia: Bryce....I do think he was right to call Sam out at the commitment ceremony but after that he should have let it goooooo.

Hope Bullard: Sam is actually a legend today!💯😂! Not Bryce!

Lindi Mindi: I feel so sorry for Samantha. She is right she got a boy and not a man. I hope Samantha will find true Love ♥️♥️♥️

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