5 Upcoming Legend BUFFS In Apex Legends Season 6

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kijannaplays: they better fix my guy pathy or else...

Everardo Torres: If oct had a team speed boost in and out of fight like a speed trail 👊😎🧨🧨🧨make him a team player helping your team stim with u with a trail like wraith

Darthdestroyer 7: Just make him faster I mean for the fastest character in apex he's slower than wraith and bangalore

Mazen Khaled: Mirage tactoacl ability decoy shod have more health Ulimtate undoubtedly good Tactaial need improve Passive need improve also When decoy takes damage real mirage stafr faster If they done that. Mirage will even be competiro to wriath in most picked legend spot

Mazen Khaled: Repawn should change mirage whole utlmiate And make him cloack for 10 seconds And no decoys repwan Nothinh can be seen from his suit And to balance the ability make it have long cooldown of 2 minutes That would be so cool it would be more compeetotr to Ocatne in terms of choosing legends

Mazen Khaled: Buff mirage llzzz Make his decoy take more dameg not just 1 hit and they you are done Change passive make it have use while walking Till now mirage use is only in knocked down state or using reapwn beckon This Is one of weakest pasives in game Make it has use in walking state Make him If decoy took shoot mirage gain extra speed while sprinting Like Bangalore but only if the deocy is shoot It won't be op

Mazen Khaled: They shoold make octane stim usable by other temates And no health lose if you use stim like wraith

Mazen Khaled: Octane need buff theory shoold decrease health that you lose during stim They should make you lose 5 hp instead of 10

Mazen Khaled: Mirage need another buff again His decoy shoold take more damage ateast add health to it make it more realistic His passive need massive change When you rveeiev someone as mirage you aren't entirely insvislbe their is some lights appearing from you This isn't invisslibe They shoold make entirely insvislbe As your teammate Teamate who is being revived is invariable entirely But mirage appear some lights from him That is good He should get speed boost when his decoy is shoot Like banglore Mirage passive only work if use reapwan becakon or while being knock down This is so much bad Worst passive Make you get speed boost when someone shoot your decoy I hope they buff him

Mazen Khaled: I want Ocatne passive to work while using stim and while taking damage And to balance things make health reduction slower by 3% I hope they do that

iFrostyMC: I think a buff for octane should be -first goes 40% faster -take no damage from stem and instead it will take 5 to 7 second to charge stim -he should be able to hold down the button for his tactical and throw it at his teammates to go 40% faster -last he should go faster on his jumpad

樫野崎灯台: Octane should be faster at everything than the other legends. like reloading, respawn, healing

Jose A Soto: Octane needs to be 90% faster

The Noob William: Octane's stim should have a slightly more speed boost, and it will be reasonable to have a faster reload speed. Caustic's gas should last a bit longer. Crypto's drone should be allowed the hover above him when double clicking Q

Yeet Feet: Maybe for Wattson's ult, once destroyed from cooldown, it would leave this electric residue that would intercept an amount of ornaments before discharging. The residue will be indefinite but won't charge shield as fast. The amount of ornaments the pylon should be able to intercept before destruction should be 3-5 Either that or a little tweak to the fences

Dude tf ya lookin at my name for?: Aint original But the buff i want for crypto is his passive rn his passive is neurolink like thats a mirage sorta you shoot the decoy it shows where you are the buff i want for crypto os a rework for his passive it should be called 'Off the grid' where a bloodgound scan cant scan crypto nor an enemy crypto drone and this 2nd 1 i want is his tactical chamge his tactical so u can take out the drone and where its not doing am animation bcs your a sitting duck waiting to die while doing your emp so it automatically takes out his drone like it takes out his drone from his back?or whatever it is and emp and your fine but your just waiting to die when you take it out to emp

Johnathon O'Rourke: Possibly add a little back camera for crypto, being able to see behind you in a little section of your hud or being able to hack vaults without the key (make it a 30 second set up though and the drone can't do it from a distance)

Knight Dark: Crypto drone needs an autopilote mode when he is loged off, the drone needs to follow him, and like a security camera detect the threats around.. it is not a big deal because they will know where is crypto from the noise of the drone. and the other things in my opinion.: -Why Chaustic gas damages robots, like Path.. They don't have lungs :'D -Octane should be even more fast XD and when he kick someone maybe do more damage. - Bangalore heavy alteraly should explode faster. because they always run away. - Robots like Path should kick and punch stronger (more damage) - Loba throwing animation should be shorter... much shorter.. when you throw the braclet away the other teammates will be on the same spot until its landing -.- sorry for my english

Jack Kai: Yeah I really think that *Crypto* needs a real passive ability . Neurolink is kinda obvious regarding his drone which is his active ability . In addition , the green glowing thing near the drone makes it too obvious and hiding it will not be that much effective . Maybe try lowering the glow's brightness or removing it entirely .The loud sound is enough to be fair with the enemy teammates . Maybe the passive will be something like pathfinder's . A special hacking sites across the map that trigger's some kind of a sonar for detection across the area . I don't think that is too much for a buff , he is currently in a not so good spot ,besides, you still have to be so good at him to actually nail the perfect gameplay especially when using the drone and the ultimate . *Like to upvote this if you like the idea* .

Cole Henry-Thompson: Octane buff thought: The stim takes away 17 health and lasts 15 seconds

Mr. Creeperman: So like right now in season 5 lifeline is to op and I don't think the damage of bang birrage should be changed I do think it needs to be more effective cause at the moment it's useless and I also think she should be able to see better in her smoke and I wouldn't mind see a need to life line at least make it a cool down where she uses her drone to res I think it's over powered and Pathfinders arm grapple should only be 20 or 25 sec cool down

Anthony: I think that mirages ult should make decoys of his teammates as well, give lifeline fast heal again, and make lobas tactical more of a getaway instead of repositioning


Stellaris Polaris: Let crypto ping a location where is drone can fly to automatically. That way he can activate emp without having to fly it towards enemies.

Mary Emerson: octane buff: Stim speed is increased to 70% or 60%

Kai McCoy: Buff pathfinder

julez nava: Ok, I have an octane buff idea: 1. Old passive becomes a part of the tactical. He needs a passive that helps out the team. All the best legends have a decent passive that either helps the team or themselves, and the only legends that have bad passives are loba, octane, and crypto) 2. New passive, called "draft" teammates that are close behind octane will receive a sprint boost. I had this idea when I'd see an enemy octane's trail when stumped. It is large and really gives away his position. I thought of this passive as a way for that trail to be a good use. Teammates who have the buff will extend the trail so the the third teammate can receive it. Like how racecars draft each other. 3. A change to health. Right now, octanes stim takes 10% health. This means that if he at 100 health, the stim will be more costly, but this also means that it would be safer to use at low health as well, because if octane was at 30 health, it would only take away 3 health(10%). I want to reverse this. Octane's persona is about risk and speed. I think that the stim should take away 2 health. This would make stimming at higher health less costly, but it would mean that octane has the potential to kill himself, which I think is the perfect amount of risk and speed for him. 4. Jump pad tweak. First off, the jump pad is an art, and there are so many possibilities with the current jump pad. The one problem everyone has, is that the flight path is predictable. The double jump slightly helped in that regard. To help more, would be to change the stance of the characters while jumping. The legends should assume a prone position while jump padding. This way if one were to jump pad head on, the head would be greatly exposed, but the over profile of the legend is small. The legends using the jump pad should have the same movement availability as they do now, and remain in 1st person. 5. Things to note. Octane being "weakest" team player is a misconception. (1)Pathfinder's zipline is one dimensional and easy to be picked off of, however he can grant high ground from a low position. (2) Wraith's portal can grant immunity and is great for transporting a team out of danger, however it can only give high ground if starting from the high position, and it only has 2 ends. (3) octanes jump pad can grant several spots of high ground from one jump pad. It is now easier to hit opponents off of a Zipline than a jump pad. So to recap. It can give high ground, and it is harder to be hit while doing so. These are the advantages of both the zipline and the portal. Yes the zipline is better for higher positioning, and yes the portal is a safer than the pad or zip. But only the jump pad can do both. (6) treating the jump pad as a barrier, the jump pad can block doors in three ways: inside, outside and directly on a door. You can place jump pads directly on top of other entities like Wraith's portal, which can throw off an enemy team taking the portal. I've done that before and it has wiped squads!

kyle lemonjello: Crypto should be able to just drop the drone and leave it. Good for EMP setups, or to leave a spying eye on a room.

gabby harris: I like how Pathfinder needed a medkit and you took the one he was running to get 😆

A Buffalo: Revenants death totem should be able to cloak for the time you are a shadow and all you can see is skulls on the ground to tell people where it is

Lucio Kera: I want Lifeline’s fast heal back *with* her new ability. I was thinking she was getting a buff when she got her new ability but she became more useless.

zulu dictator: Krypto should be able to launch his drone emp even when it is at rest on his back.

Da Goat: For loba the biggest thing that needs to be addressed is her tactical. The bracelet is very underwhelming. It looked much better in the trailers. The problem is it’s too slow. They should either increase the travel distance and or increase the travel speed when the bracelet is in the air. They could also increase her walk speed when waiting for the bracelet to land. And they should completely get rid of the bracelet animation when she lands. This would make her tactical much faster and effective, and as a result more useful in sticky situations.As far as her ult, I actually think the black market is fine as is, but I also wouldn’t be mad if they increased the range and or make it 3 items instead of 2.

Captainfatty v2: Octane buff when octane picks ups teammates he gives them a speed boost just like his

Joe Ridley: Bangalore and Octane should get very simple, somewhat effective buffs. Octane crawls faster when downed. Bangalore can pop smoke while reviving. 👌 Crypto could be scan proof only to other Crypto's. Call it 'off the grid'

Jujuu Michelle: CRYPTO NEEDS A PASSIVE!!!! its just a given that cyrpto's teammates can see what he can see, he needs a real passive, and his current passive needs to be part of his tactical.

Ty Dissinger: Crypto should have a longer scanning range

craig mccauley: Crypto buffs I think would make him more viable would be 1: allowing him to see shield and health of enemies while in drone. 2: have his drone do a small figure 8 when out of drone but can be turned off like Gibraltar’s shield can. 3: have it so the drone makes the targeting noise and highlight for teammates when an enemy approaches crypto from behind when in his holster. I don’t suggest they implement all at once. Just a few ideas me and my mates came up with.

Swagga SMG: They should make it to where octane revives faster if he pops a stim first

SB 97: People need to stop complaining about revenant because I remember the days he was every youtuber’s bottom ranked legend and saying he is a detriment to the teams.

Andrew Conboy: I think octane should be buffed by making his stim give any players on his in the area something like 30% speed boost of octane's but it gives him some team utility but doesn't work when they're downed

Devalfa: Crypto buff prediction/suggestion: Allow the drone to shoot a low damage, slow fire rate and short range projectiles (something like L-STAR but downgrade version of it) just for harassing enemies.

Stop the cap: 9:20 tf this pathfinder standing still for,

Jonathan Lane Pounds: bread

Nicolas Martins: Octane buff ideas: when he revives teammates he stabs them with his stim but it would be a different type of stim that isn’t dangerous to the other legends because the only reason octane doesn’t die is because of the device he has on his side. Also he could have two types of launch pads, the one he currently has and a new one that would work like a jump tower except it would make you jump then glide to another spot that isn’t too far.

Penis Parker: Caustic nerf when is it coming?..

Nyno: Maybe when octane is Stimming he can put a team mate on his shoulder and he run fast and the mate can schoot ,or he can put knocked mates on his shoulder and run away with the mate(call it the octrain xD)

Wafflez :3: I feel like the jump bad needs to go. For the perfect buff for octane is that he needs a rework, he ultimate ability should be like he gives his teammates stems and they all can use the stem to run as fast as octane.

ethan tiger: There was a glitch where when octane stimed while healing he would run and heal at the same time and I thought this was an amazing buff to reposition so I was thinking change his passive to go faster while healing or even let him run or 1 more idea was a new passive called oops... where he puts his stim in his teammate and they run very fast and it last longer because they are not used to the rush and octane has somewhat of a resistance to the stim already so it would make sence but you get to choose when you use it and after the effect is done they take damage to there health but it would let people get away from enemies and heal and the jumped could also help this just my idea for my favorite adrenaline junkie

JohnThe Champ: Since crypto is a hacker his passive should be that he can lock any door so he isn't useless without his drone

Achilles Gre: Buff crypto so his drone has a havoc 😂

angel hernandez: So u have no proof 👎

DAMN: Make crypto invulnerable to his EMP, octane's stim should be 10 sec and less of his health should be taken away upon activation

Wingey: Octane should be able to revive teamates faster since he is a very selfish legend:|

Djordje Todorović: Octanes jump pads should giv him and his teammates 25 shields, it only works the first time you use it so you don't spam jumpads and it doesn't work for enemies, of course the launch pads at the gauntlet wouldn't do that

Djordje Todorović: Octane should switch weapons faster

Casey Wixted: Give Loba the ability to grab banners as an item slot in her black market! This would fit in line with her supportive loadout.

ROGUE7468: For Crypto they can make it to where when you exit your drone it could fly around and scan things on its own For Loba the can make it yo where you can run when you throw your wrist band

杨嶒: Duh duh duh duh wait out there first Respawn should nerf the evil wingman's damage That's disgusting

MaxyBoy52: 4:10 you got bamboozled

Bruce Banner: They should replace Bangalore’s barrage with maybe a remote century gun or two...It’s too close to Gibbys and Gibby is the better character to have this ultimate.

Bruce Banner: Mirage...he’s similar to octane....his abilities are very much solo based. 🤦🏾‍♂️They do little to help the team....

Wra1tH-Miguel: i think if when octane uses his stun, his guns should have a fire rate buff, not by too much but enough to be noticeable that would be a cool buff

T-Bone Rosé: got the 2k badge w octane last week in ranked, one w 9 kills. he still needs a buff like a sort of new passive. example, give him the ability to heal faster after being revived by another 10 percent or being able to revive teammates 10-15 percent faster than other legends. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Osvaldo Rivera: Bread

Maciej Grzegorz Oprządek: If you are going to beg for subs then dont make a clickbaits smh

Matthew Williams: Octane's jump pad should launch you farther if you slide onto it and loba should have the animation after her bracelet made faster

Cri Pe: Maybe make it so that if octane puts down his jumpad when using it if he ads in the air then his and his teamates guns are 100 percent acurate in the air mayb if he stims himself while resurrecting he can res faster another thing they could do is maybe make so that he could put stim in to down enemies so they bleed out faster or pit stim in his teammates to make them faster

Gumballed: For OCTANE his buff should be: His ult Is Stimsplosion He gives everyone a speed boost for 35 seconds For BANGALORE: Her ult should explode as soon as it hits the ground like gibbys For Crypto: When using drone he should a shield in front of him For WATTSON: Her eletric fences do more damage and they are harder to break For Lifeline: Faster res For revanant: HIs tactical should freeze enemies for 3 seconds For Mirage His clones should be able to open doors For Gibby: His shield should be unable to walk through for enemies For path: He ziplines much faster For loba: Her tactical should fall much faster For wraith: should be able to walk through doors when using tactical and ult For Bloodhound: His ult should give him 5% damage increase for his team For caustic: His gas does five more damage.

Ely Arakaki: I am main with Crypto, and I hope they do something to him so that he can cause a bit more of damage with his ult at least T.T

Rashad Crooms: They need to have loba jump drive cancellable mid air to trick opponents but have the streak turn red if cancelled

vyoace: He should be able to fly with his drone

zakery pain: Making octane faster he hardly increases in speed i mean have you seen the stim in titsnfall

thatninjayouhatetolove: MAKE GIBBY ULT USEFULL!!! As more than just a stay away

Nas G.: Loba needs a buff I jus can’t play with her. Her tactical is just too slow it should, I guess she’s jus for repositioning bc getting out of a gun fight is nearly impossible you’ll get shredded waiting to teleport

Threat Level Pax: I thought a good buff for banggy would be to make the missiles from her ult proximity detonated instead of being on a timer and cryptic could use a range increase to his drones detection range, not s huge one, but just a little further, and for octane, I think giving him "special" mobility while his ability is active it would make him better ie. When he activates his ability he can wall run horizontally or he takes and extra step to give him a little boost when he runs up walls

Christian Delatorre: Crypto needs some hacking abilties

RemyLordSki: Revenant can use a bit more live from the devs in my opinion his ult distance restriction was awesome but the timer is to short what I think would be cool if they gave a similar buff like what they did with bloodhound that the durations get extended with each nock and if u get a full kill health shadow health should get restored plus can we talk about his huge hit box he is the tallest legend and has one of the biggest hit boxes as a result of that so fortified would be appropriate

Joe Ridley: What if they had golden healing items, 'Mini Phoenix Kits' and it healed 50 shields and 50 health, came with 2 as a max stack, and took 5 or 6 seconds to use? Would that be a good idea?

KxKxZywi: Revenant needs a Buff to his Tactical bc every other Legends can use their passive expect of Gibraltar,Lifeline,Mirage

Tionnie Barrows: I feel LOBA is in a good state! They need to fix her burglar’s best friend, it doesn’t work half the time.. & PATH doesn’t need a buff, he is still top 5! Oof 😪

Mr. C2K: A true Pathfinder main knows how to find his way with or without his grapple hook

Natalie Ivanov: I think they should buff wattson

VultureX3: they made Wraith more powerful instead of nurfing...........Nurf that character, climbs way to fast and moves way to fast with such a low profile.

VultureX3: Pathfinder is fine, he was way to powerful as is.....

Episodic Choice: Pathfinder is NOT gonna get a buff Respawn arnt stupid they aren't the type of people who crank up the numbers and watch how it goes they have done their research and have chosen whats best for the game.

Pizza Man: Have Octane give a stim to allies he revives so that they get a little speed boost to run somewhere safe.

justagamer: BREAD!

Ty Rapp: Watched the whole video waiting to see revenant 🤣🤦🏽‍♂️

SmokeyBear69: An idea with Bangalore smoke screen could make her heal her team mates faster idk 😐 🤷🏾‍♂️

Sergio Rosel: I feel like there could be some "changes" for some legends Crypto: while exiting out of the drone you could have the drone screen while in the banners but it has a small cooldown for it. Octane maybe when having stim activating when someone toss and ordnance weapon eg frag, thermite, arc star it will either reduce the damage of it or it can increase movement when hit by it and not near it like bangalore being near shot by enemies Bangalore: her smoke launcher should give her a better view while in it and see others outside of the smoke if they went in it and her ult needs a shorter time to detonate or increase the width of the ult

Arliss Sanchez: An interesting and possibility overpowered buff for wattson would be that she has the ability to connect 3 fences in one node.

StrangGaming: Crypto shouldn't be buffed. The shit annoying af.. why should we give him one? Drone if anything could hover around him a little when crypto sends his drone back. Just incase he oushes and doesn't know where they moved to other than that he don't need one. The only person needs to be buffed is bang, octane, and loba. Loba needs to be able to loot more more than just 2 items in the shop. Path does need to be buffed to 30 sec or 25 sec

Tartaglia: I seriously think, as a octane main, they should give octanes launch pad a redeploy feature

Killerfoxy Foxy: Tbh i hope they dont buff rev again even if im a rev main he is good enough and hella hella deadly for himself alone so a buff for him would just make it op

Aiden -: New legend changes -Wraith all damage to wraith is increased 100% -Gibby, lands with +400 health

Jonny Graham: Octane does NOT need a buff. I cannot catch him when he chooses to run 90% of the time: now that pathfinder is decimated, there’s no catching him. He’s a great aggressive player, can move a whole team to high ground to reset, can save team mates from storm or being thirsted with pad. Another buff would make him TOO good. Bangalore can use a rework, though. Not a buff, but a rework.

Apex Predator: I feel like bloodhound should be buff like when you scan the areas but it needs to be scanned much further and it would be much better.

Richard Talley: When will Pathfinders grapple have a 25 second cooldown? It’s ticking me off.

x-hopshot-x: Can we get some love for Bangalore in season 6. Not necessarily a buff but something exclusive for her or maybe a flash bang in her smoke that blinds everyone but your team for like 1 second or something.

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