Call of Duty Warzone: 27 Big Changes In The Season 2 Reloaded Update! (Update 1.34)

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Brian Graham: Warzone and cold war is a joke with these seasons. They are barely adding content and its just stringing players along. These games are gonna be dead before they are actually worth playing

Lethalized GJC: We can finally buy advanced uavs and foresight’s.

Clint Lopez: ffar is indeed nerfed , secretly .

Nick Peterson: I think Activision is gonna have the pikachu meme face when BF6 comes out and most of the cod community heads over

William Wisp: I had to do that dam update 3 times for nothing

Devan Bagley: We really got a 51 gig update for pretty much no change... nice

Shark Pog: Thank god they are finally updating modern warfare

DefaultyBoi69: Bro idc. We got more maps on MW😎

Christian Banick: There just giving us the map update before season 3 I bet

Ghostman: 45gb update

An Adventure with Nick & Rachel: This is the exact reason why I have no friends left on this game. Can't blame them for not playing anymore.

shemar Gittens: Did they take off the online subscription

Miguel Fernandes: Nice I love the way you make your videos so much information! For a big update very poor plus one week late too, 21 days left of the season 2. TTK weapons were not sorted yet especially FFAR1. Zombies holding hands and going for a tour in Verdansk boring like you said next location TV station then probably superstore, zombies should have been spreading around the map by now. Roze skin not sorted O_o. The price for foresight is very cheap at least 100000. So players have other options hardline or pointman to achieve that amount. Only my opinion I have been playing since day one and is getting worse the game. Warzone is cool but is in the hands of the wrong staff bad decision. Thank You.. Subscribed ;)

Duck: My game doesnt even work after this update wtf

Premanshu Patel: I’d rather have a bigger update with little to no stuff bc when it comes to the actual things we are waiting for like the new map and stuff it’ll be a smaller update and we don’t have to wait as long to update the game

Christian Banick: PC got the 52gb warzone update at 7am today

GiggleYouUp: So what’s the deal with it being 133 gb and not 56 gb like ps4/5 or Xbox

NoahF_1: Love the pool analysis ink🤣

SpartaZay: Man I want the acr in mw and not just a kilo blueprint for it.

Sxrimo -/: bro Instead of buying loadout I just buy foresight then wait for friendly to come

Christian F: I was hoping for a new ladder system and some good anticheat with that 50 gig update.

Atakan Yilmaz: did they reduce the files tho?

Flatscreen Vox: So, no zombies camos In warzone, FANTASTIC

Bryce Highley: How many ads can he put in one video

GrEEnBlade L: Dam isn’t I was the first one to download it oo

CLiR: n-am înțeles nimic

gbourn: Big update for just these changes I agree. I expect more in game changes, that don't have to doabout bugs or weapon changes

Christopher Everett: what the actual fuck is really going on? new maps for mw19? great! doesn't really make sense but ok. no cx9? no soap? I don't understand

Fifteen88: I think they’re making “incremental” nerfs to the meta weapons to avoid destroying them. Basically giving them light nerfs upon more light nerfs until it’s in a more “manageable” position.

Zayuh Padilla: And Plunder Cheaters! Nobody talks about that shit! There are so many cheaters in plunder!! Cmon Guys! This is Bullshit!

chris heathwood: Part of the 50 gb update reduces the file size broski

anonymous: R.i.p people with slow internet connection

Zayuh Padilla: Cold War Multiplayer is Trash! Warzone Hitmarkers are beyond Broken! Call of Duty is Going downhill! I can’t wait for Re8 so I can delete this game and play something new!

inflamed BLOOD: What they need to fix is the laggy behind servers

inflamed BLOOD: Been updating for 5 hourrs

Tris10 T: Anyone else have to re-download modern warfare multiplayer, and add like a high resolution pack

Dxrk Billy: Raven doesn’t seem to care about the game as much as we do smh

Jayson Tatum: I finished installing the update and i play mw mp and when i log on my multiplayer packs are uninstalled so i have to reinstall them again Omg bro

Aleksander Erikson: Miami 24/7 or killhouse 24/7 I wonder which game I'll be playing....

Scrubz: its 110 gigabytes for me and the update is literally 1/4th of my pc storage I hate having to sacrifice stuff just so i can play a game I wish i had a 10tb ssd which sounds insane

u_p3: This is why i hate this collaboration and I hope it never happens again stuff that we were supposed to get in mw months ago is barely getting added in

Jose Carrillo: I don't play cold war so I'm glad they added more maps to MW.

Patrick Odle: Did they fix the necroking pack

SnowingGecko: Oh been able to use the r1 shadowhunter Sence day one of me unlocking it

Ace man: Still funny to me how mw got more maps for 6v6 then cold war.

Mr-Dylano: They also changed the look of dark matter in warzone aswell as the weapon covering of dark matter

Knife Fight in the Big City: *I'm sick of these constant updates !* *obnoxiously large and pointless.*

ImCaraccio: I just want Soap to be added to the game, thats it, thats why i still have this game installed

Helder Fernandes: I just want the mw weapons ffs..... Why they don't let the weapons go..... Godd

The Derpy King: 57 thousand gigabytes for asshole?

Paul Byrne: anybody go from playing Cold War multiplayer to Modern Warfare multiplayer (not Warzone) and notice the huge difference in speed of movement?

Dooku Dares: Ffar doesn't need a nerf

David May,: Still no new Warzone map...

Lycanvenom: Honestly...I've given up on trying to make sense of what they do anymore.

TELL THE TRUTH: wow proud boys play call duty dayumm there racist every where i guess

william miller: How many people went for a loadout and got a rcxd instead

I like modern warfare And war zone it’s fun: Bet the guns are coming out on Thursday

Kermit THE FROG: My mac-10 won't go up in like camo it stays at 6 kills so can't unlock any camos for Mac-10

lunagameing 102: What about the lmg

YTLethalMoo182: I'm so disappointed about the weapon update, I think I might take break from warzone until they fix the damn aug.

senseee: Is it just me but they made me download multiplayer again anyone else?

lunagameing 102: I'm pretty sure that removed previous so you have to buy to see it

NUFC DEESY: They changed baker clown skin also🤡

Blade_ YT: I hope mw comes out with another season

Ghost627: I love this update is taking forever to download just to play the same things ive been playing for a year now. Nothing new? Games a joke at this point

T VanderWheels: They are destroying this game man..... Give us something new for fuck sake

Jacob Son: when will they add the new guns for Modern Warfare

thedevilsrip: I'm tired of getting cold war guns that I'll never use I want modern warfare content like the new smg and the pistol

Nikk star: I would be fine with them not changing a lot, but then get other content later, but would it really be so hard to change the Damage from the FFAR and the Aug and the M16 to like 2 damage or smt lol

Allegiance: The reason its 50gb is because most of it is the season 3 content, so when u download the season 3 update, it will be less amount of GB

Ozieex 11: Just spent 8 hours waiting for this update, just to find out they did jack shit and somehow didn’t drop the guns I’ve been wanting for 5 MONTHS NOW. Nice.

José Rojas: I love you Inkslasher but please ditch the Roze skin, don’t be part of the problem

Ygvxdfg Xfg g c: Bro wy do people complain about the weopons get better

Ron_Vong: 0:35 the FFAR did get a stealth nerf according to JGOD

Harem King: The new mw maps arent in the rotation yet so there has to be another update again soon

HENZEN: Am i the only one who accidently bought a RC-XD in this new update?

Benadryl Cucumberman: Any advice on storage for warzone?

V I X TR: Bruh activision really hates that m16 don't they lmao I deadasss have 7 diff free blueprints for it lmao

Osyrus Alpha: Dark aether better be in the game atleast so say how big this update is

Brian Thompson: It’s times like these where I wonder what the absolute fuck Activision and Raven are thinking

Michael L: Does Cold War camos progress while playing Warzone ?

IcyAIM: At 3:57 bru it’s not school what’s a plural

Jayden Arellano: I think part of the 50gb is probably the nuke event. (And maybe we finally get those 3 missing guns)

Jason Little: So why did they uninstall all of the MP and campaign etc.!!! If i want to uninstall due to space then I can do it, now having to reinstall!

Jacob Dionne: FFAR got a stealth nerf

Joseph Stalin: seriously, Activision is doing Warzone terribly. add consistent updates. fix the weapons. add the new leaked weapons. it's all just kinda dumb in my opinion

Rumvirus: 168 gigs for warzone 140 for Cold War like this is out of control ! Goodbye warzone uninstall !!

Tyler S: Hi

Super Bombad Darth Jar Jar: If I’m wasting 60gb for a April fools update.....

Amaan Burket: Aug needs to be a extra shot kill and then it will be balanced and the ffar needs a 2-3 shot kill nerf

Calum idk: All the add ONS for mw just deleted of my ps4 so I have to install all of them again

lorenzs karl: Go to the point

raptorsattack: me: sees it's April 1st somethings wrong i can feel it.

RoninAP: Hear me out, remove Cold War guns from warzone, and the game is infinitely better

MAli 169: fun fact: MW is more better than CW in everything

Kenneth Sutton: did they fix the mac 10 glitch ?

Jon Madden: I’m guessing not everything has unlocked yet. Not seeing how what he covered equals a 57.79 GB update on Xbox One.

brawlinthesand: Lots of other streamers discussing a major Groza buff as well. Did this actually happen or nah

GrImaldo LA: Does the rebirth quads lobby count down get fixed? Count down does not start even with a full lobby. Some times is 5/7 minutes wait to start the match? Is it normal or it is actually broken?

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