Married at First Sight (AU) Season 8 Episode 31 They're baaaack!!! (Apr 14, 2021) Full HD

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M G: Liam Liam

Kady Toure: People just need to leave Melissa and Bryce alone; if they are happy then they are happy.

Kady Toure: Joanne is sooooo annoying and in everything; very bitter woman.

Calm Spirit 2: Everyone talks about Bryce but where is the matching actions . He was stuck like glue throughout the entire experiment to Melissa And he was always affectionate towards Melissa. It doesn't make sense..they have proven to be one of the strongest couples. The other couples were to much in their business yet half of their relationships have fallen apart.

Kady Toure: I feel bad for coco; it’s unfair that she was the main one being targeted when cam participated too.

TP: Jason wants a submissive wife like Melissa or he's in love with Bryce! 🤣

Yin Yang: Where are Those fools who said Liam was right to leave the altar ??? That was such a shame and spoke volume about his upbringing 💔😔😔

Shay Smithers: Coco and her shoulder pads...😂

Ann Thompson: Liam 🤭 omg no you didn’t! How dare you after she accepted your bi self..... all because she likes pink..... RUDE!

Shay Smithers: Jason wants a Yess girl who's doesn't speak their mind

Shay Smithers: Jake and Georgia would make a cute couple...

pamela williams: What a tosser Liam

Yin Yang: People have to let go of Mel and Bryce's business, it's been tried time and again, just live your own life and let others figure out theirs 🙄🙄🙄

Anna ruda: for what jamie is there??

M G: jake pls take Georgia 🙏🙏

Yin Yang: The fact that Bryce has moved down to Melbourne is a good thing, i wish well for them. If she would have moved to Canberra it would have been different story

Vina Vienne: Melissa is a hopeless, desperate & pathetic woman

Annika Russell: I have a lot of sympathy for Alana. She tried really hard with Jason but he’s just not emotionally intelligent enough for her

Sarin: Shocker that Bec and Jake are not together! I think not.

Sarin: Hilarious Belinda getting Pat to wear a matching outfit! I am not a fan of her outfits, but it's kind of cute. They just both click and it shows in a quirky way :)

Deborah Brennan: Think Jake and Georgia would be fab together such nice people go on give it a go

Annika Russell: Bec is so annoying. Not only has she been horrible to Jake throughout the experiment, but she has the nerve to act like she’s in the right all the time. How can she really think other people are buying it or are on her side?!

Sanya Kalaluka: James: What's your boundary?.............made my

Annika Russell: Liam’s behavior screams immaturity.

Danie Mashinini: Liam should find a boyfriend i'm so over him

Kim Smith: Melissa is brainwashed and would rather be with someone dishonest and manipulative than be alone. It's sad. She would prefer to believe Bryce's lies than face all the many facts and evidence of Bryce's relationship with this other woman. Confirmed by his own best friend, colleagues, Bec, Sam, Bookah and others. When he got caught, he phoned around to everyone and then he made "the other girl" lie to Melissa and now she thinks she has all the proof she needs. He will continue to play her for as long as she will allow it. She's also changing in her attitude and I don't think he's a good influence on her. Such a toxic relationship and sadly she doesn't have the self worth to walk away.

Frances Savella: Georgia and Jake should have a go at it

Whoops: 59:18 - had the exact same face expression 😂

Gisella G: Coco looks so different!

Janni L. Jensen: Way to go Melissa 💪🏻

Mblaze Kay: Liam leaving her at the alter was best thing he could have done. He will put a woman down and expect you to take it

Kitty C: So basically no one made it as a couple , well almost no one...

Gintare: Bryce smiling seeing Melissa acting like him... She is so brainwashed

Fatima Mohamed: Liam is immature and needs to grow up, it shows he has no respect for women. Georgia dodged a bullet. She's matured and hopefully she'll find someone after this experiment.

Kim Smith: Liam is a pig and he never deserved Georgia and her heart and acceptance. He never appreciated her and that was so disrespectful and petty.

Akot Bermann: Man baby Jason

Adriana Gauci: Russel is an awesome guy! And Liam can go away how ridiculous, needs a lesson in manners and Melissa get a clue.


just WHISPER: Samantha is overly exaggerating.. I still like coco.. She is real

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