TOP 5 WINNER BUILDS of Season 5 & Class Ranking - Diablo 4

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@Rob2628: LIVE NOW Season 5 Blasting! YouTube: Twitch: Wanted to give you guys an update of the top builds for Season 5! Currently having so much fun blasting with the Sorcerer but I personally don't like that some builds are getting nerfed into the ground. What you think of the Class Balance attempt by Blizzard? Let me know in the comments! A updated Tier List is coming soon. Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

@sysfrozen: Lmao Frosty nail him for this, idk why they nerfed barb? 3 seasons billions of damage above rest sorry Robb but the nerfs well deserved and I hope this whole barb is always going to be god tier talk goes way away. It’s nice for a meta shake up this drastic was perf.

@gioroa4945: How to get unlimited energy as barrage rogue?

@DieAssigen: Jo, would you mind sharing the links to the Sorc wallpapers? They look really dope

@PandGames: Hey rob! cant find barrage andariel on the site, its off?

@ahyesiseeisee557: I can't help but notice in his lightning spear sorc build he has ice orb on the bar but has zero points into it on the skill tree and instead went charge bolts

@dillonchewkaihe: man isnt even following the proper build with the druid

@StillWeRide: RISE UP DRUIDS!!!

@BarakaPlay: Rob could you see Blizzard buffing barb for Season 6?

@dudedavid34: Barbarian is for sure the worst class. I tried getting all the Ubers for whirlwind to see if it would be better and it still took ages to kill the t7 infernal bosses. Compared to my Stormslide Druid the Barbarian isn't better in any way not even speed.

@iceblock202: Rob, thank you very much for your builds, they are just mega. Which druid build is better?! Lg

@kearydean9358: Where do you get those cool class background photos looks like a wallpaper

@Pokdemon: I agree with Rob here it just feels really bad when you are trying out a build you like and is fun to play like shred on druid and then when you finally reach 100 you can't do any content at all and have to swap to the 1 only viable build for each class like stormslide. There is 0 build variety and each season I always have to swap to the meta build, it sucks :(

@yoru1247: kannst du den andariel rogue auch in deine tierlist verlinken statt deinen?

@Wausr: Lightning Spear is an end game build, no reason for any nerfs honestly just buff other builds to make them viable too!!

@sacrifice9626: Hey everyone, did you know the spears auto aim?

@Realtorable: In case you didn’t know, just like in EVERY game blizzard has, they intentionally break heroes to induce playability

@Dali.P: And i started your bash build 🤦‍♂️

@uwiese94: If blizzard continues the improvement that way, d4 is gonna be an really awesome game in about a year

@bboy458: Rob showing a Rage Gaming vid killed this whole vid for me.

@jax6950: I think it's great all the classes are getting close to the same damage and should be a great platform for the devs to work off of ( not to nerf the good ones but to bring other builds up to the same level like you said ball lightning, HoTA, heartseeker, werenado,bonespear along with others)definitely going in the right direction hope they continue

@viergiel23: can i have the link for the spreadsheet ?

@antonioesposito4389: The druid build is not so accurate, the 2h is useless, you have to use butcher's cleave+oh or doombringer+oh. The aftershock aspect is usefull only for the 2nd pillar not for the low dmg he gives.

@giogarcia4359: I would honestly put the druid above sorc only because it doesn't take much at all to get the druid pushing fairly high, it takes insane gear for the sorc. I have played them both to 100 and pushed at least t5 or 6's and killed the infernal horde with both

@toddgeyser9258: Rob great vids as usually but I would 100 percent agree ... started with BASH BARB which if you do not have the specfic ITEMS as outlined in the BUILD it is NOT VERY GOOD .. Even with about 8 MASTERS works on each weapon , and it still not very good ...

@TheFartbreakKid: Incinerate sorc is pretty decent

@svenklo7591: What Potion are they using for these spikes? Wasn’t this a season potion from s4?

@toddschwiebert9100: All people bitching last season "NOBODY SHOULD BE DOING BILLIONS IF DAMAGE NEED NERFA" those same people now " i mean how does me doing 10 billion dps affect you bro, just play your over powered barb again"

@nosleepforme2242: Dr🥁🥁🥁uid🗣

@xTheLostLegendx: where do you get fist of fates?

@MD99.: People are sleeping on GA lucky hit chance to CC FoF, especially on conditional classes like Rogue that rely on cc/stagger. You basically instantly stagger and immediately stagger back to back on rogue which makes you delete the boss with no downtime, can kill the council on t8 in like a minute and a half with mid gear.

@BongoKent: barb need 4 ubers to do something xD

@XimoXThe: dude why you got requiem ring in the necro build with no minions? i guess wrong link (Rank 4 link) also the build you have in d4 builds is not the same you are using in this video, without minions, do you have the link to the video build?

@davidwilson2675: Love the content and the in depth explanations. I appreciate you don’t just tell us something’s good. You explain all the synergies that make it good. 👍🏼 couldn’t agree more wanna see more middle ground. I’m a Druid main and play sorc on the side and I love my lightning spear build but I was sad when my fireball build just couldn’t push any farther. I hope Diablo finds away to balance all builds for all content. I’m sure that’s impossible but here to wishful thinking! lol 😂

@ShaddyzZz: A necro hitting for 6B once doesnt mean it has 6B dps. Get it right. Hit the dummys for a minute and calculate dps after that. Not gonna be 8B dps.

@katboyt: That seals it for my barb partners Alt he will level then, fatty mcfatty 🤣🤣

@borovnica86: Bro that druid photo is sick, share it please :D

@90rohancd13: Someone try a frenzy build lmao 😂

@brave1988brave: To bad we are rating a whole class on a few builds. What is if I try to play Hydra for example? Will I do sorcbillions? Never! And thats the thing. Blizzard going crazy on just a couple things and most other playstyles can't compare.

@geraldsy: where can i get these bad ass wallpapers

@shinobi_naze8455: Hey where do you get those background pics?

@californiadreamer2755: I carried 3 people thru lilith tonight with my andy rogue... Best character i have ever had in Diablo

@Araturion: Barbarian doesn't have any powerful core skills anymore. Core skills are a joke. I miss pure whirlwind with limitless rage, edgemasters and dire whirlwind. When we used the skill as it's meant to be played. Before season 4 my whirlwind barb did 4-8 million damage without seasonal powers. Now whirlwind is doing 300k. And all the damage comes from dust devils. And why did they nerf barb when no barbarian was close to do a pit tier 200. Why nerf builds that did pit 150 when the pit has 50 tiers that is harder.

@Passion-dp6el: I loved the “until reaper of souls expansion” because this game is on its way to Diablo 3.5 sadly.

@Kerbaroth: When using fist of fate wouldn't it better to move the 3/3 lucky hit to DMG vs burning or maybe with one in warmth

@joef3576: He had invigorating buff up on sorcerer for during tier 8 boss kill. Always a spam fest assuming that buff comes up as an option. Sucks when it doesn't and buff is only in infernal hordes. Shouldn't have shown a clip with a random perk

@colorado752: I hope that Blizzard don’t do it what they do best. Nerf the builds! I really cannot understand Blizzard approach, they created The Pit until 200 and nobody was able to reach this level in the Season 4 and Season 5. When people finally is able to create builds that can go far and have fun in the game even in medium levels they go there and nerf things. This should be not allowed during the season. One thing is to fix bugs and give to other classes strong builds as well, another thing is nerf what is good and not give other opportunities. The sorcerer build is really funny to play even that cannot go in high pit levels.

@svenlori: wow your winterglass is just awesome

@vpapapa: can someone please tell me why i only have weak elixers at the alchemist? im level 100. pleeeease

@T2EH1N: Rob is time for you to talk to Blizzard and tell them Barb is dead.

@kiraigami8002: you really judged Barb so fast, I'll try my best to make him top 2 or 3

@feuph: Great balanced game as per usual

@batmon26: curious if anyone tried always up ancients on barb? can always get greater affesix arreats pants, yens boots, plus robs op shako.

@alexlebel7407: Question why in the druid d4planner guide there is a 2hand weapon and on the youtube video + his mobalistic video he have 1 hand + lot of things like temper are different😮

@raybandzhurdTTV: Dude I do like 5+ b damage ticks on my rogue

@YamashitaPhilippines: hope hordes drop a mystic chance for 1%

@daveedo124: I am confused with Sorc build. Uber set shows shako and tyreals, gloves has aspect. This video and the “full dps” build does not have tyreals, but does have fist of fate. Should we not run tyreals if we have it? Wanted to check as I can currently craft it.

@potatotoofar: >cries about nerfed barb >kills ubers in 2 secs XDDDDDDDDDDDD

@Mister_Know_Name: Unless you're a streamer, a barb will you much too long to turn on when you could play another class that requires less time and materials to max out.

@queue7604: Ima be honest with you. Anyone who follows a you tubers build and doesn’t custom build doesn’t play Diablo 4 correctly. This video came across my YT feed. I have 2,000 hours on D4 I’ve done every end game content possible. Platinum. T128 pits done. Have Carry’d every boss in the game for gold pits, nm100, hordes T8. Ect I have never once in my life watched a YouTube build and followed it. I read the fucking items and play the game and make shit match up. There’s no way people have fun following someone else’s shit.

@slaytallicadeththrax4547: Glad to see they've picked up exactly where they left off with D3 balance theory. Nerf the top class into the dirt and buff the bottom class into the fuckin stratosphere. I literally told my friend last season, he was playing sorc and said it felt like shit, i said, wait until next season, sorc will be number 1. And here we are. Its so fucking annoying.

@MajinDru: For the standard Doomstorm. What type of 2H weapon is recommended?

@booferboof408: What’s a bub-arian?

@ySoCerealx: Rob your doomstorm druid build is a bit different to aces, especially the paragon board, you have an extra board. Is yours technically better/higher dmg output or just your guess at the build? He even uses doombringer/totem you 2h weapon etc. idk which is best to follow. Also you have cataclysm in your uber version, he switches it to petrify for his uber variant?

@TheDeder57: Why no Lillith runs?

@kyoufukoso3537: Sorc feasting right now.

@ShutterMyShadesTV: Is this better than the frozen orb variant?

@davidcasper8053: What am I missing with the Keeper glyph on the Druid build? There’s no companions in it?

@wirawan9948: Can I ask for your sorc wallpaper? So damn good. Can u share it?

@quakerninja: on October 8th this list grows to six.Where will spirit born fit

@moas8551: FFS Trash blizzard I’m main barb now I guess have to be gay Sorc

@Torguish: I mean the way blizzard did the nerfs was already an issue for me. 1 look and you instantly saw that the same builds would be "top" but literally every other variation just got nerfed to shit. Seriously, how was that unbridled fury nerf warranted? In what universe? Barbs core skills are already severely lacking and literally need 20+ levels to even do anything. Even then most skills need extra effects to even work - like WW and DS. And the new unique neck? :'D What is this joke? Oh well, at least i can still kill bosses and clear the season. Then i can uninstall until the expansion at least. The middle ground impossible for blizzard simply because the mechanics in this game do not work in an intuitive way. Lucky Hit procs can only be procced with htis and the scaling is skill dependant. I do agree, it's awesome to see other classes get the spotlight. I just hope blizzard seriously steps up their game in the balancing and class design. Worst part for me is the fact that everytime i find something cool - or think i do - i have to ask myself "I wonder if it works" because i never know how the damn game is coded.

@lorenzorivera1466: Where can we download the wallpapers?

@lil----lil: Sad Barb day :(. U had it good. It's okay. Everyone takes turn. As it should be.

@SpaceMonkey2407: where can I find the background images you're using?

@nuke_looter5174: I think your list is dead on. I started the season with a barb like usual and stopped around lvl 53 to start a sorcerer and oh man it’s probably the most fun I’ve had in all of D4 so far. Lvl 100 nowhere near fully optimized and I can melt all tormented bosses even Uber Lilith for the first time solo since the game launched and now I’m working on my Druid at lvl 76 and it feels just as good as the sorc.

@pjstartv6798: For anyone watching this video and reading the comments, keep in mind that Lightning Spear Sorc is an endgame build. You have to have certain unique legendaries or the build is trash compared to Chain Lightning or Firewall Sorc.

@Cameron-fk5fk: Proof that if you whinge and complain enough you get your way.

@vanessalatimer8351: i think barb should be 4th place, even if the dps is close between barb and necro, barb is 4 times as tanky

@blotv2320: BRO 7 uniques and 2 aspects on a build is wild

@nitrik6069: Raptozor#2943

@Daold: I keep getting fist of fate with 0.1% crit chance 😂😂😂😂

@lolifps4675: Himari#21829 winterglass pls

@duskairable: Buffing to Barbarian level my @ss 😂 This dev is completely clueless about balancing the game.

@ellietodd393: I am having real fun playing sorcerer. I am usually barb all the way. I am playing Fireball right now with my own weird combo of meteor and blizzard for damage reduction. Its a bit tricky but doing well. Will probably switch to lightning when I've collected all the gear. Still waiting on the gloves. Thanks for you videos. I'm a newish follower. I am a 71 year old great grandmother btw who has played the Diablo series since 1998. Have a great day.

@saqeramri9389: Sager#21608 winterglass please!

@lolifps4675: Himari#21829 winterglass pls

@lolifps4675: Himari#21829 winterglass pls

@lolifps4675: Himari#21829 winterglass pls

@lolifps4675: Himari#21829 Himari#21829

@uncleaubz: Aubz#11880 Aubz#11880

@lolifps4675: Himari#21829 .

@sibaldesign: Superninja#1213790: Need WinterGlass for the 2028 Olympics

@saqeramri9389: Sager#21608

@LoganLindsey-lb8rq: SleepyBear#1192893 for my 3 daughters ❤

@Markness: Thanks for the tier list update…. Would be cool to see this re-visited like in the middle of the season too haha

@sibaldesign: Superninja#1213790: WinterGlassfor the Soul

@uncleaubz: Aubz#11880 Aubz#11880 Rob no1

@ogungumusay1242: WİNTERGLASS PLZZZ kNucK#21965

@yffn8188: YFF#21660

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