Call of Duty Warzone: 64 Big Changes In The Season 4 Reloaded Update! (Update 1.39)

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Diomidis Nikolaou: waiting for the new loadouts video!

TrevorScarlett Chase: Thos are a and b I’m doms

BLUE MOXIE: All these updates Screw with the HACKERS/CHEATERS ACTIVISION needs to update this game with a 4-10MB update everyday

Mario Raca: for the smg in cold war just use decoy grenades you are gonna finish it in no time

Mar Athon: why didn't they just increase the health and nerf/buff the individual outliers instead of nerfing almost all the weapons

Scrmbled Egglegs: The new msg is going to be nearly impossible to get because everyone runs tax mask

Habs Hockey: When is the roze skin 2.0 bundle coming out?

FallenMarker 921: Imagine being activision and not being able to license actual gun names for some guns

Mr. Yeeterson: Every time I start a match of verdansk or plunder it crashes my game. It goes to the home screen. Does anyone know why??

RECabrón : Bro unironically, they should buff the Dragounov, the fucking thing is supposed to be a sniper yet is the only sniper that can't get a headshot that kills people, you only get broken armor by a headshot!!!

OsageWarrior615: I think everyone is glad that the cruise missile is fixed in MW now lol

Snow: They buffed QBZ because of new Maxis bundle, after release in a week or two they'll nerf it, like they always do.

emmanuel badillo: Still dont fix the hacker situation and people still creating other profiles just to do the same thing

Chaz Cormier: Smg is kinda easier in warzone because cold war its 3 smg kills on stunned targets

joivonne 24: Krig of duty

Clinton Davis: Is it the CX 9 or the RAAL LMG?

Taipan: love to see that the ttk is going down!... slowly but surely

Xavier Sinclair: the game has become a freak show

Leonniclass: What a bad video man, sound in the end is way too loud, just reading patch notes.. like wtf which weapon ist SMG Echo, or AR Beta.. I am here for viable news -.-

Crimson Gaming: The OTS 9 has the same challenge as Carv.2 but SMG, so it wont be that bad to unlock

Cold Warzone: Day 29 of asking Ink to start streaming again on twitch

Honza Balák: I'd say using WZ to unlock the new SMG is the fastest method. It should be fairly quick in Plunder. The BOCW challenge is a bullshit.

Kippers: The more I listen to these needs week by week the more I’m starting to hate these devs.

Tocoolforschool: Me looking at all his cod points 👁👄👁

Isaac Ramirez: No CX9? I thought we would be getting it because it was in the recent Dev video

Kippers: I really wish they’d stop messing with the guns it literally makes the game so not fun to play. You get a good meta going where almost any gun is viable and now it’s back to the same 4 guns.

Rania Mich: RIP XM4 my beloved 😭

erik is guitar dude: No one cares cod is dead

Mr_ BladeX: 10k cod points.... Dang ink. Are you going ti share with us?

Simp Gaming: *Krig 6 buffed again* *74u nerfed again* CDL smg pros: why are we still here, just to suffer?

Haider Malik: You know they want a weapon dead when they overkill the damn thing

CaptainHowdy: I accidentally clicked on this thinking it was a JGOD video. The font/color scheme and general style of the thumbnail is almost identical.

Manuel Gomez: I got a temporary ban because they thought I was cheating 🙄😐

paul guilliatt: Arewe got sees Peacekeeper in this game

Deathranger 05: I’m soooo happy they’re making a slower time to kill it was becoming to fast for a battle royale

GumboManMash: Damn, was actually having fun playing warzone recently. All these nerfs are to much man the last meta was fine

FLACOFLIP23: Thank you! Video helps!

Big Gucci Boombastic: Z league is dope

Ducky: So let's just make the already unreliable MW guns worse. Nice one.😒 If the cold war guns weren't already op there even more op now 😂

Brodie Nevis: I might consider playing this game if I use the sentry gun

Matthew Wilson: Why not just say what the gun is instead of “sub machine gun Charlie/alpha/hotel” etc. like I know what the fuck those are.

Jon Ron: Why can’t they just name the gun like I don’t know what gun Assault Rifle Bravo or Charlie are

sugashak329: i don't understand why they use the main name for some guns and the secondary name for others??? submachine golf? turns out it's the striker 45... lmg alpha? why not just say pkm? it's like they're trying to confuse us? (well, me at least)

Dawood Hassan: Still dont know why inkslasher is so sad

AD - 07LA 892765 Beatty Fleming Sr PS: Dude the vertical cam fix is the most important wtf

Vinay: Finally some counterplay to dead silence, I'd love to see some counter play to ghost in the future as well.

Tania Kok: Hy

J Scottie: But what about cheaters, when they going to nerf them smh..

Josh Jackson: What about the blueprint from rebirth island could you get that blueprint?

My stepsister Is stuck: I have been using the cw mp5 since season 1 hoping it will get a buff but they nerfed it

Troy Carter: I actually found my first red door yesterday. Pretty cool.

Teh_Magic_ Man: I can’t even count to 64

Panzer Shrek: On console în cold war there is an fov slider

YaBoiMagic: This is what happens when you get people saying “Nerf” this and “Nerf” that. Then when you notice how bad It gets, you wanna blame the devs.

Shaun Smith: Game is gonna end up like Fifa

Toppe 57: Anyone know about the red door stations? You'll hear Adler and Stitch, and the gas released when opening one of the supply boxes

Xboxz Clipz: I find it weird that they r nerfing the carv the thing sucks

Lil Ant: The new bulldozer skin looks like the character next to the new operator in the trailer for season 4 when Adler grabs the data pack from the satellite

Greeeeeeeeeeeen!: Ink Payload will probably will come out at 12-2

Xboxz Clipz: I’m mad I loved the fara it was so good. They need to leave in some good guns just maybe make it harder to get without a load out

Logan63gameing ghost: I'm so happy that i pulled another all nighter thank you so much for a good video as always Inkslasher

ItssGabriel27 03: Well, they nerfed almost every weapon.

cornelio diones: Why did they nerf the mg 34?

Nidhiki Pictures: dammit Raven when is Soap coming?!

Cashew Gaming: Payload sounds like Overwatch game mode. Let’s go!!

Matthrizzle: That are some nice changes for a Krig player like me :)

YT_66: The krig six buff was practically useless because the krig was already good at long range also zero recoil as well

justin: I never see a lot of weapon got nerf

Jack Hynes: To be perfectly honest tho went back to play MW instead of Cold War cause I missed playing ground war and black ops Cold War has gone Futuristic cause the timeline takes place in the 80s and what not

Cmoney: No bunkers

AxxN: Finally I thought the new bulldozer skin was a new operator

Beatzbox317: Still no nerf to ghost tho lol 😂

Filip Feč: Assault rifle bravo,delta,charlie, I am not a freaking soldier, why don't they just said what gun is that, now I need to find what are those guns like an idiot😑

Pritchard Salas: Nail gun is still decent, but now the same as it was☹️

Ema Munsell: 7ldgz

Jerry McNuggets: Happy they r taking down ttk because I can actually get fight back campers

mukesh kumar: NO CX9 RAVEN 🧢 ED US ALL 😭😭

potato jr: Yes

IneptTheFallen: Dafaq is assault rifle Charlie, golf, bravo and so on haha? 😅 The krig buff must make it the meta now

five basket: First 5minutes

Sam Fisher: 👍🏻👍🏻

Shane Jacob: Last time I was this early life actually meant something

Elite Gamers: The new gun in cold w is not the same challeng. U need 3 kills when your enemy is effected with your tactical equipment

Infrared: did they add an anti cheat system so the game can actually be playable?

Jackson Martin: Pog

Grim lurker: Warzone feels playable again!?

Meth: 5:33 Mace, in 1980 something Verdansk? Might as well include a time machine into warzone

BrockTRM: No views 44 likes perfectly balanced


Mike Daniels: Twist that back

unhxlyraptor: i’m exited for (hopefully) the CX-9, and that portnova skin looks really fucking epic

JimmyItsAdam: 16 Seconds Ago, Wooooooo

AstralFez: Show us Dexter for Christ’s Sake 🥺😔

taraviras george: First

MarineGhost313: I am speed


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