It's WARZONE'S BIGGEST UPDATE In Ages... (105 Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 Reloaded Changes)

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SireSireSireee: I don't understand the decision to nerf guns that weren't even close to the meta anyways & then not touching weapons that clearly need a buff. Like why nerf the Milano just because lots of people are making content about it? statistically its not even top 5 smgs & why not buff the KSP or something?? Raven are weirdos

BryanG301: How did you make your intro?

AFGnamedZ: We are sick and tired of warzone cheaters. This is the plan. LET'S GET THE BIGGEST STREAMERS TO ORGANIZE A BOYCOT FOR A WEEK. Let's pressure activision into a proper anti-cheat. COPY THIS MESSAGE AND POST IT UNDER EVERY STREAM YOU SEE!

Cartel Valley956: Are yall having the same issue as me on the reticle in modern warfare??? For some reason it's glitch doesn't let you change it in the modes for search and destroy, team death match, etc it's crazy doesn't work to change the color of the reticle

Renato Šafran: Still no P90 and M4A1 buff 🤔

Xenith Hackerhoke: I m pretty sure the tanker cost is 1,700 cod points

IoST: Just when you thought they still cared about modern warfare 😂

YxngTexas: Super pumped to try out Payload!

Dexter Flimming: Idk how to explain it but i m crawling out of my skin when i wait for the cx-9

SmokeyOwOs: High alert getting a buff is wild.

SmokeyOwOs: Wait so that's how that mode works, the blueprint one

Yeeter Griffin: Bro aug from MW is realy good now started useing it thing hits hard. Also there is a bug at security in rebirth where there is bright shining lights scattered blinding u

Hyper -_-: Ram feels much better noe

Diego Delatorre: I just wish they released that new special ops pro bundle 🙁🙁🙁

Jacob Hamman: It amazes me how they are nerfing mw weapons that are already bad.

Ty Johnson: Gonna try that QBZ out now ...

TTV XGLoki7: High alert becomes the new sit rep from MW3…. 🤣😂

Nate Gonzales: and still no anti cheat. smh

Francisco Galvan: Nope anti-cheat update and fov for console or nothing.

Toasty: Yeah I fuckin hate this game now, I play Minecraft, and terraria and shit now

CZC: the ttk changes are great, but i think one more change they should make to raise it is make it so players have 150 base health, not only will that raise the ttk but help no armor players

Killer_E305: The disrespect to the bruren continues I see

Pesky Fgt: Holy fucking shit they finally did something about the loot problem when you pick up your loadout

Vladyslav Kurbatskyy: 🐬

PicklesJarr: Were missing a fucking anticheat? Are people really this bought?

bőÿőđąņ 1911: These guys are ignoring the biggest problems of warzone

bőÿőđąņ 1911: This update is shit cuz we aint got that fucking fov man, the biggest problem of warzone

twomanyjuans: Yep!!they did not fix the invisible weapon bug when you get your loadout!!

Ram: The scar, oden and mw ak-47 nerf makes no sense .

Amelia &Travis: Is the blueprint blitz live right. Now or is it currently not available

Peckerwood: I would rather have FOV settings for console than any of this.

845 Jay: Still don’t have fov on console😂

The Droning Of Life: You've missed you can buy 2 weapon blueprints with prestige keys👍

Zx Mr Mayhem xZ: How much u wanna bet that despite all those bug fixes they still haven't fix the issue where to change your camo or attachment, the actual gun takes 30 years to pop up so u can see how the attachments looks on a weapon. Or the the amount of time it takes for the camo to have texture while equipped on a weapon, while usually just looking at the color of the camo before the texture sets in. Same thing for the operators, they take 30 yrs as well to pop up.

Alien: What are the most important bundles returning?

Richard Simon: what is the headset ur wearing?

Daniel Brito: What a bullshit hear steps with deady come on, what a bullshit

Brian Mock: Ecoliespresso thank you dude! So far your the only channel that has gone threw the gun changes and put the tactical name to the weapon for the changes. You saved me so much frustration flipping from one page to find the tactical name of the weapon, then back to balancing page to figure out what was changed on that specific weapon 👍🏼

Puky: I cant tell yet coz no electricity or internet connection on my location..

Luis Alberto: Am really enjoying warzone now someone here recommended a genius called battlehack on Instagram who inserted cheats on my console without any device and it works perfectly and I have never been banned what a genius

SPRTN WARBLADE: I've been loving modern warefare deagle

Tim Henneberry: If that’s what we consider a big update now then that’s just sad

GoGo_DIABETO: Plot twist, the CX9 will be added to Cold War not MW2019

Lokesy: And STILL NO FOV slider for current generation consoles.....

Jbu-Gatti Productions: Where is payload I don’t see it!

Jayleedurr: Those filters make your game look so awful

JL 02: I upload funny warzone/gaming moments and highlights, hate to be that guy but im tryna grow 🙏🏽

Angel .O: Can you get The OG M4A1 blueprint from the contraband contracts?

Unbid Muffin: Why of all guns did the scar get nerfed😂😂

Josh Cundiff: They should just remove tactical rifles from the game at this point the aug has gone from being a comfortable challenger to all the meta weapons to being completley useless

Derek Weydert: They’re not gonna give us that smg yet, and I know what everybody is thinking, CX9 but it is gonna be the Raal, I’ll bet. They wanna toy with us more before they give us a beast mode weapon

Tae Javuu: Yea the modern warfare weapons so good now y’all gotta try the iso it’s meta,and for the perks we need a true overhaul cause perks are horrible I rather them make sentry gun op so I can die to that instead of someone camping with ghost

JUSTICE: The bizon needed a buff!

lil ROBAX: still no fov slider

Scott Resh: Still no fov slider cod makes me sick

Treyvon Madison: If your not moving you should not be able to not be ghosted on the radar of a advanced uav is up

The_Secret_Scot: And dont use the fara any more. Its really bad now. 😥

natemel12: Instead of constantly changing the guns and trying to do away with a meta how about fixing all the cheating

Rick Areingdale: Please give us 50 Round Mags for the Scar 17!! No other Buffs or Nerfs needed

Michael Garza: They do that with all of the for $$ skin packs because they can only be seen on the platform you purchase on, so it's their make good without ever explicitly mentioning those skins show up as default skins on the other 2/3 of platforms/playerbase. You buy on Playstation and your Xbox & PC enemies and friends see a default. Buy on PC? Nobody on Xbox and PlayStation can see, etc.

OH HAI14: 1 update for a reliable anti cheat system is what i consider Warzone's biggest update in ages

Original Gamer84: lol ok ok ok all the guns changed again cool..this video is why i quit this game....thanks for proving my points..

Original Gamer84: this is not a ps5 game. you can tell if you have a ps5. hackers cheaters and gun changes killed this game..hurry2042...

kingcloon: Great vid. Very well presented.

Mar Athon: why didn't they just increase the health and nerf/buff the individual outliers instead of nerfing almost all the weapons

Attila RZA: In MW MP, you cannot select Reticles !!!

Attila RZA: Bro fuk it.. i'll go Grau/MW AUG !!

Packers North: OMG a slightly longer TTK that's great Activision keep protecting all the noobs. Yeah I'm definitely sure this is going to be the final straw for me. On the bright side I can't wait to have my hard drive space back.

iqbal Arya: Is it weird that I play for a week and never meet a cheater or people just exaggerating

Crunchy: update broke some weirdly unrelated things in MW The Finn LMG view model when using the chainsaw stock, it's pretty weird looking, like the camera is 10cm above the head of the player. it broke reticles in MW too, when you try to customise your reticles, it closes down the create a class widget. and another weird detail I picked up, it seems like the sight mount on the Uzi was lowered when you equip any kind of optic. strange stuff

Jacob_mox13 0: Grauuuuu foik yeaahhhh!!!! Cx-9 and raal waiting

Andrew Fierro: Every update changes Warzone lol, commenting before i watch.

Tobyyy: Loving the videos Ecoli, you inspire me to keep uploading videos! Thanks and keep up the great content bro🔥

Kiwisark: They've made some small but useful changes that I didn't realise made the gameplay alot better. Which i appreciate

ahoz28: MW FOR LIFE 🔥🔥🔥

HONEY KUN: Idk bro, i really liked a faster time to oill but that's just my opinion :/ Also, fov update?

TBKx: So Grau, M13, M4, and a couple of other guns gonna be good

the Elucidator: Alright, you know what, fine. They wanna nerf damn near every gun I used, I'll just go back to sticks with the shield.

kirk0respite: No anti cheat Battlefield has entered the chat

D Pham: Kill chain update never changed, it was always like that. I don't know how YouTubers who make a career off these games don't know that? Furthermore, the heartbeat sensor counter should be COLD BLOODED if you want to nerf Ghost and make the meta more logical. If you have a heartbeat sensor which detects heartbeats, to be cold-blooded would mean that the heartbeat wouldn't be detectable, and this would make Ghost less OP and would force people to double down on stealth perks if they want to be stealthy.

Nachtpyro: So you can gift items to friends now, If anyone would like to try this please hit me up! I would like to get 'The tracker' or the 'Wetland protection' Bundles but those aren't in the store, so let's test if it works

Kevin Jaipersaud: I like the longer ttk. The shorter one always felt like you die so quick without time to react in certain situations. It's a good change

Edward Anaya: I think they should make a realism battle royal

Chris Newton: HACKERS

Mike G: Your channel is gonna take off keep up the great videos

UlrichSA: No anticheat. MW weapons(which were already out ttk'd by all the cw weapons) nerfed so the CW meta stays. Scar is trash again.

The_Secret_Scot: Still no new game modes though. When they adding them payload and blueprints blitz where are they?

William franks: Interested to hear people’s thoughts on this theory about the TTK increase: they are getting ahead of the slower killing (and most likely slower moving) WWII style guns that are most likely coming with Vanguard/Slipstream.

Prabhat kumar: That's a lot of decrease 🤣

eli_da_man_: So literally everything got Nerfed 💀😂

YXUNG TRASH: I was playing and still couldn't look down

George Cope: I love how you give plenty of love to MW. I watch every video for this 👍🏻. Favourite content creator.

Dario Mario: The buffed Alarm perk is very good news!!

bboylazarus: They are making Verdansk a snipers paradise. 👎🏼

Stevenba440: Surely one of the new perks must be something like medic which decreases the time to either heal a downed team member or a self revive.

russian bot: Thanks ecoli. I don't know where i would get cod info if it weren't for beta males like yourself

Jake Thornton: Lol unless they take the heartbeat sensor out of the game ghost is going to be the most important perk in warzone. if people only had to worry about being seen on uav's i think that restock and high alert wud be more popular but with the heartbeat sensor in the game no one is going to want to use a perk other than ghost except maybe on rebirth or for occasional games but i think if they made it where cold blooded also kept u off heartbeat sensors the use of other perks wud be more balanced. idk maybe one of the new perks they are putting in will fix this tho.

jjjknight77: I have not been able to get on warzone for like 2 weeks i dont know why anyone have any suggestions

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