Squid Game: Season 2 | Date Announcement | Netflix

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@Crazymindblow: Dam it's already been 3 years can't wait to watch it 💓

@gayathrisubramaniam3932: Ok it's been 3 years.. Get ready guys time to get traumatize again 😂

@Sanjaysahu1s: Waiting⏳

@crystaldenise9934: December!!!! 😩

@GirlOnAQuest: Pretty lame trailer if you ask me.

@rcks9663: wow

@TherealAlex765: So it’s season 2 on December 26 and season 3 on 2025

@oliviaeberhart24: Looks like I'm going to start paying for Netflix again.

@Cheolssip: 가슴이 웅장해진다

@rockshubham7556: "hey... You finally woke up.." ❤

@corduroymoonz: i thought this came out

@scorpioqueen222: Yeh 4 mahine kaise katenge 🥺

@mousumighosh8706: 26 December 2025 😕

@geecokoa: So ready 2025 😊😊😊😊

@theshortsguy6345: WOWWWWW!!!!!!

@asifraj8080: UploadHindi...Dhruvanatghathiram....Sathurangavetta2.Thorati..Srirastu..Peruchazhi..DKBOSE..Kaalidas..Agnidev...Visaaranai...Mask...Uttamavillain...OruAdaar...Vettai...Bhayanakam...Titanic..Nindrukolvaan...CIA...Pellichoopulu...Njaan..Kali....Nine...Oppam..Tesla...Vettai...Evaru....Kshanam...Kiss...Dongaate...Yatra...Maravan..NightOut..SuperDeluxe...HERO..MrLocal...Seemaraja..Vasuki...ImaikkaaNodigal....Purampokku.....AmjaliCBI...Kalki...Premadesam...Sathya2....Ranarangam.....Mahanubhavudu...Ntapethunai...JilJungjunk....Jigarthanda2......NaanThondan...Theevandi....Kaamuki....Tharangam....ALLURamendran....Sundaram....Dandupalyamg.....Bramman...Gypsy....AanDevathai.....Kaali....CHINA.....Party......VenkatApuram ....PuthanPanam....Thobama....Vaaimai....kolaigaran....VARMAA.....SigramThodu....VelvetNagaram....Theeviram...Serversundaram......Naragasooran...TamizhPadam2.....Arjunsuravaram......Sathurangavetta...VAA....Arimanambi....Lens....INDIAN.....KUTTRAMEthandanal....28'c....JOker.......THEGIDI......Naam....Nonsense.....OrukuppaiKathai....47DAYs....EnaiNlokipaayumThota....DHrum....VanjagarUlagam...EEMAYAU....NinuThathalachi....Tiyaan....Falaknuma das....90ML....INDIAN2....Sakhavu....K13......Taramani........NOTA....RgvVangaveeti....RGVAttack....RgvLAKSHMI......Biju...Sakhavu.....RANGA.....RDXLOVE...KanniRasi..,Rocky....JADA....MEI....Kalavani2...Dasharatha...ARJUNA....KALKI.....ROCKY....Thorati....Khakii....8MMBullet...Virus.,,....

@ittefaqgamer543: Literally I wait session 2 😊😊

@tytimp4.: mais fr squid game c'est éteint

@lalhumayoun: 26 December 😂

@anajovanovic9489: Wait 2025 ?!?

@zayapatria2847: So from child's game to Olympics?

@manj5228: olympic edition.

@ruinita012: me ha entrado sida y todo.

@importkustomz: 😊❤

@Dipika-342: Wanna see the horror of the game again

@Whattheflip64: Like top 3 shows bruh. I saw a comment that said “this show should be kept short, it’s one that if kept going too long could easily get crazy and stupid”

@NOONE-um4wb: Finally :)

@naheedshaikh2513: Wtf now I have to wait till december 🥱

@marikosusie: this is NOT a date announcement, it is a clickbait video! coming 2025 is NOT a specific date...

@Marekaxz: omg they're gonna appear during Olympic game ?

@3thexoteam: We get squid game season 2 before Harshmxjb Album. 💿💿

@drmariopepper4354: Trailers are horrible. Do better

@VIOIYTIOE: It has nothing to do with life or death. It's the way the game is played.

@ObsessiveGeek: Two announcements for the price of one. Keeping this a trilogy is smart

@knockjihyoooooo6407: WHERE IS "ALL OF US ARE DEAD"??????????????

@Dequa21: I hope Seong can triple his profits 😂

@bellagiobill: Play again? Everyone who played is dead.

@rjgib1016: I hope it doesn't have an African American, Indian, Trans, Non-Binary, Midget, Dwarf is a wheelchair to show how diverse the show is.

@zetmanzetman55: Well, that’s it, I’ve decided on my plans for the new year!😊 The main thing is that there is no shelling!😢

@yesman5489: S2 dec 2026 and final season 2025...??? Will it be some kind of prequel..??

@riteshmahra3966: All of us are dead seasons 2 😢

@Amelia_4ever: was one season not enough? 😭

@NATALIEBATCHLER0192: Didnt the crestor say he didnt want to mske a second sesson?

@AhmadKhan-bm4tr: December 26

@cnrinternational2054: 1st series was boring exept the first game after that terrible and overall cheesy, this going be the same but worst.

@zks3111: That music scares me more🥵

@callmejennii: i’m cooked if i was doing that track race💀

@kylelopez9083: YESSSSSS!!!

@Phil_Official: So they shot season 2 and 3 back to back?!

@Naughtrial: And the end means last season is here 😢

@vortexgaming475: Finally the 3 year wait is about to end

@harshalchavan94: I have been waiting for this for too long finally Netflix approved the show Netflix adad hi hai ki jo bhi show hit jaata hai usaka next season Netflix cancel kar deta hai but this season coming I am very excited to watch thanks

@riniellechoi7588: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@Manshah07: Fun fact :- indian wants hindi comment

@denizhuroglu1454: Can i join to game because i dont have a anything to lose 🥲

@SBY554: let's Go!!!!!!! 🔥

@LilyWatson18: Glad they seem to be making both seasons in tandem.

@urmomhe2075: woe got squid game season 2 b4 gta 6 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

@ridwanjami7587: SQUID OLYMPIC GAME

@marm6860: I really like how the trailer reveals nothing about the actual movie

@KrebsonMACROwave: Sold a island for a stadium is crazy 🔥🔥🔥

@pierre2669: I will never understand why people like this show, it’s so cringey

@p.r.xchange3012: Yyyaaasss!!! ❤❤❤ I can't wait 🎉🎉🎉

@Teo_Mitko: Balenciyäger

@rainshott5773: SQUID GAAAAAAME

@naveenrai1449: So that means after season 2 season 3 is coming in 2025

@guywithsunglasses: I hope this one has the same hype as the first one

@TwonDaProfit: Yessirrr I'm readyyy

@learner2156: Season 3 will be also in 2025, and how season 3 is very soon after season 2 within a year ?? Why ???

@juniorlkgaming3694: Indian 🇮🇳 fan's here 🖐️

@erthffthrj: A seminar about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s forced organ harvesting crimes was held at the Tianmen Gallery in Paris, France on October 21, 2023. David Matas, a renowned human rights lawyer from Canada, shared his decades of investigation into this ongoing horrific crime that has Falun Gong practitioners as the major victims. He said that fighting for human rights is the responsibility that everyone should try their best to take on. David Matas giving the talk during the seminar The Investigation Back in March 2006, a Chinese woman, Annie (alias), published a statement in Washington D.C. She said that her ex-husband, a surgeon at the Sujiatun Hospital in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, had disclosed to her that he had removed cornea from 2,000 living Falun Gong practitioners between 2002 and 2005. Other doctors in the hospital also removed other organs from more practitioners. These victims were killed in the process and their bodies were cremated to destroy the evidence. The organs were sold to wealthy Chinese or foreigners who were in China for transplant tourism. A non-government organization in Canada contacted David Matas and the late David Kilgour, former Secretary of State for Asia Pacific, inviting them to conduct an independent investigation into this matter. After months of investigation, they published a 140-page report in July 2006, which drew “the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true.” They also found that the atrocity didn’t only take place in the hospital Annie’s ex-husband worked for, but in many other hospitals across China. The Evidence Matas said, when they did the investigation, they looked for evidence that either supported the existence of the crime, or evidence that indicated the crime wasn’t happening. Every piece of evidence they found all pointed to the same conclusion – organ harvesting is happening. In their investigation, they interviewed Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners who were held in various detention centers or prisons in China. They found that these Falun Gong practitioners went through extensive physical examinations, especially blood tests and tissue typing. This wasn’t for their health, as most of them were also subjected to savage beating and other torture. From their description, the examination was mostly likely used to build a database for organ matching. At the same time, the authorities only performed such examinations on Falun Gong practitioners, not any of the non-practitioners held in the same detention facilities. One Falun Gong practitioner who was tortured in a Chinese prison and underwent involuntary blood test recounted the experience during the seminar. While the real number of organ transplants is a state secret in China, just based on the limited numbers published by the CCP, it can be seen that organ transplant numbers significantly increased soon after the persecution of Falun Gong began. The CCP claimed that the organs came from donation, but China didn’t have an organ donation system and it’s also against the Chinese tradition to donate one’s organs after death. As another piece of evidence, some investigators pretended to be patients and they called various hospitals, asking whether they had fresh Falun Gong organs available, as Falun Gong practitioners had very a healthy lifestyle, unlike other inmates who may be addicted to smoking or drugs. The answer they got from the doctors was, “Yes, we have these organs, just make an appointment and come.” Some Chinese hospitals listed prices for various organs and one can make an appointment for the transplants of vital organs, including heart and liver. In China, there was a law that gives hospitals permission to extract organs from death row prisoners without their or their family’s consent. This furthers greenlights the organ harvesting crimes, which has evolved into a massive, lucrative industry. The CCP never admitted that they harvested organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. They claimed that the organs came from donation of death row prisoners, who wanted to make up for their wrongdoings. But the number of death row prisoners was far less than the transplants. In 2014, the investigation team conducted another round of research. They went to the websites and publications by 169 individual Chinese hospitals approved by the government to conduct transplants and collected data regarding transplant types performed, qualifications, revenue, potential patient demographics, bed counts, surgical and support personnel, transplant capacity and volume, research projects, relationships with other hospitals and related entities, funding, patents, and awards. They estimated that the total transplants performed by these hospitals were between 60,000 and 100,000 every year, far more than the 10,000 transplants per year claimed by the CCP. And the numbers seemed to keep increasing over the years. If this is true, the numbers of Falun Gong practitioners being “executed” on operation tables could add up to millions. Matas said, “What I can tell you is that everyone who has read these books (of our investigation) and done their own research has, without exception, come to the same conclusion that we have. As the China Tribunal has said, this is undoubtedly sensible and this is real.” He added: “Because I am Jewish and I am very familiar with the Holocaust, I am not shocked by the extraordinary symptoms of violence. I see it. I know it is possible. I am disappointed and I see it happening.” Stop the Crime Matas said that in order for such a massive killing network to exist, there must be a large number of criminals that make it happen, including the doctors, nurses, transplant agents or any other individual assisting in the crime. All of them should be brought to justice. “It’s hard for us to change what’s happening in China. But we are human beings. So this is still about us. It’s important that everyone wakes up and spreads the word in their own capacity.” “Each of you has your profession, your skills, your connections and your neighbors. Each of you can do something that I cannot. Human rights is something we all need to try our best to fight for,” Matas said. A law professor who attended the seminar said to Matas, “I must express my admiration for your work. It’s just great! I hope more people can know about this.”

@guywithsunglasses: Finally, it's been 3 years!

@stoneworldwideweb: say on god

@emanatomy: I know who the masked guy is, Dr. Doom !!!

@CraigG-L: Holy shit this looks good! (:<


@TheGoat28499: Please bring back the hype

@shuckleknuckles3581: Oh nah bro not gonna lie bro we're cooked

@usmankhan69430: Season 3 officially confirmed 🎉🎉

@diganta2205: Can’t wait

@user-tj9ud3mi1i: South Korea shoulod make more web series like these, 100x better than kpop

@JustinValencia-im7iq: is a 26 december of 2025 1 sherk vs story story 5 and squid game 2 what is next?

@neededwolf2: Guess I’ll start watch season 1 again in December

@geedee4267: I'm excited to see Choi Seung Hyun acting again ❤

@kimchikin94minmin: 조유리!!!

@EthelJung-j5w: inside out 2, despicable me 4, sonic 3, kung fu panda 4, AND squid game season two?! wow, that’s amazing.

@eltomunch: Día 1 intentando llegar a los 1000 suscriptores solo comentando

@kylepatterson8087: Like the show but don't like the network, given cackling witch 7 million dollars. Sorry won't watch ,thank God I canceled my subscription this past week.

@nicoflight3982: Game awards and Squid games, Sonic 3, Dragon Ball speaking Zero, Bleach Reverse of souls its over 😂

@MrRoundthetwist: YES!

@IssaSalum-h3i: Thank u for this goosebump, now it will become worldwide season ever to be made ❤❤❤

@neapolitanicecream9040: finnaly

@jasminewilldoit: I can’t wait

@CioerKieov: I can't believe it's happening! Finally, the Pink Soldiers theme is playing once more!

@Heyyyyy_y: Thankyou😢

@ElAdaxXd: Ya están con las secuelas, orita seguro explotan la serie y hacen tres temporadas mas

@EbB6969: this made me feel old

@Sabu8000: Never clicked on a video faster in my life.

@life_savior9020: Baby doll is back. Can't wait!!

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