The Best Diablo 4 Builds For Season 7: Endgame Tierlist!
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@wudijo: What build are you gonna play and why is it a barb 😆?Написать
@Jurand80: druid cataclysm is my favorite sorc. we're back baby!
@Roadsurfer2k11: Can't believe this game is almost 2 years old and they still can't balance classes equally across the board. Every season..nerf buff nerf. And will the way grind goes needing pit 100 2 min runs or whatever, they push you to only choose meta. Yup I guess bw necro this season..
@verymental6999: PoE2 loot experience = Boring AF. Your farming currency (money if you will) to then spam a gazillion direct whispers on the 1998 Trade System. Trading also makes the game endgame experience feel like a job.
@clyntonspeight6210: Glad the team didn't completely forget about D4 in the whole POE 2 wave riding
@Ccubed92: I glad to see gamers enjoying both game because the gatekeeping is crazy in these communities lile they are ik a relationship
@baneblade_0: it's been always like this :( all I want is all builds on same power level. why blizzard always make S tier and leave everything else behind? no nerf policy during season is making it even worse.
@SephirothLP: So you say, shadow clone is a thing again in s7. I thought so, too. But none of the s tier builds listed here seems to use the skill? Do i miss something? Edit Nevermind. Most builds weren't updated since november or so. That's what should be the problem here ^^
@yonghaozhang2182: looks like d4 is updated season 1.5 ?
@brandongreene7207: Thank god for a new season.. POE lol way too boring.
@darthbrezel7795: Ill nerver get this shit... theres PTR, ppl go tryhard, we have an early tier list with class performances, and thats it? Mage is fucked again and as of today we see 3 builds for pit150.... why does blizz not check the PTR data, THEN make adjustments to the lower classes/builds, run some PTR again for performance testing, and THEN bring it on live servers.... all i wanted since release was a proper incinerate sorc build but there isnt even one... its so annoying
@onyxcitadel9759: y e s y e s... sooooooooo... excited.... to lvl 1 to 60 again.. for the 7th season.. it's new and exciting.. so excited.
@nenzonenzo: Lmao imagine caring about D4.
@AthosPetriDamiani: ppl dislike PoE2`s trade system, but I wish we had the same in D4! With the overlays and such. Hyped by S7, drud lets go!
@brandoncarter2624: Who here enjoyed poe2 but ready for something different then just mapping all day every day....
@luizsergio2854: After poe 2 chinese mirror duping fiesta, I'm leaving, people say D4 bad, but poe is allowing hackers and RMT since day 1, not to mention in the poor optimazation, sadge
@TheHatefulHulk: Really looking forward to it. Let’s go!
@kwerboom: I was planning on doing a Shred Druid for Season 7, but that Lacerate Druid looks interesting.
@turtle_jones: That awkward moment when you realize you’ve already done most of the builds on the list between S0 and now ><
@JoblessBuhdda: Dam my frozen orb in d tier 😞
@FrostyFyre: As a sorc main seeing us get shafted another season hurts 😭
@darkdraconis: So sorc still sucks balls compared to the other classes? Why is blizzard doing this? To raise the count of people that play other classes because most people like the effects of the sorc the most?
@alebaler: Im not to found of necro, but from what ive seen blood wave seems alot stronger then any of the other classes. Would like to play barb or rogue but they seem way to weak compared to blood wave necro
@lmimp1605: Bro that thumb nail and click bait title. Season isnt even out yet and already have "tier lists"...
@tpokgalum: If I didn't buy expansion and play spiritbore can i still rip up a seasonal rogue all the same? or do i have to buy another one from blizzy?
@26elies: Can I enjoy this season without DLC?
@RE-nv4we: POE2 is so boring already, happy to play Rogue this season D4
@Syslerr: What happened to Spirit Wave Necro build?
@darush246: i'm going to start stat stacker mercanry when season starts :)
@lucasmobberley3319: Glad to see Sorc continues to be the weakest class...
@kevinwebster7868: Ya sure but how many of these builds are going to require a credit card and 100 billion gold?
@xmatthyx1: Sorc are again back on the bottom. Tell me you cant balance without using words, Blizzard
@snuffleguss4969: Ah yes, Sorc dog water again....
@cschleiger1991: 9:28 all i needed ty! Earthquake barb here i come. The rest just filler ;)
@xeyrruken: Lol Blizzard states that they wanted to make D4 more like D2, and yet the necro minion builds sucks, nothing near the D2 experience, not even the ones that at some point used to work on previous season. Its a shame that such an iconic class its being driven onto two build, bone and bone with a little blood.
@gorecomplex: Wish d4 had chase items. I would come back if they fixed bad itemization
@Bosnerdly: Kinda wanted to go Nerco, but pets suck. So then I was thinking Rouge... but Barb's new HOTA Earthquake build looks interesting!
@narcissusbaz55: PoE2 is phenomenal, but I need a break from this try-hard-y, punishing gameplay. I crave some mindless fun and can't wait for new Diablo season.
@Lon3wolf3: im happy that Twisting Blades is up in possible S-Tier again!
@GBurnYa: A tier list for a season that isn't even out yet.......legit
@riqzfps11: i need a f*** break from maps, cant wait to jump into season 7
@shybyebye: after spending over 150 hours in poe2, i'm actually looking forward to season 7 of D4.
@Mr_JMB: Can you please make the Spiritborn logo a different colour - it is pretty much the same colour as the necro so hard to differentiate at a glance when scanning the tier lists.
@baklava-tchai2247: finaly some good loot
@FalafelPlease: Shadow clone shadow imbue pen shot for sure
@big.guy77: I'm hopeful the Sorc community will come up with some unexpected builds, especially with ball lightning or all-Cold skill. But I think I'll start rogue this time and wait for what else comes up.
@jadinwemette8251: Stormclaw with cronestaff better make it to pit 100 atleast..
@NapFloridian: Not interested into D4 this season at all. The classes I normally play are B Tier...rogue...barb..BoneSpear Necro oh dear..not again
@MrLove-666: Impressive! It's been 7 seasons where Sorc didn't really shine, who knew? Oh yeah I forgot the first time Ball Lightning started orbiting,,
@deuxalex562: i will go with TB Rogue
@Eas_Planeswalker: Wish there was a tierlist for when you don't own VoH 🤞
@EmsBtnxa: Still talking about the pits end game 😂😂😂 what a disgusting seasonal model
@heitorvserpa: Guess I'll try a grenade rogue for fun and maybe a thorns gorilla SB to high tier content
@tomheadie6299: Is twisting blades actually back?
@partyrd487: this new season has promise for all classes. I’ll jump in
@JoshyLee: I'm going to try the Hurricane/Wolves companion Druid ^^
@siavash-slayer643: TB! fiinally!!! I hope TB will be as good this season as before.
@ABEL30000: Do you think that this season there will be less difference between having or not having the expansion? I ended up leaving Season 6 because the difference between builds with and without the expansion was abysmal, and I'm worried about this new season.
@stevehabura106: Still no real endgame reason to push but will play the season like always .
@kurtnordli1381: In my opinion Razor Wings and Ball Lighting are in at least A tier Razor wings was buffed and ball lighting got some buffs to
@matthewmay8572: Excited to ping pong back and forth between Diablo4 seasons and poe2 leagues/patches
@RetedRacing: Funny how poe2 can manage to have incredibly strong builds for all classes. Yet here we are 2nd season in a row with not a single Sorc build in S tier lmao.
@SC_310: This thumbnail cracks me up every time
@RetedRacing: Lol not a single Sorc build in S lol Sorc gets fuked again and always.
@Malacite: Best build gonna be my Naruto Rogue and Imma prove it this time.
@SithLordBishop: i have not played druid in a while. probably shred for a while I love that build. then swap to cata
@vh9129: damn spiritborn and sorc so low
@RetedRacing: Soo same shit just different # attached to the season?
@joelhodoborgas: I wish bliizard would stop chosing a few builds to be strong and dictate a meta
@Forestdwellr: all my POE characters (10) are stuck in act 2/3 so knowing I am a bunk player means I might start up D4 again...pretty angry at my self for that. Its clear which game is better
@brigittedarcel1498: It's one thing to fix spiritborn bugs. It's another to nerf them so they are entirely removed from S Tier. This is the Blizzard way. Been playing their games since Warcraft 1 and they always go from one extreme to the other. Their actions are, as usual, highly reactionary.
@Togo_The_Dogo: Hey, is it even worth to play this game atm? I finished a campaign once, after premiere and didnt play since this time... I am wondering if i should buy Vessel of Hatred and try it...
@XCILION27: Is this finally the season of the Druid?
@BlackDaiquiri: Death Trap with reworked tricksters aspect and scoundrels leather making it a core skill should be insane. Looking forward to trying that.
@sampic6347: Def starting blood surge necro into blood wave pew pew
@Tauriz_: RoA Rogue, always a season starter for me. Then ball/chain lightning, possibly lightning spear Sorc. RNGod be with y'all fellas, gl in the new season.
@TheWeaponx1009: Rogue, leveling with barrage, then eventually RF. Might try TB with shadow clones buff to.
@MrGeminiMonkey: Thanks for the tier list! Looking forward to trying Bloodwave out!
@dlbarnes: Where are the flip-floppers who hate POE2 now love D4?😂😂😂
@hellohellohell: I hope d4 seasons and poe 2 leagues alternate their start dates. In a perfect world we could play a month or two of one, then the next season for the other one begins. As soon as youre bored of one, the other one offers a refreshing change
@briceps1: Looking forward to playing and finding gear to use, unlike what ive been doing in poe which is playing trading simulator
@lugo012685: When will Ice Shards get some love
@kappakapp: wait what happened to dance of knives?
@mightymaeks: give druid more love
@WyMustIGo: D4 is dead
@hornerca: Still no s tier sorc???? Guess season 7 isn’t worth trying then 😢
@strychen: PoE2 killed my excitement for new D4 seasons. The content looks recycled yet again which means the awe of freshness is already looking stale.
@dafootah35: Yes, finally getting out of stress POE 2 mapping and feeling superior again! I did miss the chill d4 factor of mindless grinding, it gets boring for sure but never frustrating. I'll still play POE2 once in a while but happier that now we have choices!
@pencilcheck: woohoo
@DualTV92: I'm excited for D4 after blasting POE2 since Dec 6th. Should be a fun ride!!
@kwstaccocu2780: Pulverize will jump to A-tier, the boon upgrade is huge for that build...
@Metallicahardrocker: wow sorc is in such a bad condition....
@EldenLion: Im between necro and rogue this season , i will finish my play in poe 2 and jump back in d4 for a while
@Metallicahardrocker: well... which class is the best combination? now with armory... which class has the best speedfarmer and pit pusher...
@Metallicahardrocker: ah, now the cockroaches crawling back 2 d4....
@adamr740: Hi ,, cant wait to see what you guys come up with😊
@AllrightNOR: Will WW be good against bosses now?
@drunkendevil: Burnt out on maps. Can’t wait to chill with this season
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