My Top 10 Builds for Season 5 - Diablo 4

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@Rob2628: Watch live at Here are my favorite builds to play in Season 5! You can find all Planners to the Builds in my Sheet and the links to the original videos below. Have a great Season 5 - let's blast! Sheet: Original Videos: 10: 9: 8: 7: 6: 5: 4: 3: 2: 1:

@removesbmm5950: Bash barb hard nerf.

@Keldrath: My only issue is I can see the end goal of the builds but I don't see any recommended ways to play until you get the stuff that makes the build come online. Like the lightning sorc is just chock full of uniques how are you supposed to build and play before you get them?

@Gholladay: Sorcerer seems like fun this season. I bashed and bashed and bashed last season and it was great but I wanna mix it up

@Nicolas-qk4cg: Anybody else thinks the rapid shot animation with the scoundrel ring looks weird? This is the only reason I don't want to play that build


@kiksta3325: Poison rogue. Call it by its name Andys rogue. Poison has nothing to do with its not like u can play it with out it. Rf should be call squirt rogue. Such a stupid animation.

@DasKawumm: is Rogue easy to play? I want a low skill build.

@hamletshero: Haven’t started this season yet but is there anyway to farm resplendent sparks like how we did with the iron wolves last season?

@XINFxFelipe: hola no habrá una build de ventisca?

@babycarlysownuniverse1773: But all in all it still comes down to GA and perfect temper and masterwork again. For sorc is it still flame shield dependent? Whats new. . .

@Fadex01: I'm trying my own chain lightning build because i got the chain lighting unique pants and this build seems to be very fun except for managing mana cost haha

@coat019: How do you have Decrepify without having to learn it?

@bladesz4216: Hi rob! Can we get a leap stomp kick barb guide for this season? That would be awesome!!!

@Damingo54: How do you get the golden wings on your back?

@melman8888: Hey @rob2628 ur bone spirit necromancer build. Im struggeling with the build. As a skill there is decrepify added to the skill list but u do not have that activated in the skill tree itself. Its for the boss killer section.

@KarpeDM1860: I’m going with the andariel rogue bc it’s the only class I haven’t gotten to 100 yet.

@jarebare00: Is bonespirit necro only good for boss and aingle target or is it good in dungeons and pits?

@xannymanny6959: Hey guys, what’s going to be a good rouge build to level with? So I can transition into the end game rapid fire?

@iLoveLucy420: A little of topic but I just want to acknowledge the fact that Solo Leveling has returned and it’s 🔥

@PhilLashio-xd8dy: I hopped on eternal just to test out my flay barb and even with the new grandfather fully masterworked and the new shako fully masterworked my attack power past 220k.... THE BUILD HAS BEEN GUTTED I did a 101 pit and my DAMAGE IS CRAP!!! I went from turning a 101 pit boss into dust in seconds to STRUGGLING

@psycedelic: Robs top 10 builds S5 = 1. Barbar 2. Barbar 3. Barbarian 4. babas 5. Burbarians 6. Spintowin 7. Ugga bugga bam bam class 8. MESMASH CLASS 9. Barbillion 10. Uber uniq barbar

@armandd1428: As a necro main, I decided to try a new class each season since S3 (so basically doing 1nec + a new one i’ve not played yet). Definitely gonna try Rogue this season

@bobgratton2538: thank you for the content

@jz5836: Rolling barb and waiting for it to become #1

@staubinmichael637: I cant wait to play druid again 😊

@MrJermacwins: 1. Barb 2. Barb 3. Barb. 4. Barb 5. Barb 6. Barb 7. Barb 8. Barb 9. Barb and finally 10. Barb

@yunaakadave3898: Danke für deine hilfreichen Videos ! Mach weiter so <3

@christophecroue2659: Ty nice job!

@BrianC-db6tz: Just did a andy rogue and tried the bash thorns barb also the thorn fley so idk this season yet

@LuckyLuciano6: Rapid Fire Login

@kokusu430: I swear to God he said ' ass some '😮

@bobythunder: good afternoon Rob, where can you farm the new umbracrux dagger??? Thank you

@ssgcheddar5785: Druid gets no love 😂 Blood Lance Necro here I come

@starfox3675: calling it now 100% wrong guy has no clue at all. Plays all day and thinks he knows about other classes then copies there strats when his fail. avoid at all costs.

@crimson1953: I'll stick with bone spear necromancer

@chandler3621: Hey Rob, has necromancers reap ability been fixed so it works with attack speed buffs?

@lauskasda3141: Only Druid <3

@davelasschuit176: Where is flay ???

@davidsaler5359: @rob2628 check out fireball/meteor build. Might help your single target on fireball build

@gollese: Would be nice to know if they are viable without uber uniques etc, or if you need a somewhat hard to get unique.

@BalboaKing81: Rob, I see you put the minion necro as #10, did you however see the new patch notes what they did to nerco?

@xzeref613: So piss rogue it is

@goldenplectrum9695: What about barrage rogue? Or did i miss it

@2426brandon: I just want these wallpapers.. Where they coming from 😂

@sagittarian_tv: So much content ! GG my friend ! And thanks 😉

@WheretheDragonsRoam: I will continue my rf rogue as a main streak lol, been that way since season 0 lol but incinerate sorcerer was super fun in s4 so may switch after maxing a rogue, don't foresee myself spending much time on s5 tbh, we'll try it out though

@vheega7650: every two hours :" my top 10 builds season5..."

@Eas_the_Planeswalker: @Rob is Gushing Wounds realy unplayable? I feel like it still will be viable

@Eas_the_Planeswalker: As usual l can't pick between ww and bash. Ww is great for speed farming but you kinda need bash to get the uniques first. Might go Upheavel into ww into bash into ww lol 🤔

@mattmckillop2280: Started with Sorc, and I'm going back to it. Thought fireball was going to be the build, but splintering lightning looks insane.

@jerrystambeck2092: Druid needs some love from the devs.

@ernylernyl: With build will be the best without uber uniq items?

@joshuaavery8443: Please make a meteor/fireball build. Please.

@zmollon: Does Rob even sleep? So much content.

@FluxFresh96: The AI Art hits hard

@user-re9bg6pz9z: Played Bash Barb last season so I’m going mix it up this time with Bash Barb

@nerocodm: Oh man, I might not be able to play every class, every season, but I do hell enjoy every video you make on every class. Hands down best CC for Diablo IV content.

@aeneasn8647: Ich warte auf die ganzen Bugs von Blizz - wie jede Season - und schauen dann welche Builds super werden 🤣

@dryjoke: SAUCERER LOL

@_Drav_: Top notch CC here, well done Rob.

@ryancparker: I'd play rapid fire but the graphics look so janky. How are arrows doing damage when you're lobbing them 10 feet?

@Walrammetje: I wonder what the best boss killer is going to be!

@Tech-np7bv: Sorc will be strongest but one shot again, no way for this season. I'll play first with Barrage Rogue and change it to Andariel when I'll find Mythic Andariel Visage. After Flay Barb

@gloggare: every time i made a rog i hated it, think ill do dual swing / ww tornados .. never tryed it.

@Goddess_chick: Dam! I don't know who to use. Sorcerer or barb!

@Andi-hh8ch: What about the boss killing skills of the lightning spear sorc? Is it as "bad" as the ww barb?

@moskovseph1538: Hs until season 99

@Skiv191: I hope you are aware that the rapid Fire build does not need a chance to Crit on gloves?))

@Barn80: Is the spark splintering sorc the lighting spear build on d4builds?

@Myndi78: Another season with no hydras fml

@ssnakept: Hi Rob. Greetings from Portugal. Can you give us a direct link to a #3 necro build please? Tired of playing barb. Thx in advance.

@koya9113: What time does the new season come out

@bobballard387: bone spirit necro lmafo 1 shot tornement boss XDDDD

@audriusg1536: What about druid pulverize? It got buffed even more.. Actually pulverize dmg is insane if u manage to hit constant overpovers.

@rudolfhanina181: top 1 build - Urinator

@mamiechoucroute6345: I'm trying to do a Hydra sorcerer build for this season with the planner and it seems to work. Wish me luck against all the crazy sorcerer builds guys !

@kccustom1: Don't care playing barb

@Mikefurion: Sorc <3 i will play this shieeettt whole season

@ProdigaliNKGaming: Sorry Rob I'm not playing a spec that shoots piss at its enemies

@icarusgeo: "Urinator Rogue" #1? 😆

@RafaelW8: No Flay barb??

@bigyoks4694: Still funny how it’s perfectly fine for rogue to have 5 S tier builds but barb had 3 and got gutted lmao

@Metallicahardrocker: Well, showing absolutly overtuned ptr gameplay with thousend hours optimized chars is so fuckin far away from any reality...

@greedymrc8760: Where do we get these awesome artworks/wallpapers?

@Barn80: No mention of fireball sorc?

@Roger-fc6hp: You should play CL sorc full season..

@simonevalia1505: The urinator!

@TheFreely941: I hope my Spinning and winning build could at least delete uber boss and uber lilith x)

@svitlight983: I my god so big mistake to nerf any class. Just make buffs and let people choose self which one build they want to play!

@Alpha_Topco: I’ve done 143 pit with bash bleed in s4, but now maybe direct bash only 130?

@friendly__drone9352: Do you think Rapid Fire Rogue will work well with a controller?

@blazenbrumla: best build should equal most fun build...numbers dont matter.

@xTheLostLegendx: I usually only do one build a season and just have fun with it, but i also want it to do Alot of damage as well. Do i try bone spirit necro or sorc this season?

@ZarteHaferflocke: Rob is this right that we are spinning and winning today?

@michaelc1839: Barbarians : I'll say a prayer for you... a little prayer.

@starthompson3557: So they pushed the season 5 update to the 7th?

@jameshunter6289: What time does the season start today?

@Kratos-nice: thanks rob for the list!

@MrSamu88: Every seasons playing barb, will be today when I will start the season with different class??? we will see.... xD

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