Developer Update | Celebrating All Heroes, Season 11 Changes, & More

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@JamesFlux: pov people who have the pink mercy skin: 📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉

@kraklanx6458: d

@kraklanx6458: Can you fix connection issues? I keep getting disconnected twice a match. I can't access my shop as it says the shop is currently unavailable. I don't have any of my currency, like the game doesn't even want my money anymore, since I can't even purchase the currency.

@BloodyCole: So no new hero huh

@joylouicekontges4680: ALSO Please do something about the CHEATER ISSUES we have been having?? That'd be amazing! Wouldn't want a damaging, never shoot able Reaper, popping up in my games :)

@joylouicekontges4680: So we don't get NEW stuff for Orisa and Hanzo, but instead be get part of OW1 back? Lets see how this feels, I'm skeptical for now but like in a good way??

@toot1st105: Yeah I have no idea what they talking about

@marshmcmellow5540: Why is this game 8 years old and you still haven't fixed comp? Why can't rank change depending on performance rather than a win or loss? I'm constantly matched with people who throw games and the whole team is punished for it. I don't understand how a group of grown adults can't fathom that making simple changes would vastly improve this dogshit game. But no keep on thinking of ways to squeeze every penny from people instead

@sixtyfivewatts65: Really pink skin ? You shoot a whole video about skins ?

@Tadiz_: 1. Ram dance emote! 2. What are your plans on curbing new cheaters? There’s been a huge increase in cheaters recently in all ranks. Low rank and surprisingly, high ranks as well. Everything else looks great, thank you for your hard work!

@unnamed2567: Hey lets not forget to do something about the influx of cheaters that have been showing up for the past 3-4 months. Surely you guys are doing something about it... right?

@ThatGuy89002: "Orisa has a new ability " Proceeds to show a skill from Orisa's old Kit

@ezequiel6575: I think the mayority of the playerbase doesnt really care that much about the competitive of the Game.

@mank0wy: 3:00 you can skip this, matchmaking is really BAD! Out of my last 20 games I have won 2... Really awesome matchmaking...

@Devielle: What about the cheaters infesting in the game right now? lol

@briannas18473: “we’ve passed the milestone of 100 million players” no, yall got 50 million players who have multiple accounts😭😭

@nausicaa_alita: Thank you for letting down all people that buy Pink Skin when no one bought skins and made this effort. You could've made a new one, but no, better bring back that "unique" skin. Thank you, sincerily! (NO)

@zenyattafgc: outtake skit for maximum relatability🤮

@watsmadhatter9068: For me, it would be more interesting if they had put a slide kick like Megaman in Ana. What if they had called a projectile dps specialist to work on this category of heroes like an Aarge, a Necros, Shadder, Yznsa, Spooki, Numbers... Or even better, called Spilo who has content focused on analysis and balancing. Custa is a main Support hero, that didn't make me confident to him balance projectiles DPS like Hanzo, Genji, Pharah, etc. Honestly, Overwatch should change its name to SupportOverwatch.

@user-jc4kx8hn2m: 다 필요없고 프로필 비공개랑 스트리머 모드나 없애라;; 대다수 유저들이 프비공으로 몇년째 불편함을 느끼고, 지금은 프로필 비공개 + 스트리머 모드로 핵, 일부러 패배하는 놈들을 감싸는듯 한 업데이트를 하는데 진짜 머리가 아프다...게임을 왜 자꾸 죽이고 있어.

@Voodoo318: When are you going to make changes to the anti-cheat system? Tired of getting aim-botted out of mid air from someone who is hiding around a corner, using a new account name.

@korakora59: 100 mill players yet they had to compromise the matchmaking cause the queue time was longer, lmao. 😂 Also, why does that senior dev giving off "I'm trapped sm1 get me out of here" vibe? 😅

@NickRego: Morgan looks like all the joy has been sucked out of them ngl

@ThanksAlmighyQuantumField: This was an absolute non-announcement. I'm kind of confused around the engagement. They announced some buyable content first and claimed 100% match for a charity which is amazing at surface level, but truly falls flat when you dig any deeper. Then they announced some content creators that contributed to a custom game mode, which I am seeing a lot of people brushing over in the comments as if they had changed these heroes overall as a blanket change, which is simply not what was said. Finally they talk about wide range grouping queues changes which contributes to quite a subset of gameplayers that isn't all that exciting. Overall, this developer update is altogether and simply a non-update and kind of indicates that not much work or effort is being put into this game from this company as of late .

@RtoioBnoiy: They knew what they were doing when they let the pigs loose.

@dannineedels609: Can you actually nerf some of the characters? Like venture that can 1 shot squishy’s?! fix characters, not this bs no asked for. Fix your game before it actually gets abandoned by the community 🤡🤡

@Berfams91: the clown himself, come on clown address the gorilla in the room. its about retention of players not total you clown

@jackbarrera1117: Blizzard should make a mobile version of Overwatch like how Activision made a mobile version of Call Of Duty

@user-qp9ec6un9c: 정크시티 없애줘...

@JourG215: Eskay is the most trash player/streamer. I don't know why people watch that dude.

@spacecore94: You'd have more players if you kept actually trying to implement the Story Mode

@shiippai8570: Bring back 6v6 even if it's an arcade gamemode for now.

@coyotes3000: or maybe you could bring back 6v6 to fix the 2 stack queue issue

@HellBlazerOW: Super lame changes for a 100M "celebration"...this is all they could come up with?

@user-gl5sl3bs9f: Blizzard, you're not learning anything. All of season 10 there is no normal balance, reaper symmetry and bastion is in a terrible state. Every 2 weeks I'm waiting, well now there will be balance edits. But instead the studio wastes efforts on unbalanced modes like mirrorwatch and which is coming in season 11. It's good for variety, but not at the cost of balance in ranked when it's so bad with balance right now

@alancordero86: You forgot about genji update and new ability

@vortextnexus8670: What about transformers?

@turtletim2299: Does having more than 1 account, affect the 100 millions players? Like if someone had 5 accounts, does 1 person mean 5 in that 100 mil?

@AerasethA: "100 million strong" accounts do not equate users...

@eg-rez7158: why they allways make sure we need to buy evry ting why

@SchenonvorreSTE: Scatter is back.....uhoooooooooo. ........ 😂

@hoppusdelonge1: Don't care about any of this. Just tell us that you're undoing the projectile changes.

@MrBEEOUTCH: So all supports get mobility option... except for Zen.

@mendozaandresjesus5871: Trash game and dead game.

@MrFishsticks125: Saying they have over 100mill is laughable. They barely clip 25 mill and of those majority are dead or alt accounts. The fact you guys keep sucking them off and throwing money is why this game is dead

@winterblake: Orisa old abilitie, we just need 6v6 come on

@DoctorStarPilot: What’s up with Mercy’s staff in that last shot? Around 1:25

@jnfected: crazy, what boring and little changes. 3/4 of the video is some skin stuff and a indie game mode most people play 2 times maybe. the last 1/4 of the vid is talking about queue stuff, which people don't even notice too much when queuing, or that could be summd up in 10 seconds. 0 Gameplay updates, 0 new heroes, 0 maps, 0 system updates against cheaters

@js2540: 중국인 전용 서버 좀 만들어줘 게임 하기 너무 힘들어 진짜 너무 못해

@toastfy: where is my pve content?

@user-dv2bu1nd8g: when u gonna make a normal anti cheat? there are cheaters and snurfs in almost every game. but we get only new skins. blizzard dont care that overwatch is impossible to play

@DiLoMusic: The fact that they're NOT doing the pink mercy skin during breast cancer awareness month kinda says a lot. They must really need to have high sales/player count for the quarter *eye roll*

@Wellsotuning: Can we get more cool skins for Doomfist? thanks! Oh and Orisa DOES NOT NEED ANYMORE SKILLS! She is already hard to kill! Stop giving her everything

@t-virusterrance4734: Hello, Humans😀🖐 Don't hold your breath for a savior, you need to look out for yourself. TERRANCE OUT

@kohdubz: morgan maddren HAS to be on a watchlist w that hair......

@Jessespresso: Loving these dev updates but would be great to hear more about any changes being made that the community have been asking for (Such as tank changes) instead of only behind the scenes and purchasable updates. It's good to hear about the behind the scenes too, don't get me wrong but I'd like to know a little more about plans for the actual gameplay aspects too

@matiasblanco8968: Bring back the scatter to QP/Ranked.


@grinningdogs: This game is over for me. Used to enjoy it but flat out lying about pve and going on like nothing- it's been all downhill since then.

@lzzyb0ssa: Please make skins cheaper😭 we only see the hands and weapon

@elarychan9371: Give ramattra a dance emote

@KadenPerkins-jx8sb: 200m Lego bastion?

@dreamnation722: bring back loot boxes

@makorutledge202: "we're bringing back something our community and team 4 has loved for years" me: 6v6!?!!?!?! "pink mercy" me: off...

@potionmaster18: Please make Overwatch better now!!!

@Crazycazper: It’s a crime that I can’t have a mei or echo lifeguard skin😢

@torinnmyastan9505: Maybe get rid of these hackers on comp and your game might get better reviews

@foxyyouth9101: When the comp will be fair? And scale you for ability and not team work? Cuz 90% team work just don't exist... I know I'm a good player, if I'm DPS, there's bad support, if I'm tank, bad sup or dps, if I'm sup? Bad tank! Even if we carry the team, we can't win... 😢😢

@tonyli8703: when I see devo talking i dont just see person talking, i see zombies, puppets, controled corpo greed

@marcellojardim283: @PlayOverwatch please give us server selector for comp and quick player especially for countries that are far away from others

@billybillyboebilly: I wonder if making a fun, playable game would help queue timers? 🤔

@itsdevintm8745: Bring back loot boxes

@misakerowyn: For the mercy

@misakerowyn: Will you guys ever make a 3rd chance

@Lemuhn: "We don't know how to fix matchmaking and its ranked disparity so now everyone just has to deal with "voluntarily" induced disparity whether you like it or not", how annoying and lazy. You guys literally just gave up on balancing matchmaking and tried to make it as openly unbearable as possible. Literally just watched Super play in a match with ranked disparity of Masters and Champ players, while it is a rare case, it just shouldn't happen at all. Literally no other game with competitive modes do you see b/s matchmaking like that, it wouldn't hurt to ask for help in fixing your nonsense matchmaking algorithms.

@johnbonkun6524: Please give Zen some type of mobility ability 😭 like a Bruce Lee flying kick that also does damage and knocks back enemies when he melees or something 😂

@Meri-Muru: I love seeing the behind-the-scenes ❤❤ Thank you for coming in front of the camera yet again!

@jordans4827: Link ???

@Bazz0li: Could they have said less in this

@SToad: So for the sake of people carrying other people, let’s roll back to the old matchmaking before wide and narrow and keep the experience for solo Qs miserable. The ineptitude of OW game designers has no limits.

@teacuhp7403: Right….. “new”….. 👀

@thedoodler2179: new ability back in 2017 perhaps

@qpqrkjq: "we're bringing something back people have loved for years" DPS DOOM?!?!??! "Pink Mercy!" Ah, I see. Let's go... wait you're bringing back halt and scatter but not uppercut??!?!?

@Wroredko: I hope emongg chose to grant Mauga and Hog a total of 10 health points.

@okitadono: Keller = GameKiller!

@97lxrd: you have time to push Agendas but not time to fix the game 💀💀

@andrewlolish1282: The community is behind you guys. We know you've messed up but just continue to make the game as great as it used to be

@Overwatch2010: Nice so pink and rose are here from 25th to 8th, Can’t wait to get rose

@aqn01: "orisa has new ability" > re-adds her old ability

@kzule419: Why don't you just make Pink mercy always available? Like wouldn't that just help raise even more money??

@xaykan3074: Can we at least get a special recolor for the people that got pink mercy the first time around, like don’t get me wrong it’s nice their bringing it back but people paid hundreds for even a account with a pink mercy

@Bry.89: That's just 100 million accounts though right? Not active players.. and you're counting overwatch 1.

@Jingoea: Do majority of people play arcade compared to competitive? Everyone is acting like this arcade mode changes is a 100% change of the heroes. Besides Ana's jump from Bap, it's just all old abilities back in the game for arcade mode ONLY.

@tiagoregan: 100 million + players on overwatch, he says. How many of those are smurfs?

@zenhardt981: - We're bringing back something that our community and honestly team four has loved for years... - PvE missions?! - The pink Mercy skin! - Yeeeah, thanks guys, you know what we are waiting for.

@batmandubled6896: BAN SMURFS pls


@MrTater14: The queue times are only gonna get worse. Most former tank players HATE the role, switching the tech to aid queues is just a bandaid to a problem that needs surgery.

@HetotSmuyi: They were competent in handling hogs and releasing the pigs.

@haydenmilligan571: 4 Team Make Hanzo Pixel Spary easier to get and my life is your🔊🔊🔊

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