Diablo IV Developer Update | Season of the Infernal Hordes | August 2024

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@bennyzweite6692: Are our existed uber uniques would be uograded too or we need to grind them again (even in eternal realm)?!?

@ZRO95: See, now these 6 good changes that should've been in the game to begin with

@DeadIron: This game just continues to whither on the approach of PoE 2. I’ll play the story of Vessel, but I’m refunding my Ultimate Edition; this content is just sad when PoE just released their best League yet.

@reznovvazileski3193: So the council is resummoned with the same animosity against you, but we're not really supposed to be our old d2 character right now are we? Are they suggesting we're still that same traveler? Or how would the council know who the puppet master behind the screen of that completely new character is?

@DobreV89: Did he just leak a new crafting system ‘Reform’ to reroll all the stats on an item? Divine Orb in PoE?

@PrzemekSzczecin: This game needs regular trading, stat and damage flattening, and above all, PvP content. That would help keep players engaged for longer than a week or two in a season.

@Rangerthelonewolf: D4 is a savage game! Love it!

@heliopkad: S5 is looking awesome...im playing poe right now but i cant wait for d4 s5...

@catout00: I admire that the boring infernal hordes can have a two-hour course.

@thenorfire900: Looks awesome my dudes. Love Daniel Tanguay! His shirts too! Thank you!

@chunliisdope5587: Give sorcs our 3rd enchantment slot back

@josephkim007: having both adams = awesome stream. happens every time it does happen. also, thank you for vastly increasing the time spent on Q&A as well as answering the hard questions too! the work you guys put into this is getting me excited and hyped for the upcoming season! thank you for your hard work! for a sec, i thought it was just me when it muted for a bit near the end lol. any updates in lessening the nerf on the minion builds? it was so fun in s4. just feel like all the hard work you guys did was kinda gutted in less than a season.

@craigwolf2219: Can we get a sell all button

@oxfordking: Rend Rupture Barbarian - I'm Ready!

@jakubrouc7597: D4 needs harder game expirience And what will get? Easier easier content every time....

@arturo_cruz: I was going to take a break before expansion, but those REVISED Uniques are getting me really excited to play season 5.

@user-qr5mx1fe8p: Hi Guys, how about instead of not dropping certain items as you progress in world tier levels you could get the pets to auto-salvage these lower lvl items so you still gather matts for crafting/enchanting.. E.G. WT1 No salvages, WT2 pets salvage normal items, WT3 pets salvage normal and magic items, all sacred's still drop , WT4 pets salvage normal, magic and rare items, only ancestral rare and up drop...?

@arturo_cruz: People don't want as many SLOTS as barabarian, They only want 1 EXTRA 2 Hander slot like rogues have. It won't fix balance completely but it will make it easier to balance.

@masterofhaloben: I pray give us rebirth!

@pires11d: That might as well be called Season of the Uniques 😂 Good job, by the way

@Chse.a: They fixed a lot of the problems this mode had😮 this game starting to become better than it did 5-6 months ago👍🏻 keep up the great work guys

@jsk6184: So season 5, does it not include season contents?? again?? 😂😂😂

@JMCHN21: I seriously cannot wait to play s5. I had to stop being a sorc in s4, hopefully my love for the class is revived!

@thelordzenkai: I feel if u just drop the 4 weapon back to 2 barb wouldn't be so powerful, the weapon master thing is literally unnecessary and honestly could have made a new class, barbs whole shtick was it was the only class to hold 2 2 handed weapons, it's just over powered cuz you guys made up this fantasy of 4 weapons, for another u only use 1 weapon at a time, and the weapon master passive and skill arnt even that great towards other skills, the barb is like holding way more then it should, and I kinda hate having 2 big weapons on my chrs back that bleed through each other, kinda tacky

@fatald0wn: Good job Marcus

@basxhor: I just wonder why you keep giving people what they don't need instead of what they want 😂? Like Raids, Clan Strongholds, Clan stash, Armory, Expand Personal Stash, etc. Ohh yeah Paladin 😅 and please Fix broken Temepring chance cause we are Tired of rolling the same Temper 5 times in a row on that perfect GA. Instead of starting New Season bring it to Eternal only what is the point in resetting and starting from scratch just before Expansion 😂

@a7xgunslinger: I need photo mode

@DarkKnight-767: You want to buff sorceress, but cap Burning Instinct at 80%? what? and Gloves of the illuminator -- never did like the bouncing fireballs, wish you guys had changed that part of it.

@dliedke: Can you please just fix the tempering missing icons for all languages except english for 1.4.4? Thank you.

@jamesg871: Wtf? So why spend money on the season pass when this content is available on Eternal. Definitely skipping season 5.

@kerst4738: Cant wait for season 6 and the massive damage rework. 12k +dmg per hit is ridiculous. Enough with the freaking power creep. Increase from 10% to 15, and now 20% and it keeps going up and up and up..... max lvl 60 and numbers brought back down will be the best thing to happen in D4 in 12 months

@hunter4life70: These videos are awesome thank you

@morrick: "ee · thr"

@BadAtPickingUsernames: Can’t wait for the sorcerer rework after vessel of hatred.

@nahuelsepulveda9786: looks really good! any news for D2R ?

@BadAtPickingUsernames: Dust devils, ice spikes, etc should be modifiers in the skill tree. (Obviously in way that doesn’t make us waste skill points)

@raistlinmajere3194: Can we have a sort of Veteran Mode option, wherein players can choose to raise the overall difficulty of the game in all of the modes. The difficulty will be raised but the drop rates will be the same in normal mode. Maybe just raise the difficulty 2x initially, if it is still easy for them, then raise it on succeeding patches. This option is for players who wants to have more challenging experience.

@lesiakadam1977: 1) No one cares about the seasonal questline. Should be done once per account not on every character. 2) So the main activity of the season (Infernal Hordes) is instanced? I think it's a bad idea. I liked bumping into random players and destroying stuff together in S4 helltides... 3) What's the incentive of doing Infernal Hordes in a party? On one hand you encourage players to try partying in Infernal Hordes, but then you make it pointless by sharing a common death count.... 4) I played every season with 2-3 characters. I don't play that much and I find farmig bosses for Mythic Uniques cumbersome and boring. So I got a Mythic Unique drop for me ONCE. In S4. Resplended Sparks are OK for people who like farming Mythic Uniques. But not for me. I dropped dozens and dozens of uniques. I would give them all for ONE Mythic Unique. Could you make additional crafting material for Mythic Uniques crafting, that would be obtainable from regular uniques, please? Make it require 50 Uniques or something, but make it available for people who don't like endless boss farming...

@UserTNumbers: What is the point to make a barrier of entry if you are just going to make it drop all the time

@Xenc5: This is what good community interaction looks like

@tylermcclain729: Would be really nice to be able to reset campaign progress or a chapter select like in d3

@skootershroomgaming9629: Lol yall are so easily entertained. They give bare minimum effort and changes (that should have been in the original release) and everyone acts as if they are making huge strides. They just say a lot of words without any sustenance. Classes are wildly unbalanced, unique pool is insanely over populated, legendary aspects are crowded and feel super tedious(all they did was crowd aspects with the addition of previous seasons). Class choices are not meaningful when there is a single building for each build that out performs others by a massive margin. Why are we still entertaining and accepting such little progression.

@karrde593: Do you guys even see yourselves talk? What you're building there isn't a game, its just refining a dopamine engine into some aggregated drug addict specification. You're so far accross the line are you sure you're a game developer and not a casino designer? Wow.

@Vanter.: Even more legendary drops? Thats insane (in a bad way)

@elder_n0ob: I want that shirt as well please let me know where i can get one

@bimmerthing: shirts vs blouses rofl

@md8181: this was awesome, especially the willingness to show off a bug and its solution. that level of transparency is extremely dope and highly uncommon in games. thanks y'all, can't wait to play this stuff!

@AnthGags333: Sounds like a great power leveling opp.

@TugrulKatkak: 1:43:07 Blood Surge Necro has a resource problem when used with Cruor’s Embrace because corpses usually serve as an essence generation source. You should’ve adressed this issue on the affixes.

@Tconant1415: If only sorc had a 3rd enchantment slot 🤔

@stu_gahtz1740: Link for the shirts or what? Are they comfortable?

@shaunmil: Who actually plays this with multiple people? I know no one else who even tried D4.

@coreyc830: Compared to season 2 and 3 you guys went away from the story and nobody likes it absolutely everybody hates that there's a reason everyone enjoyed season 2 and 3 cuz there was actually a story and the storyline now there's no story or storyline just like one small dumb Quest that is meaningless you guys need to get back to making every season a new story to keep people interested because we are losing interest fast without a story most people are waiting for the expansion cuz at least there will be a story

@Sinthoras00: Love the unique item updates!!! Looks sick!

@hihosilver1234: D4 is my favorite game since Overwatch, and I literally play everything.

@arthas_stormr8ge877: I still haven’t heard of the seasonal mechanic yet! Iam guessing there’s not gonna be one again? It’s kinda disappointing if that’s the case. I was really hoping we would get some more stuff like vamp powers or something as good.

@Krigsgaldr: 1. Need more monsters diversity 2. Need global chat 3. Need structured endgame (like Atlas of Worlds)

@user-yf5lx4dk3f: いつまでバーバリアンは優遇され続けるの? そろそろ持てる武器の数を同じにしない?

@skootershroomgaming9629: I forsee Rax fighting a world boss for the first time and spending 10 minutes doing so, just to get 1 legendary and instantly requesting the bosses be nerfed.

@LuciaFinstra: Now if only you’d make the ugly characters not ugly ;)

@RhebelGaming: Joke of a game! Play POE. And that is coming from a fan since DIablo 1.

@TugrulKatkak: 49:11 I like the dark theme.

@AnonyMouseXIII: Drowned Sea Hag has one shotted me so many times in the deeper pit. Hopefully I won’t be filled with loathing every time I see the drowned on that last half of a pit run

@myracle001: Love Adam and Adam. Always looking forward to seeing these two talk about the game!

@piccoro67: Mephisto, baal and such I want diablo in the game

@TugrulKatkak: It’s good that we’ll have another way to farm for masterworking materials. The Pit gets boring after a while.

@skootershroomgaming9629: Lmfao so where is the seasonal content? If every season is going eternal the same day wtf....

@Dexxxterity: PTR should be on console too

@yo-its-death: 20:27

@nikroth: Jackson <3

@medialcore: Season 5 suprised me. I thought season 5 is just a filler season which is only 2 months long so that everybody get ready for the expanson. But I am happy I am wrong and they changed a lot which gives me definitly again a blast before the expansion.

@ViSongs482: Druids were shafted again.

@BigArt8844: Blizz - We don't just want to nerf Barb to get them in line with other classes Everyone - ok what does that mean? Blizz - So we are going to nerf Barbs.... welp it was fun to play barb for a bit

@gablynx8720: Adam & Adam combo is 🔥 Can't wait for season 5. And I hope to see Daniel Tanguay and Marcus Kretz in future streams too, great team

@victorvanderpuije1509: 1. Improved trade platform/function online? 2. Tempering redo function? 3. Hardcore getting any love at all?

@mrtoothless: The game has been dumbed down for 8-year-olds. Such a shame but it's a kid's game now. Zero challenge, zero sense of progression, zero levelling experience, just mindless welfare screensaver for children.

@itsjustbrandie: Bros yellow shirt is driving me insane. 😂

@roque4854: Super excited to mess with all the new and edited uniques. It’s my favorite part of itemization for sure.

@omadonx1: So season 5 is just like season 1? Yay! Another season of the nerf.....I'll see you in season 6 since I pre-ordered like a dumbass.

@LegionS550: I was excited for season 4, but I am BEYOND excited for season 5. You guys out did yourselves! What a great way to build up momentum going into Season 6/Vessel of Hatred

@dwightcolville9784: Cool can we use mouse and keyboard on console yet?.......

@averagetrolol1329: Minions during a world boss would make for a cooler and more dynamic fights. It also gives lower levels something to do.

@dacco9414: Yawn

@kizza9297: Good stuff, looking forward to it!

@Reflesh86: The ones who wrote the side quests, must feel really appreciated…… anyone playing them? Wish they would add an incentive to do so..

@ReC86661: make the boons more class altering instead of the boring 3 blob spots. if you want to make a roguelite gamemode then understand it first. it alters classes, not the arena.

@carlbrutananadilewski: I miss Joe Shely

@musicxxa6678: i love this dev team. where is piepiora. we missed him.

@Strangingness: Please keep the Infernal Hordes and keep updating it. This is a feature that could be so beneficial for the game in terms of replay-ability. With the new expansion I think Diablo 4 is going in a better direction as of late. Not saying it's perfect but, credit where credit is due.

@thegrymlife6483: the reputation rewards in season 4 sucked. The rewards became irrelevant because you level up so fast into Ancestral gear. You outlevel the rep rewards, so it's basically useless.

@justaz8035: Season 5 looks really good! cant wait to dive in. I do wish though, that we had a loadout system so we can switch between different specs with ease and speed rather than having to spend an hour completely respeccing

@Evrgreens11: VERY optimistic of these changes! What i appreciate most is that they really addressed a lot of community concerns. Even if the numbers end up not being enough and one class outperforms all else (barbarians), its good to see that the devs are aiming for parity and making all classes playable (and damage & survival based on skill not class)

@Breadfriend69: No Paladin, no buy expansion.

@mixalakiussozatsok3714: So level 100 is the maximum after all not level 60

@c-z4780: Meanwhile at POE.

@johnpoulsen77: Rip necromancer shadow and minion builds. Happy to know this now so i do not have to care at all for season 5.

@HeWhoisHim.: Look at how they don’t provide links to specific topics. This is a billion dollar company????

@KINGDINGALICIOUS: 1:16:11....there you have it my fellow barbs...we have effectively been nerfed. 😂

@KillDeathRatioDJ: Its an odd number season, seems even numbers have been much more better., meh skipping

@no.uhmccave: Can we have keyboard and mouse support for consoles yet?

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