The BEST Spot To Land in Fortnite Season 6...

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PinkSywe DarnoC: I always go there!!!

wyatt vargas: If you take a bow and craft it with a grenade it makes a better version of the boom bow

Arath gallo: U should try the fire bow! It’s pretty good but also u near to be careful watch out.

Octaveus Bonqueque: 3:24 blanked lol

Hit H: The new bow reminds me of the upgraded bows in bo3 deeiendrache

Danielfoxo99: Hi love ur vids keep it going

Olvin Josue Castillo Castillo: question:did you buy levels?

Finn Brownridge: The bow upgrade paths remind me of skylanders upgrade paths lmao never know which one to pick

NeoViny: Wow, "let me kill him for the Video" .... That's a brutal Statement

Eden: You can buy the metal as well from the npc near the slurp truck in between the orchid and steamy

Whitefury745: Hi SypherPk how can i upgrade weapons example: I have purple pump to gold pump pls reply.

SirSnipez101: They took snipers out bro😭that was my favourite thing to do!

MOLLY: Sypher said 349 words in this vid I COUNTED IT

SawyerGames: Junior looks like the skin he’s wearing

William Springer: ive never seen sypher a 129 gold :)

Adam Playz: 4:45 that was assorted savage hes a streamer

Notagamerbychoic: Land flush factory there's an NPC that sells purple pumps for 95 gold

Quicktrip Gas: CAMP COD is good you can buy the car parts with gold and upgrade your guns there

Tony Cassone: way to ruin my spot bro. i get its your job but i was getting back to back dubs there even in season 5.

Moses Tassell: btw the weather station has a boss and so does the plane wreck

really random rex: there a glitch with crafting guns you get a load of xp but then never get the reward

Marko Opalic: When i do the craft im like 23 level when i back to lobby im 20 ca someone help

Jad Celine: I wish I could play. My wifi is worse than McDonald’s wifi and the update is 28.645 gb. I live in the Middle East of Asia more specifically Lebanon, which is a corrupted nation that has several issues. At least I can WATCH pro gameplay but PLAYING is better keep it up!!!! <3

IcDragonPlayz: I thought this was SypherShorts until I saw the video length

Sir Monkey: You get gold weapons from all npcs if your lucky

SanTech: Looks like sypher changed his colourblind mode 🌈

Zpc: that was my spot I started standing there since the first day chapter 2 season one came

MFP Bubbles: The "hey what's up guys it's sypher'' just makes my day

Anil Sachade: 0:15 I used to go to that spot and now it's a hotdrop 😂😂😭

WAFFEL_CRAFT: If you dule gutbomb you get a purple spas

John Varmall: The first place they went is my arena drop

John Creech: Bro you’re trash my drop

YaniK: I got a gold skar from Jones in plesant

Daniel Zamora: Camp Cod is a power move!

Crix_Factor: nooooooooooo sypher whyyyyyyyyyy

LobsterGames: i think what their doing with the new primal, mechanical weapons is trying to return to the original gun play because back when the game first game out their wasn’t first shot accuracy. but they do give you the opportunity to get a better weapon

Raidifyed: I wish i could play Fortnite i just dont have a good enough pc

Midas: btw does anyone get level up glitches in game and when u return its a different tier????

Aditya Ramakrishnan Iyer: btw sypher the npc raz can make u turn to a prop and rift you


KxngPlayz: I like how they give things to you when you talk to the npcs

TMH FORTNITE: Great Job Nice video iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 👍😎

acidtrips YT: i started landing at dirty docks more cuz the new npc "tess" gives you a guaranteed normal AR from blue to gold and there is a good amount of mats there also that spot where they landed, if the npc "dummy" is there, he'll upgrade your weapons

Donovan S.: i went to the tomato lady and got a gold scar

Treyluvs: bro everytime i land there there is so many people

Fe4r Clips: He just told everyone ;(

Musical Lyrics: So sypher, talking to every NPC will randomly give you random stuff, can be items heals or weapons

Vezi: You killed assorted savage?

Agent Krusty: We had the NPC from misty give my buddy a old scar for free. Right after I bout something

Gqad: I saw this guy in game who did this lmao

rayan uddin: are you muslim

Nauman Ashraf: Junior is lucky

Akram Nabhani: The new season feels like Stark Industries because of thevred trees.

TheJTTLShow: I remember traveling here and wondering if a pile of cars would give me mechanical parts. I does and it is so op. Once I find a makeshift bow, I add 4 parts and either 2 shockwaves, or 6 grenades. I love this spot

DatboilucasYT: Can I have the battle pass sypher?

Captain jinxy: F u this was my strat and now u ruined it

HaZardOus GaMeinG: The guy at colossal crops gives you a gold pump if you talk to him too

Chirag Agarwal: Hi Sypher...I hope you make more videos like you made for season 4- - - - - - - - How to get high elim wins and more- - - - - -cannot wait for more of your content

Rosemarie Campbell: The giddy stick bilaterally rush because anethesiologist intriguingly report astride a mighty defense. doubtful, romantic coin

lo_cialfi1: Now everyone’s gonna land there

Gentai man: wait so are pumps back? edit: oooooh i see. you get a makeshift shotgun and to get a pump you upgrade it with metal 💪🐸👍

PhantomGamingX1: Every talkable NPC now gives you an item for free, it can even be a gold pump or scar, thats why you got the spaz Sypher :D

T: You’re crafting wrong bro. You just did it completely wrong. Now you only have green??

Camslam45: I really like the new season so far, I barely touched the game before and tbh I think the primal weapons are pretty good not sure why people are hating on them already

Bchardisney15: Yesterday I ran into a guy who kept editing his way out of slurpy while we pushed him it was annoying

Aiden Wlodarczak: Imagine how nasty the shockwave bow is in end circle you can just launch them in the storm and they are basically screwed

The amazing world of aahad: Yea sometimes I get bone or mechanical parts when I talk without buying

niall schepers: I know the best place for shure

Xentenz: this feels like a whole new game

J J: Bro now everyone will drop at my spot

sira soumare: Bring the tacky wacky back

איתן פרץ: its sleek pls call it sleek

Phoenix G.O: 5:31 this is cursed he was lookin right at the scar

Joshua Maxson: To all npc's you can get anything from them for free if you just talk to them

Keggs: Y does new fortnite remind me of rust the new ars r kind of like rust and there r new bows

jjbbigs: your such a grumpy angry prick these days sypher, used to like watching you. Away get a burger to eat, you were happier then!!!!!

Gaming Zone: At 2:20 sypher was talking about the different bows but he didn't mention the grapple bow that was in the season 6 trailer

Che' Roy: Best spot for those who want Mechanical pieces, What about bones?

Eduardo Castro: I prefer the durr burger for a free spaz but this works too 😄

razer's tarun: I already knew 😂

Shashank Chandra: Grenade bow is such a spam a head shot deals somewhere around 170 damage and each grenade deals 20dmg,on impacts releases 3 grenades ,But doesnt do much build damage

frost artixx: I think most of the npcs just give random loot when u talk to them like the one near craggy which is the satellite house i think

Panama: His Brother sounds like Bugha

HypDZN: I think the fortnite devs played too much far cry or smthn. what the hell has this game become

SilencedStorm: i talked to the female tomato skin boss thing and she gave me a Gold P90

Titan: Ngl this update feels like a whole new chapter part from the map

Ken Yamamoto: Every npc gives you items Its random

Hurghis cristian: also the npc from risky reels drops a legendary pump

Legzyyt: The ncp at weeping woods gave me 100 brick

GG NATION: Tvvhcthc



KaiZabel: i discovered the secret about this spot while i was completing a challenge to collect metal before sypher uploaded this video, lol

Liam Robinson: Is it just me or is season 6 more like minecraft than actual fortnite

HeyitsmeUzi: Season 6 HYPE!

Moyo Manliki: who else was trigered when he didint pick up tthe scar

Tomas Tooaln: The npc gives u loot and it can differ greatly and I got a hold spaz and a gold p90 of Lara Croft

Finn Bauman: The bow’s definitely gonna break the game comp wise the shockwave one is literally the catty launcher and we all know what that did, and the stink one would be the most destructive thing ever in a scrim

Josh Gameplay channel: Add weapon abilities for your guns besides bows like weapon attachments

Virgilio T: Did anyone notice the xp is kinda glitched but it isn't so I went up a level for completing an xp challenge and I shot up 5 levels but went back to lobby I didn't

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