Confirmed Legend Buffs + Nerfs For Next Patch & Season 8 Apex Legends

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FullmetalAlchemistJ: Good luck bro

please insert a name: Loba is gonna be good!? Never heard loba and good in the same sentence

please insert a name: Bangalore better be getting a buff

No name: if loba could grab team mates banners then crypto deserves more too in my opinion.

Justin: yo what about crypto

Jarell Mendoza: i just subscribed bro

0.0: They keep nerfing wraith when in reality she will always be one of the most used and best just because of the sweaty fanbase. why not just kill her off and get it over with and stop ruining her. They are gonna make her hitbox bigger yet she will still take 5% more damage. isn't the point of low profile being harder to hit?? so why are they continuously making it easier to hit low profile legends. I hear 3 times the amount of people complain about caustic and gibys fortified yet they keep bullying path and wraith

AidanFN: Content is 🔥. Merry Christmas to you and your family

Mike Snow: Who's keen for a Triplets play mode, squads of 3, all as the same legend? Imagine Bangalore's all bringing their air strikes down at once, Revenants all shutting down everyone's abilities, Horizons all shooting down on people from above, black holes eberywhere. You get the idea. I reckon it would be sick!

D J: Water gonna blow up big soon

Like Water: No crypto buff next season. :(

Like Water: R99 battle pass skin iron sights is crap.

KZ: Do you think for No Fill they would increase the team cap ingames so it's still 60 people, or would they make it less people? Seems like an interesting dilemma

Lex Fan: If they butcher wraith i swear

bing flosby: Definitely working hard appreciate u

Call Me Whatever: Lmfao they said they weren’t nerfing wraith anymore and they go and do it

Mr.Knight: Wraith is shit now and still nerfing lmao

Multi Thieves: Dude, I’m upset Horizon isn’t getting a longer cooldown for her tactical. Smh

Jarkko Björklund: Last patch: "We are done nerfing Wraith after this." Next patch:

XBrian818: These devs are the most incompetent brain dead devs I have ever seen working on a game. If there goal is to kill their game as fast as a dev can kill a game great job morons. "Oh the people that love our game love this gun or this legend so lets nerf that fan favorite legend that our fans spent money on for skins & our players love this gun so lets nerf that too or remove it from ground loot and put it in a care package" just taking all the fun and enjoyment out of the game.

SnowTheGhost: Revenant needs the fortified perk like caustic & Gibby anybody else agree like fr he has the 3rd biggest hit box in the game & he gets shredded

Sombre Thoughts: Tf 75% Unscribed they all thirsty for this info yet doing water dirty damn

BCrafty121: Seems like giving Rampart improved weapon handling of all stats with LMGs would be a simple way to make her more viable without being OP. Not just faster reload and higher mag capacity with LMGs, but also faster ADS, better recoil control, less aim drift, etc as well.

TheSameNameasYou: Need a 3kliksphilip of Apex

Kaiden Facer: What the hell is the fight night?

Arzel: They’re gonna make a tachanka buff and let rampart run around with shelia lol 😂

CursedMessiah✔️: Don’t need to subscribe when the videos I want to watch pop up lmfao

SHITRUNNER: It’s just annoying shooting a wraith with a mastiff dead center at their chest and only one or two pellets landing. It’s annoying and unfair.

DonFlamingo 7: I’m very happy that they’ll be handling wraith this way. I don’t like the way they merged the crap out of her, even if she still is very strong. I think a bigger hitbox will be super beneficial to this game and her as a characterb

Pixelmaster99: Why can’t they just add a solo, duo, and trio queue?

JOSEPH JOESTAR: I the Winter Express LTM a caustic got stuck in The cargo box in the middle of the train so he could gaz us and it was Impossible to Win did it happen to you ?

UN0N_PUDDING: Dude I can’t explain how your my favorite YouTuber I say this from all love in my heart🥰 keep up the good work!

Aaron Camren: Why doesn't respawn just buff Lobas Q? Such a worthless mobility ability

JakeHere-: Can't wait for the re work on Watson just don't have any idea what they could do with her

Jalyn Goins: Wait since when couldn't loba open care packages I literally always have been able to open then when I've used loba ? So I'm confused someone explain


Nato: The fact that u have a gif for every intro, is just worthy of an award all by itself

Spindleshanks 816: Dude the devs are so focused on fixing things that aren’t issue in this game I swear to god, how about you work on your piss poor assist system for the ranked players, or make knockdown shields actually worth picking up, or maybe bullet sound quieter so your not getting thirded from halfway across the map, the list goes on

HeroicGaming: Can gibby PLEASE get a fucking nerf?

Rockerz Ville: Yesss please no fill rank

Kai: Is no one going to talk about pathfinder getting a hitbox increase being what seems to be as big as Gibraltar and yet STILL HAS LOW PROFILE. The devs are ruining the game

A Guy: Personally, Loba's ult is fine, and any changes that would buff it is welcome. The real problem with Loba (Aside from her Q not working half the time) is that her kit is relatively bad for skirmishes.

Armored: Wraith good just the way she is now. Buff loba or something

Illusi0n: You are wayyyy toooo underrated

Yazeed Ceres: Anyone think gibby needs a nerf

ur mom lol: Wraith is basically unplayable now

Cenpaiz: Wattson is what I am waiting for

Da Goat: They keep missing the point with loba. Her ult doesn’t need to be buffed, (although it doesn’t hurt to buff it more) it’s her tactical that needs to be buffed. Her bracelet is trash b/c everything about it is so slow. Loba won’t be an elite legend until they buff her tactical.

Phillip Marx: Watched a few of your videos now. Sub'd now. Keep it up

Jarrett B: Sheila rotation should be 300 degrees. Even 360 will help balance her. Her walls should be pretty darn close instant too. At least 1 second. Or increase the amount to 6-7.

Love Is The Answer: Rip wraith

Roman P.: Damn, I remember when you had 2k subs. I'm so happy you got 90k!

spyda1205: They messed with my grapple, cool, they give me octanes high jump which i already knew how to do, cool, they keep on messing with wraith, COOL. Sooooo can we also take low profile off the HEAVIEST character in the game? Is that so hard? As a matter a fact i will not rest at this, i want him to be FORTIFIED now. 😈🤖 #ResurrectedPath

ACE: I can’t understand what are they doing with wraith ?

spek stop using this channel: Guys fucking subscribe

You’reGay: Why do you talk like you’re being held hostage lmao.

Jiska Storm: Uhm no Bangalore news, please Respawn?

Feebled life: Life line OP nerf her revive spam

sXeANARCHYsXe: Subbed. You fucking deserve it bruh 👍🏻. I always come to you for my info UwU

AHMAD SHAKEEL: Look at his face while he is playing.


HendrickBowman48: I feel like a way to improve Watson is when she’s using energy ammo weapons her damage is increased by 5%

William Arnold: I actually had a complaint to a dev and the dev told me it was my problem not his such great guys

W0lfe64 YT: I like water because he just gets to the point and doesn’t have a 20 minute intro

ToxicAD: If you guys have a chance a I uploaded today 🙏🏻🙏🏻

tt’s_flips: I WAS UNSUBBED

Daleth Guerra: They needa nerf horizons tactical. Make it 30secs as well. Also nerf the hemlock and mastiff. No skill weapons what so ever

MrSkullhead0: Aight you got me, I subscribed. Keep up the great content! Also wattson mains where you at!

Ace: Dude sounds like milk from big mouth

Itachi Uchiha: RIP Wraith. Hilarious how Horizon is gonna remain unchecked but they're gonna nerf Wraith into oblivion. They couldn't balance the game if they were given an instruction manual.

Samuel Todd: Fuck yeah and great vid fam 🤘🏻🤘🏻 sub from ya boi

Austin Budz matlock: always greatness! keep it up soon or later you will be in the millions bro!

Ace: i think pathfinders tow takeover the heirloom will be bang

Rich Gettin Richer: Water got u jus know dat

Mykelle Derick Palad: Clear and straight to the point. that's how you do it guys. You get a new sub

Bears Films: I hate the express mode..........

Sleepy: when is flash point wraith coming back

greezy_goblin: I got the removed from club notification too, then later it said I got invited back and then t still had all my chats and placement notifications

Devin Harry: Hopefully In the Season 8 patch I want rampart walls to have a 1 second build up time and the health on the barrier at least 200 how is it that N.E.W.T has 200 health but Amped cover does not!?

Arif Khan: Caustic needs buff in my opinion his gas should have lower cooldown 25 to 17

BrothersGrimm: Man! Good info, but seriously, do you take a breath?

Akil Raw: Yow water what’s up with the Bangalore Heirloom 🥲

Danielokit: The Daily apex news says loba buff Me a loba main: Oh nice

sandfly115: What about that octane jump pad bug where you slide then jump as soon as u hit it but the jump pad cancels for some reason

KamrØ1: All I want is Wattson’s heirloom

A human: Bruh just subscribe to him

Plastikfolie: Respawn: Solos: Nahhh... No Fill: Real shit!!!

Zaeons: Me and my friends have been complaining LOBA can't grab teamate banners with her ult

Gep Apex: Wraith and Gibraltar buff please

TsukuyomiXlll: This is the only video I've ever watched from you and immediately subscribed. To the point and informative with great gameplay to watch.

Daniel Manson: I quit apex for this season I really hope they add solos soon im tired of playing with randoms

avishay rockstar: Nerf wraith Buff loba and octane Nothing for bang As always Its the same bs every patch

Joseph Dallas: How tf do people not subscribe?? Smh

Einārs Kaminskis: As much as I understand the idea of no fill, imagine, what it will do to solo queue lobbies. Everyone that is decent at the game and solo queues will NEVER play fill again, which means, people, who do go in fill will be more likely to match up with noobs or just worse players, but they will still go up against these no fill pros and try hards. That will make the game completely unballanced in skill more than it is. To add to that, it is nice to meet new people and fortnite's implementation of no fill in squads and duos has done exactly that - made pros try hard while you get noobs in your team only, who don't even talk. This is why I like Apex a lot more than other BRs, it doesn't have the feature to no fill.

Cj Burgos: Wraith finna be lookin like loba 😂😂😂

Apollo Rezonate: Yo so did they mess with the sbmm? I played last night in plat 4 and all u got was 3 stack pred squads that were in Dimond 2. Pretty ridiculous when I'm getting bot teammates going up against 3 stack super sweats that with 38k kills and shit like wtf. Thought cross platform would have increased the pool size and help not getting diamond 2 and 3 preds in plat 4 smh

Okuyasu_69: You can't write kono dio da in the clup chat

Buddy Mozzer: It feel slike season 7 just started and we are already talking about season 8

Cemolion: what bloodhound skin is that?

Paulo Xd: i hope you drink enough water tho

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