Apex Legends Season 8 Patch Notes! - Huge Buffs and Nerfs!

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••: anybody else find it harder to shoot bullets out of the r-301 when in single bullet mode?

Joey Green: I disagree with octanes launch pad it was way better before

General Heinz: I'm suprised they didnt fix the silent gibby ult.

7mile_km: Why they have to nerf horizon

Brooke Boesner: LEAVE WRAITH ALONE!!!!

Sam Egan: i miss the pk as floor loot

Kellz: The new Octane jump pad is insane, im absolutely in love with it.

thebananaboatlife: Got on yesterday as soon as the new season came out, played for about 10 hours, only encountered 1 wraith the entire day, where all the "good skillful" wraiths go?!?!?!?! 😂🤣😂🤣

Tymm Bender: Watched until he started attacking my weapons. You know how many games Ive won because of the alty and spitfire... And what do you mean who uses the spitfire... I think its one of the most common weapons Ive been taken out by.

ALang98: I’m just waiting for the peacekeeper to be back in rotation. Man I loved that gun

Bob is Bob: 8:32 What does that mean? Does it mean those weapons aren't going to spawn anymore? (Sorry this is my first new season lol)

Shaked Moyal: No Wattson buff? I rarely find Wattson players.. she definitely needs a buff!

ALI-K not A: But have they fixed the fucking crashes ??? No

Flexter 1.6: why wraith again???? Wraith is a symbol of Proness so no matter how much they nerf it people still gonna pick her....But that dosent mean u will keep making it harder and harder for wraith mains ?? the Portal is almost useless now with that shitty range + it takes 1 sec to go into the void + No naruto animation + now hit box increase ???u fucking kidding me

Some random guy: whats the rampart bug thing about?

Brad: I think when it comes to the gold mag, people are forgetting how often we put away our weapons to run faster, the reload still takes place if both weapons are holstered so the second you put everything away to run faster, your auto reload starts

Jake Moorer: Let me tell you the spitfire did not need a damage buff. That thing runs the midrange game right now because you can just keep shooting forever and eventually they’ll die

Dark Sphere 99: I thought the prowler was going back to ground loot?

Chris Wright: Nobody uses spitfires except people tired of getting knocked from reloads putting down whole squads 🥴 double spitfires with gold mags will guarantee either wins, 20 bombs or 2k damage games.

SekushiRicky: Can they please add a voice line that will make the characters mention when they Crack enemy shields so I know when why my teammates with no mics randomly push 😛

El Frijolero: i got my first win of season 8 with Loba's buff, i stole a kraber from a care package and won the game with it lmao

RB_ Ricky: Revenant gets no love😞

Diego Seguinot: Day 301: Still waiting for the Peacekeeper to be a normal drop weapon again.

Duke Porter: All the legends that have been giving bigger hit boxes needs the 10% damage increase removed epically path finder he's trash now

Jawnin: Why did they remove the double tap and leave the quick draw? worst purple hopup ever

Javian Brown: they need to stop nerfing people based on win rates... ( not saying these nerfs are good/bad) it's not that important, they should actually play the game and watch gameplay to see if something seems too strong/ too good

coper3211: It would have been nice to show a screenshot of the updates they put in

ㄡ: I love the damage counter change

Chippy: Was a horizon main switching to a fuse main, and I can’t count the amount of times I have threw a knuckle cluster at my feet

Chippy: I can already see all the streamers setting their Cronus zens to full auto for the 3030

Affan Mahdhir: Wattson fences should activate when enemy try to pass through, like caustic gas, that way it will make Wattson tactical be more useful, cuz most of the time when enemies see the fence they would know our location and they find an alternative way to pass them. Kinda makes the skill very situational. Once the fence activate they should remain activate as usual , just to be fair .

Lucky Panda33: Everyone in platinum uses spitfire and I hate it

LanceThePants 22: So is the prowler still in the care package?

Roayan Dingsmethiv: I am happy that Loba got a buff, I don't care if it's bad or good whatever, small steps <3

Gideon Cooper: Actually they took away her unique animations so this is a big change

John Frederick: I have a feeling a lot of Wraith mains are in for a rude awakening. They’re going to realize they were never really that good at apex but we’re just picking the character with the hardest hit box to hit. I noticed I stopped losing a lot of 1:1 gunfights after Paths hit box nerf and people started picking him less.

XxMarkD_xX: All I hear is wraith's nerfs all the time I can't lmao.

Space Biscuit05: Everyone just watch WATERGOTHIM, it takes 5m to go through the updates instead of 15m

Fjud gee: Can’t see the huge changes though.

_Bethany_: I think i might just change to a rampart main. After I started to play her more.

H0lland0ates 79: Anyone else think that Sheila being an auto turret with limited range when not manned is a good idea?

Jordan Mitchell: Why do they nerf off of win rate that’s so dumb wraith is fine where she is tbh ( horizon main )

Armanie Singletary: ---------------------------------------------------------missed buff, nerf, and rework opportunities ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Revenant: has moved down the tier list and is not as reliable in ranked anymore (respawn has said they dont' know how to change him yet) Loba: tactical still slow ( respawn said wait till season 9) Gibraltar: nerf to gun shield (respawn noted he would be nerfed but nothing yet) Lifeline: change to revival not nerfing it but making it less annoying as well as ultimates being better ( said this would change but i guess no) Octane: speed as well as overall team capability he is still a highly favored legend and he runs the same speed as bloodhound and bangalore as well as more can be added to his jumpad such as making it into a trap for enemies (respawn's worst patched legend most buffs to him are immediately taken away while has remained in every ranked team for 7 seasons) #bringbackspeedhealing Rampart: buff is still underwhelming......just wait i am not wrong Pathfinder: not really a recon legend anymore should be given same ability as crypto to see how many squads are in the area Wattson: fun capability for pubs (respawn is tracking this)

Wireless Heirloom127: MRVN: spare me please! TGM: bye bye

Wireless Heirloom127: Why must they nerf wraith again, isn't she nerfed enough

Artius: I don’t think they understand what “speed increased” means lol. It should say either “reload time increased” or “reload speed decreased”...

Armanie Singletary: man gaming merchant what are you talking about nothing here is a huge buff! i mean a huge well deserved wraith nerf but i will tell you your rampart will still suffer. i played rampart alot and anyone diamond 3 and up will still laugh at you

datboiioッ: Once again wattson has no buff

Rey REY Derp: 2 spitfires rampart 2 golden mags?😿

Amin Liban: Wait what happened to revenant buff?

Sebastian Pereira: “the fact remains that [wraith’s] win rate continues to be at the very top as it has since day one” YEAH BECAUSE YOU KEEP NERFING ANY OTHER LEGEND THAT HAS EVEN A SLIVER OF POTENTIAL TO BE BETTER

NotThriller: Actually the prowler isn’t care package anymore there is something else now

Am0nite: Wraith is about to become as thicc as loba.

Chaoz UwU: Wait so is wraith getting that tactical buff?

Mint Mango0: Yes they got the lore blurbs from Overwatch

Nathaniel Withington: Saying goodbye to my Double Tap Dream Team Wombo Combo....

Ladon Beats: Not really that interested in the new guy his skills like ... light

Itz_NFECTED: All in all, I don't think this season will flip the meta unlike in some other seasons

Kiss My Hollows: Nerf wraith all y’all want ima still use her and claps these trash players that complain about her 🥱

Ritvik Manem: anyone notice the 2 extra icons where they were showing of the gold mags. Might be new utilities.

deranged khaos: I’m gonna stop maining wraith if she doesn’t get her instant phase back

Ak47: lifeline needs passive nerf idc

Lydia Hempstock: I’m mad about the double tap going😭

Death shot: What is the rampart bug?

PETARDAwNABIAL: this is NOT good for Caustic. I want my kills, if i stay in the game for long enough

DapperPandaKing: Man fuse already has a clear hard counter, wattson.

JOSEPH JOESTAR: Yeah I’m going to rage Against the spitfire I already know it

TheMesoria: Could you kindly tell me where have you found "Huge buffs"? This is the most sexless, unexciting, and disappointing patch notes in a while and I start to understand why they made them stay hidden for long. There is no interesting changes, the so-called "Meta .*" changes are just minor adjustments, non of those change meta, Gold mags - let's be honest, even you do not find them useful. Double-tap was one of the well-balanced attachments, and anvil one of the most useless. 1 dmg change on weapons? Jesus. Even pros will not bother. IF 1 dmg is not changing TTK, it is not worth bothering, when you have alternatives like R301 or r99 (for both Spitfire and alternator). If we think long and well about the roles of these weapons in-game, we can conclude 1 thing. They are suppressive weapons. There is no place for suppressive weapons in the game because there are too many "weasley" characters like wraith, pathfinder, or gibi. These Legends are chosen not by accident because they are currently meta, and wraith nerf will not change it, as her ult is too powerful. Atm, we are having FTTK meta and it will not be changed by... Gun Meta change of this caliber. If they want to make it useful, maybe add some "suppression" effect like slow, but lower damage? IDK, I am not experienced, but I still can see that none will pick up spitfire/alternator and think "GOD THANK YOU!". And new legend? "Uh oh, remove stacking grenades, too much throwing in late-game" 1 year later -> "Uh oh we could give new character double stack grenades AND LET HIM THROW THEM FASTER AND MORE ACCURATE" this will be fun! moreover, his skills are just straight-up test, if they can put damage into skills. Nothing more, nothing less. Another legend wrote for nerfs/being too weak. You saw what happened to Rampart. She was exactly the same type of character as Fuse, but her ult made too much damage, to make it forgiving. MOREOVER, they added legend which can easily float above your ult without you being able to shoot her (God bless respawn for the nerf!) ;D

Konst Alp: that skin lore feature is from overwatch

the real tin man: "They still like the idea of the shotguns being strong" he says The shotguns: 11 dmg, 17 dmg , 25 dmg

Tenth Shadow: I thought wattson was getting a nerf/buff

Mikhail Jordanov: I really thought about lifeline's ult which don't make sense at all .. They could maybe make her revive a dead teammate directly without a respawn beacon .. That would be useful in final battles

Dasneat: If it only does 50 why the hell would I use it when there g7 and wing man

ReiRei: That Horizon nerf really sucks, it's like they're unhappy with suddenly having a Wraith rival-character. These 4 seconds will immensely affect both her playstyle and teamwork.

Zane Le Bush Genie: Imagine making a cool skin for a gun no one uses, and then Still not give anyone a reason to use it

The Mind Master: "Who uses the spitfire" :(

Great Doritos: Northstar cluster missile anyone


Genasidal: April fools mozam in Care package then we get PK back

Kayds08: as a horizion main im outraged

Najheee ari: They should have did something to Wattson and Bangalore

C- prisom: Goodbye wraith now and forever

Darktemp 135: I don’t think you understand the gold mag example: your in a fight you have a empty spitfire so you switch your gun like to a 301 and fire that. By the time your finished the spitfire is fully reloaded. And you keep laying down pressure with out stoping for 5 seconds to reload.

Mine Fluffy: So the level cap is still 500🥱

Stephen Sleezer: as a mirage main i’d like to state that i will not in fact be getting nailed while fleeing at 200 paces

Nano Lopez: Rip wraith but ima still use her cause she my main

beam grim: Your not just uploading like crazy but your keeping the content quality as good and even better keep up the good work :D

Aiden -: I got chills.... 10:00 This cant be right. The alternater is OP. Good thing no one believes me or is willing to give it a go. Im maining that gun over R9 and scout

Astraha: "Caustic doesnt get nerfed so we all know what mistake they did >:)" -The Caustic main

Archie Peace: I only just got up but tbh this is more important than breakfast

thang pham ngoc: but no gibby nerf

Emon Khan: so basically wraith did chest and legs in the gym

The Octomus Prim: "Only good for rampart who uses the spitfire" the spitfire is the best gun in the game

Abdulaziz Hodzic: Wraith went to Mcdonalds

sLeEp iS foR wEakLiNGs: *sad Caustic main noises*

uncharted joker: For the people that prefer vids that aren't 10 mins (no offense to those that do) there is a apex news channel called watergothim that does vids that are around 2 minutes basically every day.

jjww: So they made wraith thicc

Boof Llama: As a Loba main i am excited. I also didn't watch the video so idk if thats okay to say

n0t_ADam: They really do be not buffing crypto for the 3rd season in a row

randall Bowers: Honestly I’m underwhelmed; I feel like there wasn’t that much of a change made with this season... very disappointed we haven’t got a new hop up

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