Diablo 4 Season 5 Infernal Hordes Guide, Tips & Tricks

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@jacevandenberg3918: Not the same for console play..

@matex2207: After 2days of playing I'm done with s5, did all the content. Game still sucks it's basically early access.

@GG247g2g: I had no idea I could craft these. I’ve been looking everywhere trying to get a few.

@logan666999: TECHNICAL QUESTION: i'm not sure if when i run around the map constantly i'm still gathering Aether... i mean, i'm pretty sure that when i move away from that Aether it disapears in a sec and my pet will not pick up all of it. So my question is... do i have to focus on gathering that Aether constantly ? If so... this is insanly annoying :/

@joshuasimon8679: I can't help but call Gea Kul, Kegel

@jpw5f: When to level Glyphs is the question. Blast Horde until 100 then level Glyphs or Level Glyphs before 100

@jacobkallenberger8903: Yo man upgrade your potion homie!

@MacSmithVideo: Lol if they also dropped glyphs, there would be no reason to do anything else.

@stopthecap2644: absolutely AMAZING guide. good shit

@raky76: They should add Glyph rewards as you say to the Mats chest, and they should have a Glyph XP totem spawn and allow you to spend Aether on Glyph XP (obviously an appropriate rate for the level akin to a Nightmare Dungeon needs to be set)

@complexxl9: does it drop stygian stones from material chests?

@Rhinoxerox: Zimbabwe can't be... in the real Zimbabwe there is nothing there. Destroyed by corrupt leadership, bad ideas and racism.

@jasonbroodryk2402: 😂 Zimbabwe

@haroldknapp9676: Thanks for. The guide.

@THORIONONE: Glift leveling in Hordes Blizzard do it :)

@SnapJD: Fantastic guide. Thanks Raxx.

@Silentstreak787: I'm new to game and don't have much tempering built up like everyone else from the last season, is infernal hordes still best to do after getting all glyphs?

@JGeary387: Your explanations are clean, calm and concise which is how I learn best. Thank you, I really appreciate your content.

@Blackriver69: Something changed... I literally just got a glyph while I was watching your video.

@feron450: I love infernal hordes it’s my favorite part of the game right now

@mikevos4460: Ok but what about glyph exp then? Do i do these after maxing my glyphs or?

@allelitegaming84: thank you for this Raxx. Didnt realize i didnt do the priority quest. Havent been getting compasses to drop. Thanks to your video i now a,. Huge shoutout to you!!!!

@morrick: aether - Sounds like ee·thr

@Colbs_: Good tip: in the seasonal rewards with the smoldering ashes you can upgrade the amount of rewards from the horde chest

@apocoplum2223: I did a 6 wave t4, got more events for first 2 waves and then hellborne options for the all the rest but the last 2 waves didnt spawn in a single hellborne

@BryanHinderer: I just expect them to buff rewards from the pit

@Sure0Foot: I call the location "Zagazunt" in honor of the movie Mystery Men. (Sometimes Zanzibar for the Billy Joel song) Ked Bardu is obviously Kathmandu (said in Bob Seager's song "Kuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-kuh-Kathmandu!" EVERY TIME)

@Kimmurial333: Nice vid. Something important to mention: t7 and 8 horde material chest can drop the tormented boss keys (about 1-4 per run). Also, light sorcs and totem rogues are the best group ups for smashing higher hordes

@mirk583: But you didn’t mention that ga chest it’s bugged and sometime it doesn’t even give a ga . Also hellfire it’s also scaling very good with hellbourne

@o_O29866: Hi! what about Uniques? thank you!

@jasonlarter8892: What tier do the Masterworking mats start dropping?

@ddenozor: For anyone wondering, infernal horde activity is not a one season thing. It will remain available to play going forward. It's a nice little generalist endgame activity that is quick and fulfilling (imo).

@Bobsmithabc: Thanks for your content. It’s very helpful. Just wanted to mention aether is pronounced ether… long e… eeeeether. Thanks again!

@ddenozor: Elite spawns, even though they don't drop aether, are still good because they fill up event bar faster so it's like same with %50 faster events. Also, the gold reward scales with compass level. So you can get something like 60-80m with 300+ aether on 6 or smt.

@rrparker12: I call it Zarbinzooby.

@Sencess: I swear blizzard over night tweaked the amount of hellborne-boons we can grab per infernal horde run. Ive been farming infernal hordes for over an hour and only gotten the boon like 5 times in total. Yesterday I got multiple hellborne boons each run.

@andrew5207: Hydra is probably the best leveling build in the game. You can play it one handed. Between the (+2 hydra heads temper) and the other tempers that drastically increase DOT fire damage, the +1 hydra spawn enchantment, and all the new aspects added that do AOE explosions and modify fire damage, you can clear any content in the base game including all pre-Durial bosses, NMs and Hordes. By the time you get to 100 you will have found all the gear needed to go bouncing fireballs with is legit nuts

@faithfulsoldier04: "Way sweeter then you would think for having 0 sugar." - Cancer.

@NotRealPhil: The Butcher modifier is also top tier imho He can spawn multiple times per wave if you’re lucky and it’s at least 25 aether per kill

@apemasterrace: Nerfs should be centered around casual player performance not because of players who plays 20hrs per day saying an activity is overpowered and needs a nerf.

@tiborkote: Alts need to be done the seasonal questline to do Horde Events?

@Olexivas: I wish I could level Paragon glyphs here (even if it was 2 times slower). It feels bad to need to level glyphs in Nightmare dungeons when I just want to do the new content. I had a similar problem with the Pit in the previous season. When I finished leveling glyphs, I had a somewhat decent max-level character and just switched to leveling another character.

@Xadoras: Sad, that you still need to run NMD to level glyphs

@justincredible303: Rax is basically saying use common sense

@iGexogen: It is Zanzibar not Zimbabwe!

@KyloB: I know i might get a bit of flack for this but idc, I think blizzard updating ubers for season 5 without giving us an option to trade them in for new ones of the same type at least once was awful. I was one of the folks who grinded helltides on multiple characters during season 4, and spent a tonne of my limited free time getting 2 crafted ubers during season 4. A shako and a Tyraels might. Now i was so happy when season 4 ended and i was able to transfer them onto my main character on the eternal realm, just to discover the updated ones absolutely outshine their previous versions. So I pretty much wasted all that time grinding inferior ubers. Sure say what you want about the updated droprate for ubers from tormented bosses, but its still feels like shit knowing i just wasted all my time.

@natyuksam3416: At 9' I was "Ok here comes the Paint".. damm it took so long .. finally I was relieved to see it at 20' Raxx, thank you for the Vid

@Mysteryp7: How to get hordes to tier 2? I am still tier 1

@evolbetty4598: Always solid info from Raxx! Thanks for all the hard work you put in. My one stop shop for all things Diablo!

@dominicmichaud2656: I got 600 ather choosing the correct ones in a level 3

@corymc92: I got lucky and had like 4 hellborne related choices, by wave 7, I screenshotted over 24 hellborne on my screen.

@corymc92: Last night I soloed t7, with 812 aether after killing fel council. Then DC'd.. lost it all.. Using maxroll CL build, with Andy's, fist of fate, the poison dmg is insane.

@alanrogers733: Best source of xp best source of blah blah.. but its broke for co-op players :(

@n74productions37: They really should add glyphs to the events

@johnkiba4406: so much water at beginning and why the fuck you say you get everything here when you don't get glyph exp and key items like winterglass

@jackstrife3821: Dude legit looks like a stalker incel with his blue hoddie image....LOL....

@xxsparkyx: greater affix chest is bugged it never drops a ga item

@KristoferBoisa: Just sub to man !! Been fallowing you since early access!! By far the best content creator for the game and I do watch the others and do a better job! Keep up the good work!

@SadSackGaming: I would like them to start blending activities together so that there is an optimal way to grind and an alternative way to grind. Optimal is the seasonal thing they want you to do. So this season, IH. Last season, Pit. Before that ND. Or whatever, I can't remember. This and NDs should give you glyph juice. NDs gives you the optimal level, but IHs gives you like 10 or whatever. They can figure out the numbers. Same with masterworking material, just a bit of each in the 1/2/3 levels and then more the higher you go. Pit is optimal, this and NDs is an alternative so I can do a bit more with my time. It's not about removing the grind, but rigid sectioning off of the things you need to do in order to get powerful enough is boring and uninteresting. For anyone without loads of time, it also hampers your ability to try out other builds or classes. And each season they are adding some new thing you need to do to get back where you were last season for a negligible difference, if any, in end results.

@pollopollo3531: Appreciate you rax

@kushminded495: Why can't I craft them?

@angduong2903: How do u craft compasses, there is no option for me to craft them

@draymac32: I feel like the inferno hordes shouldn’t give everything a player need(glyphs, pit Neathiron, etc).. because that will make the other parts of the game obsolete. They also should make all boss rewards better, tier 100 Nmd and pits shouldn’t give the same rewards you can get by killing a regular enemy.

@GilgameshGDLK: Game Modes need to exist separately. Putting everything into 1 mode will be a bore. Glyphs = NMD / Open World. leave the Infernal Hordes as is.

@BigBuran: It seems to be the GA chest is bugged and giving a GA item

@MrThebigfreak: My problem with this game is to get the stones for tormented boss i do alot of everything and yes pit is still the only way i get some.... but out of every 5-6 70s run i get 1

@Cheleus246: Didnt find a comment here about gold.. so I think it was in tier 6, I spent about 300 eather on gold chest and got about 30 million Gold. Thats nice 👍🏻🤑

@TheRaveAndi: Thanks Raxxx for your f.. always nice guides!!! Thank you man

@deanmeyer9187: I like infernal hordes. I hope it stays a permanent addition to d4 mp activity

@Deffine: Eh, Raxx... why would you recommend people to level up in Hordes when they need to level their glyphs in NMs anyway? Dude...

@NotGahruvey: Im WT4 level 90, can’t craft compasses and the only ones I have gotten were from the seasonal missions. What am I doing wrong?

@sickologo: i dont have the craft option at the ocultist!!! why?

@marrvin4: Hit the like the moment you called that city "Simbabwe" - couldn't stop laughing for a minute 😅

@lamonterolaclan355: Zimbabwe😂

@luketsormpazoglou8136: You probably know about this by now. But unfortunately this isn't a way to farm your codex. Items are locked to certain aspects. Tested right up to Tier 8. Same aspects dropping on Sorc at least.

@Gregair13: I've had some full with all Hellborne and some with all dumb events and it makes a major difference with the amount you get at the end.

@KarmaKahn: One thing I'm confused about is do we always rush to the "events" in the corners?

@Ninjamouseman007: quick question, if you played the non-seasonal character to increase the world would the world level increase for the seasonal character? at the moment i only have world 2 unlocked or can the higher world level be unlocked by either toon? just curious

@Tonho2191: About glifs... I get 12 of then on the Quest "eyes of the enemies"...

@Karashote: how are pit bosses still not hotfixed. its unreal how long they are leaving them in this state

@feranks3211: the whole boon theory section is the type of thinking that got me hooked on d2 back in the day. the little hidden mechanics that go a long way when you use them with a plan. Raxx, you're a Gamer-gamer.

@aktivleo3692: Do they not understand that we want to slay hordes of enemy’s and that really fast if possible 🤷🏽‍♂️😂 That’s all I want and that’s the reason why they lost me after the release of the game… slowly getting there. Came back last season and have to say this season is not bad

@TCfert: Zimbabwe 🤣

@nafit15: Would you level your glyphs at 100+ then instead of 60+?

@rafaelribeiro99: I don't agree with the take that Raxx is having lately about Infernal Hordes, i like the activity, but it literally is the best farm for everything, and he thinks this is a good thing? He said something about Glyph not droping here, and in other video he also mentioned the we need other activities that we can level up glyphs, and i think thats a terrible idea. Atm getting glyphs and leveling them is the only reason in the game to NOT do Infernal Hordes, besides that and uber bosses farming, 90% of gameplay is doing Infernal Hordes. Which for me is terrible, 90% of the grind is staying in one arena, that has the same layout with same enemies all the time and getting loot in the end? That's not good design, that's not fun, that's brainless at this point. Good design is balancing activities, to give you diferent reasons to do each of them, not make one of them extremely good for almost everything, and at the same time make everything else obsolete. At the moment I finished leveling my glyphs and Im ONLY playing infernal hordes the entire afternoon, and this feels a lot more exhausting that previous season imho, I like doing other activities, but making infernal hordes the BEST for everything, kinda makes all the other stuff worthless

@KingJerbear: Raxx I would love if you did a short guide on character progression from a HC perspective. This game is very strange where you can obliterate the capstone dungeon at level 30 and then proceed to get one shot by a trash mob because of your negative resistance. Would be cool just to know how you are utilizing your tempering in the early transition to higher tiers. I've tried catching your stream to watch the full leveling process but it's nearly impossible with my work schedule. Thanks

@No_Way_NO_WAY: For reward i like multipliers. If you can focus on one type (spires for example) you can get 8 points from a single one. Is it the fastest or best? i dont know.

@DenyThisFlesh: I wish there was a way to get glyph xp while doing this. It's way more fun and more rewarding than nightmare dungeons.

@arrzee6676: So the uneven team cooked?

@beans8130: If only we didn't HAVE to level glyphs in NMD's 😒

@drmario7559: I love this mode and its a team mode to get gear gold mats and the higher u go it's no cake walk u need to have master working donee

@enigmabis.: This is what diablo 4 was always suppose to be Having so much fun doing this as fireball sorc

@fredspekvet5875: What I would love to see from you , Raxx , is a video that goes into (and quite deeply) how you can easily spot if a dropped piece of gear is an upgrade for you , or not . and what you can ignore, what not, what to look for, what not , what base is good for upgrading / rolling stuff, which are not , etc. because I find , and i'm sure that many people do , have no idea how to spot if a piece of gear is actually an upgrade (or might be a downgrade if they looked 1 minute longer) .

@TsDomain: Lol at the random pacing while explaining in town

@TAC0FACE: did he say we can level glyphs in new thing Infernal Hordes?

@BlackyMox: Crazy to think of him having 5 100 characters and i am at lvl 75 right now. Guess gaming can still be a job : P

@Tiiny87: Too bad we dont get glyph xp in there too

@DarkStorm909: Thanks for all your detailed guides and efforts, as a casual player i really find them helpful Raxx.

@AnyBodyWannaPeanut: How can you increase your glyph level without sinking hours and hours into Nightmare dungeons? Like to upgrade 3 glyphs to 15 it takes sooo many runs!

@davidchenot3520: Uber Butcher? UBER BUTCHER? JFC

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