The FINAL CONTENT UPDATE of Season 2 Changed... (Season 2 Reloaded Update 1.14)

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Voodoo Opaque: Funny, i was skipping until i got to the MW part and the video ended in a few seconds

Terrell Robinson: Why there not hardpoint on HC?

BroseidonTheGod: When is the new sniper coming??

Sage Keto: Stability fixes for Zombies my ass. My PS4 pro still freezes hard whenever I play Firebase Z. I have to literally unplug my console everytime it freezes. This map is gunna ruin my console.

Fat Albert: Coincidence? I think *NOT*

Donovan de Groot: So no nerf for the aug? Damn they really want everyone to quit....

Raj S: FFAR will get nerfed and the Gallo will take over and be even worse because the FFAR won't be around to counter it

Chris Newton: For god sake forget every mode and just give us new 6v6 maps. I. So over cod lately and if sledgehammer drops WW2 again well I'm out next year

Blijebakkes: The lc10 was a bomb of a submachine gun in hardcore but now omg it became useless in hardcore...

Pr0digyZRX: Imagine all 12 cdl teams in a hp at once... that would be lit

Mike Honcho: The “coincidence? I think not!” cut scene had me dead!

kyle Gallant: I like Activision's is doing penalizing players penalizing players when they Rage Quit but I don't like it if the player lags out and they serve the penalize for lagging out

Chris Biron: Neither my cold war or warzone have updated and it is not showing any updates available. Anyone else have this issue?

Corey Trybus: Is it me or did they nerf BP progression n XP? I got 30k getting to round 6 in Outbreak 2wks ago. Now past round 10 only 20k n 2 levels on BP...fuck you Activision

Live Strong: Burnt update. The zombie map is HALF OF THE MAP. ZERO new store content. NO new guns. Miami in daylight, which is cool, but the map was over run by tweakers so it’s just trash. I’ll never be excited for an update ever again. What’s the point when it doesn’t mean you get all the cool shit.

Damian Arnold: I was wondering why I was getting annihilated when using snipers with the iron sights

bob jokes: So pay to win reactive blueprints in the shop. Cod is cancer these days

Mark Rodriguez: This isn't even good content. It's a trash update. Only decent thing is sanatorium, but that will get boring fast too. Season 2 as a whole is ass. Big disappointment!

BACA: Patch notes?

Amanda Nicole: I actually like this Miami map during the day better than night

Blue skittles: You gotta be joking no ffar and aug/m16 nerf

Tim Boussauw: @11:39 that random twitter image 🙈🙈

Clanka: I love how everyone in warzone no longer uses different skins they all use the rose skin that’s boring to look at. I honestly hate seeing them all the time lol

Lord Snom: The one thing that upset me with the update was that every single one of my loadouts in cold war both for mp and zombies had gotten reset

Will Blythin: Sooo what about the new Cold War sniper....

Elijah Tenney: So is the new sniper out????

Rye: Who still sticks to modern warfare

yallzdid: New sub here, like your work. Could you tell me how to get L3 clan tag?

The Last Undead King: This update reset my created class in muti

Ben Roderick: I thought they were adding a new sniper....

thecheecko: We wont be getting the cx9? So sad.

Tony956 Mtz: lol lame fire team game mode.. it sucks.

Flaming BagOfCrap: I collect bundles and the Milano was pure crap before the buff. Now I’d say it’s gonna be one of my top two SMGs.

DelbertStinkfester: Arugula is the best lettuce for making a delicious salad

Horrendouss: COD: so what gun needs the axe? everyone: looks at FFAR COD: LC10!

GENESIS COLLECTIVE: Don’t say new maps 🙄

xCreative92: 109gb update on xbox what a joke whoch is almost more then the entire MCC and that is 5 games in one

Urboyyycarlos: - They added a calling card showcase - A "Set as favorite" option was added - The ui was updated slightly

Michael Jessica: Miami strike sucks, thanks cry babies

Willking 01: Finally xp in dark ops arcade

ooF. Leo: Honestly I see no reason to play league play since SBMM is already in regular matches. It should’ve been a similar system to CODM.

ɢнσѕт: I already hate the new Miami map I like the old one better 👍

SlynigaSylve: Miami strike looks Nice,to bad its on The cold war sweaty sbmm MF game

Denes K: I am not sure what to do about the "quitting culture" I don't even know why people do this. If it is a game your team will lose for sure, you can rank up pistols, or try to get knife kills, or do whatever entertains you.... That culture of whole teams quitting, and there you are alone or with an other dude, playing 6v2 domination just sucks. Since where and in what sport or event did this became normal, that if you are not winning you just walk away from a game/event???? Seriously ... who are these people who cannot lose a COD match? I mean ... what do these people do in real life when something doesn't go their way? After almost 2 years of absence I played a few rounds of Insurgency. Not even when either team was completely obliterated did people start to leave..... It was almost uplifting, that both teams had almost the same group of players game after game after game, and no one seemed to be quitting or whining about losing or their teammates .... Anyway ... I would really like to see a harsh penalty (rank down??? or some flag on your account) for repeatedly leaving games. ....

deme: What y’all think about this? Dark Aether Story- 8 Maps Die Maschine (Remake) Firebase Z (Original) Berlin/Kino Der Toten (Remake) Ural Mountains Russia Map (Original) Der Riese/The Giant (Remake) Chernobyl Map (Original) Verrückt (Remake) Cuba Map (Original) Zombie Chronicles 2- 8 Maps Five (BO1) Call of the Dead (BO1) TranZit (BO2) Nuketown (BO2) Die Rise (BO2) Mob of the Dead (BO2) Buried (BO2) Der Eisendrache (BO3)

Alex G: Why tf did they buff the groza it's already amazing in multiplayer

vDdog: The damage increase barrel on the mac 10 makes it have like minimal recoil now so nice

Rica Beams: “ Coincidence????? I THINK NOT!!”

Michael Sweeney: Miami strike sucks, thanks cry babies

Jaiden Azazel: I noticed outbreak doesn’t seem to crash now.

Thuvarakan Balakumar: Your game looks crisp what’s your pc settings?

Ze Dank: Not gonna lie, sucks being a strictly 6v6 player on cod now adays 😢

Markus Mcneil: You die so fast now in Cold War it’s crazy

Nick Livesay: If treyarch drops the ball on this weapon tuning patch, you can mark it as the end of warzone until treyarch disappears. I would go as far say this is treyarch intentionally sabotaging warzone from seeing the success Activision brought the franchise because there is no explaining the ignorance in this power creep. The ttk and mobility of cw guns is drastically above any stats from mw

Brady MacNeill: If someone’s looking for a competitive edge in prop hunt... you really have no life

Nathan: Cannot even play error code abc

Toxic Rolf: Just nerf the lmgs into the ground and we have a playable but not good 6v6 multiplier. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist activision..

Fanaticalplel: Damn coulda used more maps

Prantz: Cx-9 :(

Lawson H: Does anyone get exodus bo3 vibes from Miami strike?

hopsinat: Why even buff the FFAR in mp 😪? Wasn't it enough that all you got to see in warzone for months was this weapon? And they didn't even nerf the AUG or Stoner significantly in mp and Magnum still two shots They really don't care, only about mtx

Tray Am: We need Dark Aether in Warzone

Sam V: Love the content thx dog

bean Domingo: No overkill in league

Theredeye: I will quit any match that has a high ping and has connection issues!! And if I'm going to be punished for that then I will be done with mp

Brian Drake: I hope the warzone update will be better than the cold war update.. what a sad excuse for an update.. shit was trash trash

Ridzz__ og: I'm no expert but super large download = new map? File size smaller = removal of old map??

Jacobz456: Mine was 50 GB

B R: Excellent Video !!! Your one of the best YT out there...Ultra Professional delivery and presentation.. Keep it up man

Corbin Keller: Call of duty: let's charge $70 for a new crappy game - also call of duty: let's just recycle crappy content and call it a season

Adam Casey: How has the double magnums not been nerfed ?

KRTR: If I had to take a wild guess, since the Warzone update will be smaller after completion, they might be removing all the year one Warzone Easter eggs

Olympus Mons: Annoying that the mac10 is pretty much useless now. Why not just remove the gun entirely

FlankerActual: Battlefield 6, self titled as Battlefield will offer Modern game play to include a BR, if the sound of WWII "aka Vanguard", the next COD title, doesn't sound appealing.

StinkyBear toves: I like the old intro

Adoby RTV: Nothing done to warzone ??

TTundragrizzly: Sooooo the only 6v6 map is a reskin of Miami? Just set in the day? Ugg

christian sacca: outro song plzzzz

Interviewing: I like it but man I miss the ak74u bro ):

Darkness Meeting: All i want is dark eather in warzone

Alex Poser: ello

Kevin Croft: Ffar only buffed in cold war

Never Trust Thine Enemy!!!: Sooo basically they BUFFED THE SMGs AS USUAL and nerfed everything else... they completely disabled the shotguns and betties.... near nonexistent.... smh not everyone wants to play with FANTASY SMGs.... Just rename the game to SMGs ONLY.....

Asertive II: No new sniper😔

oST0LENo: Noooo...The LC-10 was the best kept hidden secret in both games. I hope it’s not ruined now 🤦🏻‍♂️

Shane Hull: All the hackers still in the game an if you quit out you get punished 👏👏👏treyarch

dooD50: I thought the rottweiler near wolf in the post were attack dogs initially.

Pooch3255: Let’s gooooo

dylanwhite25: I didn't even get the update yet

MrLumberJack1996: 56th like 😅

Pelo Loco: It better be a Cold War only buff

Chad U: Have a great day boss thanks for the update

Commando ghost: The ffar in the corner giggling

Johnny drama: Thanks for the update. :) love your videos. Always help

MIN7Y: Why is my Cold war update 107.06 GB😭😭

Dos Monkeys: 1st and a half

Oliver James T: No wolf yet unfortunately...

ZEN: first

I gotchu: Hey espresso how’s yah day been?

Rej 1ne: First

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