The BEST & Most FUN Builds To Play In Diablo 4 Season 7!
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@PerGamingGames: Thanks to Factor75 for sponsoring today's video. Use my link to get 50% off and free shipping on your first Factor box!
All the builds:
Crayon eater
Twisting blades:
Rain of arrows: @EfficientRogue
Blood wave: @rannyel618
Blood spear: @serocifkre
Skinny woodchopper
Quill volley:
Fat woodchopper
Cataclysm @IBoilerUp & @NikoWrex
Boulder @NikoWrex
Lightning spear @Bigdaddytehpwnerereerr & Mekuna:
Dino destroyer @Lurkin17Написать
@bryanlee6065: Best videos to get the gist of the good builds without reading guides that don't show any video footage
@MrJaxon620: I’m a skinny dad gaming boomer
@UItro: Thank you for the showcases my man. As always I roll a sorc every season and dear god I was struggling in T3. Seeing necro shit-waves and barb dick slam everything to death in 1 shot was disheartening. Tried the meteor build and its exactly what my 1 brain cell ass needs. I'll probably have a seizure from all the spam but it'll be worth it 👌
@Wutwut1n1: The ad for healthy eating followed by a fart joke was hilarious bro XD
@baconoverlord7982: Quill volley is so boring just like razor.
@baconoverlord7982: "you're fat, broke and stressed out boomer" Too funny.
@smiley3616: same shit as usual then
@freaknature823: The leapquake guide you have linked has a bunch of stuff for HOTA on it. Is that outdated and you’re working on it or is that intended? Ty for all the guides and videos!
@kaseysimons128: generic comment
@Nightritual1332: @Perra Gaming What about Dancing Knives build ? I enjoyed it
@papabearmtb: Meh.... rogue for the win got to t3 on paragon 60 zero gems or runes ..... not even slightly minmaxed gear
@kleinerprinz99: Im neither fat nor broke nor a boomer but I am stingy. ;D
@Perverz030: Mr sempai ? Is it possible to play andarials puncture ? Or is it shitty?
@ToyotaCamryOfDoom: I just started playing at the end of last season, but my eternal barbarian already had an earthquake build that I just kind of pieced together, ground stomp, leap and charge wreck face
@WarLordCol: Came for the D4 content Stayed for the laughs
@sssteviep: I just come for the hilarious class and build names. Seriously great content!!!! ❤😂
@JB__Trophyhunter: Great video! Would be better without the ad.
@klarkkentt5232: Congrats on the sponsor!!
@razatiger22: 3 straight seasons of lightning spear Sorc. Come on Blizzard, seriously...
@CANTONMENT_FL: @18:42 The Boulder Chopper - -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 like what the actual F
@youfailbetch: Is this season really good? Cause yall say that every seasons ngl. Please the rogue leveling guide video can't wait
@faethe000: Ohhhh twisting blades is back? That was my favorite build I've ever played in this game.
@duckshoot12: apart from the blood wave it's still the same flavorless build since the beta... really doesn't make you want to come back lol
@horror9363: Bro put some fu*king timestamps
@irritant623: The uninstal build is pretty op
@thesavagedonut698: That exploding earthquake barb build had my little stubby standing at attention
@mrg4147: Pantalooniesssss
@joshuagentry5447: Im currently working on a spin to win, poison, alchemical mixture build, so far it slaps and the poison dmg is really good.
@KillDozer44: I missed these D4 hecking videos my man
@chadstacw: I end up listening and no even watching the videos his voice blows my mind funny as fuk.
@honord8881: I just want to know…. Where have you been all my life? Sounds like stiffler and sir David Attenborough had a love child and put him on YouTube. Excellent! I love this fucking guy! Edit: You should be knighted! Not gonna happen. Please accept me subbing instead!
@johnwick5226: My sorc nerf is op needs another nerf lol
@anthonylainez9626: Poe killed this game lmfao, yall go ahead and cry about it 😂🤣
@NinjaNerosis: As somebody who went to gonna try rogue this a gamer, I can happily play multiple games ...
@ggdio1: Flop of Exile 2 still exists?
@perkiro11: So the sorcerer stayed on Season 6 😂
@dannywilson7799: I love your writing, it always makes me smile. We missed you thanks for the vid!
@yashohashikoto9945: does your payback build that extends like hadouken still good this season for cringeborn?
@pedromenezes3858: Season 7 has come and the black screem (after using teleport) is here as well
@wruengdet: Can't believe sorc become trash build but i still love their Effects like firewall or lightning.
@Donovan778: Useful and hilarious, looks like I will need to sub
@bourbo: HotA quake build has wrong skill bar still with leap skills assigned and not hota 😅
@andrelemos8299: U forgot the spinning blade rogue buils Perra-san
@eriglez3882: CIA later? I knew you were after my information
@doitallman: Great video Sir. Love the commentary. Gonna run that poison SB.
@heclanet: I created a Druid because I started in season 6 with him but I will create a Rogue, the DH was my favorite class in D3
@heclanet: Thanks for the video! I always find the name of the channel funny Do you know what "Perra" means in Spanish?
@jamesbarton4424: As a sorc main I knew what was coming but it still hurt to hear
@JimmyTheStrange: Love your videos as always, keep up the great work my man.
@EnchantedConsumerBeing: I would watch commercials on freeTV all day long if they were like your ads
@wizzy4123: Was waiting for Perra's vid before I chose a starting class ✊✊✊
@beautimusrulz1: OMG, you even make the advertisement enjoyable. How the hell.. lol.
@alecstuckeyguitar: The Factor ad is fucking hilarious
@Rocteruen: I hope you gotta away for another mo th and then forever
@SmileyRebelu: Amaizing builds, GZ for the great video. GG
@decu_OW: chest is fixed
@lordlucario8828: Leapquake barb is CRAZY NOW!!!!!!
@filipborring3239: Is the runes a must for the Barb hota build? I don’t have the dlc so I can’t get them
@georgeenglish9265: AI voice right?
@nokkprime: make that fucking hota video yesterday my man!
@robertwilson6657: Love it when Paragaming puts out the most fun builds videos... I've gotten my favorite builds from these. Hats off to the fine people who make these builds /videos
@VimDoozy: I hope you can convince future sponsors to allow you to write an ad script chock-full of your trademark vulgarities and swearing.
@cronocort2632: Why are there ALWAYS ppl mentioning PoE in Diablo videos?
@rodb6071: Welcome back senpai!
@caseybrown6813: Guess what? Some of us have fully functioning brains and can like D4 and PoE 2 at the same time. Imagine that.
@john2489: Im playing currently dance of knives rogue just for lvling but i will def go twisted blades my fav since s1 ❤️ no matter what they do nerf or not it makes me enjoy the game!! Gonna try ur build tho thanks for the vid ❤
@atomicpsych0: So tired of all the path of exile simps coming to D4 videos to talk about it. If the game was as good as you say you'd be playing it instead of coming here to talk about it. I'll let you in on a secret, no one cares about your opinion of path of exile 2
@KhordLizardMage: Hey, I'm not broke or a boomer........a bit overweight.......but I can lose weight. You'll still be ugly!
@doffehalls7238: imo class 😂
@francescopace7079: I played S7 honestly. It felt so weird like chalk and cheese compared to POE2. D4 combat now feels very easy but stiff. Animation and VFX looks like cartoony unlike POE2 crispy. It was really weird..and the game was dead. My clan is dead too
@robsonez: This isnt a meme? Poe2 my man
@friendly__drone9352: Thanks Mr Perra gaming man
@bigkano: Lighting a cigar and a glass of Whisky is what we do when Perra uploads a new video lads, lets fucking get it!
@Linarian: Been playing POE2 and I can happily say now I don't care about Diablo 4 anymore (I love my collector's edition though). But I'm still watching your videos about D4 because you are entertaining.
@Sleepin-N-Snoozn: 1:10 he knows me so well. So proud.
@erikschreckengost9361: Don't know if I'll play this season but I enjoy your videos.
@N2Flashy: 0:01 crayon eater 5:18 rogue 9:22 neck beard 13:47 cringeborn 17:13 fat wood chopping man 20:26 sorc
@Omni-Rage: Big Heck’n Dam
@Reactx7: You should add timestamps.
@mazzith: Hota and the new chest are bugged. The explosions don’t do any damage. FYI it does work with whirlwind though.
@jxhunger: That ad intro was to close to home! It's good to be back baby!
@aaronervasti7547: It's about time! Need Perra's build vids! You rock
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