Homelander exposes Neuman as a Supe | The Boys Season 4 Episode 8

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@YoureUgly3: Man I despised Neuman but damn she didn’t deserve that kind of exposure.

@Draw2quit: I'm sure Neuman. Tried to pop Homelander's head there. Her eyes go white and Homelander reacts like he's been lightly slapped around the face.

@ClosedEyeVisualisations: How does Neuman stop his laser?

@perfectionbox: why would anyone with such immense power even remotely care about the laws of man or their protocols?


@curse5697: 2:48 I JUST REALIZED HE SAYS A LITTLE "ʷᵃᶦᵗ", that's so funny lmaooo

@jasonlouetta1760: How does her power work does she has thick skin or what damaged did she received by the laser

@parhambahrami8622: Shit, I didn’t think Neumann was remotely strong enough to survive a full on blast

@DarkKnight6six6: Old British Narrator voice: "Homelander had, in fact, not thought of that."

@brandonsunth1294: Spoiling the show and ruining it for people. You are a terrible person. I seriously hate you you pos

@shubashuba9209: The funniest thing about Firecracker is that she rails against indoctrinating children into the trans ideology, yet she is the one using more hormone therapy than any trans person just so she can produce milk for a manchild.

@OwenForReal: its people like you that always have me watching the episodes the moment they drop

@comicfan1324: 2:46 that twitch. Man, he’s an amazing actor!

@BrandonLacruzArt: So, people really thought Victoria Neumann really died ? 😂

@Jaysun11B: Season 3 came out in 2022. Season 4 released in 2024. Someone tell me I don’t have to wait until 2026 until the final season.

@sulatkamay1832: I really wanted her to get into action and toe to toe at least a few seconds. Go wild at least without pretending to be a normal human

@flexicus1105: Why is this actor so good at playing Homelander? they cannot recast homeland or Butcher.

@tsd811: Of course he thought of that

@carrier2823: I cant believe dakota bob is passing anti soup laws. If he likes soup so much then maybe he should marry soup.

@Mogsillq: 1:20 if you notice Victoria tried to pop homelander as a response but couldn’t

@pearbar5174: Jesus dude it’s been out for a day

@joxhoha6193: What’s stopping her from popping homelander’s head

@Shrek2ForDVD: Not even a day out and this dude has the spoiler in the title

@LethalAttraction-1: Is this real???????? What was that????

@Hopelessboy-Av7: 1:21 once again, Eric kripke proves Homelander is the strongest and powerful supe in the boys universe.

@notme5226: Stupid fucking title. Spoilers are the work of the devil

@tcsmagicbox: He didn't think of that.

@C.A.M584: She tried to kill him then and there for exposing her like that now she and after what happened next I can only say I am done having hope that Americas messy government can be fixed by a women being voted in its like the position is cursed for women.

@Nett11: 2:06 first time I’ve ever heard his accent slip

@SeandellJackson-eo3td: "Now shut the fuck up! And listen!!" Lmao homelander is hilarious asf🤣 be quick to put em in check 💀

@RX7821979: Homelander- how about another joke Neuman? 🥲

@Scrappy_ill_fold_ya_Doo: This is a really good series. Dunno why people hate it for being "woke".

@DGC15: Dakota Bob should have had immunity right 😂

@timbeller5912: So she can only use her peoers when she acticates her eyes ? Why didnt she just blood bend regularly against butcher ?

@thebr_officals3199: Farah vs Homelander

@destro3804: Did she tried to pop him thought

@pickledpiss9522: Why would he need to arrest half the country?

@degeneracy5783: HOW COULD U BROOOOO U SPOILED :(

@Nahidwash: Nueman was really gut wrenching this season

@ST4RFLAME: Bro who tf said this show fell off? THEY COOKED WITH THIS FINALE

@JonCom3dy: Poor Ashlee

@CptCannonman: 2:32 «Our fates are connected now» Is a *really* Interesting line considering what happens towards the end of the episode.

@loll751: RIP Victoria Neuman, it’s mind-blowing that she was killed not so long after

@higaiwokeru: If Homelander was powerless, hell if he was a D-lister, he wouldn’t have lasted as long as he had The guy is not only egotistical and a man-child but he’s just so UNBELIEVABLY fucking stupid The scenes that perfectly showcase how stupid he is is when he tried to win over the politicians in Tek-Knight’s mansion with nothing but buzzwords

@cameronmorris8105: You think Palpatine overthrew the Galactic Republic by letting everyone know he's a Sith? What was Homelander thinking?

@joshfriedman7099: Neuman realized too late that she made a horrible mistake in working with Homelander.

@calliespltn: insaneeee

@IICAVEM4NII: Not even a day after the episode is out and people posting spoilers. Think you may need to get a real job.

@Uramessi302: Thanks alot for the day one spoiler on my timeline cuck

@Sentinel_White: Homelander waited until she said "I'm not literally a superhero" to drive in the point fantastic detail

@otcheredragonball3321: She is dead btw

@bowenc24: 2:47 I hate how relatable that reaction is!

@abduljah9355: Between Maeve and Victoria it's clear that Homelander hates closeted people.

@chaosandstuff3519: Ppl hate the show for whatever reason but this cast is incredible and Anthony stars homelander is phenomenal. I can’t wait to see him finally snap

@BlameNate: She was definitely one of the best characters in the show. Kinda sad they killed her off

@1FLOt: Sage coming back was stupid as hell.

@Alrokako: Homelanders fuccin stupid an proved it here

@carmenleon2819: Aqui se confirma que newman no puede matar al patriota

@ifeelsane: 2:49 LMAO

@lifewithdrawable9022: 1:21, was she trynna pop his head?

@tay_hilfiger197: Yall are genuinely slow if yall think she tried to pop his head…she instinctively hardened her blood and skin…

@jameslough6329: What makes Homelander such a menace is that he’s just smart enough to be a constant threat but still dumb enough to not think before he acts

@tright6: "secrets rot your soul" said Homelander

@AMD_H.16: I didn't even realise, i thought he tried to kill her

@diego1590: Neuman's beak is only comparable to Christopher Moltisanti's.

@JJSEDITS: 1:57 me when I'm in a mood🤬

@yummyhotsaucefilledcrunchytaco: Homelander the type of guy to make jokes while having a memorial

@lucianomangroo: Imagine Victoria wasn't a supe when homelander laser her

@slwtoe2020: 2:38 could be a meme too.

@slwtoe2020: He aims at her nose lol

@AllOutNerdsssss: The whole scene caught me off guard lmao

@stevev7814: I think we’ve jumped the shark. The octopus thing from butcher’s chest was awful. Season 4 was the worst one to date.

@rdh9475: We all at some point , wished to be superheroes but this is why we shouldn’t , as good as we think we are we will always be selfish and put ourselves first to be a hero you have to be the opposite all the time .

@antonyy5705: Oh my he is sooo stupid

@jasonsmith7056: Thanks scumbag for already releasing this, only came out yesterday… cheers for the spoilers

@JinNOSify: 2:05 that ' Fuck Sage ' was so Kiwi. Starr's Kiwi-accent coming out, hahaha, churr

@diallobanksmusic: “And youre a gal” deserves an Emmy all by itself

@lonick1692: man i gotta say the finale brought me right back in, i didnt like this season much but man, the finale was great, if its any indication of s5, we're in for a diabolical time

@blahbleh5671: hmm. What was she doing with her powers just there?

@harrythepilgrim798: 2:18 - 2:21 he's so fucking funny 😭

@callmelio: I have a wild guess that it was Sage who gave Ryan that Christmas gift from Butcher and his mom, pretending it was from Butcher. She probably knew Ryan would keep it, and Homelander would eventually find it and go insane

@_Rick___Grimes_: he basically signed her death warrant the second he did this

@EchizenNanjirou: Am I tripping, or is the writing questionable for this season? I get that Sage is smart, but why can't they give us a scene of her setting a plan into motion instead of just telling us it's all going according to her plans. Also, Butcher "dying" of cancer the whole season, but taking V offscreen and coming to kill Neuman seemed rushed/off. It just feels like they went for shock factor this season instead of giving us more details

@segare-trop-vieux3932: Am I on drugs or the girl next to homelander is Mila Khalifa ???

@kyles2941: I love how homelander is in his own head but still aware of his surroundings

@Insanelygood81: Dang this is how I get spoiled

@Jespin_: Why would he have to arrest half the country and his company?

@tonymacintosh3744: no ever show shocked me like this. I was like "oh god no"

@Brainfryjoe: Loved that homelander just had enough of the bullcrap

@Fyreflier: "You think I didn’t think of that? Of course I thought of that,” Homelander lied, like a liar.

@Brainfryjoe: Butcher loved it

@yejikun: Are you sure that this is episode 8??? I recently watched it and I have no memory of this clip like????

@philippruizlozano: Did Firecracker...cough? 🤨🤔

@oscaryanez8324: "You think I didn't think of that"Dumbest mentally unstable hero in the world

@maxwella.gamingps4631: Did Neuman tried to pop Homelander's head? Lol

@leviathan9865: so bros just indestructable that not even neuman could pop his head

@rafaelbrito3375: Homelander kkk

@FallenTweaker: i've only been following the show through youtube so can anyone explain how she stopped his lasers lol

@woahblow4127: Reported. Wtf is wrong with you people spoiling shit 😂

@Da_Publick: Victoria should've remembered, this is the guy who outted Queen Maeve on live TV.

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