Call Of Duty WARZONE: The SEASON 5 RELOADED UPDATE... (Everything We Know)

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WhosImmortal: The Mid-Season update is coming up soon! Hopefully we see some big announcements in the next few days! Thanks for watching :D

Opreativeghost: Zack the roadmap is out for the season reloaded


Not Sure: Don't forget we got to watch people simp for copy/paste code instead of new ideas. How about 1 or maybe 2 throwback maps and the developers have to actually do some work to justify the time it takes to make.

tricky drip: ⚠️ update alert⚠️ Vanguard beta coming next week or so

tricky drip: head's up the red doors got an update. Now when you go in it's a completely new looks then you go in a room with a lot of red doors and in the red door rooms there's a new crate and inside it has an advanced UAV and the rooms has the sentry guns


Sean Michael: The only update I care about is the one that removes this Buy Back trash out of WZ

Blitz Krieg: I want to know more about Warzone once Vanguard comes out.

Sergio Leyva: I salute you for still playing verdansk sir

Mike D'Ambra: I think you’re being a bit generous when you say this season had “content”. This season really fell flat for me.

Ben Sunny Isaac: So apparently, Alex Mason is the main operator for season 6.

Prathamesh Jori: Please tell me reticle name.

Grey Bob: Damn, is this how smooth PC looks like !!

SzymmerGD: Damn, you are soooo good at controlling the c58 recoil! To me it goes like, up, down, left,down,up, right

Da Ghost: Thanks Zach :)

Fernando Ponce: Made me so happy seeing you get downed after killing a new spawn. People who just snipe and try hards who kill new spawn when they’re in the air can go to hell.


Austin Sherwood: Halloween is coming next month I hope they redo haunting of verdansk best event ever none of these little short ones can compare to how good it was. Would be awesome to see some different horror movie skins

New York Savage: Wtf stick in a FOV slider for console fuck. A whole dev team for next gen update been taking months we don’t care as long as we can do 120hz plus and fov we’d be happy

Colin Booher: They need to bring back regular battle royal ....I logged in seen it was still there logged off to play skyrim lol

JoeD003: I just want to use zombies camos in Warzone. Hopefully they end up adding it eventually before vanguard comes out.

Mason Millsape: And it starts ! Kick the game out and get ready for the new

Jeremiah Davids: I think judge dredd will be a skin for Stryker😞

The Anime Guy: Plot twist: The anti cheat sucks

Ilija Stojanov: By the way, I don't know if you've mentioned it but they've brought back Juggernaut drops. Had one last night. Cheater took him out tho.

Ilija Stojanov: That was a pretty cool end playzone.

bini 28: I’m just ready to buy Hudson lmao

SimbaVFX: day 75 of asking for a fov slider for console

CD: What reticle do you use?

Johnathan Cook: Bruh they adding judge dredd

iGAME iN COLOR: Is nothing going on really considered weird at this point lol that’s kind of how this game goes nowadays.

Rishav Gogoi: I feel like nerf community went overboard this time. None of the ar feels good to me.

Charlie: Day 40 of saying hey hi, how ya doin!?

my name: Just curious if anyone else has to keep logging into their Activision account upon boot up of cold war?🤔 I've had to every time I boot up since beginning of last week. Super annoying having to rewatch every cinematic and character intro every damn time

Donovan Frutos: Day 89 of saying immortals my favorite YouTuber

fedrick henderson: i guessing they trying to push out as much content as possible to make way for vanguard

Beliy: When you change the map all the time like fortnite, the map is fun, but when you have the same map for a year it gets boring

Albnagi The WOAT: I’m sick of Warzone dude, can’t even get online because of these bullshit dev errors. Might finally uninstall, sad because I like this game a lot.

Ryan: Zombie camos

Tally Whacker: Quit as soon as this buy backs bullshit started

Dave Est: Didn’t think any season could be as boring as season 4 then enters season 5, am so bored

2NooBs: I bet the Vanguard Zombie Camo will be available in WZ before the Cold War one! How long does it take them to make it happen??

MidWest_PYRO: I just want all my re birth wins to count. I've gotten the endless black screen at the end of winning matches atleast 50 times.

XLo trap: Zac its obvious tho they did everything in the begining so they have the time to work on vanguard or warzone x vanguard or sum? Cuz ye that thing needs a lot of time so ye i think later in warzone it will be boring till the new season

Na3iiiz: is the c58 still good?

delojason: I’d like the ability to shoot a C58 100+ m without ANY recoil like in this video. Or the option to play against only console players. Thanks.

Lycation: Yet I still can't use my dark aether camo

Mohamed Bouhtout: Every season is weird, not just season 5

Cyber Wolf: In my opinion, people were more happy when it was just MW.. the good old ribbons each season that would make you grind with lots of different challenges, Intel missions for warzone, the unique rank of maximum 155, blueprint missions for MW guns, battle pass actually being for MW. Good lord had I wished for them not to butcher MW by integrating it with Cold War. Even when CX9 came out after so long, everyone literally went to multiplayer in masses. Same with RAAL. Had there been SPAS12 and other guns to be released, it would've been quite a hype.

ZeroPomegranates: They’re going to add judge dredd to Cold War and warzone as an operator it seems. They posted images on call of duty Instagram teasing it

Jabir Feroz: yo

Chris walowitz: Still no zombie camos just sad

Jon: When do you think Hudson will release

overlordopacus: Cold war is a abysmal mess they ain't trying to fix. Beta for vanguard better be good or they losing alot of customers this year

SelfMadeOutlaw: Dual wield Tech 9s????? The new lady OPERATER has them

A13X: Ayo hook me up with the C58 attachments lol

Kolyn Mincey: What is that acog reticle?

Berkuh Snaps: Last chance we are getting dark aether

Derek Andrew: I wish the flamethrower was in warzone too!

Enes Şahin: My phone's battery died, thats why I'm late this time.

Aiden Ruiz: It’s already mid season and I’m only tier 15 I atleast need to get the Tec 9

Mark Saunders: First night back on warzone tonight after a couple week due to the hackers first 3 games in a row hackers , I’m done with the game now

ClickClack99: Still no zombies camos :(

Christian Reimnitz: The last time I was excited in Warzone was the 80's action heroes mid season update with the Nakatomi Plaza tower. This was awsome. Right now, it feels mehhhh...

Alan Probe: Still waiting for dark aether smh

Daniel De-Abreu: Day 238 of saying hello to immortal

James Mcguinness: Thanks for the info 👍

Ee- azY: WhosImmortal stop killing biffle I saw what u yesterday did u such a bad Bad boy 😂❤️

Der SnipendeBoss: Im am so mad about myself right now its unbelievable.. I just noticed I didnt spell my email adress right when I was making my Activision account and I got a beta key while watching CDL but I dont have the key because I typed in a false email adress :/

Ryan Bazinet: They should just throw us a Tommy to end it

Mr. random person: Pretty sad there’s no new weapons. Kinda disappointed.


Epsilon Xero: Zombie camos? Please come with mid season update, Zombie Camos. Yes, I'm talking to game code, that's how bad I want it.

Joschua Mai: What kind of reticle are you using in the beginning?

Ollie Hardyy: What I wanna know is how do you keep your c58 completely stil it looks like a m60 for me

Nicolas Ferlaino: hi pt. 169

Ollie Hardyy: Any official date on the update

Falafel Cult: im bouta buy all the doritos for 2x xp

GHOST✓: Day 78 of waiting for a million subs

Choc K1ng: My man zack how is your day

Zach Bianco: day 152 of getting a heart from immortal

Endland_yt: Fire vid 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Jonathan: Midseason could finally release zombies camos but I doubt it

Starter_Vibez_fan13: Day 102 of getting a heart from Zac :)

Ben Frizzell: Do u know when the fov is going to hit

lil chicken: hey immortal i logged in the game today and then i saw all of my guns are lvl 1 i searched on youtube and found out that was a bug but now everything i had is now lvl 1 and everytime i try to do a contracts or challanges nothing chnage even 1 lvl help😢

Hannibal Lecter: What is your opinion about having different server playlists in warzone? What I mean is, have like a warzone experience with either wwii guns only or a warzone experience with the guns from the last two games (kind of like a Standard format from MTG) alongside a different server that allows the usage of every gun implemented into the game (kind of like a legacy format from MTG).

Blaze Elimz: Hey hi how ya doin

YxngTexas: Definitely excited for this update!

KILTERFUN: What are you thoughts on the sykov? Because I tried it on plunder and got a 8 kills in like 30 seconds.

Nick Osmond: If they don’t add the anti cheat to modern warfare and Cold War multiplayer I’m not gonna be getting vanguard because I still haven’t gotten my money’s worth outta those games yet

BRUGH GZ: Yes sir just got out of school to watch some immortal what a great day

Sam Fisher: Hi bro

Adrxkツ: Hyped for the mid season update thanks for the juicy details zac ‼️🔥

tricky drip: Warzone and cold war just got an unexpected update I think it's a bug update

The Munter44: Hating buy back mode on wz, multilayer maps just recycling of older games content, no imagination or true investment in CW / WZ.

Christöpher Jördan: DAILY DOSE OF GASSSS

DaRkSouL Plays: I have very high ping everytime i play warzone but it's not like that for other games I want Activision to do something about their matchmaking I want them to bring a ranked mode in warzone like call of duty Mobile and the fact is I also get sweaty lobbies everytime Fix:- ->Ping issue ->Match making ->Non Sweaty lobbies ->Hacker Problem ->Server Crash ->Game freeze ->Bugs and glitches And it goes on bruh

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