Season 3 Patch Notes are INSANE (HUGE BUFFS & NERFS)

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@JamMonkey11: where is the dead go boom I AM GROWING RAVENOUS

@maceVVVVVV: Ive never seen so much content in a shooter

@Playerz714: Bow is not strong enough vs other weapons

@Codename067: 40 fkin min video bro? come on man

@jamesford2192: dude go outside get out of your moms basement for a bit

@SRSLY.GODSENT_: Heavys cry about getting stunned and now they have a stun that brings them right to them. I havent played since the stun nerf but im finding it funny how the class that hated stun the most just got a stun thats comparable to beta light stungun

@HourP1ural: Thank you for making these videos, No way I would read the patch notes myself, but they are very helpful to know

@BloodCousin1606: Just went 26/6 as light with throwing knives on rank term. They are still broke. mine had zero XP and when the last buff happened to them I ended up maxing them out like 3/4 days ago

@BloodCousin1606: Getting stunned use to apply the "glitch" status i.e unable to use specializations and gadgets, it also use to have the added bonuses of halting movements and aiming. Now it's just some of those things. The nerf to stun on the movement sights and the fact it could cancel utility almost made the gadget useless. It's hard as with any competitive mode. But personally I want and always love a game where ANY weapon, gadget and specialization can be a viable option

@BADv3: hey ottr, will you ever come back to apex legends ? thanks and have a nice day ❤

@Gamendyne: 40 minute yap sesh

@captain2323: Dude must get absolutely worked by sword players

@smiteriuszryceriusz1258: nerf for med = im quit game CL-40 is medium weapon cu bb

@gamingbanana7618: On a real note, how the hell do you manage all those open tabs and how is RAM alive

@Knowonecaares: Take a shower

@Arcayne: Those aren’t his tabs. That’s his browser history.

@stonechestplate928: the throwing knives might be slightly good

@4nzser329: i feel like they also increased the fire rate of the m60 not only the recoil

@NG_Dropkick: This dude needs to close all those goddamn tabs

@Stoonk: Absolute garbage. They make cashout a skilless mode for streamers who play the game all day for a living (playtime), and make the ranked mode unbalanced garbage. Infinitely harder to carry 4 other players, way less skill involved, depends on which team gets a rage quitter first

@kingjay6611: This game is losing itself. I knew from the beginning if embark keeps nerfing things to the ground it’s going to lose it soul. The main reason the finals was fun in the first place was because EVERYTHING was useable/ borderline op. I miss them times

@the_mochiking: Ok the crowd thing is small, but great. I've always wanted that.

@Ok_Gamer0: Apparently I have been quick switching on accident not knowing it was an exploit

@bolestah: I'm super stoked to play this when I get time next week.

@MonkeyDLuffy-lp4qz: Thank goodness they nerfed the knives. Tbh I still think it's too much proj speed but should be more fun. I completely lost interest in the weapon bc it was basically hitscan and wasn't fun anymore

@THEEJONESY: just watched your livestream for season three and you are such a bitter person, im never watching your content again

@Slimmdy: love how glitch traps are actually traps now, never understood why they weren't called glitch mines since that's all they were

@shhikens: no more spam turrets :(

@marekcmonster1937: No grapple buff 🥲

@kimikothetanuki314: The Famas is now goated

@nanohalosolar: They should handle it like Riot with Valorant and make 2 games, one for M+K, one for Pad. Same Content, different balance. Otherwise they'll lose more and more console player, because it's not optimized for their platform. Crossplay is bad idea anyway.

@Cevsy: Winch claw + no SA12 nerf yay can’t wait

@theflyingtoaster7414: New tech: Smaller Gas Aoe from arena tanks means a smoke canister or grenade can completely cover the gas cloud, preventing even flamethrowers from removing the gas. Not sure how useful it will be, but it's something to know and look out for. Also you can pop a leaking gas tank by throwing a smoke canister at it, maximizing the duration of smoke protection for the gas.

@AiloSzn: Why can’t the 93R get some love

@AFrozenKitten: I really don't understand their balancing decisions. People don't use the M60 in diamond, so I'm confused as to why it was nerfed, same with the medium GL. The RPG is one of the biggest points of contention, but it didn't get nerfed. That just perplexes me. Seems they are a bit out of touch

@_ed21: 93R really got nerfed 😂

@randylahey2923: Man i main the LH1 and as much as I am enjoying the OP status, i just want it to be like it used to. The new firing animation is like some shit from CoD 2 (2005) lol no wonder its OP

@dirtcreature3d: I love that they haven’t really changed the xp54 since launch, it’s my favorite gun and the balance is perfect don’t touch it haha

@ginocarrasco3432: Keep the vids flowing dude❤🔥🔥

@jacklai0118: Great content as usual! Take care!

@zachjahn4028: how much RAM does this man have

@rajveerkharod8484: how many tabs does bro have opened

@slappyjo1046: You have more tabs than my science teacher

@tannonolson5344: Why the fuck would they buff lh1 it was already so good

@TheRealRhino: Ks-23 looks really good

@wortbrain: What are everyone's thoughts on terminal attack ranked now you've had chance to play it? I was someone who was willing to give it a go but I think the mode plays even worse now with the changes they've made. The defending team has such an advantage and the sides don't swap for 6 rounds, you could be 6-0 down before you even get chance to defend. If a teammate leaves in the early rounds it's game over and you're stuck playing with a man down for like 15 minutes. I won't be touching ranked again until they make some changes

@spencersocoloski8707: I swear he's tweaking about the SA-1216

@vigeksil70: 16:07 … nerf to barrels sounds nice.. till you realize a gas/goo grenade holds more than its barrel counter part

@someonesomewhere8265: I cant believe charge and rpg werent touched

@Nazlito: I like the video, but it's kinda hard to understand you. You talk too fast and not clear enough

@lcn2snipe: I cant BELIEVE that they didnt do any changes to cashout.... Instead of trying to make TA viable for ranked they should of just done the same for cashout... Way to ignore your "core" audience you said you wanted to focus on... God damn I love these devs but I just dont understand there thought process here.

@212roblox212: New tier list?

@jpfika: The claw with the shotgun is road hog from overwatch on crack

@jpfika: I don’t think I have ever seen that many tabs open 😂

@distraction2803: No shot they "buffed" 93r by lowering its ALREADY PATHETIC dps

@sSteppingStones: I think phantom strike was more of a problem than the animation cancel

@ParchutingPanda: "Fixed an issue where an immediate melee attack was not properly displayed after using a Mesh Shield" THANK YOU

@deathfail6306: Hey Ottr, i think they made the shotgun on the Mediums like a bit slower! Have to tested that?

@rivenlikemakar: Your PC must be choking brother, please let it breathe holy 😭😭

@onepunchdoggo: They cant just give the 93r the buff that it needs for the life of them😂😂 oh Embark.... why tf would you make this gun a headshot gun when you cant even see the enemy players heads with the iron sights💀.. counterintuitive much?

@jeff9760: TA ranked is so disappointing, thought they could maybe rework it to be more interesting but it's just a slog. Hoping they let us play a real ranked cashout mode at some point this season cause idk if I can keep my friends interested in this shit

@135Jaeger531: 93r needs a higher hs multiplier. If it had that the other changes would be great

@Hamiltron_: Kinda sad to not see you on Twitch Rivals. I really hope this comment ages poorly. I’m so stoked to play S03, but I wanna see you smash Gigz and Netex.

@TBDCrow: Last night I won a ranked tourney for the sole reason of death match Lmao

@pntbttrcrckr831: “My bodies shot” *gulps monster*

@Aragao95: not even my mom have that many tabs open! amazing!

@cameronmays5422: I personally dont think the 93R was nerfed. I understand its a videogame but itd be a bit ridiculous to be getting beamed in the head 50 m away by a burst weapon thats a pistol. Lights, unless theyre set up to play from afar, naturally are designed to engage medium to short engagements.

@user-jj9qd9bi8c: As a CL-40 enjoyer, absolutely love the patches

@elkhebherga4175: Why they din't touch heavy?

@vitodany1844: clear your tabs bro

@ExtremelyOnlineGuy: What I wanna see is less people complaining about people being higher in the skill ceiling. Dashing with any weapon doesn’t need to be removed. Stfu about nerfing things that require skill. Now this heavy grapple?? Nobody’s talking about it. Wonder why.

@Kovek1988: This is the worst season until now...Terminal ranked...No comment...World tour is a joke with cashout point ranking, melee weapons...No comment...I think the game will die until the season end...

@IzikDigitalArt: Disappointed 1v1v1v1 Cashout casual is gone

@Savon1c: I dont understand the lh1 buff, the gun was already strong and yhe recoil wasnt that bad, but now it just melts any class

@Ash.Belmont: This man said TA isn't the main mode but it's the singular ranked mode....

@Gooby1024: Glitch mines are soooo good to lock down a area, sadly you can only have 2 active at a time

@pierreheraud1703: patchnote looks 7/10 but they do nothing to improve R357 situation and they give 1 more damage point on this stupid already too OP V9S gun, wtf Embark

@SusBTV: Bro where is my sniper buff/light buff. WHERE IS IT?? 😔 Even the bow is better than sniper, it can 2 shot headshot a heavy while a sniper can't? Wtf. I mean W T FUGG BRUV. 😭

@nahCyzar0520: You missed the decreased damage to M60.

@finnbacon: EMBARK COOKED!! 🔥🔥🔥

@kawalek5: Why is nobody else complaining that they removed the CORE GAMEMODE??? You’re now forced to play quick cash because they decided that cash out (the game mode the game was made for) wasn’t good enough for them. They literally removed the core part of the game

@erikburgos744: Always fell like my bullets went over ppls heads or under they armpits with the lh1

@nikidrawsstuffs: GLITCHTRAP ⁉⁉⁉

@FAXIII7: Your PC RAM is Suffering .

@Cheaterwillatkicktv: 3 times I got no hit reg wit my cross hair on the mfs chest. All with the bow. That thing is nasty but something is off with the hit box!

@suntzu6122: How the fxck do they still not nerf MINE / RPG? These devs are honestly terrible at balance.

@geneseus: RIP Medium 2024

@b0rn_dj323: JUst found the craziest bug if you right clik on the cachout box thing the one you throw with a spear it goes mach 5

@EtherionNatsudragnel: Cheto

@RGisOnline: Bro, close your tabs 🤣

@ryans3795: The sas1216 is the biggest nerf. That gun us atrocious and needed a bit of a range or damage buff, one OR the other, but not both.

@Exist64: Always good changes, I'm very satisfied

@mosoixx8509: Hey man, we love your content and how often we do get em, but you need to take care of your well-being too. Make sure you're eating and resting well. Hope you get better soon! Much love ❤

@Lee-22: Bro is allergic to closing tabs 😭

@hawt815: Does embark have beef with full auto weapons? Nerfing all full auto and buffing single fire/burst weapons every patch

@rapidshot3033: Who needs glitch traps when you have glitch nades?

@tzav0o97: How tf are you supposed to kill a medium with dual blades. Explosives?

@tzav0o97: They managed to make heavy so op with the winch i bet everyone is gonna abuse it. Your only chance to beat a heavy was creating distance and now you can't.

@m.poppins4843: "Does not apply in the Terminal Attack game mode" Huh? This looks scary. Hopefully they dont start making too much things behave differently depending on the game modes. Because, well first its gonna be a real nightmare to balance the game for them, and as for the players, if season 3 was supposed to be an opportunity to streamline things... im not sure this (making things more complicated) is the right way. Things like "Increased ammo count from 2 to 3, Increased cooldown from 45s to 50s" are already reflecting some balancing constraints here as obviously, if you need to balance the availability of a said gadget (in cashout mode), like smoke nade in our case, you will most likely just touch the CD. But, now CD isnt a thing in TA since items are only ammo limited. So now they have to tweak and balance two parameters for two game modes instead of one? Im having a bad feeling about this one.

@frkr3110: famas change makes it two burst light with one headshot

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